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Chapter Four

Down the hallway of bedrooms, Fluttershy was walking to her room after getting a drink of water from the kitchen. Ever since she heard the news about Cold Wind, when she and her friends and son arrived at the Crystal Empire, she was getting more and more worried about Lightning, even though he was in good hooves with Sunburst and Starlight.

But what’s even more worst is that she was told that a Storm was due tonight, and her son was still afraid of thunder storms, no thanks to Cold Wind the scarier of storms.

“Oh I do hope my son’s going to be okay tonight during that storm,” she said to herself, “And I just hope Cold Wind doesn’t find him at Sunburst’s house either. He’s been through enough after being foalnapped at the Grand Galloping Gala and before I adopted him.”

Not paying attention to where she was going, she accidentally bumped into someone as she then fell on her back and rubbed her forehead.

“Oh gosh I am so sorry for bumping into you....” Before she could say anything else, she then saw the creature she accidentally bumped into. It was Capper. “Capper?”

Capper smiled nervously at Fluttershy while blushing before saying, “Uh... Y-yes.”

He then reached a paw to her to help her up. She reached her hoof to his claw as he helped Fluttershy back on her hooves.

“What are you doing here at this time of night, Capper?” She asked him politely.

“Well,” he began, “Oliver and Flurry Heart came by a few minutes ago, and told me that Cold Wind has escaped and is somewhere in Equestria, probably now on the search for Lightning. And since I’m his new father figure, and I came here to be there for him, and... for you.”

Fluttershy was shocked and blushing together after hearing what he just said to her. “For? Me?”

Capper nodded in response before answering,

“Yes. I want to be there not just for Lightning, but for you as well. Because... well... I love you.”

Fluttershy’s face was now bright red when she heard him say “I love you”.

“You love me? Since when?”

“Since Storm King invaded,” answered Capper, “And when we all first met. I never told you while you were in Klugetown or when King Sombra returned was because, I was scared to say it to you, even with your friends around. But I needed to tell you sometime. You’re so beautiful, even with your son around you.”

Fluttershy chuckled while blushing as Capper gently rubbed her mane with his paw.

“Well,” Fluttershy said, “Since you’ve now said that. I love you too, even since we first met and when Sombra returned. You’re the most kindest cat a pony could ever met.”

Capper smiled at Fluttershy while blushing before they both shared a small long kiss while Capper gently stroked Fluttershy’s mane with his paw. The two stopped the kiss as they continued to stare at each other for three seconds before Capper spoke,

“So should we head off to bed then? It’s late anyway.”

Fluttershy nodded in agreement as Capper and Fluttershy began to walk off to the room Fluttershy was sleeping in, well they’re sleeping in now.

Meanwhile at Sunburst’s house, in the spare room Lightning was sleeping in, the little colt was sleeping peacefully until the storm began as he began to shake in fear after the first thunder struck outside.

But he was also having a nightmare as he began shake even more while twisting and turning in the sheets in fear and whimpering.

He then shot up as he let out a scream before breathing heavily and sweating as he looked around the room seeing if he was still having a nightmare while the hard rain was pouring outside. Lightning felt something wet underneath the sheets. He looked underneath it and saw he had just wet the bed.

"Oh no...! No, no, no!" Lightning was now worried about what his Auntie Starlight and Sunburst would say if they saw he wet the bed. He didn't know what to do.

Just then, the bedroom door opened to reveal Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst walking into the room, while wearing their robes, and had a worried look on their faces.

“Lightning sweetheart, are you okay?”

Lightning let out a small quiet gasp of fear as he saw them coming into the room. He then started to shake in fear as he slowly moved back to his pillow a bit.

This made Starlight both worried and confused to what her nephew was doing right now.

"Lightning, what's wrong? It's only me and..." Before she could even continue, Starlight suddenly smelled something. She started to sniff out the smell and looked at the sheet.

Thinking that Lightning had an accident, Starlight looked at the colt and asked, "Did you have a little accident?"

"I didn't mean to!" Lightning said in fear with tears starting to flow down his face, "It won't happen again!"


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Lightning cried in his hooves as Starlight and Sunburst looked at each other worriedly before looking back at Lightning as he looked at his aunt while still crying.

“I-I just had a bad dream, about d-daddy finding me and threw a k-knife at you and S-Sunburst, k-killing you b-both.” Starlight was horrified while hearing what Lightning’s nightmare was, with Sunburst grew an angry look on his face not at Lightning but about what his abusive father did to Starlight in the colt's nightmare, while Lightning continued, “Daddy t-then g-grab me around t-the n-neck, p-punched me s-several t-times before g-grabbing the s-same k-knife and s-stabbed me after h-he said, I d-deserve t-to d-die.”

Lightning began to cry uncontrollably as Starlight sadly looked at her nephew while saying, "It's alright, sweetheart! It didn’t happen. And none of us are mad at you. These things happen...after all, you're still a little pony and you've been through a lot. Come here.”

While sobbing, Lightning slowly walked up to his aunt as she gently placed her hooves on him before saying, "Lightning, listen. You've got nothing to be afraid of. We'd never be mad at you for wetting the bed, not even your mother will. Not now, not ever." Starlight gently pulled Lightning into a hug as he wrapped his hooves around her neck and buried his face in her fur chest. "Does your father get...angry when you wet the bed?"

Lightning sniffled before answering, "Y-Yes."

"Oh, honey."

Just then, another thunder struck as Lightning began to shake even more in fear as he hugged Starlight tightly not wanting to move away from her.

“Hey hey hey, easy,” she said as she gently patted Lightning’s back before rubbing his back again.

“Shh... Shh... it’s okay, sweetheart. It’s alright, I’m here.” Lightning continued to keep his face buried in his aunt’s chest.

A few minutes passed and the storm had calmed down as Lightning's crying turned into sniffles. Starlight carefully placed Lightning on the floor and softly said, "Clean yourself off while I put the sheets in the wash."

"Can I sleep with you?"

"Of course you can, honey," replied Starlight before looking at Sunburst, "Sunburst, can you help Lightning get cleaned?"

"Sure thing, Starlight," answered Sunburst.

Lightning and Sunburst walked out of the guest room and into the bathroom. Sunburst used his magic to turn the bath warm tab on as the water started to fill up the bath. Once the bath was at the perfect level for Lightning, Sunburst gently picked Lightning up and carefully placed him in the bathtub.

"There we go," Sunburst said, "Is the water okay?"

Lightning gave Sunburst a nod in response instead of answering, which Sunburst took it for an answer.


"Sunburst, I'm sorry for wetting the bed," said Lightning in guilt, "I-I didn't mean to do it."

Sunburst gave the colt a sad look before gently stroking his mane in comfort. "It's okay, Lightning. I'm not mad at you for wetting the bed. I'm mad at what your father did to you, me and Starlight in your nightmare. And like your aunt just said to you, that will never happen. I can promise you that."

Lightning nodded his head at Sunburst as he understood what he just said to him.

"And I hope that stallion gets what he deserves when they catch him," Sunburst angrily thought to himself while not showing his anger to the colt.

After a few seconds of cleaning, Sunburst gently levitated Lightning out of the bathtub and used his magic to bring a towel over as he carefully wrapped it around Lightning to dry him off. Sunburst gently held Lightning in his hoof and unplugged the bathtub before walking out of the bathroom as they saw Starlight coming up after putting the wet sheet in the wash.

"Was the bath nice?" She asked, "How do you feel, sweetheart?"

"I’m tired," the colt replied softly but with sleepy and scared put together.

Starlight nodded at her nephew in response as she gently took him out of Sunburst's hoof and held him in her hoof. The three went into Sunburst’s room.

Sunburst’s room has the same green coloured walls with a big wide bed for two ponies to sleep in, a night stand on the right side of the bed, a wardrobe near the door and two robe hangers on the door.

Sunburst carefully closed the door behind them as the two took off their robes and hang it on the robe hanger. Sunburst walked towards the right side of bed and got into the covers as he rested his head on the pillow. Starlight pulled the covers out and gently placed Lightning in the bed before climbing into the bed herself and used her magic to pull the covers over them.

"There we go," she said softly, "Feels nice to sleep with one of your aunts, doesn't it?"

"Yes," Lightning said quietly and sleeply.

Starlight carefully wrapped her hooves around Lightning before giving him a kiss on the forehead before saying, "Goodnight, sweetheart. We love you."

"Don't leave me, please," Lightning said in fear.

"We're not going anywhere, honey."

Lightning snuggled closer to Starlight's chest as the three soon fell asleep and slept through the stormy night as a Pegasus in a black coat flew across the streets searching for something.