• Published 12th Mar 2019
  • 2,491 Views, 40 Comments

The Day From Hell - pabrony

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Ever have a day where absolutely nothing goes right? I've had plenty but there's one that will always stick out in my mind. It all began about halfway through my pregnancy...

“C’mon, babe, can't you give me a tiny hint?” I begged as I held both her hands in my own.

“Sunny, there’s a reason it's called a surprise,” she said, furrowing her brow. “It's because you're not supposed to know until I want you to know.”

I looked her in the eye and gave her my best puppy dog eyes that I could manage. “Pretty please?”

“No! I am not telling you my surprise!” Twi shouted emphatically in the middle of the food court. “And that’s final!”

I discreetly looked around and noticed that her outburst had drawn a lot of odd looks in our direction. “Babe? Do you think you could say that a little louder?” I whispered before steadily increasing the volume of my voice. “I don't think they heard you in LAS PEGASUS!”

“Really? I don't think they heard you either,” she retorted.

“So what?”

It was then that I noticed her trying - and failing - to hide the hurt in her eyes. I released her hands and slumped back in my seat.

“I'm sorry, Twi. I don't know what came over me,” I said as the guilt from my outburst washed over me like a river.

“It-it’s fine…” she whispered. “My lunch break is nearly over anyway.” She slowly got up and carried her tray to the trash can, tears slowly rolling down her cheeks. “I-I’ll see you when I get home later.”

Great job, Sunset, I thought as I watched her walk back toward the electronics store. Your eagerness and temper probably landed you a spot on the couch again tonight.

A now familiar movement in my body squirmed as my mood continued to sour. “I know, I know. You're hungry,” I said to my stomach before standing to take care of my trash. “I’ll grab a double bacon cheeseburger on the way home for you.” A tear rolled down each of my cheeks as I looked toward the electronics store once more before leaving for home. “I sorry, Twilight,” I whispered as I slowly made my way back to the car.

“Sunny! I'm home!” I heard Twi call cheerfully as I laid in bed, clinging to one of my pillows. “Sunny!” Twi continued to call. “Sunny! Sunny? Why are laying in dark?”

I heard her footsteps glide softly across the bedroom carpet before she settled on the end of the bed.

“Sunny? Are you okay?” she asked softly as she gently laid a hand on my calf.

I slowly shook my head without looking at her.

“What's wrong?”

I quickly glanced her way before returning my focus to the mattress. “It's nothing. I'll take care of it,” I whispered.


“No, Twilight. It's something I have to deal with.”

“Are you sure? I’m willing to-”

“I said I will take care of it.”

I heard her let out a loud sigh before getting off the bed. Just before leaving the room she turned and said, “Okay. Well, if you want to talk about it, I'll be in the den.”

“Okay,” I whispered, trying to hold back a few sobs.

After another moment she closed the door but not before whispering, “I love you Sunny and I forgive you.”

When the door latched, I brought both hands to my face and wept uncontrollably until I fell asleep.

It was late at night (or early in the morning, depending on your point-of-view) when I woke up. When I tried to get out of the bed, however, I found that I couldn't move. Spike was curled up against my baby bump and Twilight had an iron grip around my chest, squeezing my left breast. No matter how much I wiggled and squirmed, however, I couldn't break free of my wife.

Well, I guess I'm stuck here, I thought as I reached for my phone. I wonder what time it is? Just as I touched it, I received a text notification.

“Hey Sunny Bunny! Are you still bummed out?”

What the…? Pinkie?! I wondered. Why is she texting me at...4:30 in the morning? And how did she know I was upset? Only one way to find out. So I sent a reply telling her I was indeed still upset from what I said to Twi the day before.

“My feet got really twitchy and woke me up.”

“Twitchy feet?” I mouthed.


I texted back.

“It's my Pinkie Sense telling me that one of my bestest most wonderful friends needed cheering up”

“What in the world is Pinky Sense?” I whispered quietly.

“At 4:30 in the morning?”

“Yep! Yep!”

Pinkie, you never cease to amaze me, I thought as I shook my head with a smile on my face. I didn't intend to hold a conversation via text messaging at this time of night. So I let Pinkie know that I'd stop by the diner later today to talk to her.

I then locked my phone, snuggled into Twi, pulled her arm tighter and drifted back to sleep.

“Hey, sleepyhead! Time to wake up!” I heard Twi call as the sun shone through the window, blinding me temporarily.

“Five more minutes.” I groaned.

“Now or your breakfast will get cold!” she shouted.

“Alright, alright! Geez, not all of us are early risers. Not to mention, some of us are carrying some extra cargo,” I snapped.

The resulting response was a deafening silence, followed by the sound of a plate being scraped clean with some kind of silverware.

Great! Just flippin’ great! I shouted in my head. You've done it again.

I slowly swung my legs around so they dangled off the side of the bed. I sat there, slumped forward, with my face buried in my hands. I really needed to find something to distract myself from these outbursts caused by my pregnancy hormones.

My gaming career was beginning to take another hit due to ‘silentbutdeadly2000’ stream-sniping me again, so that wasn't going to help. It was still too cold out to do any outdoor activities, so that was scratched off the list.

At some point during this train of thought, I subconsciously stood up, put my robe on, and headed to the kitchen. Once there, I saw Twilight had begun washing the breakfast dishes with a distraught look on her face.

“I… Twilight… I'm sorry,” I said softly as I set my right hand on her shoulder, which she immediately shrugged off.

She turned to face me with lines running from the corners of her eyes down her cheek. The combined emotions of sadness, hurt, and anger projected through her glasses. “Your surprise is in the trash can if you still want it,” she spat.

“The trash?”

“Yes, the trash. I wanted to surprise you with a romantic breakfast this morning and take you to the movies after work tonight,” she said as the tears began flowing again. “But after yesterday and now this morning…” she paused to wipe her face with the back of her soap covered hand, “Now it seems that the only thing you care about is yourself and our child.”


“I've got to get ready for work. Please finish the dishes,” Twi interrupted as she dried her hands. “If you need anything, call Cadence.”


“Yes. I'll be staying with her and Shining tonight and possibly tomorrow night, depending on how I feel,” she said.

“But, Twilight, it’s… we're supposed to have the sonogram tomorrow,” I said, choking back a sob as I followed her to the bathroom. “I really am sorry.”

“I know that, Sunset. But after you constantly biting my head off for the last month and a half, I need some space.” Before closing the door she sighed and said, “There will be a package arriving sometime today. It's something special I ordered and will open it when I come home. Just place it in the closet. Okay?”

“Mhmm,” I muttered as the door latched into place. You really made a mess of things this time, Sunset, I thought as I returned to the kitchen. I stopped beside the trash can to look at what I missed out on.

A waterfall was unleashed from my eyes as I saw what had been thrown out; yellow and purple, heart-shaped blueberry pancakes...my favorite.

Later, after grabbing a couple of Pop-Tarts and some juice, I shed my pajamas in favor of a loose sweater, sweatpants, and a pair of snow boots. I grabbed my jacket with the orange chevrons, earmuffs, gloves, and car keys and headed out the door.

“Are you <censored> kidding me?!” I swore as I attempted to start the run-down vehicle. The motor turned over a couple of times before the starter gave up. So I tried it again. This time, nothing. “Great! Pinkie's expecting me and the flippin’ battery is dead.”

I banged my head against the steering wheel out of frustration, almost hoping to give myself a concussion. “I cannot believe this is happening to me,” I whispered as tears began filling my eyes. “What did I do to deserve this?”

Resigning myself to the fact that I'll be stuck at home until Twilight returns, I reached into the cup holder to grab my phone, only to find it missing. “Where is my phone?” I panicked as I began rifling through the soda bottles in the floor. There was a shower of plastic inside the car as I flung the bottles into the backseat. After emptying the front seat, it dawned on me that I never brought it with me from the nightstand.

“Figures…” I groaned as I made my way back to the bedroom. Before I could check for missed texts, someone began knocking on the front door. “Now what?!” I cried out in frustration.

“I'm coming!” I shouted as the knocking turned to into a frantic pounding. I unlocked the door and opened it to find Shining Armor with a distraught look on his face.

“Shining? What are you doing here?” I asked.

“Thank the stars you're okay,” he replied.

I tilted my head in confusion. “Uh...yeah. Why wouldn't I be?”

“Cadence and I have been trying to call you for over a half an hour,” he said.

“I accidentally left my phone on the nightstand while I was trying to get the car started,” I explained. A wave of fear enveloped my body as I checked my phone. “Shining…what happened?”

To be continued...

Author's Note:

What does Shining Armor want? Why was he and Cadence trying to call her? Stay tuned...