• Published 12th Mar 2019
  • 2,491 Views, 40 Comments

The Day From Hell - pabrony

  • ...

Please, No...

Three hours later...

I slowly walked down the brightly lit corridor of the Intensive Care Unit of Crystal City Memorial Hospital, flanked by Shining Armor and Cadence. The methodical beeping of the heart monitors in each room that we passed gave me chills down my spine. A couple of the rooms had families crying as their loved ones lay unconscious.

What kind of shape is Twi in? I thought worriedly as we arrived at her room.

The door let out a small creak as it opened. In addition to the heart monitor, I heard the methodical humming of a ventilator. I stood frozen in the doorway as I took in the scene in front of me.

Twilight had a tube in her throat that connected with the ventilator. In her right wrist was an intravenous line connected to a pair of medicine bags. A tube was in the crook of her right elbow for a blood transfusion. Her head was held in place by a plastic neck brace. Her left arm and leg were both in white plaster casts.

I then forced myself to look at her face. The left side had numerous bandages each with red spots on them. Her left eye was black and swollen shut and her right eye wasn't in much better shape.

“Sunset?” Cadence said softly as she set her hand on my shoulder.

I wanted to answer her but for some reason, I couldn't. I could feel my eyes straining to keep the impending flood back. My lip was quivering at an alarming rate. All I wanted to do was bumrush the bed and throw myself upon my helpless wife. I tried moving but my feet were welded to the floor.

“Sunset? What's wrong?” Shining asked as he squatted down in front of me. Cadence swiftly mirrored his stance as they continued to snap me out of my trance.

“I…” was the only thing that made it from my mouth before I collapsed into the arms of my brother-in-law and his wife.

Cadence lifted my chin so that she could look in my tear-filled eyes. “What happened, Sunset?”

“We...we had a…a fight this morning,” I sobbed. “Right before s-she left for work.”

Neither of them asked what the fight was about. Twilight had planned to stay with them that night, so I can only assume that she would've told them then.

“I just sulked in...in the bedroom after she took a shower,” I cried as I buried my face into Cadence’s shoulder. “I didn't tell her goodbye or…or anything before she left.”

Shining and Cadence continued to hold me in a tight embrace as I wept. After what seemed like an hour, I finally managed to calm down.

“Better?” asked Shining, wiping a tear from my cheek.

I nodded slowly in response.

“Sunset, this isn't your fault,” he reminded me.

I wiped my nose with the sleeve of my jacket. “I know,” I said as I wiped the remaining tears from my eyes. “How bad was the car accident? I mean, I know you told me that they air-lifted her here because Canterlot General doesn't have an ICU.” I paused as I braced myself for the answer to the next question. “What happened in that accident?”

Shining took my hand and led me to the bedside chair. “From what the police told us, someone rear-ended Twily at full speed. That sent her into the intersection right into the path of an eighteen-wheeler. The impact with the truck sent her careening into a parked car”

I felt my anger begin to build as he resumed.

“The car is unrecognizable, Sunset. The fact that she’s alive is a miracle,” he said.

“What about the jerk that plowed into the back of her?” I asked as I tried holding my temper. “What’s going to happen to them over this?”

“I don't know what the police will be charging the guy with. The only thing I'm sure of is that he didn't have a license and his car was uninsured,” Shining replied.

I just sat and seethed over the fact that some <censored> nearly killed my wife and won't have to pay a dime because he wasn't insured. That guy had better hope that we never cross paths, I thought as my gaze returned to the pitiful sight of Twilight.

It was then that something inside me snapped. My focus was suddenly locked on Twi. I heard Shining and Cadence trying to talk to me but their words seemed to be jumbled. I studied Twi’s body from her hair to her toes and then spoke up. “Where's her geode necklace?” I asked.

“Her what?” Cadence asked in response.

“The purple geode necklace that she got at Camp Everfree,” I answered. “Where is it?”

Shining shrugged his shoulders. “I don't know. You think the chain might have broken in the accident?” he said.

“Maybe,” I said softly. “We have to find it, though.”

The two of them began to whisper with each other for a couple of minutes before the doctor arrived. He introduced himself and we exchanged pleasantries before he got down to the nitty-gritty.

“Listen, I'm not going to sugarcoat it. She's in pretty bad shape,” he said. “Her left shoulder and elbow were dislocated. The left humerus is broken, as is her left hand.”

I did my best to maintain my composure as he continued.

“She has multiple broken ribs, a severe concussion, and her right lung was collapsed,” he continued as I bit my quivering lip. “There’s a hairline fracture along the length of her tibia. There are cuts and contusions all over her body; most of which are superficial.”

“If most of the cuts are superficial, then what's the deal with the blood transfusion?” Shining asked.

“There was some internal bleeding but we managed to get it stopped before too much blood was lost.”

Shining and Cadence stood there, slack-jawed from the seriousness of Twi’s injuries.

“A-anything else?” I nervously asked.

“There was also some trauma to her lower spinal column-”

“Wait!” Shining interrupted. “So she's paralyzed?”

“No, Mr. Armor. The damage isn't that severe, however, there may be some lasting effects from it,” the doctor clarified.

“What kind of effects?” Cadence asked.

“It's too early to tell, but it could range anywhere from chronic pain to limited mobility,” replied the doctor.

“Wh-what?” I asked after what seemed like an eternity.

“These effects will only be an issue provided your wife makes it.”

A deafening silence filled the room as the information sank in.

“Makes it? What...what do you mean?” I asked as my vision steadily blurred.

“I’ve got her placed in a medically-induced coma for the next forty-eight hours. Hopefully, by then she will be out of the woods,” he explained.

I didn't say anything else. I couldn't. Here I was, twenty-two weeks pregnant, having the worst day of my life and learning that I could be a single mother within the next couple days. I slowly settled back into the bedside chair as tears rolled from my eyes.

“Do you have any other questions?” I heard the doctor ask as my vision became filled with a purple blob. I assumed that Shining and Cadence just shook their heads as I didn't hear a response before hearing footsteps walk toward the door.

I felt Cadence set her hand on my shoulder as I grasped Twi’s hand. “Shining and I are going to the cafeteria for lunch. Would you care to join us?” she asked softly.

I politely declined to join but asked if they could bring something back with them. They both gave me a hug before leaving the room.

After that, the only sounds in the room were the ventilator, heart monitor, and my sobs. I wiped my eyes with my left hand and then proceeded to gently stroke her hair repeatedly. It wasn't too long before Shining and Cadence returned and pried me from Twilight to eat. Once I was done eating, however, I went back to the chair and resumed stroking Twi’s hair.

The other girls, Night Light, and Twilight Velvet all visited throughout the day but the trance I was in kept me from focusing on details from any of the conversations that took place. During that entire time, I barely stopped rubbing my wife's hair and memories of our time together seeped into my mind.

"Why do y-you have to-to be this way?" I cried as I watched the blood run down my arm. "You've changed but... but why can't you treat Twilight with... with respect? She's done nothing to you."

I jumped at the sound of the bathroom door opening. ‘I thought I locked that,’ I thought.

"Sunset? Who are you talking to?" Twi asked softly as her gaze locked onto my arms.

"I... I'm... nobody..." I lied.

"Are you okay?"

"I don't know, Twilight. I'm pretty messed up," I told her as she knelt down in front of me.

"Messed up? From what?" she asked.

"You know that girl that's a pony? I'm actually a unicorn from the same world as her," I explained as we locked eyes.


"Yes. I've been here for around three years. The first two and a half years I'm not proud of," I said as I wiped my eyes.

"Why? What did you do?"

"Well, I, uh, I bullied everyone in Canterlot High, mostly Fluttershy, um, broke up friendships... I was an all-around bad person," I replied.

There was a look of anguish in her eyes as I explained myself. The hurt I saw caused me to break down even further.

"I'm... I'm so, so sorry, Twilight. I-I've been a-a terrible friend to you. You-you, don't deserve t-to have me as..."

I was cut off as she suddenly grabbed me and pulled me tightly against herself. "Shhhh. It'll be okay."

"How... how can you be so... so sure, Twilight?"

"Because if you were still that bad person, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Spike and I wouldn't want to be friends with you," she said reassuringly.

I swallowed hard when I saw the stern look on Twilight’s face. “So,” she began as she crossed her arms, “my cute butt and breasts drive you crazy, huh?”

“Umm, well, funny story,” I stammered as I scratched the back my head, “Pinkie is having a party this weekend and… mmmph!”

Out of nowhere, Twilight grabbed ahold of my jacket, pulled me as close as she could and gave me the biggest, sloppiest, most passionate kiss I had ever gotten in my life.

“Thank you for answering Pinkie’s note the way you did,” she whispered as she pulled away.

“I… huh?!”

“Yeah… I kinda put her up to it.”

“This was your idea?” I asked in shock.

She nodded slowly. “I was too nervous to ask you on my own, so I asked Pinkie if she would help me out. I wasn't expecting her to write a note that would get you to confess your feelings in front of the class.”

“But… why?”

Now it was her turn to be embarrassed. “Well… I… um…” Twilight stalled.

“Twilight, you can tell me anything. I won't get mad.”

“Okay, then.” She took a deep breath. “Ever since that morning when I saw you topless at Camp Everfree, I've kinda been thinking about you a lot… as more than friends. More like… as a… lover.” Her face turned a bright red as she finished with a nervous chuckle.

“So you've been…” I lowered my voice so that only she and I could hear, “you've been <censored> while thinking of me?”

A weak smile appeared on Twilight’s face.”Ummm… yes.”

"What's on the agenda today?" she asked a minute later.

I rubbed the back of my head, pretending not to know what was going on. When in all actuality, it was the day I had been putting off seemingly forever. My meeting with Princess Celestia.

"I'm, uh, I'm not entirely sure, Twi," I blatantly lied. "We're going to have to check the, uh, itinerary to find out."

"Uh-huh," said Twi, obviously not believing me. "If I remember correctly, today's the day Princess Twilight arranged a meeting for you and Princess Celestia."

"Do I have to?" I whined.

"Yes!" said Twi, doing her best impression of Fluttershy's 'stare'. "And it has to be today. No stalling."

"But I'm still sleepy from last night's activities. I'm going to go back to sleep for, I don't know, four more days," I said as I rolled over and pulled the covers tight.

"Sunset Shimmer! Get your, um, flank out of bed this instant. You are going to the castle today after breakfast and that's final."

"Yes, mom," I said sarcastically from under the covers.

The next thing I knew, the covers were being removed from my body and when I looked at Twi, she had the sheets in her teeth accompanied by a smile as big as her face would allow.

I led her to a group of bushes that had flower buds on them. The puzzled look on her face told me that she wasn't impressed. Not yet, anyway.

"So a group of bushes is what you got your cutie mark from?" asked Twi flatly.

"It's not the bushes. It's what I can do with them."

I moved to the western side of the bushes and closed my eyes to focus on the difficult spell that I had only performed a half dozen times. The teal aura that accompanies my magic started to surround my horn. As the power grew, I felt the sensation of my cutie mark begin to glow as well.

"Oh wow," Twi said excitedly. "They're beautiful. Are they...?"

I finished the spell and opened my eyes to find the group of about twenty or so rose bushes had blossomed. I took a minute to get my bearings before receiving a smooch square on the muzzle. But I wasn't done quite yet.

"I need to talk to you about something serious for a moment, babe," I quietly told her.

"Really? What?"

I levitated a pair of scissors from my saddle bag, snipped off the largest blossom I could find and gently weaved it into her mane.

"We've been through a lot over the past year," I said as I snipped a couple more roses and began weaving those into a crown. "The Friendship Games, Camp Everfree, Juniper Montage and quite a few unique parties from Pinkie. Well, we almost had one more thing to add to the list."


"Yeah. Celestia offered to ascend me to an alicorn princess while we were making amends."

"You didn't take her up on the offer, did you?"

"No, I didn't," I said lowering the volume of my voice.

"But why? That's what you always wanted. Wasn't it?" Twi asked softly.

"Yes, but it would mean I would have to stay in Equestria." I took a deep breath before continuing. "I have something I want to ask you."

"Okay, what is it?"

"You know how we're going to the final day of the Crystal Fair tomorrow?"

"Yeah, why? Is there a change in the itinerary?"

My breathing started getting shorter as my chest felt tighter. "Would you be willing to accompany me to the fair as the future Mrs. Sunset Shimmer?" I levitated a box out of my bag and opened it in front of her.

"Sunny... are you...?" Twi sputtered quietly as she stared at the ring sitting in the box.

"Yes. Twilight Sparkle will you marry me?"

Twi stood there speechless with tears slowly building in her eyes. Her lip began quivering causing me to wonder if I was going to be rejected. However, after a minute or so, Twi wrapped her forelegs around me and gave me the answer I was longing to hear. "Yes! Oh my gosh! Yes!"

My emotions were everywhere by this point. My eyes had finally gone dry from the amount of crying I had done and I was still stroking Twi’s hair. I took notice that I was the lone visitor in the room and softly began singing to Twi. It began with a few love songs I had heard on the radio over the last couple years and slowly gravitated to songs the Rainbooms had performed.

The songs became slower as I had begun singing myself to sleep. Just prior to drifting off I remember singing:

🎶 “Sometimes the things you want,
Are not the things you need.
And it was right there in front of me.” 🎶

I sniffed twice as I finished the song.

🎶 “And it's all I'll ever need.
Ohhhh, ohhhh.
And it was right there in front of me.
Ohhhh, ohhhh.
All this time it was in front of me.” 🎶

To be continued...

Author's Note:

A picture of Twilight’s accident can be found here: https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2019/7/12/2089533.jpeg