• Published 9th Feb 2019
  • 4,991 Views, 55 Comments

My Little Pony: The Lost Soul - Shadow Master

Their friendship is about to get tested as Mane Six and Dragon Strike Force must find and recruit more allies to save their homeland from the forces of Storm King & Dark Curse.

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Chapter 15: Tempest

"How could this have happen to us?

Since our encounter again with Kyuubi Lilith, we've found out the darkest truth behind Queen Novo's reason of not wanting to help us. She made a deal with the devil for protecting her subjects by helping Kyuubi for one special task - destruction of our home - Ponyville Town. Because Indigo Zap was killed in action, her parents went in blaze and attacked the Hippogriffs including Queen Novo an Princess Skystar.

Though we managed to stop Blazefist and Aqua in time, Queen Novo declared us to be exiled and never returned here. To make matter worse, both my team and Dragon Strike Force gotten into a fierce argument about what we could have done to save Equestria.

However, Laxtinct ended the fight when he declared that all of us aren't really friends to him and each other. Maybe he was right. I tried to hurt Applejack and Pinkie for insults when I was trying my best to save my home. In the end of results, I wounded Shadow Dragon while the teams are completely disbanded.

But something's much worse than disbanding team, I got captured by Tempest and her crew when we're at its weakest point. I also lost my friends, my sister and my boyfriend to Iris, who turned out to be Kyuubi Lilith's disguise, plunged them into the sea.

And now, I'm lost and all alone. Everything I know is gone now..."

On top of Bonecrusher, Tempest and her crew members saw everything. Tempest and her allies couldn't believe it with their own eyes. Maul and his Demon Changelings looked amusing and relaxing like they expected it to happen. They slowly turned and looked at Kyuubi Lilith was standing before her.

"W-What is going on?" Phasma demanded dryly, "How could that princess be Kyuubi Lilith when she's still with us?!

"You knew it, didn't you?" Tempest asked Maul dryly. The Demon Changeling smiled and shrugged amusingly. She firmly looked at Kyuubi Lilith's face closely, "You weren't really with us since the beginning of our mission, weren't you, Tail of Kyuubi?"

Kyuubi Lilith smiled darkly as she engulfed into purplish smokes. She transformed into a black-white tail, shocking Phasma and Storm Guards. Tempest remained firm and calm. The tail quickly slithering away from the group as it arrived and returned to Kyuubi Lilith, who just teleported and appeared before her allies. As soon the tail attached to its owner, the fox humanoid lady smiled amusingly and calmly.

"Oh. You figure it out, didn't you?" Kyuubi Lilith asked amusingly, "When did you realize it?"

Tempest narrowed down her eyes as she spoke, "Simple. Ever since you came and join my crew, you did nothing to help us with our mission. And all you ever did is mentioning 'All Part of the Plan'." She turned and looked at the Basalt Beach's mountain edge, "And there's more, I find something suspicious about Princess Iris. She doesn't seem friendly and kindhearted than the history has depicted her. You're a terrible actress, you know."

Kyuubi Lilith scoffed, "No. I'm just a little impatient of getting those mortals complete their mission."

"Don't you mean your obsession and lust with Yami?" Maul asked amusingly. Kyuubi Lilith sighed in annoyance as she fired her Dark Magic Blast at him off. He groaned in pain, "Yup. Still obsessive with him!"

"Either way, our mission is complete," Kyuubi Lilith said calmly, "Return to Canterlot City now!"

"Complete?! Complete?!" Tempest demanded angrily yet surprising emotionally, "We didn't capture Shadow Dragon, whom you just drown him into the bottom of the sea! And my lieutenant is with them! Our mission is not complete! We will not leave until we get them!"

Tempest panted heavily as she slowly calmed herself down. She then found most of her crew were looking at her oddly and shockingly. She was confused and uncertain of their looks.

"That is something..." Snarl commented in surprise, "She never spoke out so out loud."

Rippersnapper growled suspiciously, "Indeed. Who knew that losing a little hedgehog could easily anger you? How amusing."

"I wouldn't care for that pig anyway," Phasma remarked dryly and annoyingly, "He's not worth to save."

Angered by Phasma's insults, Tempest's horn glowed brightly and electrically again as she spoke darkly, "How dare you?! That hedgehog is worth saving! I will not abandon my soldier, just because you don't believe he's a capable officer. But to me, he is! We are going back for him now! And this is also our chance to capture Shadow Dragon as well!"

"No, we will not," Kyuubi Lilith said calmly. Tempest was angered. She continued "Do not worry, he will not be harmed by them, even he doesn't have information. He will not be killed." She held the Orb of Lost Soul, "Besides, we have our own mission to perform. We must escort both our captured princess and Orb of Lost Soul to Canterlot City now."

"What about Shadow Dragon?!" Tempest asked suspiciously.

Kyuubi Lilith smirked, "He will come for her. He will not abandon her. I'm sure of it. We'll be waiting for him at Canterlot City."

Tempest hummed suspiciously, "I don't know what you truly after, but let us hope your plan will work."

Kyuubi Lilith smiled, "Do not worry. It will work."

Maul chuckled amusingly, "Yeah. He can't resist losing her again. Guaranteed!"

"We shall see..." Tempest said dryly and suspiciously.

After she was captured alive, Twilight was brought up to the engine chamber. Storm Guards and Demon Changelings were keeping their eyes on her, as well as guarding her. After losing her family, friends and Shadow Dragon into the bottom of sea; the Princess of Friendship became fierce and angry as she wanted nothing more than revenge on her enemies.

Twilight grunted and struggled angrily and frustratingly, trying to escape. She fired her Unicorn Burst at the birdcage's bars, ramming and knocking it and even using her teleportation spell. But no avail, at all. The birdcage has strong magic resistance.

"Give it up. There is no escape..."

Twilight gasped to hear the voice. She then heard some footstep. She looked up and found the humanoid fox's shadow moving and walking down the stairs. And at the same time, the humanoid shadow slowly formed and transformed into a pony. Upon reaching to the ground level, she revealed herself Princess Iris Crystal.

Twilight groaned, "You!"

"Surprise to see me?" Iris asked amusingly before laughed sinisterly, "Didn't expect that, did you?"

"You can cut out the act, Kyuubi Lilith," Twilight snapped angrily, annoying Iris. She continued, "You're not fooling me. I know Iris more than you do. You may look like a princess, but you are not her, demon!"

Iris was annoyed as she began to transform and turn into Kyuubi Lilith. Twilight has seen this before, and she truly hated it a lot. It angered and reminded her about Queen Chrysalis pretending to be Princess Cadance while turning all of her friends against her until she's alone to dispose of.

"I should have known! All this time, you've been with us from the beginning," Twilight said angrily, "But still, why didn't you capture us earlier, instead of this wild goose chase?! You could destroy your enemies to complete it?! Why go all the trouble?"

"You're not really clever, aren't you?" Kyuubi Lilith asked amusingly, "How amusing..."

Twilight narrowed her angry eyes, "Care to educate me then?"

"Would you like to know more?" Kyuubi Lilith asked calmly. She giggled a bit, "Very well. Let me retell the tale of my perfect strategy."


After escaping the Human Realm via Magic Mirror, Kyuubi Lilith has returned to the Chaos Heralds at the unknown realm. All of them were discussing and planning their next objectives, involving of Dark Sacrificial Ritual. They're all tasked for making the ritual preparation.

Kyuubi Lilith was tasked to weaken and corrupt all the Elements of Harmony including Element of Light and Element of Darkness, and also search and retrieve the Orb of Lost Souls.

"After I've return to my home, the Chaos Heralds were tasked to make final preparation for the Dark Sacrificial Ritual to free our god," Kyuubi Lilith narrated, "And in order to do so, we require some ingredients and also materials for the ritual. I was tasked with the most important mission - weakening and corrupting all of the Elements of Harmony, capturing the Light and Darkness and also retrieve the Orb of Lost Soul for the ritual."

While hiding in plain sights or disguising as pony, Kyuubi Lilith spent months of observing and studying Mane Six and Dragon Strike Force's abilities, backgrounds and also their bonds to each other. She also was searching and exploiting the weakness that could help her weaken and destroyed their bonds of friendship for completing her mission.

"To complete my mission, I must first know my enemies, their capabilities and bonding to each other. So, I observe and study all of you carefully while finding a way to weaken and separate all of you from each other."

During her observation and study, she came across to Shadow Dragon's history book involving of Iris Crystal being his deceased wife. She smirked darkly and amusingly as she believed that it is her key to success.

She searched for the tomb, so she can touch and absorb the essence to transform into Princess Iris Crystal, even it's just the dust. Eventually, she has found it from Xuchang Province's Hidden Forest. She has succeeded for turning into Princess Iris Crystal.

"And at the same time, I have discovered my beloved's deceased wife, whose appearance proved to be most useful for my mission. So, I searched and located her tomb. Though her body has turned to dust, her essence was good enough for me to transformed into a perfect form of Princess Iris Crystal with personality."

Since the journey has been set, Kyuubi Lilith as Iris Crystal has deceived and manipulated the event by using Mane Six and Dragon Strike Force's strength, weakness and bonds against each other for completing her mission:

I) Removing the important part about her mast plans from Flare Tiger's mind since she's from the future and play a role in it.
II) Making Shadow Dragon spent more time with her.
III) Make Rarity defensive to be generous and defending Capper, resulting Shorty to be jealous and suspicious of the cat;
IV) Humiliating Fluttershy in public, which has turned Terrorcreep into paranoid overprotective husband;
V) Using Rainbow's loyalty against her own friends for pirates, resulting suspicious on her friends not trusting her.
VI) Anger Blazefist and Aqua over the death of their daughter
VII) Upsetting Pinkie, Tailtech and Icy about her friends' arguing and even Twilight's words,
VIII) Using Applejack's bluntness against Twilight and compromising the mission, making Saber argued with her about her honesty,
IX) Laxtinct to blame and ending the friendship between Mane Six and Dragon Strike Force,
X) Making Twilight guilty and ashamed of her mess, as well as losing faith in friendship.

"Now, I can proceed with my mission. And it worked perfectly well. I have manipulated, use and turned all of your friends against each other because of their personal differences and desires. They have not only destroyed their own friendship and team, they also have corrupted their own Elements of Harmony including yours and Yami's. And of course, you allow me to take the Orb of Lost Soul for myself."

Flashback Ends

After hearing her enemy's strategy, Twilight was in deep shock yet angry as she glared at Kyuubi Lilith, who smirked darkly and proudly as if she enjoyed looking at the pony's reaction.

Twilight screamed angrily, "Damn you. You used us! You used us! You used us! You destroyed my friendship and bond with them!"

"Indeed. My mission is almost complete," Kyuubi Lilith said amusingly.

"Not quite. You may have captured me, but not Shadow Dragon," Twilight said confidently and calmly, "You can't complete the Dark Sacrificial Ritual without Shadow Dragon. The Demon God is not coming back. You failed your mission, Kyuubi."

"Is that so, Hikari?" Kyuubi Lilith asked calmly and amusingly. It shocked and scared Twilight. She continued, "Yami will be joining us very soon. Like a brave yet foolish hero, he has someone he must save and protect. Not only that, his Element of Darkness will soon be corrupted by his rage and hatred."

Twilight's eyes were in deep shock and scared as she realized what Kyuubi was talking about, "No. No!"

"Oh yes. It will come true," Kyuubi Lilith said calmly and amusingly.

Kyuubi Lilith then slowly removed her fox mask out of her face. To Twilight's shock and surprise, she saw her face. Her looks is most beautiful creature with crimson bat shaped tattoos, and also has a purplish diamond on her forehead, pointed ears, her eyes has twin pupils within, beautiful hair with streak of dark purple and also worn head-wear with couple of raindrop jewels.

The Chaos Herald of Lust sighed happily, feeling relief from wearing the mask. She then smiled darkly as she used her right hand to hold and turned Twilight to face her.

"Beautiful, am I not?" Kyuubi Lilith asked calmly. She sighed while her left hand gently touching her face, "I have not shown my beautiful face for a long time because I feared mine to be damaged and scarred. I disliked it a lot. I want it to be best looks for the event and Yami."

Twilight groaned in disgust, "Yuck. More like ugliest face I ever seen. Rarity is ten times better than you, bitch!"

Angered and annoyed by the remark, Kyuubi Lilith snarled, "Laugh it up while you can, Hikari. I'll be the last one to get it." She then squeezed Twilight's face tightly, making the Alicorn yelped in pain. While looking at her face, she smirked darkly. She then licked her mouth amusingly, "And you know what? It wouldn't hurt a bit for me to get more beauty from you."

And just before Twilight could say anything, she gasped in shock upon looking at Kyuubi's mouth morphed into a large demonically mouth with fangs. Chaos Herald of Lust took a big bite on the Princess of Friendship mouth, begin absorbing and eating her alive. Twilight screamed and panicked out loud while punching and whacking her to get herself free. But no avail as she slowly losing her beauty, youth, strength and energy. She is de-aging and dying now.

BOOM! Kyuubi Lilith yelped in pain as she felt something shot on her back. She dropped to the ground hard. Twilight dropped on the birdcage's floor, coughing out loud while slowly regained her strength, beauty and energy. Both of them turned to the staircase, where they found the calm and firm Tempest, who was charging up her electrical magic on her horn, climbing down the stairs.

"Tempest?" Twilight asked in shock.

"You?! How dare you?!" Kyuubi Lilith snarled angrily.

"In case you've forgotten, our job is to escort and bring her back to Canterlot City, not harming her," Tempest said dryly and firmly. Kyuubi Lilith growled angrily as she readied with her Dark Magic Spell. She then continued with a confident smirk, "I wouldn't retaliated and do something foolish if I were you, Chaos Herald of Lust."

"Why is that?!" Kyuubi Lilith demanded.

Tempest scoffed, "I've contacted and informed the Dark Lord about it. And he is very displeased with it. He wished to speak with you now."

Kyuubi Lilith snarled angrily to hear the latest report. She sighed in defeat as she grabbed and worn her fox mask. She then teleported herself out to her quarter for discussion with her master.

Tempest sighed, "I always hate that Herald a lot."

"Tempest..." Twilight called weakly, "Thanks..."

"I'm not doing this for you, Princess. You're my ticket to get my reward," Tempest said darkly yet calmly. She turned and looked at Twilight, "Who would have thought that the Princess of Friendship is now without friends? How surprising twist of the event." She sighed calmly as she looked away, "I wish I could have use yours words on the traitors."

"Traitors?!" Twilight asked in shock and upset, "Why are you doing this? You're a pony! How could you betray the Equestria?!"

Angered by Twilight's question, Tempest slammed her hooves while charging up and shocked her electrical magic on the birdcage's bars. It scared off the Princess of Friendship.

"Equestria betrays me!" Tempest exclaimed in anger. As she panted and calmed herself down, her electrical magic dispersed. She continued, "I'm more than they'll ever be!"

Twilight looked concern and scared. She has the feeling that she's about to find out why Tempest betrayed and against the Equestria. Tempest began her singing about not trusting others but yourself to handle the situation.

Tempest: It's time you learned a lesson
It's time that you understand
Don't ever count on anybody else
In this or any other land

Tempest turned and faced at the wall. She claimed that she once wanted the friendship with others, but instead, she was abandoned and betrayed by them. She claimed that she has realized that is nothing but merely childish wish.

Tempest: I once hoped for friendship
To find a place among my kind
But those were the childish wishes
Of someone who was blind

As Tempest turned and faced at Twilight, the steam blown out from the sewers. She approached to the birdcage as she give it a spin for the moment.

Tempest: Open up your eyes
See the world from where I stand
Me, among the mighty
You, caged at my command

After a while of spinning the cage, Tempest quickly halted it before giving a glare at Twilight. She then held the Princess of Friendship to turn and looked at her eyes. The Commander of Storm Kingdom began narrating the story behind her betrayal against Equestria.

Tempest: Open up your eyes
Give up your sweet fantasy land
It's time to grow up and get wise
Come now, little one, open up your eyes


As Tempest retell her childhood tale, she once was a filly and has her horn healed and also has two friends - greenish female unicorn with mint green colored fuzzy mane and tail named Glitter Drops and the light cyan colored unicorn with gentle short combed grayish-blue mane and tail named Spring Rain. Three of them were playing 'pass the ball' happily and wildly.

While playing the game, Glitter Drops has accidentally thrown the ball too hard as it dropped and bounced straight into the cave. While both Glitter Drops and Spring Rain were scared and worried, they both insisted Tempest to go in. She responded by rolling her eyes while marching into the cave.

Tempest: We all start out the same
With simple naive trust
Shielded from the many ways
That life's not fair or just

While venturing into the cave, young Tempest found the ball. As she was levitating it, she noticed something ahead while hearing some growling noise. She found the creature to be Ursa Minor. It growled and snarled at her.

And just before she could do anything, the Ursa Minor gave a powerful paw on Tempest. Thus, giving her a deep scar on right eye and also has her horn destroyed.

Tempest: But then there comes a moment
A simple truth that you must face
If you depend on others
You'll never find your place

Weeks later after surviving the Ursa Minor's attacks; young Tempest, with her horn broken, emerged out from her home. She looked around of her surroundings as she found many unicorns were using magic to perform tricks and spells, and even levitating some items. It upsets and saddens her that she lost her magic.

While walking down to the park, the ball bounced and rolled towards her. She looked up and found both Glitter Drops and Spring Rains stood before her. They both smiled her as they insisted her to try and levitate it. As Tempest tried to use her magic, it only did was unleashing electrical sparks, which almost damaged the ball and scared her friends off. Both Glitter Drops and Spring Rain levitated the ball before running off at once.

Seeing her friends running off, Tempest looked down as she began crying sadly and tearfully because her horn was broken. She wished her horn to be restored.

Years later, Tempest left her hometown as she journey all the way to Canterlot City, where she hoped that someone could help restored her horn. Instead of that, she came across to Captain Rexstrike, who personally helped and trained her to be at the best, without magic. Though bullied and humiliating by the unicorn recruits, Tempest managed to overcome her weakness and passed her military training while gaining respect from them. She was ranked and became the commander of her own squadron - Bonecrusher Squad.

During the Third Mystic War, Tempest and her squad were sent to attack one of Kishin Akuma's fortresses. As they marched and invaded the fortress, they found out it was empty. And just before they could do anything, the door got shut. The Akurmashi Army, emerged from their hidden areas, ambushed and attacked.

Though Bonecrusher Squad bravely fought the enemy force, they slowly got swarmed and slaughtered by the demon-like warriors. Tempest fired an electrical blast to the sky, signaling for reinforcement. However, the cowardly yet selfish general, whom she served for, has ordered his army to retreat than sending help.

Tempest was in shock and angered by betrayal. She struggled and fought against the Akumarshi Army while trying to save her squad. Almost a whole day of battle at the fortress, the Commander managed to defeat and killed most of Akurmashi Army, but her squad was all but killed. She also gained more scars on her body and her left eye was blinded by her enemy troops.

Tempest: And as you take that first step
Upon a path that's all your own
You see it all so clearly
The best way to survive is all alone

Hurt and angered by the betrayal from her general, Tempest then angrily walked out and left the fortress. She planned to return home for revenge. She journeyed across the Dark Mystic Realm's Desert for three days. She's almost died until a mysterious figure stood before her. He held his hoof before her, which shocked and surprised her. She pondered if she should trust him or not.

Tempest: Open up your eyes
See the world from where I stand
Me, among the mighty
You, caged at my command

Flashback Ends

After listening to Tempest's background story, Twilight couldn't believe in her own eyes and ears that her childhood friends would abandoned her, and also none of military officers didn't go and rescue her during the Third Mystic War.

As Tempest pulled down the lever, the birdcage began lifting up to the top. And at the same time, the Commander gave the dark glare and smirk to the Princess of Friendship that it's time to accept her fate that friendship is weak for her.

Tempest: Open up your eyes
And behold the faded light
It's time to grow up and get wise
Come now, little one, open up your eyes
Open up your eyes!

As soon as the birdcage reached to the military airship's surface, Twilight then looked up and found Canterlot City and even more portions of Equestria are under the control of Dark Mystic Ponies and Storm Kingdoms. She has indeed failed her mission to bring reinforcement in time.

Twilight turned and looked at Tempest, who has just arrived to the top. She apologized, "I'm so sorry you felt so alone."

"I saw the truth. My 'friends' abandoned me when times got tough. All of my squadron have died in vain. Looks like I'm not the only one." Tempest said bluntly yet calmly. Twilight looked away in shame and guilty. She continued, "Face it, Princess. Friendship has failed you, too."

Twilight shook her head in disagreement, "Friendship didn't fail me. I failed friendship."

"Well, it doesn't matter. In the end, the result is same." Tempest said calmly and firmly. She turned and looked at Ponyville Town, "I have to admit it. Your brother and his rebellion have put up the resistance well against our forces."

"Huh? W-What?" Twilight asked in shock and surprise.

"You heard me well. They defeated and killed both Shockwave and Deadlock. The ponies and creatures of Equestria rebelled and fought back, even without Mystic Ponies' help. Most impressive."

"My brother... My family... Ponyville Town... Alive and fighting? Could it be that..."

"But too bad, they all fight and win for nothing. They're going to lose."

"Tempest, I know you wanted your horn back and also revenge on those, who have abandoned and betrayed you. But you can't trust Storm King and Dark Curse! You know that."

"Whoever said that I'm working for Storm King and Dark Curse?" Tempest said calmly.

"What? Then, who are you working for? " Twilight asked in concern and surprise.

"My true allegiance, who started this mess from the beginning. And I believed you know him well, Princess Twilight." Tempest said calmly, "But it doesn't matter now. Because in the end, I will get what I wanted. Just like what Kyuubi has proven, everyone is all for themselves, just like your friends..."

Tempest turned and walked away from Twilight. The Princess of Friendship turned and looked at destruction sights of both Canterlot City and Ponyville Town. She sighed in defeat and shame as she hated imagine if there's no reinforcement come and save them. She lowered and dropped to the ground as she cried tearfully.

"Twilight... Twilight... Twilight... Don't give up... Stand up..."

While sobbing tearfully, Twilight was confused and uncertain. She looked and found Princess Iris Crystal stood before. Instead of sinister looks, she smiled gently and sincerely. Surprising feature of her is that she is glowing brightly.

Twilight grunted angrily before screamed, "Enough with illusion! I'm sick of it! I'm tired of facing the shapeshifters!" She then turned and looked away from her, "Just leave me alone, Kyuubi. You've already hurt me enough..."

Iris sighed in defeat, "Twilight, I'm so sorry that you have to suffer like this because of that monster impersonate me."

"Huh?" Twilight asked in surprise by the tone and statement. She turned and looked at Iris, "W-Who are you? You're not Kyuubi, am I right?"

"No, I'm not, Twilight." Iris said calmly and gently, "If I was alive, I would be happy to have friends and be part of new family, with you, Twilight. All I ever want is Shadow Dragon to be happy and moved on especially my own son. I want him to be with his new family. You are the only one who can help them, Twilight."

Twilight gasped, "Oh my... Iris Crystal? Is that really you?"

Iris smiled, "Surprise... Finally, I get to meet you in pony, though I'm just a spirit."

Twilight smiled sadly. She then looked down in shame, "I'm so sorry." Iris was confused and uncertain. She continued in shame, "For everything... We didn't get the reinforcement. I got myself captured. The Demon God is coming back. And now, Equestria is doomed. Not to mention, I've hurt my own friends and family especially Applejack and Shadow Dragon. I never get a chance to say sorry to them. I don't deserve friendship."

"Don't say that, Twilight." Iris said calmly and firmly as she gently touched Twilight's looks, "No matter what anypony have said to you, you deserve the friendship. You have earn that title. You have earn friends, family and love."

"How could you say that after what I've done?"

"Nopony is perfect. Mistakes often happen. But what matters is that either you learn from it or repeated it forever. From what I have seen so far, you always make it up and step up to face them again, no matter how bad things have become."

"Really?" Twilight asked hopefully.

Iris smiled and nodded happily, "I do. So, don't give up. Don't lose hope. Have faith. Your friends and Shadow Dragon are coming. Everything will be fine, Twilight. Believe it."

"Iris..." Twilight said tearfully yet happily. She approached and gave the Spirit Iris, "Thank you so much..."

Iris smiled, "That is what friends do, Twilight. That's what friends do..."

As both of them departed from hugging, Iris is then magically disappeared. Twilight looked up and glanced at Equestria. She took a deep breath before releasing it. All she can do is hope her friends will come and save her, and also a chance for her to apologize to them.

Back at the Basalt Beach, something was bubbling on the sea. Shadow Dragon gasped for air as he emerged out from the water. Saber, Flare Tiger, the children and even Grubber, who struggled to swim, came out form the water. All of them were panting heavily. They then noticed something amiss - Applejack is missing.

Saber hissed in concern as he dived down into the sea again, searching for Applejack. For the moment later, he came out from the sea while holding unconscious yet wounded Applejack. Shadow Dragon and his team quickly swam towards to the beach. Saber held and put her down on it. He found out that she's not breathing.

Saber then held and gave some pumping on her chest while giving her some CPR by lips, giving her some air for few times. He refused to let her died, like her parents. After several times of pumping, Applejack yelped and coughed out loud before spilling water out. The cowgirl coughed heavily before she got grabbed and held by Saber. She was in shock and surprise to see that.

"Thank goodness, you're alright..." Saber said in relief.

Applejack sighed, "All thanks to you..."

While looking up at the sky, Shadow Dragon was in shock and angry to find that Bonecrusher Aiship has left now. This make him to scream in anger and fury.

"Damn it! Damn it!" Shadow Dragon cursed angrily, "We've lost them! Twilight's gone."

Flare Tiger hissed in anger, "This is all my fault. This is the event I should have read and remembered to prevent it! But instead, I forgot! Damn it!"

"It's not your fault, Flare Tiger," Shadow Dragon said firmly, "That Kyuubi did it. She knew you're trying to warn us. She prevented it. All the effort we have is ruined!"

"What are we gonna do?" Applejack asked weakly.

Lance turned to Grubber, whom he grabbed and held against the walls. He snarled, "Start talking!"

"Whyy do you guys want me and Twilight so badly?!" Shadow Dragon demanded angrily.

"I don't...I don't know!" Grubber exclaimed in fear. Shadow Dragon snarled angrily as he held the Summoner Gem before him. Dragoking was hissing and snarling within it, which scared the humanoid hedgehog. He yelped in fear, "Okay! Okay! I'll talk! Storm King wants to wield the power of the Elemental Element of Light and Darkness into his Staff of Sacanas!"

"What's that?" Nyx asked.

Grubber yelped, "It's some kind of magical twig for getting and firing the magic of the Elemental Elements of Light and Darkness! With them, he'll be strong, powerful and immortal god-like! You do not want to mess with him! If she did it, then Tempest will get her horn back like he promised her."

"Hold everything! You mean to tell us that broken-horned unicorn committed all those atrocities just so she could get her horn back?!" Spike asked angrily. Grubber nodded nervously. He screamed in anger, "Damn you! Do you have any idea what you have done?!"

Grubber gulped, "I'm sorry, okay! I didn't mean us to take your friend away from you!"

"You don't understand!" Spike said angrily and tearfully, "Twilight isn't just our friend, she's our mother!"

"W-What?" Grubber asked in shock.

Nyx sobbed tearfully, "And you don't even know what it's like to have your mother taken away from you!"

"I... I'm sorry..." Grubber said in shame as he knew the feeling of a mother being taken away.

Lance grunted as he thrown Grubber to the ground, "Go! Get out of here now before we change my mind! Get out!"

Grubber yelped in fear as he quickly make the run for it before he gets killed by the ponies. He's already ran towards the cornered of mountain edge.

"Damn it! That's not good," Saber said in concern, "But I'm more worried about Dark Curse's real goal."

Applejack grunted, "Whatever he's up to, it can't be good."

As his eyes narrowed down while holding a grip of Summoner Gem, Shadow Dragon gritted his teeth and snarled, "Saber, Applejack, go and get help from our friends. Get their act together now. I'm gonna get her back. No matter the cost."

Applejack grunted in pain, "W-What? Don't... Don't do it..."

"She's right. You won't make it there." Saber said in concern.

As his crimson eyes slowly turned into yellowish serpentine eyes, Shadow Dragon snarled, "I'll take my chances."

And just before anyone could say anything, Shadow Dragon trotted off now as he is journeying back to Canterlot City, leaving the rest of his friends and family behind. No matter the cost, he will get Twilight back...

To be Continued...

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