• Published 1st Apr 2019
  • 3,410 Views, 76 Comments

The Boopening - headless_rainbow

Fluttershy is betrayed by one she trusted the most, violated in a heinous act of non-consensual nose-booping. Enough edginess to cut a bitch ensues.

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Not the Boops! Ahhh! All Over My Nose!

Fluttershy was having a normal day like any other, relaxing after a long day of caring for animals and practicing being less cute in a mirror lest anyone think her to be a slut. It wasn't easy and very exhausting.

But as she sipped her innocence-flavored tea, there was a knock at the door. Not expecting a visit, she went right over to the front door. Since she lived in a town with regular catastrophes and had friends prone to psychotic breakdowns for trivial reasons, she felt completely safe opening it without looking through the peephole first.

Facing her at the door were three shadowy figures wearing cloaks and dark hoods over their faces. The one in front had blue wings poking through the back of the cloak and a rainbow-colored tail, the cloak pinned in the front with an emblem of a rainbow lighning bolt. Their identity was a mystery though because of the hood. Who could it be?

On the right of that mare or stallion was one with an orange-flame colored tail and yellow wings, hood tied with a flame pin, but likewise Fluttershy had no way of knowing who it was. The last one had arctic blue wings and white tail, their cloak pin looking like a blue horseshoe with wings.

“W-what do you want?” Fluttershy’s voice quivered as she stepped back several paces, knowing she should shut the door but too stricken with fear to think clearly. “What are you doing here?”

“What am I doing?” the rainbow pony said. “Eyeing the pony we are about to boop.” Unfortunately, she couldn't identify the voice due to the hood.

Fluttershy gasped at the vile language, rushing to close the door, but she was too late. The white maned pony stopped her, holding the door open as the rainbow one lifted a single hoof, stepping forward and drawing closer to Fluttershy's chaste nose.

“No please!” Fluttershy backed away further, tears rolling down her face. “Show mercy! I’m a virgin! I"ve never even booperbated!”

“Your resistance will only increase the speed that we smush your snoot!” the flame pony laughed, holding out their hoof as well.

“Nooo!” Fluttershy shrieked like a hoarse siren on a crack binge, turning to gallop towards the back door of her cottage in hopes of escape.

She wasn’t fast enough. The rainbow pony was in front of her again so fast that all Fluttershy saw was a streak of rainbow before she appeared in front of her. Oh, if only Rainbow Dash were here to stop this mystery pegasus, she could chase the speedy winged pony away for sure!

Left with no other choice, Fluttershy galloped upstairs. She dodged the grabbing hooves of her two other swooping assailants as they attempted to molest her unsullied snoot, ducking beneath them and heading down the hall. She closed the door behind her, quietly so as to not be rude by making a loud noise, and locked it. Sobbing and confused, she pushed her dresser in front of the door to block entry.

She was finally safe from their perversion. There was no way for the flying ponies to get to her on the second floor in a room with one of the windows wide open.

Against all expectations, the rainbow pegasus darted into the window, followed by the flame and horseshoe ones.

"No!" shrieked Fluttershy in abject terror. "How did you possibly penetrate my defenses?"

Cornering Fluttershy away from her window or door, the rainbow pony lifted her hoof again, pointing it at Fluttershy's pure and innocent nose. Fluttershy squeaked, covering her snoot with both hooves as she backed further into the corner.

“Keep her cornered, Crash" the flame pony said to the rainbow pony. “She wants to do things the hard way? We’ll do it the hard way!” She turned to the other pony. “Flatfoot! Get… the brushy brush!”

“A-are you sure, Swallowfire?” stammered Flatfoot, unsure, but obeyed. She pulled a gigantic bright-pink toothbrush from beneath her cloak. “Okay… I didn't want to defile you like this, but you asked for it!”

“Nooo!” Fluttershy shrieked like a loli trapped at an anime convention full of neckbeards as they revealed their lewd implement of torment. “I know your names now, and I’ll tell my Mommy on you!”

“Ha!” scoffed Crash. “We’re using nicknames, you have no idea what our true names are!”

“Curses!” Fluttershy waved her hoof in the air, weeping bitter tears of anguish. How would she ever identify her assailants? Were they destined to get away with their lasciviousness?

Crash darted forward, tackling Fluttershy to the floor like a hobo that found a ham sandwich. She squeaked like a giant rubber duck as her attacker held her against the floor. She struggled pathetically, defenseless as Swallowfire held her from the other side and cutely nommed her ear. The vicious perverts cuddled her close, rubbing their fluffy cheeks against her own from either side. If that wasn't bad enough, Crash reached a hoof to hold her own. Fluttershy felt so filthy.

Her stomach turned as Flatfoot put the brush to her head, grinning wickedly as she slowly brushed the ruffled mane back into place. It was all Fluttershy could do to resist vomiting as these wicked strangers desecrated her floofy-soft mane.

“That’s it,” laughed Crash. “She looks… so adoracute!”

“No I don’t!” Fluttershy shook her head frantically. “Stop saying such obscene things!”

"Rub her belly," Crash narrowed her eyes as she moved back to the front. "That'll teach her to talk back!"

Fluttershy couldn’t believe what she heard. But nothing could have prepared her for when Swallowfire followed the lecherous suggestion, reaching around her and stroking her gently from chest to belly button. The wicked pony leaned down, pbbting against her belly with a loud raspberry. The poor shy pony never imagined she would be forced to commit such shameless taboos.

Mind shattered from the horrible abuse, Fluttershy could only sob and scream like an epileptic banshee. When she got the nerve to open her eyes again, Crash was reaching a hoof towards her face. She shook her head, abject horror coarsing through her, but couldn’t move away, pinned by the giant toothbrush still stroking her mane.

“Please no!” Fluttershy begged. “We can cuddle, you can brush my tail, we can even hug, just please don’t do this!”

Fluttershy looked at the hoof cross-eyed as it pressed against her nose. Terror filled her tormented soul, sending a chill through her body like something really cold, since the author couldn't think of another really stupid metaphor. Crash’s muzzle poked free of the hood, slowly opening.

“No! Don’t say it!” Fluttershy pleaded.

“I’m gonna say it!” Crash threatened.

“Anything!” Fluttershy sobbed. “I’ll do ANYTHING else, just don’t say it! I’m not on birth control! I don’t want to get pregnant!”

“Say it!” said Swallowfire as she ruffled Fluttershy’s belly. “Prove that you can be one of us!”

“She has like 500 animals here anyway,” said Flatfoot as she moved from lewd mane-brushing to perverse tail-brushing. “It’s not like anypony will notice if she has a foal or two.”

“Noooo!” Fluttershy shrieked so loudly that the windows shook, but it was too late.

“Booooop!” Crash said as loudly as she could.

Just like that, Fluttershy was forever ruined for marriage. She wailed, forever traumatized; she'd have to remember the unidentifiable strangers every time she saw her boop-foal.

"Yes, more boops!" laughed Crash.

Suddenly all three of the entirely mysterious strangers were touching her nose one after the other. They took turns descecrating what little was left of her dignity, covering her in boopake.

"Boop! Boop! Boop! Booooop!" their echoing laugher would be with her poor traumatized soul forever.

All too late, another pony crashed through the other less-open bedroom window like a friendship train into a wagon full of orphan filly guides. The figured landed in the middle of the room like the most majestic of pigeons, her horn lighting up with the power of plot convenience. It was Twilight.

“What’s going on?” Twilight demanded, then gasped in horror as she realized what had happened. “No! I was too late!” She turned to Crash. “Who are you! I demand to know!”

“If only you were seconds earlier!” sobbed Fluttershy. “They... booped me Twilight! They booped me so hard and now I'm pregnant!”

“Crap-baskets!” Crash shrieked, turning to fly out and avoid the consequences of her heinous sin. “No way I’m paying foal support!”

“You’ll never take me alive!” Swallowfire shouted, rushing at the open window, but having less luck as she flew face-first into the wall with a dull thud.

"You realize the other window was open, right?" Flatfoot asked Twilight matter-of-factually. "Why'd you shatter the other one?”

"Yeah, I could have also teleported in," Twilight nodded. "But I usually forget I can do that."

“Ha, idiots!” Crash called back. “You can take the fall, because I’m getting out of… wait why am I not moving?”

She turned around to find Twilight’s magic holding her tail. Twilight yanked the mystery evil-doer back inside, pulling the three boopists together and holding them with her telekinesis.

Before she did anything, she pulled a blanket off the bed, wrapping Fluttershy in it so she could sob in some dignity. Fluttershy eeped and pulled it around her, looking like the most adorable burrito as she peeked out the opening, hiding her impregnated nose in shame. Twilight, meanwhile, turned to the wicked perverts with an angry expression worthy of a thousand memes.

“It’s time to solve this mystery!” Twilight said dramatically as she pulled back their hoods.

Nothing could have prepared them for the shock of who the mystery boop criminals were. Twilight and Fluttershy gasped in surprise as the hoods came down. Rainbow Dash, Spitfire, and Fleetfoot! They would have never known!

“Rainbow Dash?!” Fluttershy cried. “How could you betray me? I thought we were completely platonic friends!”

“It’s not my fault!” Rainbow claimed. “The Wonderbolts are a bad influence!”

“Yeah well boop you too,” glared Spitfire.

“Well that won’t be a problem anymore,” Twilight took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, but with the severity of this crime, you know my hooves are tied. I sentence you to having your feathers floofed, dismissed from the Wonderbolts, and placed on a boopist watch list. You must inform everyone in your neighborhood you are a filthy nose booper and aren't allowed to have your hoof within leg’s reach of a nose ever again.”

"Wait, like our own noses too?" asked Fleetfoot, quirking an eyebrow. "How will we brush our teeth or booperbate?"

“Not your own noses,” Twilight rolled her eyes. “That would be silly.”

Comments ( 76 )

Utterly ridiculous!

It's perfect!


paper-thin disguises

I-is this a reference?

Boop u too.


I am so confused I cannot do anything but 👍

I just can't even

Well, just remember if you develop schizophrenia from this, I am not liable.

It could be?
The hood disguises are mostly a reference to what the great DWK refers to as 'hood autism' where ponies can't tell who someone is if they are wearing a hood regardless of how obvious it is otherwise.

Hood autism is a beautiful term.

In other news this reminded me of a Roald Dahl book. In Danny, Champion of the World, the poachers discovered that if you placed a cover over a pheasant's eyes, it simply stopped moving, because birds don't run away from anything they can't see.

I'd love to see that principle applied to pegasi. You put a bucket on RD's head and she just h*cking freezes on the spot.

Sounds like a wonderfully depraved setup for a good booping story, actually.

Well that works in Skyrim, if you put a bucket over a shopkeepers head, it breaks their line of sight with everything and you can just take all their stuff.

I like this

I like that you like this.

Dang! I wish I had thought of this. Poor Flutters.

Not the Boops! Ahhh! All Over My Nose!

I totally read that in Nicholas Cage's voice.

Hi Shakes. Happy First Day of April.

You’re welcome

Has science gone to far?!

This is almost wholesome.

Who are you?

I imagine them all as foals doing this

This is extreme, even for you! :trollestia: :rainbowlaugh:

Shakespearicles senpai!
I'm so jealous of you, I bet you get all the Twi-boops. :twilightoops:

I know right? Having their feathers floofed as punishment was probably going too far. :rainbowderp:

Do we have genetically engineered pony pets yet?
Then science has yet to go far enough.

Headless Rainbow's evil twin. :rainbowdetermined2:

This is magnificent, I love how much effort you put into the prose.


Yes, I in fact put almost no great effort into this. Calling anything I write 'prose' is a bit of a stretch completely accurate. :rainbowkiss:


Shakespearicles senpai! I'm so jealous of you, I bet you get all the Twi-boops. :twilightoops:

<<<<< I do wish it were so. But alas, as you can plainly see, I have to (quite literally) watch my back for a certain, possessive alabaster stallion. Her boops are for him, alone.

But isn't that incest? :rainbowderp:
I knew it! :rainbowkiss:

I"ve never even booperbated

Fluttershy, honey, I love you... but that is a f-ing LIE.

How do you get pregnant... from boops?

yush! pony pets for the win, then I could get a basket, feed it good healthy foods (but wouldn't have to be uber careful about table scraps like you do with a horse horse). and to you and the author Happy April Boops day!

Her parents told her booperbating would make her blind.

What do you mean how? Hasn't anyone had 'the talk' with you yet?

You'd just want to boop them, you perv :twilightangry2:

this is fucking disgusting! how could anyone write something so dark and perverse? poor little Fluttershy, she didnt deserve that at all. this just made me vomit a little *disgust*

I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that.

Nah, I'd want to hug them and squeeze them and call them George.

She deserved it. Fluttershy is nothing but a little hoof tease.

I... I have no words... Poor sweet Fluttershy was... DEFILED! How could anypony defile her like that? Brushing? Belly rubs? BOOPS?! Pony waifu is forever DEFILED

You’d probably go through 20 of those in a week.

And now I have to rewatch that grapist skit. Thanks.

I know the things you write are normally very depraved, but this, this is too much. I didn’t think you would ever stoop this low, and yet you have.

This is absolutely beyond the pale. What utter filth. You've gone too far, Headless.

I'm unfollowing and leaving the group.

LOL, j/k, I love it. :rainbowlaugh:


It makes you wonder why the admin aren't doing their job and banning me for the countless complaints I no doubt received for this story.

How the hell am I laughing but crying at the same time with this story?!? This is the darkest cute story I have ever read!!!

How can you think something so heinous is cute you psycho :fluttercry:

Because I am just as F:applecry:cked up as you are! :pinkiehappy:

“Not your own noses,” Twilight rolled her eyes. “That would be silly.”

This whle story was silly.:rainbowwild:

How dare you :pinkiegasp:
Non-consensual booping is a serious problem in today's society and should not be taken lightly or joked about. :pinkiecrazy:

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