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Chapter Eight

“I’ve so had it with you, Lightning!” Cold Wind said angrily.

“He doesn’t belong to you anymore now, Cold Wind! Just leave him alone!” Shouted Starlight.

“Why should I?! After everything he did to me, you still stood on his side?!”

“You’ve done that to yourself!” Exclaimed Sunburst, “And we stood by his side because he didn’t deserve to go through everything you put them through! None of this was his fault!”

“How would you know that?! You two are not even his real aunt and uncle!”

Starlight gently placed Lightning onto the bed with her magic and then magically levitated his Bendy plushie towards him as he grabbed his plushie and hugged it tightly as he was still scared right now.

“You’re right, we’re not,” said Starlight admitting it’s true, “But Lightning was five years old when Fluttershy became his new mother and we raised him like he was our nephew!”

Cold Wind was still glaring at them as he then said, “So?”

“So?!” Starlight wasn’t very happy at what Cold Wind just said to her, “So he belongs to us now!” She then walked towards Cold Wind.

“He doesn’t deserve anything after what he did!” Exclaimed Cold Wind, “He tried to find somepony to take his real mother’s place! He ruined my life by letting some royal guards arrest me after running away!” Before he could continue on, Starlight said,

“He didn’t ruin your life, Cold Wind! You abused him and ruined HIS life!”

“Like that’s true to believe! And if Lightning did loved his mother, he would have never let her die!”

Starlight wasn’t at all very happy at what he just said.

“You watch your mouth! Lightning Twister loved his late mother the same way he loved Fluttershy and more than he loves me, Sunburst, Oliver and either one of his other aunts!”

Cold Wind glared at Starlight for two seconds before looking at Lightning as he then started walking past Starlight and towards the bed. But he stopped as Sunburst used his magic to lift Lightning from the bed and into his hoof to hold him. Sunburst glared at Cold Wind while Lightning rested his head on the unicorn’s chest.

“Step aside, four eyes!” He said to Sunburst cruelly, “I’m here for Lightning!”

Lightning whimpered in fear as he buried his face in Sunburst’s chest.

“So you can take him away and hurt him more?! Starlight told me what you’ve done to Lightning! I’m not gonna let his life get ruined again.”

“How are you gonna stop me?!” Cold Wind asked cruelly to him, “You brought my wife back from the dead and hiding her in this room?!”

“No!” Answered Sunburst angrily, “I can't bring ponies or creatures back from the dead! I’m no wizard! And even if I can, we would only let her see Lightning and not you! She would be so proud of how Lightning’s doing now, especially with somepony that’s taking care of Lightning for her. I know we’ve only met just yesterday and I became his second uncle, but I won’t let you break his heart again.”

“So you’re just gonna let him into your own family?!”

“That’s because we care about him!” Exclaimed Starlight, “He deserves a better life than the one you gave him, and we’ll do anything to make his life more better than ever.”

“By protecting him and those other children that killed their own parents?!”

“I’ll protect over a thousand children that lost their parents or one of them, and I’ll stop anycreature that tries to bring harm to them!!”

Starlight slapped Cold Wind across the face with her left hoof as it made him fall to the left and landed on the floor.

Sunburst placed Lightning on his back as he hugged his neck. Sunburst looked at Starlight and said, “We're gonna get to the castle quickly!”

Starlight nodded in agreement before they quickly ran out of the bedroom and headed straight outside to get to the castle before Cold Wind gets back up again.

They both looked behind them, while still running towards the castle, to see if Cold Wind was following after them as they then saw Cold Wind breaking through Sunburst’s bedroom window and flying after them.

“You’re so replacing that!” Sunburst exclaimed angrily at him while still running.

They were almost at the doors to the castle, but Cold Wind manage to caught up with them as he grabbed Sunburst making both of them fall to the ground as Lightning fell out of Sunburst’s back and landed near the crystal heart.

“Sunburst!” Shouted Starlight as she turned round and ran towards Sunburst.

She then bucked Cold Wind really hard as he flew backwards and hit one of the crystal stands really hard as he then landed on the ground.

Lightning got back onto his hooves before seeing Starlight helping Sunburst up as they all saw Cold Wind got onto his hooves and started glaring at them while growling angrily.

Starlight looked at Lightning and shouted, “Run, little pony! Run!”

Lightning did what Starlight said to him as he then ran into the castle after opening the castle doors as they closed behind him.

Cold Wind flew after Lightning as he busted through the castle doors, breaking them instantly as they fell flat on the ground inside the castle.

“Cadence isn’t going to be happy about that,” Sunburst said earning a nod from Starlight.

Lightning was running down the hallway as fast as he can as he saw Cold Wind flying towards him while glaring. He was getting closer the second he was catching his speed.

Lightning was still running as fast as his legs could carry him as he then cried out, “Help me!”

Meanwhile, in one of the guest rooms, Fluttershy and Capper were sleeping peacefully as they were hugging each other, but they were then woken up by a voice that shouted out loud.

“Help me!”

The two shot up and soon recognise the voice that woke them up.

“Lightning!” They both said as they got out of bed quickly and Capper putted his trench coat on as they then ran out of the guest room to get the others.

Lightning was running out of breath as he tried to run faster until he saw a doorway at the end of the hallway. He looked behind him and saw that his father was way behind him so he quickly ran towards the door, opened it, went inside and quickly closed the door.

Lightning was now inside a strange room with a table, a film projector, a Bendy character stand near it, a big pile of projector film tapes, a desk, a couple of ink puddles on the floor, two different pathways, one on the left and one on the right, and three big film tapes rolling on the right side of wall with a logo on them saying Joey Drew Studios.

Lightning looked around the place as he’d never saw this place before.

As he got near the table, he suddenly heard the door opening and closing behind him. He turned round and saw Cold Wind was right there in front of the door glaring at him.

Lightning began to shake in fear once more as there was nopony in the room to save him now.


Cold Wind walked towards Lightning while still glaring at him.

“You’re so in for it now, Lightning!” He said as he stood near him before moving his right hoof to the left ready to slap Lightning across the face.

“I told you if you plan to ruin my life, then I’m gonna ruin yours!”

Lightning closed his eyes while still shaking in fear as tears began to run down his face. Cold Wind was just about to slap Lightning, but was stopped by an unexpected roar that he remembered the day he foalnapped Lightning at the gala.

Lightning opened his eyes after hearing that roar as he stopped shaking and his tears were no longer running down his face. The two then looked to the pathway on the right and saw an ink figure running into the main room.

It was, Ink Bendy.

Ink Bendy stopped near the entrance to the doorway as he then looked at Cold Wind and let out an gargling roar at him while staring at him.

Cold Wind began to shake in fear as he stared at Ink Bendy for five seconds before trying to escape. But the Ink demon was too quick for him as he ran towards him and grabbed him by the neck before he could make it through the pathway on the left.

Ink Bendy pushed Cold Wind on the wall next to the pathway he was trying to escape through while still holding him round the neck making sure he doesn’t try to escape again. He growled at him for six seconds, as Cold Wind was shaking in fear once more, before the ink on him started to melt away from him.

Lightning’s eyes begin to grow into shock as he saw who was Ink Bendy. As the ink was almost gone, Lightning saw his Uncle Oliver standing there revealing that he was the Ink demon.

Oliver was still keeping a hold on Cold Wind while the last remaining ink melted down from him as he then said, “Sorry to interrupt your little reunion.”