• Published 9th Feb 2019
  • 4,991 Views, 55 Comments

My Little Pony: The Lost Soul - Shadow Master

Their friendship is about to get tested as Mane Six and Dragon Strike Force must find and recruit more allies to save their homeland from the forces of Storm King & Dark Curse.

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Chapter 8: Escape

"After our first encounter and meeting with AxeKnight Warriors Corp, their leader - Skullitron made surprising acquaintance and friendship with us so quickly. Guess Soul Sweetie and Roughneck were right about him. He's really quite friendly and reliable ally.

While hosting dinner for our friendship, my friends and I learned that Skullitron and his AxeKnight Warriors were servants and soldiers of Yami and Hikari during the Multiverse Wars until its end. We then negotiated with him for the alliance and reinforcement for Equestria. He did agree to help us, but we have to give him in-return for his help. We must deliver him the Orb of Lost Souls. But right now, it's under Hippogriff's care. We have to get it back for his cooperation and alliance.

While Skullitron explained to us about the Orb of Lost Souls; my best friend Applejack, Saber and Flare Tiger were sneaking around to 'learn' more about our skeletal friends behind my back. But, it doesn't goes well for them now. Or worse..."

In the living chamber, Twilight, Shadow Dragon, Blazefist, Iris and Skullitron were discussing and negotiating about their alliance and cooperation. In order to secure it, the ponies must find, retrieve and give an ancient relic to him as an offering for the alliance.

"So, why is the Orb of Lost Soul so important?" Blazefist asked firmly.

Twilight nodded, "Yeah. What is this Orb of Lost Soul? What does it do?"

"The very relic that helped my master and Mystic Guardians to win the Multiverse War, and also defeat our enemies," Skullitron said firmly and calmly, shocking three leaders while Iris strangely remained calm and amused. He continued, "And it will help us to turn the tide against our enemies. I assure you. It will bring us great victory..."

"So, you think it can help us?" Shadow Dragon asked curiously.

Skullitron smirked calmly, "I am. And trust in me, my friends. Would I lie to you?"

The ponies were uncertain and uneasy about his questions. Iris spoke bluntly, "It's hard to tell, these days. My mother told me to be weary of Demons. They can't be trusted when it comes to their 'truths' and 'deceptions'. No offense."

"None taken. But I assure you that I do no such thing. In fact, I've done many good deeds for this town, my kind and the Seaponies. You have my word." Skullitron said firmly and calmly. He took a sip of his wine. He cleared his throat, "So, do we have the agreement?"

The ponies looked at each other as they wondered if they're thinking the same thing or not. After some thinking of Skullitron's proposal, they nodded firmly and calmly. They turned and faced to Skullitron.

"We do, Lord Skullitron," Twilight said firmly.

Skullitron chuckled happily while giving an applause, "Excellent! I trust that you will try to talk and convince Queen Novo to give us the Orb of Lost Soul."

Blazefist groaned in annoyance about dealing with Hippogriffs, "We'll try. But I doubt that they would be happy to give up their relic easily."

"Regardless, like Shadow Dragon has said, we need all the help we can get to save our home," Iris said firmly.

Shadow Dragon nodded as he turned to Skullitron, "We'll get it done."

"Excellent!" Skullitron exclaimed happily. He approached to a small chest. He opened it and found the AxeKnight Warrior Medallion, "Take this, my friend. Take Soul Sweetie and Roughneck with you. Find and show this to Captain Celaeno. She's the best captain for leading the cargo crew to dangerous mission. She will help you."

"Understood," Twilight nodded firmly.

Iris added, "We'll get the Orb of Lost Soul for you. Count on it."

"Excellent!" Skullitron exclaimed wildly. He then laughed heartily. He cleared his throat, "Now that our negotiation has concluded. We should return and continue-!"

BOOM! The ponies and skeleton warlord yelped in shock and surprise to hear the loud explosion. And at the same time, they quickly moved aside as something or someone just bang and landed on the ground hard. They found wounded Saber was on the ground. The detective groaned and grunted in pain.

"Saber?! What the hell?!" Blazefist demanded in shock and concern.

Suddenly, Phantom ghostly appeared before them. Having his dragons' skulls-like gauntlets activated its crimson blades. He struck his blades at Saber, who quickly rolled away from him a mile away before kicked the ghoul warrior off. He summoned and swung his Twin Dragoon Sabers at him back. Both of them swung and struck their blades at each other for few times.

The leaders then heard some loud roaring and screaming. They turned to the entrance, where they found Flare Tiger and Applejack were punching at the giant ogre's face while messing up with her cannons. Bombardier roared in anger as she tried to grab them or shaking them off.

Twilight, Shadow Dragon and Blazefist became worried and uneasy while Iris remained 'calm' again. They shouted and pleaded their friends to stop fighting with Phantom and Bombardier. Unfortunately, both sides continued fighting. This frustrated and annoyed the skeleton warlord a lot.

"ENOUGH!" Skullitron commanded angrily, ending the fight at once. He approached and grabbed both Phantom and Bombardier back. He then demanded angrily and fury, "What is the meaning of this?! How dare you attack our guests?!"

"My lord, please forgive us. But it wasn't our fault!" Phantom pleaded fearfully.

Bombardier snarled as she pointed at Applejack, "It was that bitch! She's the one, who stole your-!"

BANG! Axe Mantis has entered the living chamber. He then approached and bowed before their master. He then clicker sound, "Master, we have problem!"

"What is it?! Can't you see I'm busy?!" Skullitron exclaimed angrily and annoyingly.

"Sorry!" Axe Mantis apologized fearfully, "But Storm King's army are here! They're heading to the dinning hall!"

The ponies gasped in shock and worry. Twilight hissed, "It's Tempest! They found us!"

"How?!" Blazefist demanded in shock.

Bombardier snarled as she glared at Applejack, Saber and Flare Tiger, "Ask them!"

"They cause the problem!" Phantom exclaimed in fury yet calmly.

Saber cleared his throat, "Technically, you start the problem. We just avoid them!"

"Applejack, what the heck did you do?!" Twilight asked angrily.

"Are you trying to get us killed?!" Shadow Dragon demanded angrily.

Flare Tiger yelped, "Wow, easy there, partner!"

Applejack hissed, "Twilight, Shadow, I know this is bad. But I have a good reason to do it. And trust me, there's something you need to know!"

"We'll discuss this later!" Skullitron said firmly, "I must deal with our unwanted guests. In the mean time, get your friends and get out of here as soon as you can. Time is short!"

Skullitron and his generals quickly exited the living chamber. They're heading straight to the dinning hall.

Applejack looked guilty and shame as she spoke, "Twilight, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-!"

"It's not her fault. It's mine," Saber insisted firmly and calmly, "Please, don't blame Applejack about it."

"We'll discuss the mess later," Twilight said firmly and dryly to Applejack, "But right now, we need to get our friends and get out of here."

Shadow Dragon nodded in agreement, "Yeah. We're running out of time. Tempest and her gang could be there any moment!"

"Yeah. We'd better move out now!" Blazefist commanded firmly.

Twilight and her friends quickly exited the living chamber. They have to find and meet up with their friends. They have to escape the town before they get caught.

Both ponies and demons have arrived and entered the dinning chamber, where they found both citizens and Seaponies chattered and muttered in concern about the latest news, involving Tempest Shadow and her team coming in. Nightscream and his soldiers were holding the door, preventing the intruders coming in. Bombardier and Axe Mantis quickly moved and assisted him to hold the door as well.

While Skullitron and Phantom calmly and firmly approached and taken their seats, he turned his attention to his adopted daughters.

"Listen carefully, Soul Sweetie and Roughneck," Skullitron said firmly and calmly, "I need you both to help and guide Twilight and her friends to Captain Celaeno and her crew. You both will follow them to Mount Aris to get the Orb of Lost Souls."

"What?!" Roughneck asked in shock.

"Are you sure?" Soul Sweetie asked in concern.

Skullitron nodded firmly, "We need that relic to save our home from both Storm King and Dark Curse. Can I count on you for this mission?"

Soul Sweetie and Roughneck nodded firmly, "Yes, sir!"

Twilight and her team approached to the rest of their friends, who were still seated. They all looked worry and scared.

"Twilight, what is going on?!" Rarity asked in concern.

"How did they know we're here?" Aqua asked fearfully.

"Did Pinkie, Rainbow and Laxtinct make the mess again?!" Terrorcreep demanded firmly and angrily. Everyone looked at him annoyingly. He looked annoyed, "What?! It' the truth! They always got us into trouble for entertainment and fight."

"HEY?!" Pinkie, Rainbow Laxtinct exclaimed angrily, feeling offended.

"Now's not time! We have to move now!" Twilight said firmly. She looked around of her surroundings while thinking of a way for them to escape. She then noticed a white clothed table. She spoke, "Over there! Hide under the table!"

"Good thinking! While hiding, we can move and escaped as well!" Iris nodded firmly.

Mane Six and their allies quickly moved and hid beneath the clothed long table. Soul Sweetie and Roughneck also joined with them as well. They then took a peek to see what's happening.

Seeing his allies are hiding, Skullitron turned and gave a nod to his three generals. Understanding his gesture, they quickly moved and headed back to their seats. The door was opened as Tempest and her crew marched into the dinning hall. Kyuubi wasn't among them again as she was dealing with her other 'matters' again.

While most soldiers and citizens angrily watched and stood still, they approached and moved towards the skeleton warlord and his generals. The Commander of Storm King smirked amusingly while glaring at Skullitron.

Skullitron snarled softly, "Tempest Shadow..."

"Good evening, Lord Skullitron. I hope we're not interrupting your dinner," Tempest greeted amusingly and calmly, "In fact, I'm surprised that you're having dinner after what has happen to your 'Hero's Day' Festival."

Skullitron scoffed angrily as he took a sip of his wine, "Well, I do need something to calm my anger down. I still haven't forgiven your filthy king for the insults and dishonorable to my festival! It is unacceptable!"

"Oh, my apology, 'Lord Skullitron'. We didn't mean to ruin your fun," Tempest mocked calmly and sarcastically while glaring at Maul, "If not for our friend's stupid prank, we wouldn't be in this tight situation."

Maul scoffed, "Don't get me involved of your mess, Tempest. I'm just enjoying the fun. That's all."

Tempest snarled at Maul, "Imbecile..."

"What do you want?" Skullitron demanded darkly and calmly.

"You know why we're here." Tempest said firmly yet calmly, "So, where are they, Lord Skullitron?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Save your lies, Skullitron. I know what we saw. And I know they're here. Tell me where are they or face consequences..."

"Consequence?" Skullitron asked in annoyed and anger tone, "My dear commander, you have no idea the meaning of 'consequence' when you're in my territory. I answer to no one especially you, your puppet king and the Dark Lord of Dark Mystic Ponies."

Tempest narrowed her angry eyes, "We shall see. Tell us now."

"Try defy and challenge if you dare," Skillitron snarled as his angry eyes were narrowed down while holding a tight grip of his Skeletal War Staff, "Then, I show you the meaning of 'consequence'."

Grubber gulped fearfully, "Oh boy... I don't like the looks of that!"

Maul chuckled evilly, "Now things are getting interesting."

Skullitron powered up his Skeletal War Staff while Tempest was charging up her broken horn. Their army slowly unsheathed and armed their hidden weapons. Both sides are preparing for a big fight. By now, they're now waiting for their opposite group to make a move.

And at the same time, Twilight and her friends, still hiding underneath the table, moving towards the entrance. And also, they have to avoid the enemies' suspicious and spotting on them, thanks to Terrorcreep's sense of hearing and smell, and even Aqua's sharp eyes. They're almost close to the entrance door.

And just before they could exit, something or someone has kicked the table out, revealing Mane Six and their friends. They're now facing Kyuubi Lilith before them.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Kyuubi asked amusingly, scaring and worrying Mane Six and their friends. She giggled sinisterly, "Little rats trying to escape. How cute."

Nyx gulped fearfully, "Mummy, is that-?!"

"It is, Nyx. Kyuubi Lilith!" Twilight exclaimed in soft and fearfully tone, "Chaos Herald of Lust!"

"That's the demon witch, who killed Hikari?" Spike asked fearfully.

"From the looks of her, it is her," Lance agreed fearfully.

Shadow Dragon hissed in concern, "This isn't good!"

"Oh... How interesting yet cute of you to know me well, my little ponies. I guess I wouldn't introduce myself to you." Kyuubi said sinisterly yet calmly and sincerely, scaring the ponies. She slowly approached to them, who slowly backed away from her. She giggled amusingly, "I could keep you all as my slaves. Pity that I have to slaughter you girls especially this little Hikari and maiden of white for my beauty. It's perfect for me..."

Before anyone could react, Rarity dramatically screamed in fear, alerting not just her friends, but also both Skullitron's and Tempest's armies turned and found Mane Six and their friends. Her friends groaned in annoyance while glaring at her.

"Rarity!" Mane Six and their friends exclaimed angrily.

"Sorry!" Rarity said fearfully.

Skullitron and his generals gasped in shock of what they just saw. The skeletal warlord spoke, "Kyuubi Lilith?! Alive?! Here?! How?!"

"I don't know, my lord. But we're doom!" Nightscream exclaimed in fear and concern.

Bombardier, Phantom and Axe Mantis exclaimed in agreement, "We are!"

"There they are!" Phasma exclaimed in anger.

"I knew it!" Tempest snapped calmly yet angrily as she approached to her targets, "Silly little ponies, you won't get away this time. Get them now!"

"Understood!" Phasma nodded firmly, "Take them alive!"

Kyuubi chuckled as she armed herself with golden glove and purple long nailed claw, "Indeed. Nowhere to run."

Storm Guards growled as they approached to Mane Six and their allies, who armed themselves for the fight. Seeing his newfound friends and even adopted daughters of his are in danger, Skullitron growled in anger and fury as he refused to let them get captured and killed by his enemies. He stood up at once as he jumped and slammed his Skeletal War Staff on the ground, unleashing powerful thunderous shockwave in repelling his enemies including Kyuubi off.

Skullitron roared as he held his War Staff up, "Warriors, rally to me! Fight!"

"Lord Skullitron?!" His allies asked in shock and concern.

"We will not let these fools take over city!" Skullitron exclaimed firmly as he turned and glared at Kyuubi, "Nor will we let our fear stop us! Fight now! Fight for your freedom and home!"

[Bleed it Out]

As ordered by their faithful lord, AxeKnight Warriors and the East Kludgetowner Citizens gave a loud battle cries. They armed themselves with their weapons. They all jumped and attacked both unwearied Storm Guards and Demon Changelings. They all began their fierce brawling at once.

This action has surprised and shocked Tempest and her crew, who quickly fought back against them at once. Tempest fired her broken horn's magic blast in knocking most of the Skeletal Warriors. Maul fought in swinging his Twin Killer Swords at the Ghoul Assassins and Hunter Bats. Snarl and his soldiers were protecting their leader. Phasma and Rippersnapper engaged most of Ogre Brutes. Grubber was running away for his life.

Skullitron and his soldiers fought back. Nightscream unleashed the Screams of Hell at most of Demon Changelings' ears. Bombardier fiercely and angrily punched and kicked most of Storm Guards out. Axe Mantis screeched wildly and Phantom remained silent firmly as they both swung and struck down their scythes and twin crimson blades at the enemies.

Skullitron was confronting and facing Kyuubi, who remained calm and demeanor as she too was facing at him as well. Both of them armed with their weapons while glaring at each other.

"It's been a while, hasn't it, old friend?" Kyuubi asked darkly with her narrowed angry eyes.

Skullitron snarled, "Not long enough. I'm afraid." He pointed his War Staff at Kyuubi, "I knew the imprisonment won't hold you and your brethren much longer. I knew this day would come when you finally decided to find and finish me off."

"Indeed, I am. But not now, Commander, I have some preys to find and hunt down."

"I won't let you harm them..."

"Just like before?" Kyuubi asked amusingly, which angered Skullitron. She then chuckled, "How noble yet delusion of you... You've failed."

Skullitron snarled with his angry eyes narrowed, "Not this time!"

Skullitron and Kyuubi screamed angrily as they both charged and attacked at once. Both of them swung and struck their War Staffs and Claws at each other for few times. And at the same time, they also blocked and evaded the attacks as well. After few times of clashing have passed, both of them moved back as they unleashed their powerful Demon Hyperbeam Blasts, which were clashing and pushing each other until they reached their targets. It then got overloaded and blasted into oblivion. Both of them resumed their fighting again.

And at the same time, the rest of AxeKnight Warriors Commanders were fighting off with Tempest and her crew. Nightscream was trying to strike down at both Tempest and Maul, who both evaded and blocked the attacks while fighting back at him. Bombardier was wrestling with both Phasma and Rippersnapper. Phantom and Snarl armed themselves with their swords for their firm and swift duels. Axe Mantis was chasing off Grubber, who was running and screaming for his life.

While AxeKnight Warriors were distracting and battling with Storm Guards and Demon Changelings, Mane Six and their allies took the opportunity to make their escape. They all managed to evade and avoid the fight or get captured. They have arrived at the entrance. They all made their escape. Unfortunately, someone from the curtain grabbed and pulled Capper into it, where he yowled and screamed in fear and pain as he got beaten up badly.

Maul managed to grab Nightscream's tail, making the humanoid bat demon-like screeched in anger as he flew up while shaking the Demon Changeling King off of him. Tempest, taking a breathe, looked around to find her targets. She realized that they have escaped.

Tempest groaned in anger, "I'm tired of this game!" She took her Summoner Gem out. It then glowed darkly in yellow. She spoke dryly, "Chaos Slayer, find and bring the Light and Darkness to me! Feast upon the rest including your nemesis! Go and hunt them down!"

Tempest thrown her Summoner Gem straight out of the window. It activated itself in summoning Chaos Slayer. The Tyranno Chaos landed on the ground hard. Slamming his left feet on the ground hard, He then raised his head to give a loud thunderous roar.

After escaping the Skull Castle, Mane Six and their friends have arrived at the town square, where they're taking a breathe from escaping the battlefield.

"Everypony, we've gotta keep moving," Twilight said firmly.

"You're kidding me?" Rainbow asked in annoyance.

"We just got out from the fight," Laxtinct agreed in frustration and tiresome.

Tailtech nodded, "Not to mention, we're very tired too."

"No, she's right. We're not out yet," Shadow Dragon said firmly, "We've gotta get to the docks. We need to find Captain Celeano. She can help us get out of here."

"Won't it better to use our gunship?" Icy asked in confusion.

"No. I haven't fuel up the ship's tank," Shorty said in concern, "And Shadow Dragon and Twilight are right. We have to get out of here now. But can this captain be trusted?"

Soul Sweetie nodded firmly, "Yes. She can be trusted. She's our friend too."

"Find Captain Celeano. Got it," Aqua nodded firmly, "Let's move it out now!"

"Wait!" Rarity exclaimed in concern. Everyone looked at her. She looked around of her surroundings. She looked worry and uneasy. She asked, "Where's Capper?!"

"Seriously?! You're worried of that cat?!" Shorty asked in annoyance and frustration. He groaned, "Rarity, will you use your head for once?! He's been using you from the start! He'd never cares for friendship or even you!"

Rarity groaned, "Shorty, I'm getting fed up with your attitude towards him! When will you ever open your eyes to see that Capper is one of us?!"

Angered and fed up with Rarity's defending Capper, Shorty shouted, "You still don't get it! He's the cat! He's con artist! He's a liar! He will never be one of us!"

"For a scientist, you're such a brainless unicorn with no magic!"

"Says to a white unicorn, who did nothing but always complain and worry a little thing!"

"Will you both shut up for us?!" Saber snapped angrily, "You're trying to get us killed?!"

Terrorcreep nodded firmly while holding Fluttershy close to him, "We have to get out of here now! Tempest and her soldiers could be right behind us now!"

Spotting something from behind town's corner, Flare Tiger gasped in shock, "Too late! We've got company!"

The ponies turned and looked at Flare Tiger, who is pointing at the town's corner. They then found Chaos Slayer has entered the town square. He roared out loud.

Roughneck yelped in fear, "What the heck is that thing?!"

"Are you kidding me?!" Lance, Nyx and Spike asked in shock and concern.

Pinkie screamed, "Tempest's evil T-Rex is here!"

"Everyone, head to the docks now!" Blazefist commanded firmly.

Mane Six and their friends panicked in fear. They quickly got up and made their run to the docks. Chaos Slayer roared angrily and wildly as he gave chase after them at once. Each time he gets close to them, he tried to take a big bite on them or grab them but missed his chance or got hit by some town's buildings, objects or debris.

Nevertheless, Mane Six and their friends continued running as fast as they can. They now have arrived and entered the Western Kludgetown. Passing by the town's stairs, they have arrived at the docks. Chaos Slayer is still on them.

Applejack hissed in concern, "We'll never outrun that monster!"

"If we reach to the docks, that monster could destroy all the airships!" Fluttershy exclaimed in concern.

Roughneck added, "Not to mention, we'll be dead!"

"Somepony gotta do something now!" Laxtinct exclaimed in fear.

Giving some thoughts of preventing Chaos Slayer chasing after his allies, Shadow Dragon took out his Summoner Gem. He turned to his friends including Twilight and Iris. Looking at his Summoner Gem, they all realized of what he's gonna do now.

Twilight gasped, "Shadow Dragon, don't!"

"You can't do it!" Iris exclaimed in concern.

"Keep going! Dragoking and I will hold him off!" Shadow Dragon ordered firmly, "Go! Now!"

Frustrated and angered that they're forced to leave Shadow Dragon behind, Mane Six and their friends have no choice but to move on at once. They quickly searched for Captain Celeano's ship. Shadow Dragon quickly summoned his Dragoking out from the Summoner Gem. The Hydragoon roared wildly and angrily, which Chaos Slayer responded back to him. Soul Sweetie and Roughneck yelped in shock of what they just saw.

"You have Hydragoon with you?!" Soul Sweetie asked in shock.

Roughneck groaned, "Are you kidding me?!"

"can we talk about this later?!" Twilight exclaimed in concern.

While most of his friends were searching, both Shadow Dragon and Dragoking were facing off at Chaos Slayer. Shadow Dragon turned and looked at his pet.

"Dragoking! We have to hold that monster as long as we can!" Shadow Dragon ordered firmly.

Dragoking nodded firmly. He turned and roared at Chaos Slayer, who responded back at him. Both gigantic Ancient Beasts charged and began their fierce brawl. They both headbutted at each other for the moment. The Tyranno Chaos pushed the Hydragoon back before swung his tail in knocking him down to the ground. He then tried to step on him, but missed due to him rolling away from him. Dragoking then fired his Mystic Dragon Flames at Chaos Slayer, who dodged the attack before firing his Mystic Dragon Flame back at him. Both creatures have equal powers.

While Chaos Slayer was distracted in fighting off with Dragoking, Shadow Dragon summoned his Darkness Blade as he swung it at the Tyranno Chaos's legs, injuring him. Chaos Slayer roared in pain while ceasing the attack. Dragoking quickly fired his Frozen Curse Beam, followed by Hydro Cannon and Electrical Thunder Surge. His Frozen Curse Beam frozen Chaos Slayer in solid form, followed by Hydro Cannon's water and shocked by the power of Electrical Thunder Surge. Chaos Slayer grunted in pain before dropped to his knee. Dragoking charged and rammed him off.

As Tyranno Chaos recovered from being push off, Chaos Slayer roared in anger as he was biting and chomping down on Dragoking, who dodge and evade the attacks. He quickly grabbed and held the Hydragoon's neck, strangling him for the moment before thrown him to the ground. Chaos Slayer turned and struck down his tail in whipping and wounding the Hydragoon for twenty times. As Chaos Slayer tried to attack again, Dragoking fired his powerful Storm Gale in blowing him away. Followed by Earthquake Destroyer, he unleash the quake on the ground, causing the Tyranno Chaos to drop down. Dragoking struggled to get up, but tripped and fell down by Chaos Slayer's tail whipping.

Both Ancient Beasts slowly got up from the ground. They both relentlessly and fiercely continued attacking and striking down at each other by biting, clawing, whipping their tails and even ramming and pushing each other against the buildings to bring down their opponent down. Shadow Dragon did his best to help his partner by wounding and injuring Tyranno Chaos's legs while avoiding from getting stomped or killed. This irritated Chaos Slayer to turn his attention to attack him. But luckily, Dragoking got his back in holding the Ancient Beast back, letting his partner to escape.

Shadow Dragon and Dragoking did their best to hold and fight off Chaos Slayer as long as they can for their friends to find and get into the airship.

Knowing Shadow Dragon and Dragoking can't hold Chaos Slayer much longer, Mane Six and their friends rushed and looked around of the docks. They were searching for Captain Celeano's airship across the bays. So far, they found none.

Luckily, Soul Sweetie found the ship at the very cornered bay. To her shock and worried, the airship's making departure and leaving the bay. She turned to her friends and called, "Everyone, over here! The ship's leaving! Hurry!"

Heard the calling, Mane Six and their friends headed off to Soul Sweetie's locations. Twilight fired her magical flare to the night sky. She prayed hopefully that Shadow Dragon will notice it.

Both Dragoking and Chaos Slayer continued their fierce brawls across the town. Shadow Dragon did his best to help and assist his partner to take down the Tyranno Chaos. Both Ancient Beasts were badly injured from their bites, brute strengths and prowess. They both now panted and breathed heavily while glaring at each other.

Spotting the magical flare shot up to the sky, Shadow Dragon gasped in realization that his friends have found the airship. Using his Summoner Gem, he got Dragoking returned and sent back into gem for recovery. He turned and ran off towards the destination at once. Tyranno Chaos snarled angrily as he struggled and slowly trying to get up. The Chaos Slayer refused to let his preys escape again.

Mane Six and their friends then found the airship's has just left the bay. Shorty took out and passed the grappling guns to some ponies. They aimed and fired their guns at the airship cabin's fence bars, which got the hooked up. Pushing a small button, allowing the ponies to get pulled and headed straight to the ship's flank. Twilight, Iris and Pegasus Ponies flapped their wings and flew over to the ship. They all made got into the airship.

All of them turned and looked back to find and locate Shadow Dragon. But there was no sign of him. Twilight then spotted Shadow Dragon just came out from the town's corner. He was heading straight to the dock. And at the same time, Chaos Slayer was behind of him as the Ancient Beast is getting close to him.

The rest of his friends especially his wife and girlfriend shouted and cried to him to run quickly and get to the airship. Shadow Dragon ran as fast as he can to reach them. Reaching to the edge of dock's plank, Shadow Dragon jumped up high while trying to reach his friends. And at the same time, Chaos Slayer halted while trying stretched himself out to reach and taking a bite on the pony.

However, Shadow Dragon was luckily missed Tyranno Chaos's jaws, but also missed in getting a grip on the fence bars. And at the same time, he was looking down as he found lots and lots of spikes on the bottom.

Shadow Dragon gulped in fear, "Oh shit!"

Shadow Dragon screamed in fear while falling straight down to the spike, leading to his death now.

"SHADOW DRAGON!" Everyone shouted in concern.

And just before Iris could react, Twilight quickly jumped and dived down as she was heading straight to Shadow Dragon. Both of them tried reach their hooves out to each other. Luckily, Twilight levitated him, stopping his fall before grabbed and held him tight. She turned and flew back to the ship's cabin.

Both of them panted heavily in exhaustion after surviving the fall. The rest of their friends approached and commented happily to see them alive. Iris was annoyed and fury to see both Shadow Dragon and Twilight being closed together. Applejack and Saber noticed the looks. They looked at each other before nodded firmly.

"Thanks..." Shadow Dragon thanked in relief.

Twilight sighed, "You're welcome. I'm just glad that you're alright."

"Best... escape... plan... ever!" Pinkie cheered wildly and happily. She giggled happily and excitedly, "Can we do it again?! This time, follow the original script!"

Everyone annoyingly glared at Pinkie for the joke she just make especially the one that nearly killed Shadow Dragon, despite him being a Mystic Pony.

Shadow Dragon groaned in anger, "Pinkie, I swear that I'm gonna-!"

"Guys! Company!" Tailtech exclaimed in fear.

Everyone turned and faced group of five humanoid birds-like creatures, who worn black laborers' uniforms and hats with the badges of Storm Kingdom.

One of them was a tall white humanoid parrot-like with long greenish hair and tail and has large golden earrings, long left talons and her pegleg was made of emerald gem. Another was a muscular dark green parrot-like creature with darker green hair on his back and has a missing right hand. Another was lean strong Spix's Macaw-like creature with right missing eye and crimson spiky hair on his back. Third one was a fatty pinkish female cockatoo-like with missing tail. And finally, an skinny yet odd parrot-like creature with odd eyeballs, prosthetic metal nose-like and little tread of crimson hairs and feathered green on shoulders.

"Well, what do we have here?" The captain asked dryly and coldly.

"Just pack of stowaway?" Laxtinct answered uneasily. Everyone turned and glared at him. He yelped in fear and worry, "What?!"

Knowing her targets have escaped them, Tempest and her crew managed to abandon and escape the brawl with AxeKnight Warriors Corp. They eventually returned to the dock, where they parked their military airship. They even regrouped with injured Chaos Slayer, who bowed in shame before her. This angered and infuriated her a lot.

"Damn it. Another failure..." Tempest remarked angrily. She used her Summoner Gem to bring her Ancient Beast back inside. She growled, "Then, we'll never know where they go now."

"Not quite," Kyuubi said calmly. Everyone turned and looked at her. She snapped her fingers, magically summoned both Skeletal Warrior and Seapony Guard before her. They even held injured Capper as well. This shocked and surprised Tempest and her crew. She continued, "I already have my spies to find and capture one of them."

"How did you do that?" Phasma asked in shock, "How did you bribe these creatures to help us?"

"I didn't." Kyuubi said calmly yet amusingly.

Both Skeletal Warrior and Seapony Guard transformed back into two smaller black-white tails, allowing Capper to drop down on the floor. Two tails flew and returned as they attached back to Kyuubi's long hair. This revelation shocked Tempest, Phasma and Grubber. Demon Changelings kept quiet while being amused of it.

"No way..." Grubber said in surprise.

"Way..." Maul said amusingly.

"You set this up, didn't you?" Phasma questioned firmly.

Kyuubi smirked amusingly, "Like I said, all part of the plan. We will reach and achieve our greatest objective. My destiny will be fulfilled..."

"Better than nothing I suppose," Tempest said dryly and annoyingly. She then approached to Capper. She has broken horn charged up with magic. She glared at the Humanoid Cat, "Now... where are they going?"

"If I said no?" Capper asked painfully yet dryly. Tempest aimed her broken horn at him. He gulped, "Okay! Okay! I'll talk! I'll talk! No need for violence. Uh, they're headed..."

While looking around and thinking a way to mislead Tempest and her crew away from his friends, the button on his red coat shinned brightly. He took a glance at them. He couldn't but feel uneasy and worry. He owed Rarity a lot for her trusting him, understanding him, forgiving him and even befriending him. She's a true friend to him. And at the same time, he has to think quickly before he gets vaporized.

"They headed east!" Capper answered firmly while pointing at the cloudy direction, "Yeah, to... to Black Skull Island."

Tempest and her crew looked at each other. They can't help but feel suspicious that Capper is misleading them or trying to escape them. Kyuubi strangely remained calm and patient.

Capper cleared his throat, "So, uh, glad I could be of service to His Majesty, the Storm King. I'll just be on my way. And consider that to make up for my stupidity riot."

As Capper was about to escape, he got blocked by Rippersnapper and Snarl. He yowled in shock and fright by the blockade.

"Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. You didn't think we'd let you off that easily?" Maul asked amusingly.

"Agreed. When we get our Light and Darkness." Tempest said calmly. She smirked sinisterly, "Until then, your fate is still... up in the air."

Grubber laughed amusingly, "Oh, you're gonna go in the skiff! Which is a boat! specifically, a air-boat!"

"You talk too much, pig," Phasma remarked dryly as she slammed her punch on Grubber's head.

Grubber groaned, "For the last time, I'm a hedgehog!"

"Let's move out. Time is short!" Tempest said firmly.

Maul chuckled amusingly, "You heard the lady. Settle up!"

As ordered, both Storm Guards and Demon Changelings moved and entered Tempest's military airship. They also brought Capper with them as well. Tempest and her crew marched into the airship. It slowly lifted up from the dock. It was heading straight to their new destination - Black Skull Island.

"Hope you guys make it there before they knew it..." Capper whispered in fear.

To be Continued...

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