• Published 21st Feb 2019
  • 2,724 Views, 72 Comments

Hard Landing - Flash_Game

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8 Clash

Chapter 8

We start walking to the library, "Sooooo..." I need to tell him about the fact we can't go back. I got to ease him into it thought, "I need to get you a translator, I don't want to speak for you all the time"

"True, it would get annoying, but we won't be staying long, right? So do I really need it?" Fuck off, now how the hell do I ease him into the news?

"Well... who knows if we can even go back," Come on... don't be a bitch

"What do you mean?" I don't think I should tell him about the spell

"You know... we kinda flew out of an airplane, so it's easy to assume we are kind of dead over there..." Buy it. No more questioning

"But what about our friends and families?!" Rick's starting to get worked up, "What about our futures??! Huh? I was- no- I AM moving up in the world!!! I just got a new fucking office back home!!" He's throwing his hands in the air at this point, Those remarks are too fucking personal buddy!!, I feel my own anger starting to spill

"WELL, FUCK YOU for being the perfect fucking individual!! You know damn well you're my only friend, my family is bullshit and I have no fucking future! THIS IS A GODDAMN IMPROVEMENT FROM THAT HORSESHIT LIFE!!! I'm glad we are stuck here for life!"

Out of nowhere Rick tackles me and wraps his hands around my neck, What the-!! He's choking me. He's fucking chocking me! THE BITCH!! I try to push him off, but I don't have the strngth. My vision starts to tunnel as my arms become more difficult to move

My arms start to feel heavier, too heavy. I am losing. As my vision is nothing but a blur in the middle of a sea of black, I lose all hope. With a purple flash I can breath again and start coughing, letting the sweet air fill my lungs. I start to get up, placing my elbows on the ground and pushing my head in the air. I look to my right and see a blurry Twilight running towards me, her horn with a purple glow, then I look to my left and see Rick lying on the ground trying to get up, "Get away from him!!" Twilight shouts at one of us, I don't know who

I look back at Twilight as she stops a few meters away. She begins to charge her already charged horn even further, I look to my left and see Rick almost to his feet. She's going to shot again... with that much power she might kill him! I start to get up, as I stand up I look at Twilight as she lets the energy go. Immediately everything goes in slow motion, I run to Rick, push him aside and feel the impact of the blast on my back. The force of the spell sends me flying, flipping through the air, hitting a nearby building back first with a sickening crack

I slide off the building onto the ground, everything fading. My pip-boy read '2/120 HP', Two HP, huh... fuck..., my last thought before I passed out

Author's Note:

EDIT 22/02/2021:
-Clearer Characterization