• Published 21st Feb 2019
  • 2,724 Views, 72 Comments

Hard Landing - Flash_Game

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22 From a Friend

Chapter 22
From a Friend

Two hours in bed... and I can't fall asleep, I sigh

Well, you do have insomnia

I know, but usually I would feel tired by now

Maybe your body finally adjusted to this world

I guess... I'll go for a walk, I open my eyes, ... aaand she's staring at me..., Noctis looks away, "Can't fall asleep either?"

She turns her gaze back to me, "Batponies are supposed to sleep in the day time"


"And we slept before the party too"

"Yeah, I guess we did," You know what? I have the nade, "I found another smoke grenade. Want to go see what I get?"

She drops down and grabs her glasses off the night stand, "Sure"

I get off bed, "Then, let's go," we head outside, How incompetent do you have to be to write twenty one chapters of two weeks

To be fair, you are my first assignment. So give me a break

"So is this the thing you found in the kitchen?"

"I said I would say when we eat the cake"

"It was worth a try"

I stop in the clearing behind the library, "This seems like a good place," I take out the grenade and look at it, then at Noctis, "Hey, Red. Want to give it a try?" I extend my open hand with the grenade on top

Noctis hesitates a little, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, of course. I mean, why wouldn't I be?" she takes the grenade off my hand, "Now just push the lever lightly and pull the pin out"

Noctis does exactly that, "Then I let go of the lever and throw it, right?" I nod, "Here we go," she throws the grenade, but it slips out of her hand a little to early and falls right next to her

"Nice throw there, Red"

She turns to me a bit embarrassed and playfully angry, "Don't patronize me!"

"Shhh. The ponies are sleeping," Noctis slaps me upside the head, "So violent," I chuckle

"Hmf. Open your darn box, prince" she says smugly, arms crossed

I sigh, "Are you just going to keep calling me prince?"

"Only when you get annoying,"

I put a hand on my chest in mock offence, "I cannot believe you said that," I unlock the crate, "Let's see," I open it, "What do we have here..." A single holotape, okay

"Just one?"

"Yeah," I load it up, Let's see, 'Animation Module', I skim the info, "Cool, so basically when I take stuff out of my inventory, I can choose how it looks. It comes with a 'Render' animation," I take off the foam, A Twilight figurine... as a pony... and another grenade

"What is a 'render animation'?"

"I have an idea, but if I activate it..." I go into the animations page and select 'Render', I go to grab the grenade, along the pony Twilight. The crate instead of outright vanishing, it breaks into voxels and the pieces disappear as the hit the ground, My idea was kind of right

"That... was weird"

I hand her the grenade, "Try again. Maybe you can throw this one better," she looks at me not amused as I look at her smirking

She takes it off my hand, "Har har, very funny. Prince," I sigh; she smiles at her small victory. Noctis begins to examine the grenade, "You can do this one," she gives me the grenade back

"Okay. Not going to force you," I toss it. The moment it touches the ground, instead of having the smoke come out, a rectangular light comes up and it 'prints' the wireframe of the crate, when it's done, it applies the material, and then the texture. It's not any faster. That sucks

What do you mean 'that sucks'??

The whole thing was cool, don't get me wrong, but I thought it would be faster, I turn to Noctis, who's left with her mouth hanging, "Keep it up, you might catch a fly," she immediately closes her mouth. I walk up to the crate and open it, No holotape, too bad, I take the foam off and find- ... a pen, a single fucking pen... great, I grab it, It's a fountain pen, fancy. The box begins deconstructing like the previous one, I kick it and it reacts, Ooooh! Physics!! I love physics

"Having fun there?"

"Very much so, thank you for asking!" I take the pen into my inventory, but it flashes white before disappearing, almost like it was scanned, I turn to Noctis, "So. What do we do now? I mean, it's the middle of the night, way past midnight," I wait for her to respond, but nothing, "Any ideas?"

"Not at the moment, no"

"Let's go back inside for now," She nods, Maybe we could play some video games... I'll use the mouse and keyboard since the controller might be easier to learn, I let her in first, "I could show you something from my world"

"What would this 'something' be?"

I take out the laptop and controller, "Video games"

I booted up Portal and let Noctis get accustomed to the controller and, after she was confident in her abilities, we switched to Portal 2 and played some spit-screen well into the morning.

Twilight woke up and saw us in the main library playing, and got really confused at why we were 'staring so much at that weird book.' The explanation I gave didn't convince her too much, because apparently they do have computers here, just, you know, the size of buildings. Not even Celestia wanted to add a whole wing to the castle for computer development. I'll have to check out the computer facility they do have later though, sounds interesting, a complete 'blast to the past' if you will

"You better stop playing those games if you want to have breakfast"

"We'll be there in a minute, Twilight! No, over there, put the portal over there, Luis!"

I should probably mention that Spike became our backseat-gamer, "By the ramp?"

"Where else?"

"Maybe where it would actually help? Possibly?" Spike looks at me with a 'seriously?' expression on his face, I guess I can amuse him

"It's going to get cold. Get over here already!"

Nevermind, "We heard!" I pause the game

"We almost had it..."

"Stop pouting, it's only paused," I close the laptop and take it, as well as the controller. I get up and pet her head, She's so adorable, fucking hell...

"Guys, I think I smell pancakes...," Spike licks his chops and begins floating to the kitchen, Cartoon physics... even here...

Noctis and I follow Spike, That's a huge stack of pancakes... "Twilight, it looks and smells just exquisite," we start eating

"They couldn't be that different from the last time"

"Now that you mention it. It seems every time something big happens we have pancakes"

"This is our second time... You know that, right?"

"Think about it. The day after I arrived here, pancakes. Now you are an element of harmony and me a prince and BAM! Pancakes. Next thing you know we'll prevent a massive catastrophe, and pancakes"

"You really seem to like pancakes"

"It's just that these are delicious," I shovel a big piece in to my mouth, and start to choke, Goddammit!!, Noctis gives me my glass of milk and starts hitting me in the back. I chug the shit out of the milk, "Aaahh, thank you"

*giggling* You got healed by the food that almost killed you *chuckling* You almost choked to death... ON PANCAKES *complete and utter maniacal laughter*

I'm just going to tune you out of a second, you bitch

"Are you okay?"

Her hand is all the way on my shoulder now, and I know exactly what to say, "If you want to hug me, you could just ask," Noctis crosses her arms and is not amused

"You seem to fight a lot," Twilight takes out a quill and scroll with a smile, "Do you need any friendship help?!"

"Uhhm... No"

"As bad as it might seem, it's just friendly banter between him and me. He's weird that way"

"Hey! I'm weird in more ways than just that!" Noctis just sighs in disappointment

"Luis you shouldn't-"

"*Buurp* hehe... Sorry," Spike grabs the fire-mail scroll, "It's for you, Luis"

"Thank y- What?!"

"I guess I should be the one saying 'thank you', so, thank you," He hands me the scroll, "Okay, let's see

My dearest little human Luis,

I have to inform you that from this day onward you will have to wear your royal attire, my advisors have also suggested removing that item on your wrist, calling it an eye-sore, but I digress.

If you plan on going into the Everfree Forest, you will want to get some necessary items as it never hurts to be prepared. Might I suggest a first aid kit and snacks? Luna has also asked me to instruct you to gather any new information about the forest and its creatures, it is rare for anypony to willingly enter it. She has also asked to get her a star spider to keep as a pet if possible, like the one she used to have when we lived in our old castle

Luna has also suggested giving you a copy of basic magic spells to prepare you for the more advanced material, such as the dragon fire spell. The book should get to you through Spike soon enough. Make sure to read it well and try to understand how magic works here in Equestria, and always remember to have fun.

With love,

I guess, I'll change," I try the mental commands

You have to use the pip-boy now, remember?

Does it look like I remember? I go into my pip-boy and change into the royal clothes, "There"

"They look even better than Blueblood's! Wow!"

"You do look nice"

"Dude, put on a sword and you'll look like Prince Mayhem from the Power Ponies"

"Spike he probably doesn't even know what the Power Ponies are"

"Did Saddle Rager beat him? Or was it someone else? I haven't read the comics yet," I say smugly

"It was- UGGGHH!," with a 'thud' a book falls out of Spike's flames, "Your book is here"

"Nice," I grab the book, I wonder if I can just 'use' it, A prompt appears infront of me, Apparently I can

"What is that?"

"It's a thing asking me if I want to learn the skills within the book," Of course I do, 'yes' and it's gone

"Where did it go?"

"Away," I go into the magic tab, So, telekinesis, ilumination, telepotation, heali- wait, no, that's from Skyrim, "Twilight, what are the basic spell all unicorns know?"

"Ilumination, being the simplest one. Then Telekinesis, it's a bit more difficult, but everypony can use it. Teleportation is the hardest of the three, only a few manage to teleport anything close to the size of a pony"

Can I re-equip magic without the pip-boy, or...?

Don't worry, magic you can change on the fly


You need to know the spell by heart, like an actual sorcerer. Otherwise-



"Do you actually know the spell now?"

I select telekinesis, "I guess we'll find out," I bring the milk and fill my glass again, "Look ma', no hands! Hehe"

"Luis, did it hurt?!"

"Uhh no... why...?" I look at my health bar, My radiation isn't touching my health anymore!! "Let me see something," I look around for the heaviest thing I can find, fruit bowl it is then, I lift it and hold it in place, My radiation is going down, not my health... I wonder..., I switch to teleport and bring the whole bowl to the table, My magika bar gets affected this time with my radiation completely gone now, So I can store more magic at the cost of less health. To get that bonus I have to get hit with magic... "I have the passive ability to absorb magic! That's so cool!"

"What do mean you can absorb magic?!!" Twlight takes out her notes again and furiously begins scribbling, "It takes years of practise to learn a spell like that!!"

"He didn't said it was a spell"

"But how would that even be possible?? No spell? ARE YOU CRAZY?! It has to be! There is no other way"

"What I said was 'passive ability' which, in normal terms means 'inate ability'," I should probably not use so much videogame lingo... I look at the time, "Let's get everything cleaned up so you can open the library, it's almost eight already. AND, I have to get some stuff"

"You truly are going to the Everfree?"

"You do realize it's one of the most dangerous palces in Equestria, right?"

"If it's so dangerous, then why did you build an entire town next to it? I mean, it literally borders with the forest"

"Luis, don't be so condescending"

"You're right. Sorry, Twilight, I go riled up a little"

With the kitchen cleaned, I start to head to the store, Wait a minute..., "Twilight, would you kindly point me to the general goods store?"

"Head out the door, go immediately right. Once you see 'Quills and Sofas', it should be directly across, it's the big building, by the fountain. That's 'Barnyard Bargains', Ponyville's 'everything' store"

"Thanks, Twi. Noctis, be a good girl and do whatever Twilight tells you, okay?"

Noctis runs to me, "I'm going with. You won't get rid of me that easily"

"Don't worry, if you had said 'okay' I would have made sure you were sure," We smile at eachoher, "Twilight, Spike, we'll be back in a bit," and out the door we go, "Apart from the obvious, what else should I get?"

"Maybe they'll have more spells for you to use?"

"I think I'll first get used to actually using magic, and then I'll get more," I look ahead at the crowd, I feel so tall. Looking around, only a few get close to my chin... I sigh

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, just feeling a bit alienated. Out of place, I guess is more accurate. I'm not used to being the tallest around"

"The Princesses are taller"

"Aunt Luna is only taller than me by like a centimeter"

"How tall are humans?"

"On average? About my height, just a little bit taller. At least around where I live, anyways," Noctis massages the side of her head, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just had a small headache," She smiles, "I'm fine now, really. Anyway, we're here"

Quills and Sofas to my right sooo... Yeah, that is definetely a big building, "Let's go then," The inside is a DIY-er's dream, there's timber, hardware, tools, kitchen stuffs, and whole buch of household and sporting good taking up most of the store. On the corner is the pharmacy, "Noctis, if you see something you want, grab it, I'll pay for it," Speaking of paying, how will I get the bits out with no pockets?

Give me a hot minute

"If you say so," She looks around and her ears fall back a bit

"If you don't see me in the pharmacy, just look for me at the front of the store"

"I think I'll stick with you," She looks around a bit more insecure, "If you don't mind that is,"

I look around, Everyone is staring at her... "Don't worry they're looking at me, but if you want we can go on together," I put my hand on her shoulder and she relaxes, "Now, let's get some the stuff we need," we go to the first aid section of the pharmacy, "Let's see, bandages we'll need a few- I forgot to grab a basket..." Fuck

Noctis gives me a shopping basket, "I got one"

"Thank you very much," I start picking the stuff, A few bandage, alcohol, gauze, ointme-

"Oh my, Prince Luis??" Why did that sound sarcastic? "In my store? I cannot believe my eyes!" If ten million fireflies...?

I turn around, Filthy. Rich. "Ah, you must be the one and only Filthy Rich, am I right?"

"I don't deserve such high praise, Prince" I know. I read a couple of comics, "I hope you're finding everything to your liking. Is there anything you are looking for? I would love to help such an important individual," he strokes his mane and assumes the 'I'm important' pose

"There is no need, I found what I needed. But I might be coming by later just to see what other wares your store carries," Just don't bet on it after this experience

"If you need anything, and I do mean anything, at all... I am here to serve"

"Don't worry, you'll be the first one to know,"

"If you'll excuse me," Filthy walks off

"You got him to leave fast," I continue getting a few more essentials, Pain killers for Noctis too

"I used to work at a store like this, and on the first day, all I had for training was how to manipulate others into buying more. Let's go get some water bottles"

"That sounds wrong"

"It is, that's why I never did it. One thing I do do from time to time: making others feel important; but I only use it to get employees and businessmen off my back"

"Using their own tactics against them, sounds fair"

"Anyways, choose a water bottle for the little trip will be having soon," One and a half liter bottles at five bit each, cheap

"Into the forest?"

"Yeah, that one"

Noctis intently examines the bottles, "Hmmmmm, This one," she grabs a grey with red stripes

"Okay, then I'll have..." I grab one that is the opposite of hers, red with grey, "This one"

Your hologram prompts are now on the pip-boy. To pay, just accept and the bits should appear infront of you

Thanks, bud

"You want to look at anything else, Red?"

"No, I'm fine, thanks"

We go the the counter and I put the basket on it, "Hello there, Prince. Did you find everything alright?" She begins taking the stuff from the basket into a paper bag

"I did, thank you for asking. The store had a lot more than I was expecting"

"Glad to hear. That would be 27 bits"

The pip-boy chimes, I look at the screen, 'This will cost you 27 bits. Accept trade?' I select 'yes' and a pouch of bits appears, I hand it to the cashier, "Here you go"

She goes through the pouch, "Thank you, have a nice day," she passes me the bag

"Thank you, you too," Noctis and I go outside, "Wanna go get a milkshake or something?"

"Sure, where?"

"Just follow me," we start heading toward Sugarcube Corner

"Is it by any chance that sweet-looking building over there?"

"Yeah, Sucrose Hexahedron Junction," I cuckle, Her reaction is priceless. I love it, "Or Sugarcube Corner if you want to be more normal"

"That make more sense"

We head inside. Mrs Cake is at the counter, "Hi Mrs Cake, long time no see"

"Oh my, Luis? I mean, Prince Luis. I though I would never see you again. How's your friend?" She sees Noctis and her expression goes a bit suggestive, "And who might you be, deary?" She looks at me again and bounces her eyebrows at me, "A lady friend of yours, Prince?"

I don't like where this is going...

"Hello, Mrs Cake. My name is Noctis Umbra, nice to meet you. And we are just, uhm, friends"

Mrs Cake gets a bit disappointed, "Oh well," Then goes back to cheerful, "What will you be having today?"

"Just milkshakes today," Why did it hurt a little when she said we're just friends? I turn to Noctis, "What do you want, Noctis?" I'm feeling strawberry for me

"I think I'll go with a strawberry milkshake"

"I guess we'll have two strawberries"

"That will be 7 bit, deary," I pay, "We aren't too busy today, so just take a seat and I'll be right out," She goes into the kitchen and then pops her head out, "The patio is open today, if you'd like to enjoy the nice weather we have today," Noctis and I just shrug at each other and head for the patio

Enter a sad Pinkie Pie

"Pinkie, are you ok? You look a bit, um... down"

She sighs, "Dashie has a friend in town and she was being really mean to me. I told Twilight and she said I was jealous. ME! I don't get jealous"

"That sounds like jealousy to me"

Noctis, I would smack you upside the head but you're a woman, or, mare... I guess...lady... yeah, "You can't decide that just now, Red. You need to meet this friend, before you can judge anyone. 'See the big picture' if you will"

"You're right. Sorry, Pinkie, that was uncalled for"

"Pinkie pie, dear, glad to see you"

"Hi, Mrs Cake. I just need a strawberry milkshake"

"Pinkie, we'll be in the patio, so come join us," She just answers with a sad smile, That was very depressing...

We sit down, "She look a bit..."

"Depressed?" Noctis nods, "Yeah, I noticed"

"What do you think happened?"

It feels like I should know... "I don't know. But we can ask her when she gets here," and almost as in by the hand of a higher being, Pinkie comes in with our drinks in tow, "Thank you, Pinkie"


"No problem," She plops down on the chair and joylessly drinks her milkshake

"What's bothering you, Pinkie?"

"Shouldn't you know? Since you know what happens in our lifes and all," Her ears drop, "Sorry. I shouldn't have said that"

"It's fine," I look at Noctis, only to see her wondering what Pinkie meant, "I guess I have a thing to explain to you later," Both of them nod, "So what's bothering you, Pinkie?"

"Rainbow Dash's griffon friend was being a big meanie and Twilight thinks it's just jealousy," she looks away, "I'm starting to think she was right. What if I WAS feeling jealous?"

"That sounds to me like you just need a second opinion that isn't biased"

Noctis has a point, "We, or, you know, she could be your second opinion, since... I- yeah... unbiased," Stop being awkward, don't be awkward, You'll get your second opinion pretty soon too"

"What do you mean?"

"Hahaha, That was sweet"

Pinkie lowers to the table, "That... was impresive timing," I visually follow Dash and Gilda to their landing spot, Should I do something?, Gilda approaches a market stall, I should, shouldn't I?, I finish my drink and stand up, "I'll be right back," I head towards Gilda, "Hello there"

She looks at me, "What are you supossed to be? Some sort of overgrown monkey?" There is a collective gasp from the ponies around us

"As a matter of fact, humans are primates same as monkeys, apes, gorillas..." I'm getting off-topic, "Anyways, just wanted to say 'hi' since I've never seen a real-life griffon before"

"Have you been living under a rock your whole life or something?"

"No. More like different universe entirely, but pretty good guess"

"Are you mocking me?"

Maybe I should stop, she's getting angry... "If I were, I wouldn't make it that obvious," Nah. I'm enjoying this

"Look here. Pal. Get out of my face or you'll regret it"

"Oh no, the birdy is going to peck my eyes out," I taunt, "You won't be able to beat me"

"Is that a fact?" Gilda gets ready to throw fists

"Would you really like to find out?" I'll dodge everything she throws at me, "I can beat you without lifting a finger"

Noctis jumps in the middle, "Please don't..." and throw some puppy-dog eyes my way, Fine...

"Sorry, that was out of line"

"Are you just going to let this freak tell you what to do? Weak," I'll make sure to shatter your beak into itty bitty tiny little pieces

I garb Noctis and put her aside, "I'm going to have a few words with our feathery friend, if you'll excuse me," I start circling Gilda, "Let me tell you a little something about me," I put on a smile, "I don't care what you do to me. Punch me, stab me, drag my name through the mud, whatever. I don't care, I can take it..." No one behind her now... I stop and scowl, "But if you bad mouth anyone I know again, there will be consequences. Got it?"

"Or what? You'll send your little pet after me?"

I feel my eye twitch, "Fus Ro!" Gilda falls flat on her ass, "Like I said: without lifting a finger"

Noctis grabs my arm, "Luis... please stop..." I snap back into reality

I look at Gilda on the ground, "OH SHIT!!," I give her my hand, "I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking," THAT COULD HAVE FUCKING KILLED HER, YOU PRICK BISCUIT

She cautiously takes my hand, I pull her back on her feet... paws, "You certainly have a way with words," she dusts her self off, "Name's Gilda"

"I'm Luis, pleased to make your acquaintance. Again, sorry about that"

"Don't sweat it," and after a quick handshake, Gilda adds, "Too bad you don't have wings, that could've been an iteresting race. But, we could wrestle instead, sound good?"

"Not sure how to feel about that..."

"Is it because I'm a female? I guess chivalry isn't dead after all, what a bummer"

"I'm Noctis, nice to meet you," she extends her hand to Gilda

"No one ask-" I glare at her, "Hehe nice to meet you, uh, Noctis"

"Luis, nice to see you again," RD lands next to us, "And I see you've met my friend Gilda"

"Yeah, we had a few words," says nonchalantly

Gilda... I don't even know... what to do with you

"Wasn't Pinkie sitting over there with you guys?"

I look at where we were sitting, She's gone, and apparently she took care of our glasses too. I'll thank her later, "Yeah she was"

"That reminds me, Pinkie said she was going to make a party to welcome Gilda into Ponyville tomorrow at noon"

"That sounds like a great idea, don't you think?"

"Oh, uh, totally..."

"We'll catch you guys later, I kind of have to go to the Everfree tonight," Rd and Gilda look at echother wide-mouth, "See ya"

"It was... interesting meeting you Gilda, see you tomorrow"

Noctis and I walk toward the library before they could get a word in, "If you want, you can stay in town while I do this fetch quest," Speaking of 'quest'...

"No, I'm going with you. You need somepony to watch your back"

Does the pip-boy record the quests I get?, I turn to the pip-boy, and indeed it does, 'A New World', 'Man Overboard', 'Silk and Magic'. What's with the names? "Are you sure? There are monsters in there..."

"Maybe I should get a sword or something"

I sigh and take her stuff out of my inventory, "Here... This is yours," she takes it, "Just make sure to put it on properly"

Noctis stares at the thing in her arms, "Did I have this many knives??"

I look at her things, "Oh! You're right!" I take out her swords, "I forgot to give you these," I open the door and let her through

"What was wrong with me?!"

"Nothing. Just employed by the crown to keep things safe," I then yell into the library, "Twilight, we're back!!"

She looks at me with a bit of a blush, "Could you help me getting this on?"

"I'll be down in a minute!!"

"Okay!!" I turn to Noctis, "Sure, just put the stuff on the table," she does, "Now, sit down," I garb the belt and hand it to Noctis, "Put this on," I go behind her with the shoulder belt

She puts on the belt, "Like this?" I take a look, Her mane is a little over a foot off the floor while sitting... That's really long... I actually really like it this way... and her tail- "Luis?"

"Yes! Yes, it looks good!," Well, that's embarrassing... I move her mane out of the way and clip the shoulder belt to the back of the waist belt and hand the other side to her, "Clip that to the metal piece at the front," I circle around

"Like that?"

"Yeah, now lift you arms, I'm going to put on the shoulder pieces"

"Did I used to put this on my own?"

"Problably, now stop moving," I give her the strap, "Take that under the shoulder belt and attach it back to the left shoulder"

"So you don't know?"

"Well, I've only been in Equestria fo about ten days now- There we go, you're set. So I really don't know," I look at the table, Forgot the leg pieces, "You should be able to put the leg stuff on your own"

Noctis grabs the rest of the armour and puts it on, and then looks at the weapons a bit baffled, "How do I put all of this on?"

"The dagger with the clip goes on the belt, the one with the strap on your thigh, left side, both of them. Swords on the back, 'x' position"

"How do you know?"

"You had them on like that when I first saw you with them," She looks at me a bit weirdly, "What?? I notice a lot of stuff. Like Twilight hiding behind the railing"

"But you haven't even turned around, how did you know?"

"Clip clop clip clop. Hoove steps aren't exactly quiet, you know?"

"But I didn't hear them"

"Probably because you're used to hearing them"

"Ok, I got the knives on," She looks at the swords, "How did you say I put this on?" she turns to me

"I have no idea... Well, at least not how you would put them on your own," I take the swords, "Turn around, I got this"

Ten Minutes Later

"I don't got this..." I sigh, "This doesn't even make sense. No strap, no, like, holder, or anything! How are you even supposed to put this on??!"

"I'll just continue reading my book about proper swordsponyship, don't mind me"

"Are you sassing me? Are you mad that I told you 'no'? What do you want woman?!"

Noctis clears her throat, "Luis, could you get me a glass of water please?"

I sigh and stand up, "Sure..." I head for the kitchen, I shuold probably drink something too, I fill two glasses with water, and out of the corner of my eye I see the fridge, I didn't even see if that thing ran on electricity last night...

"Could you bring the cake down too?!"

"Sure thing!" I drink my glass, take the plate and Noctis's glass and go back to the main room, Noctis thanking Twilight for getting her swords in position, "Here" I give Noctis her water

"Thanks, love"

Noctis and I freeze in awkward silence




We both awkwardly chuckle. I put the cake on the table, "I'll be right back with the plates, hehehe..." I head for the kitchen as fast as walking can get me there, Did she...? Why...? Oh god... It felt weird... but...

I grab some plates and forks, Is Spike here? I haven't seen him, "Twilight?!"


"Where is Spike?! I haven't seen him since we came back!"

"He went help Rarity with some shopping!"

"Thank you!" I grab what we need, "I guess we're just three," I make my way down to the library, taking it as slow as I can. As I enter the main room, Noctis and me avoid eye contact as much as possible. I cut the cake, put the pieces on the plates and hand them out, I'm not avoiding eye contact, is just that the cake is delicious, yeah. Not akward at all... yeah, the cake is very good. Not awkardly avoiding eye contact, because this cake is very interesti-

"Soooo... What was the thing you found? And where did you find it?"

Oh, thank god! "It was a smoke grnade and I found it inside the cake," Twilight almost chokes


"Inside the cake," I continue eating

"How did you even know it was there?"

I put the PKE meter on the table, "With this"

"It looks sciency! Oooooh... Can i see it? Please?" I slide it to her, "What is it?"

"A Psychokinetic Energy Meter"

"What does it do? Does it measure magic?"

"A little bit, but it can also help me find hidden artifacts or important items, such as the smoke grenade, as well as hidden enemies. IF it works anything like in the game anyways"

There's a knock at the door. Noctis stands up, "I got it," and walks to the door

Twilight Hands me back the PKE, "It doesn't seem like it should be able to- ... did you say 'like in the game'?

"Yes, I did"

Noctis comes back and hands me a letter, "It was the mailmare. This is for you"

I grab it, "Thanks," she goes back to poking her piece of cake, It's so awkward now... I open the letter, ...uhhhh..., it contains a hoof print and the message 'We know', So apparently there is a Dark Brotherhood... I look at Noctis, "Did they tell you who it was from?"

"She said it was 'from a friend'"

Definitely the Dark Brotherhood... "Okay then..."

"What does it say?"

I show them both the letter, "'We know'? What does that even mean?"

I look at my quests, 'Message From Beyond'... Reassuring... "Twilight, could you tell the Princesses about this? It might relate to my train ride"

"Why would you think it might relate to that?"

"Because, what if 'they know' the assassination, or whatever it was supposed to be, was a bust?"

"Point taken," Twilight takes out a scroll and quill and begins to writes the letter

"Send it when Spike gets back. And tell my mom you might need some guards," she stops writing

"Why would I need guards?"

"Because now you know... This doesn't get out from us three, got it?" They both nod, "Good," Twilight continues writing, but now with concern plastered on her face, I feel so stupid! WHY DID I SHOW THEM??!!!! "I'm sorry... I am so sorry..." I burry my face in my hands, YOU IDIOT!!! "I wasn't thinking. I shouldn't have shown you"

"You do realize I was the one to take the letter first, right? If anypony is targeting you, I was put on the list the moment I touched that letter," Noctis put her arm over my shoulder, "It's okay, you are not alone," I look up at her as she puts on a smile, "You have me"

"And me," Twilight smiles back

... not... alone... "Thank you, guys," This is still something I'll have to deal with

"Twilgiht I'm ba- Oh! Luis, Noctis, nice to see you again"

"Hello little lad," Don't laugh, don't laugh, I laugh, and I get slapped upside the head and a book thrown at me, "I deserve that. Little lad Pfff- AHAHAHA," with boot on my chest, my chair tilts back, Well... shit

"Try not to be mean to the fire breathing dragon"

I rub my head and stand up, "Ow. Maybe a kick to the chest was a bit exesive?"

"Serves you right, hmf"

"Maybe next time you won't act so idiotically," Noctis flicks my forehead

"Maybe," I dust myself off, "Well, I guess I'll go to the forest alone then. Since, you know, I'm such an idiot"

"What did I just say?!"

"But this is this time," I mock pout, she smacks me again, "Fine, you can come. But let's finish our food first"


Twilight sighs and Spike stands there wondering what just happend

Author's Note:

So... I feel stupid. I just noticed the colour wheel option in the little header when editing, and guess what? It has the mane six's colour codes already there. So, maybe when I finish the story (or find time) I'll fix the colours on the previous chapters. This is what I get for rushing into a project without knowing what my tools can do

Anyways, enjoy another chapter of the misadventures of Luis

EDIT: fixed something that made Luis sound giant. Now everything is more normal sized