• Published 16th Jul 2019
  • 3,264 Views, 48 Comments

All Eyes on You... - Robipony

You have returned home after your recent vacation and begun to unpack. As you look outside into the downpour you see a strange mare. Feeling pity for her, you invite her in. However there is more to her than meets the eye.

  • ...

All Eyes on You...

Even with the cold rain outside, it felt great being back in Ponvyille. While you enjoyed your trip in the Haywaiian Islands, you had to admit it would be nice sleeping in your own bed with a working television in your house. It was nice not being airsick on a zeppelin either. Apparently something about the altitude made you extremely ill, something you experience going both to and from the islands.

However, you were home now and now you could unpack, sit back and relax. Even with the pouring rain outside, you were happy to be home.

Magically holding both your suitcase and the shark plushie that was strapped onto the side, you made your way from the doorway up the stairs to the main floor.

Your house was a two story building with a partially submerged basement floor and an upper living area, which served as the main floor. The entryway was built into a landing that connected the two levels via a pair of stairs. Ascending the steps you stepped onto the main floor and turned to the left, entering a small hallway. As you made your way deeper into your abode, you flipped the light switches with your magic, illuminating your way. The door at the far end of the hallway lead to your office, the right door to the upstairs bathroom and the left door to your sleeping quarters.

Your bedroom consisted of a decently sized bed, a dresser, a closet with a sliding door and a small table. On the far side of the room was a window, with a view of the storm outside.

Setting your suitcase down in the bed, you unstrapped the shark plushie and set it on top of the dresser. It was a gift from your friend, Jagged Nibble (or Jag as she liked to be called) back in Haywaii. While you remembered that evening a smile crept its way to your lips.

"Perhaps I can pay the islands another visit sometime."

You were distracted from your reminiscing when a sound of something moving and rustling caught your attention. Turning back to the bed, you watched as your suitcase began to jumble about, as if something inside was trying to escape. The storage container would cease its movements briefly before resuming it's flailing.

Cautiously you moved toward the suitcase, using your magic you activated the two latches on the suitcase and opened it. As the luggage opened a green reptilian head popped out.


Apparently the gecko that had been hanging around in your hotel room in Haywaii had decided to steal away in your luggage. With a deep sigh you considered if there might be any legal ramifications for unknowingly smuggling a gecko from the isles to the mainland. You could recall seeing the local party planner owning a pet alligator and as far as you knew she didn't have any problems with it.

"Maybe I should ask her..."

It was kind of funny how you had grown accustomed to the weirdness that occurred here in Ponyville. Especially considering how you had moved here from Canterlot, hoping to find a calmer place to write your novels. Little did you know at the time that the little town you moved to had a tendency to have bizarre occurrences, like the encroaching Everfree Forest, numerous visits from the lord of chaos, the occasional monster attack and, at one point, a large crystal castle showed up out of nowhere. There is also a chance you may have been the mind slave of a dark lord from the north, but you couldn't really recall.

While the town wasn't as calm as you had initially hoped, it was less stressful than having most of the Canterlot bigwigs breathing down your neck. Plus, the occasional mayhem did provide more than its fair share of inspiration for your writing.

At least that was one of the reasons you had moved here.

Coming back to reality, you noticed that your new "pet" had scurried over to the window and was licking the cold glass. The rain tapped against your bedroom window.

"You're such an odd creature aren't you?"

Walking over to the window, you glanced outside as the rain fell from the dark gray clouds above. You had managed to find a home on the west side of the town, where most of your needs were in mere walking distance.

As you watched the storm, some movement outside caught your attention. Looking down into the streets you could see somepony scurrying in and out of cover trying to avoid the rain, a tattered brown cloak barely protecting them from the downpour. Watching the pony's plight a twinge of pity struck the chords of your heart. Even though you knew that it might be a bad idea, your conscious insisted that you at least try to help this poor pony.

Leaving your bedroom, you made your way to the landing and opened the door to the storm outside. Looking outside, you couldn't see the pony that you had seen before, until you noticed something moving behind a trash can across the street. Perhaps the door opening had startled them, but why?

"Hey you," you called out into the storm, "are you okay?"

There was no response from the pony behind the trash can. Just more rain tapping against the cobblestone.

Perhaps this was a bad idea. Seeing no response to your call, you stepped back inside and closed the door.

With your conscience sated you went back to the main floor and considered what to do. Maybe you could catch up on some episodes of Death in Manehatten. Then tomorrow you could start working on your next book.

The main floor was divided into a few sections. The hallway at the top of the stairs on the left, which lead into the bedroom, while to the right was a large room, which was divided in half, with the front half serving as a living room and the back half serving as both a kitchen and a dining room.

Walking into the kitchen, you opened the refrigerator. Looking inside you were saddened by how little food there was. You didn't leave much food in the fridge when you went on your trip and you had forgotten to stop by the store when you returned. Fortunately there was still some bread, peanut butter and what you were really hoping was still grape jelly.

"I guess that will have to do."

Taking the bread and condiments, you proceeded to make a peanut butter and hopefully jelly sandwich. After putting the sandwich onto a plate you walked out of the kitchen into the living room. Using your magic, you grabbed the remote for the TV and turned it on. While the television came to life, you set the remote back down on the coffee table and sat on the couch. The couch was made of mostly green material, with a few patches sewn here in there with different shades of green fabric. You had possessed this piece of furniture for a long time and while it had been through a lot, it was still comfortable and you hadn't the heart to replace it.

Taking a bite of your sandwich as you watched Detective Silver Glass solve the case of the Onyx Griffin. The series had started as an off shot from another series, the Shadow Spade Case Files, from an episode where both Shadow Spade and Silver Glass had to work together to catch a jewel thief in Manehatten.

Apparently enough ponies enjoyed the character of Silver Glass and thus the series, Death in Manehatten, was created.

There was a knock at the door.

Remembering the pony you had seen outside, you stood up from the couch and made your way down the stairs to the landing. Feeling a twinge of caution, you peered through the peephole. Standing on the other side was a mare wearing the same tattered cloak you had seen earlier.

Unlocking the door, you opened it."Hello," you said, greeting the visitor.

The mare seemed to quiver as you greeted her and for a moment you thought you saw something shift beneath her cloak. She looked back at you with cautious green eyes. As you examined her, you noticed that she was favoring her right fore-hoof, a few droplets of a red liquid dripping from the limb onto your doorstep.

"Are you okay?"

She didn't respond verbally, merely looking down at her injured hoof.

"Please, come inside," you said, stepping to the side ushering her in.

Cautiously the mare peered through the doorway then back to you. She quickly limps past the threshold, as if worried you'd change your mind. Pretending not to notice, you shut the door behind her.

"Please let me take your cloak," you insisted, "then we'll take a look at the injury of yours."

A worried expression stretched across her face. Eventually the mare lowered her head and allowed you to take her tattered garment.

Taking the cloak, more of the mare's body was exposed and the reason for her hesitation became perfectly clear. All across her purple coat there were numerous scars, the damaged flesh standing out boldly. Even her cutie mark hadn't gone unscathed, with most of its details marred by the bodily disfigurement. What may have once been a circle of blue and green feathers was marred and nearly unrecognizable. In response to the revelation, the mare cowered, gazing down at the floor.

"I... I'm sorry, miss." Shame filling your stomach at the mare's embarrassment.

The mare didn't look up instead keeping her attention transfixed on the floor. It was as if she feared you might kick her out of your home for the blemishes.

"Please come this way."

You lead the injured mare up the stairs and into the living room. A few drops of her blood dripped onto the floor, but you didn't feel that bring attention to it would do anything good in this situation. The drops might leave a stain, but that wasn't important right now. Once you were in the living room, you motioned with a hoof toward the couch.

"If you would take a seat, I can look at your wound."

She looked at the couch and then back at you. You merely gave her a reassuring smile. Slowly she walked over and sat down on the couch. Sitting next to her, you carefully took her hoof and examined it. Embedded in the underside of her hoof was a large shard of glass.

"I think I can tend to this," you assured her. "Allow me to check the medicine cabinet."

Standing up, you walked to the bathroom. Inside there was a closet, a toilet, a bathtub which also served as a shower, a cupboard with a sink built in and above the sink was the medicine cabinet with a mirror on the front. Opening the cabinet you began searching for any supplies that might be necessary. Eventually you decided upon some bandages, some gauze, some hydrogen peroxide and a pair of tweezers. Grabbing a towel, you placed the items on the fabric and levitated it with your magic as you returned to your guest.

"Here we go."

After setting the other supplies aside, you took the towel and placed it under the mare's hoof. Once you had sterilized the tweezers with the hydrogen peroxide you began to explain what you were going to do.

"So I'm going to pull out the glass, then I will sterilize the wound and apply the bandages."

As you explained the procedure to her, the mare began to look really nervous.

"Don't worry," you replied, "it might hurt a little bit, but the sooner we remove the glass the less likely you will have an infection."

There was still a chance that the wound was already infected, however the longer the fragment was inside her hoof the higher the likelihood that it could spread. Every second increased the chance that part of the leg would need to be amputated.

The mare took a deep breath, before giving you a nod. Now that you had the mare's permission, you prepared to pull the glass from her hoof. She gritted her teeth as you slowly pulled the shard free.

Once the shard of glass was removed you proceeded to uncap the hydrogen peroxide bottle and poured the antiseptic on the wound, numerous bubbles appeared from the mark.


The mare yelped as the liquid came in contact with jagged wound. As you witnessed the Mare's cry, you observed something rather shocking occur with her body. The scars all over her body opened, however it wasn't like the reopening of a wound. As the skin peeled away, large green eyes gazed from the multiple openings, it was as if the scars had magically changed into eye sockets with each scar functioning as the vessel for a single eye.

The eyeballs looked around in a panicked manner even as the Mare's two normal eyes were briefly closed shut in response to the pain.

Her two natural eyes shot open once she realized what had happened. A worried look returned to the Mare's face as she let out a slight whimper.

She looked at you sorrowfully, like a foal caught in a lie. No doubt she believed you were going to throw her out onto the street now that her true nature was exposed.

However this wasn't the first monster pony you had met, nor had she tried to do anything harmful to you, so you had no reason to expel her from your home. So instead you resumed caring for the mare's wound.

"So what is your name?" You asked.

She didn't respond, instead she continued to watch you with her many eyes. You shrugged at the lack of a response; it was possible that she still didn't trust you enough to answer or maybe the eyes around her neck made it difficult to speak.

After you finished cleaning and bandaging her hoof, you stood up from the couch. All of the mare's eyes followed your movements.

"I'm going to go make some tea. Would you like some?"

The mare nodded before turning to look at the television. While she watched the show, some of the eyes closed, returning to their scar like state. However there was still a feeling that they continued to observe you cautiously.

"Yeah, just watch some TV. I will be back with our tea."

Walking back into the kitchen you turned on the stove and pulled a kettle from a cabinet. After filling the kettle with water from the kitchen sink you set it onto the stove top to heat up. As the water began to boil you looked through your small collection of tea.

After looking through your selection, you decided upon some Lemon Chamomile tea, hoping it might help calm the mare's nerves.

Looking out the window you could see the rain continuing to fall. Most likely it wouldn't let up until tomorrow. There was probably a schedule set up somewhere by the local weather team, that you had missed.

Right as you were grabbing two coffee mugs to serve the tea in, the kettle began to whistle. After putting the teabags into the cups, you added the boiling water to the ceramic drinking containers. With everything set, you turned off the stove.

Using your magic you picked up the two mugs and brought them into the living room, setting them down on the coffee table. Even as you walked in, you could feel those strange eyes watching your every move.

"Here's the tea," you said, motioning to the cup in front of the mare. Very carefully she picked up the tea and took a sip.

After taking a sip of your tea, you watched the mare as she drank her beverage. Even while her two main eyes looked down at the cup, at least ten other eyes had focused their attention on you.

"Are you able to talk?" You asked.

The mare merely blinked before glancing down with a sorrowful expression, all her open eyes mimicking the mannerism. Raising her chin, she pointed at a scar on her throat, it's color different then the other numerous scars on her body. The mark's shape was slim and precise, like an incision had been done with a surgical blade.

"Okay, I understand."

You felt uneasy at the revelation of that particular scar and decided to change the subject.

“Are you able to see with all your eyes or just these two?” You asked, pointing at your own two eyes.

The mare nodded and waved her uninjured hoof over her form.

“I hope you don't mind me asking but can you control all of them? Like can you determine which eyes are open or closed?”

She seemed to ponder your question before giving a simple shrug.

The room fell silent as the two of you finished your tea.

“It's still raining outside.” You said, standing up, “I will fetch you some blankets so you can sleep here tonight.”

The mare gave you a bewildered look to which you replied with a smile.

“You are my guest, it wouldn't be proper for me to let you freeze.”

A slight smile crept across the mare's face.

You walked to the staircase and went downstairs, doing your best to avoid the small red beads drying on the steps. The basement level was split into separate rooms all connected by a single hallway. Passing by a blue, door you walked into a section of the hall, which opened up into another small chamber that served as both a personal library and lounging area. In the lounging section there was a green recliner with a few blankets resting on top.

Picking up a large, comfy blanket you rested it on your back. As you prepared to return to your guest, you lamented the state of your library. With piles of books needing to be returned to their shelves. Perhaps at some point you would be able to clean it.

Taking the blanket upstairs, you went into the living room to see both the mare and your newly acquired pet gecko watching your TV. Sadly your show was over only to be replaced by a documentary on maids in Canterlot. While you considered changing the channel, your guest seemed so engrossed by the show that you decided to leave it on.

“Here is the blanket,” you said as you set it down next to her, “Don't stay up too late.”

A few of the eyes looked at you in acknowledgement even as the mare's face stayed transfixed on the show in front of her.

Having given your guest a blanket for the evening, you proceeded to walk to your bedroom. Taking the suitcase off of the bed and setting it on the floor, you prepared to sleep. However, you felt uneasy having a stranger resting in your home. Even if she hadn't done anything to harm you yet, that didn't mean she couldn't.

So before you went to bed, you closed and locked your door.

You awoke to the sound of birds singing outside. Opening your eyes, you could see through the window that the rain had stopped. With a long stretch, you pulled yourself from your bed and began to move toward the kitchen to make some coffee. As you attempted to open the door, you remembered that you had locked it the night before.

Unlocking your door you prepared yourself for whatever surprises your guest might have left you. Perhaps nothing happened or perhaps she had robbed you while you slept.

Opening the door, the scent of fresh coffee filled your nostrils. After taking in a big whiff of it, you walked to the kitchen. Much to your surprise you saw the mare you had rescued the night before, pouring some coffee into two cups.

"Uh... Good morning." You greeted.

The mare bowed her head in acknowledgement before motioning toward the dining room table with a hoof.

"Do you want me to go over there?"

She nodded with a smile.

Walking into the dining room, you saw two plates set out, each with a salad of lettuce, spinach, and tomato. Probably the last of any salad supplies you had left. But you didn’t mind. There was also a spoon, with some honey in it, that was being licked by your new gecko. Maybe you should try to come up with a name for him… or her… come to think of it you had no idea if the gecko was male or female.

As you sat down at the head of the table, the mare came in from the kitchen and placed your cup of coffee in front of you.

"Thank you."

Sitting down across from you, the mare waited, watching you with a few additional eyes which gazed at you intently. From her look of anticipation, you speculated that she was waiting to see what you thought of the food.

Using your magic, you picked up your utensils and proceeded to eat the meal your guest had laid out for you. It was a decent salad, there wasn't anything particularly exquisite about it, however it was just a plain salad so it didn't need to be.

Seeing that the mare was still watching, you decided to take a sip of your coffee. It was a balanced blend, neither too mellow or too strong, perfect for your early morning needs.

"It's really good," you said matter-of-factly.

The mare beamed at the complement, her eyes blinking simultaneously in response.

'I'm glad you like it, sir.' A feminine voice spoke.

As you heard the voice, you looked at the mare in confusion. Had she just talked? Noticing your bewilderment, the mare tilted her head.

'Is everything alright?' Even as the question was asked, you noticed that her lips didn't move.

"D-did you just talk?"

All the mare's numerous eyes blinked, before she smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

'In a way.'

Once more her lips were completely still as she spoke. Did the mare use ventriloquism? Even then, the scar on her throat indicated that such a task would be difficult. Yet despite that, you could hear her voice perfectly.

"How are you talking?" You asked.

The mare's cheeks went red and a few eyes looked off to the sides, giving her an embarrassed appearance.

'I can project my... Voice, to those I am looking at.'

This was a rather shocking discovery. Was this some sort of telepathy? Since it required her to look at the pony she wished to "speak" with, could she possibly communicate with a group of ponies if all her eyes were open? You stroked your chin as you considered the thought.

'Does this offend you?' The mare looked down at her plate with a downtrodden expression.

"N-no, not at all," you replied, "it is just a little surprising is all. Why didn't you use this last night?"

'Most ponies don't like it,' the mare answered, still in a sullen mood. 'It really scares them. At the time I wasn't sure I could trust you.'

That... Made sense. If a regular pony had heard a voice in their head there might be panic in response.

"Does this mean you trust me?"

'I think so,' she nodded, the corners of her mouth turned upwards.

"Then would you mind giving me your name?"

The mare with all her eyes looked up toward the ceiling, as if somehow that would allow her to retrieve a thought or memory. She bit her lip as she considered something. Then after bobbing her head a few times, she looked at you with a wide smile.


“Irisa, that's an odd name.” You commented.

'Would you prefer for me to pick a different name?’ A concerned look stretching across her face.

“No, I was just stating that it was unusual,” you answered, “Do you know why your parents named you that?”

Irisa frowned, 'No, I just made it up.’


Irisa looked sullen for a moment, seeming to consider what to say next. Her body appeared to stiff as her voice touched to your mind again.

'Because I don't remember my name,’ she answered, 'they didn't tell me what it was.’

Something about the way, Irisa said “they,” made you feel uneasy.

“Who are… they?”

Irisa looked off to a corner of the room for a second, before turning her attention back to you.

'If the name displeases you, I could come up with another or you could even choose one for me if you desire.’

“No, it's fine. Irisa will do.”

Irisa smiled, 'I'm glad.’

The atmosphere returned to normal and you resumed eating.

While you were fully aware that Irisa had changed the subject, you decided to ignore it for now. Pressing her for additional information might be problematic at the moment. Whoever, "they" were, they must have done something to frighten her, perhaps they were even the ones responsible for that scar on her neck.

As you ate your breakfast, you noticed that Irisa hadn't touched her food. Instead she just continued to watch you as you enjoyed your food.

"Is everything okay," you asked, "Why haven't you eaten your meal?"

‘Well, as your servant it is improper for me to eat without my master's permission.’ Irisa answered.


What was she talking about? Irisa smiled and gave a nod.

'You graciously took me into your home, addressed my injury and provided me with food,’ she explained, 'as a result I am in your debt. So I decided to repay you by becoming your new maid.’

At the revelation, you nearly coughed on your food. You had chosen to help this mare merely out of the kindness of your heart. There had been no expectation that she would repay you in any form, so the breakfast she had made had already been a surprise. However, her desire to serve you, while it made some sense, seemed quite extreme.

“W-well, that's very kind of you,” you stuttered, “but I don't really need a maid.”

A frown covered Irisa's face. All her eyes closing shut.

'I see,’ Irisa whimpered, 'is it because of my eyes?’

“No, it isn't that…”

Tears fell from both her eyes as well as the scars that we're barely open a crack.

‘I understand if you don't want to be seen with a creature like me.’

The tears turned from a trickle into a small stream. Now you felt really uncomfortable.

“That isn't it at all! I just don't think it is necessary for you to be my maid! Besides even if it was, what could you do?”

The tears lessened, just a little. Irisa took a deep breath and looked directly at you.

‘But I can clean,’ Irisa answered, 'I woke up early and cleaned some of the rooms around the house.’

“You did what?”

That was a shocking revelation. You were filled with concern that she might have misplaced something or actually damaged one of your belongings.

‘Yes,’ Irisa sniffled, ‘let me show you.’

Standing up from her seat, Irisa motioned toward the living room. As you followed her, you noticed that she still had a bit of a limp. No doubt it would take her hoof some time to heal. Stepping in the living room, you saw that the room did seem to be a lighter hue.

'I dusted the walls and curtains,’ she explained, 'I would have vacuumed the floor, however I didn't want to disturb your slumber.’

It did look much cleaner. Even the picture frames on the mantle looked clearer.

'I also did some cleaning downstairs. Would you like to see?’

A pang of worry rose in your chest.

“Yes, please.”

You followed Irisa down the stairs as she carefully maneuvered the steps to the basement level. As you descended you remembered how Irisa's injury had dripped along the steps and yet even as you followed her, you could not see any signs that the blood had ever been there.

Reaching the basement, you followed Irisa to the room that served as both a recreational room and a small library. All the books that had been strewn out on the desk, were now neatly placed on the shelves. As you examined the books more closely you saw that they had been organized by category and alphabetical order.

'I organized your books, dusted the table and even put the blankets from the couch in the laundry, separated based off of color.’

Sure enough it had been done just as she had said.

“That's… really nice.”

'I was going to try to clean some of the other rooms,’ Irisa continued, 'however I wasn't able to open the blue door, so I decided to make breakfast instead.’

“Yes, thank you for doing that.”

The room with the blue door was a very private room. It was locked for a reason and you never went inside. Not anymore.

'Does this please you?' Irisa asked.

"Uhh... Yes, thank you."

Irisa stared at you with five pleading eyes.

'Are you sure I can't serve you?'

Now that you thought about it, it might be kind of nice to have somepony around to clean the house. Perhaps Irisa could be useful after all, so long as she stayed within her boundaries.

"I suppose I might be able to make use of your services," you replied, "however we are going to have to establish a few things."

'Of course, master. Whatever you desire.'

"I would prefer if you didn't call me that."

'But it's important for a maid to show respect to her master by calling him by his title,' Irisa answered, 'You are my master now, is there a different title you would prefer for me to refer to you by.'

You let out a deep sigh, "Fine if that will make you happy. Just don't go overboard with it."

'As you wish, sir.'

"Second, don't push yourself. I don't mind you cleaning the house, doing the laundry or cooking food. However I don't wish for you to wear yourself out on my account."

'If that is what you wish.'

"Now if you are going to be working here, then you are going to need you own room and we'll need to buy you some new clothes."

Well, if you were going to have a new maid around your house, you might as well try to make things comfortable.

The bell above the door rang as Irisa and you entered the clothing store.

Irisa's eyes went wide as she gazed upon the dresses and outfits set up about the boutique. Her self control was impressive as she managed to keep all the scars on her body from opening, keeping her monstrous nature secret.

Out of the few clothing establishments in Ponyville, there was only one that you felt would have some decent clothing for Irisa.

“Why hello there.”

The words were followed by an alabaster unicorn mare who stepped out of a backroom. You could feel Irisa huddle up against you in response to the mare's introduction.

You recognized the mare as the boutique's owner, Rarity. A gentle smile on her face as she saw Irisa and you.

“Rarity, it is good to see you,” you said reflecting her grin.

When you had moved to Ponyville, you had found it fairly difficult to socialize with the locals some seemed extremely cautious and then there were others like the local party pony, who were so excited by your presence that it made you feel uneasy. Fortunately you bumped into Rarity during a nerve wracking shop trip and the two of you had managed to find the supplies you were needing.

The two of you began talking and soon discovered that both of you had a fondness for mystery novels including Shadow Spade.

“It is great to see you too, dear,” Rarity said, “and who might this be?”

Slowly Irisa began to peak out from behind you.

“This is Irisa,” you answered, “she showed up at my house last night during the rain storm last night. I was hoping to buy her some new clothes."

Rarity looked at the tattered cloak and nodded. There was a slight twinge of distaste in her mannerisms, something she often expressed when she found something she felt as an offense to fashion . "Yes, I'm sure I have something, darling. Please take a look at this catalog and we can find your something."

Using her magic, Rarity lifted a magazine onto the countertop and motioned for Irisa to come over and look at it. Irisa stepped toward the counter slowly, her gaze focused completely on Rarity. As you watched, you wondered if perhaps Irisa felt uneasy with only two of her eyes open.

Looking down at the catalog, Irisa became awestruck by the various dresses in the magazine. Slowly she turned the pages examining almost every dress that appeared.

"While you look through the catalog, would you mind if I talk with your friend for a brief moment?"

Irisa nodded, seeming to be more focused on the magazine in front of her then on what Rarity was asking. You followed Rarity off to the side, just outside of earshot.

"Is she alright?" Rarity asked in a whisper, "Her body is completely covered in scars and she is so timid, she would make Fluttershy look bold."

Fluttershy was a mare Rarity had mentioned from time to time. While you hadn't had the opportunity to meet her in person, her reputation for being quiet, shy and her fondness for animals, proceeded her. As for Irisa being timid, you were sure it was more the fact that she was being forced to use only two eyes in order to blend in as best as she could that was making her so wary.

"Also what happened to her hoof?" Rarity asked discretely pointing toward the injury in question.

"There was some glass embedded in her hoof," you replied, "I removed the shard and cleaned the injury. I gave her a place to stay and then this morning she pledged to repay me by becoming my maid."

You intentionally neglected to mention that Irisa's scars opened to form eyes or that she could speak telepathically. While some ponies seemed to get along with those possessing monstrous traits, most were very easily frightened by such individuals. Even though Rarity was one of your friends, you weren't completely sure how she would react to such a revelation.

Rarity raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure you had no influence on her making this decision?"

"No, I don't think so..."

You pondered the events of the previous night when something dawned on you. Perhaps Irisa had been inspired by the documentary that had been on the television the night before.

'I think I found what I want.'

Irisa knocked her hoof on the counter top, signaling that she was ready. Rarity and you walked over, Irisa's hoof pointed at an image in the catalog. Looking over her shoulder you almost let out a mournful sigh, at the outfit she wanted. It was a black maid outfit with white trimmings, a white apron, white stockings and a small white hat.

"Oh, I'm sure you would look absolutely lovely in that ensemble." Rarity said, giggling just slightly at your bemusement.

"Are you sure there isn't something else you would prefer to wear?" You asked, hoping that Irisa might pick out a different outfit.

Irisa shook her head and tapped the image again.

'This one will do.'

"Please come this way." Rarity motioned toward a changing booth. "I will take your measurements and then I'll bring you the outfit for you to try on."

Irisa gave you a nervous look, uncertain about the space, Rarity was directing her to. You gave her a reassuring smile and a nod. Cautiously, Irisa stepped into the booth and closed the purple curtain.

With a skip in her step, Rarity walked into the backroom, to return shortly after with a notepad and some measuring tape.

While Rarity took Irisa's measurements, you looked at the catalogue and examined some of the other outfits that were present. While it didn't consist exclusively of maid outfits, it did seem like that was the main theme behind the issue, Rarity had pulled out.

"Just my luck."

As you peered through the magazine you came across a section with some maid outfits that were... A bit more scandalous than the suit, Irisa had chosen. Blushing, you slammed the book shut and looked around the room, hoping that nopony had witnessed your observations.

Rarity emerged from behind the curtain and went back to the backroom. Soon she returned with a portable hanger rack, carrying the items included with the maid outfit.

"Here you go dear," Rarity said as she passed the clothing through.

After giving Irisa the garments, Rarity walked back over to you.

"Personally if I was you, I would feel flattered if somepony decided to help me," Rarity said, picking up and peering through the magazine, "sometimes an extra pair of hooves around the house can help relieve one's worry. The fact that you're an author means that such aid could be quite useful."

"I'm not sure I would call it flattering."

Rarity hugged the catalogue to her chest, "Oh, how much I would love to have a butler to aid me with my house work. A strong stallion who could keep the house as clean as he was handsome."

"Don't you have Sweetie Belle?" You asked, remembering Rarity's little sister.

Rarity furrowed her brow.

"It's not the same." Rarity answered, "Anyway, the fact that she would choose to be your maid does show that she trusts you significantly. Especially considering all those horrible scars on her body. Oh, how dreadful it must be."

Rarity's mood changed to a rather depressed demeanor as she pondered something, possibly how Irisa received her scars. While you considered the matter, you were sure if the scars that seemed to serve as openings for her eyes had actually been inflicted on her or not. Clearly they had appeared after she earned her cutie mark, but whether they had occurred because of some mutations, chaotic magic or mutilation, you couldn't say for sure. The only scar you were sure of was the one on her throat.

"Don't worry I will merely allow her to work for me until she decides to leave," you answered, "I have no intention of keeping her if she decides it is time to leave."

"Oh, you're so ignorant of the ways of mares," Rarity said.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

It was about then that the curtain to the changing booth pulled back revealing Irisa in her new uniform. The black dress complimented her frame very well as did the apron and the white stockings that hung tightly to all four of her legs. The outfit was rather charming on her.

Irisa blushed slightly at the attention.

"Oh, you'll see." Rarity winked.

After buying Irisa's outfit, you emerged from the boutique, with Irisa walking behind her.

'Is there anywhere we need to go, master?'

"Well, my refrigerator's low on supplies," you replied with a smile, "so how about we go to the market and buy some food?"

'As you wish, my master.'

Leading the way, you directed Irisa to the Ponyville market district.

While Irisa's outfit did draw some attention, she seemed to be more confident when wearing it. This worried you a little bit, considering that you weren't sure you wanted her being your maid to be a permanent arrangement.

"So Irisa, what kind of food do you like to eat?"

Irisa seemed to ponder the question. 'I don't recall eating much outside of grass and what little food I could scavenge.'

You give a small wince. "I see."

Upon saying this you noticed a few ponies giving you suspicious or curious looks. An understandable response, considering that it literally looked like you had been talking to yourself while the mare wearing a maid outfit next to you remained silent. Perhaps it would be wise to ask Irisa questions that she could answer by nodding or shaking her head.

"In that case, I suppose I should purchase a wide array of food for us."

Going through the marketplace, you purchased a variety of fruits and vegetables, along with some bread and milk. Occasionally, Irisa would ask about something you passed as you walked.

'What's that fruit?'

Looking at the fruit, you recognized it by its prickly, red outer skin.

"That's a Hydra Fruit," you answered. "They grow in the Badlands."

'Does it taste good?'

"The protective husk on the outside is bitter, however the inner fruit is quite sweet. That's why it's so popular despite how dangerous it is to farm them."

'Could we try some, master?'

As you examined the fruit's price tag, your eyes widened slightly at the large number of bits that the vendor was demanding for it.

"I don't know how to cook it," you explained with a small shake of your head, "It would be a waste to buy one now. Perhaps some other time."

'Okay, master.'

As the two of you examined the fruit, a sound came to your ears. For some, it was just a normal sound for those in Ponyville, but to you it was a foreboding rhythm.




The mare who often produced that noise, was easily excited by the presence of visitors to Ponyville.


You remembered how shocking your first time meeting Pinkie Pie had been.


Upon realizing this, you knew that such an encounter could possibly startle Irisa, potentially causing all her eyes to open and therefore revealing her monstrous traits.


"We need to go," You said, "now!"

'Is something wrong, master?'


"I'll explain later."

As you proceeded to direct Irisa out of the marketplace, you saw a familiar pink mare out of the corner of your eye.

While you had hoped to lose Pinkie as you guided Irisa between the buildings and through alleyways, there was always some sign signaling that the party pony was on your tail like a shark chasing a wounded dolphin. However after some running thought you might have lost her.

"Okay, I think we're…"

"Hi!" Before you could finish, a familiar squeaky voice called out. However what was most startling, was the fact the Pinkie was standing right next to you when she said it.

Irisa looked at Pinkie as the party pony drew closer, a nervous expression stretching across her face. Watching this unfold you knew full well, that Irisa was right to be afraid… kind of.

"I'm Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie introduced herself. "You're new in town aren't you! I really like your outfit! What's your name?"

Irisa looked confused at Pinkie, before turning her attention back to you.


Suddenly Pinkie began to bounce excitedly.

"Oh, I get it! You're a mare with a horrible secret, which has made it impossible for you to speak! Now you are working as a maid to pay off some sort of life debt! Am I right?"

Confusion riddled Irisa's face as she looked back to you.

'Help. Me.'

"I knew it!" Pinkie exclaimed. "In that case welcome to Ponyville!"

Reaching into her tail, Pinkie pulled out a cupcake, a sombrero, a camera and her party cannon. Moving faster than a super-powered rodent in a cancelled motion picture, Pinkie put the sombrero on Irisa's head, placed the cupcake in front of her, fired the party cannon and took a picture with Irisa and herself. The camera flashed and all of Irisa's eyes shot open wide, however Pinkie didn't seem to notice.

As soon as the picture was taken, Pinkie took away everything, leaving behind only the cupcake and a photograph.

"Alright, there we go! Next time, I'll host a party for you, okay?"

Then as soon as she had appeared. Pinkie bounced her way down the alley. Even when Pinkie Pie was gone, Irisa looked at you in stunned confusion.

'Master, what just happened?'

The lock to the door clicked, as you turned the key to the front door of your home.

After you purchased Irisa's uniform at Rarity's boutique, the two of you had gone to the marketplace and bought some groceries to help refill the supplies in your refrigerator. While Irisa's outfit did draw some attention, she seemed to be more confident when wearing it. This worried you a little bit, considering that you weren't sure you wanted her being your maid to be a permanent arrangement.

With the bags dropped over your back, Irisa and you walked to the kitchen and dropped them off.

‘If you allow me, I will proceed to make lunch for us, master.’ Irisa offered.

“Before you do,” you interjected, “there is something I want to show you.”

'What is it?’

“Come and see.”

You lead Irisa downstairs and turned to the left. In this section of the hallway there were three doors. The one on the right was for the downstairs bathroom, another to a spare storage closet and finally the one on the left that served as the guest room. Or at least it was.

“And here we are,” you said, opening the door to the guest room, “this shall be your room.”

Irisa smiled as she examined the room.

'This is my room?’

“It is now.”

The room consisted of white walls, a floor with tan carpeting, a bed and a couple cabinets. Stepping into the room, Irisa rubbed her hoof along the surface of the bed sheets.

'This is really kind of you, master.’

“Feel free to decorate it however you like.”

You turned around so Irisa could adjust to her new living conditions.

'Master?’ Irisa inquired, ‘Would you like for me to clean the room with the blue door?’

Your heart almost froze at the question. Slowly you turned around and gave Irisa a small smile.

“Please, don't worry about that room,” you told her, “It's very personal and I'd rather not have you enter it.”

Irisa gave an understanding look and nodded.

'I understand. If that is what my master wants, then that is what I will do.’

“Thank you.”

Irisa smiled, her numerous eyes blinking excitedly.

'Once I've settled in, I will make us something for lunch,’ Irisa said, 'Is there anything you would like, master?’

"Just one more thing. Do you like to read?"

Irisa's eyes blinked a few times. 'I haven't really had many opportunities to do any reading. Though I wouldn't mind if you allowed me to do so.'

"Then feel free to take a look at one of the books in my study. I'm sure there is a tale among them that you might enjoy."

'But, master you have so many books,' Irisa replied, 'how should I know which one to choose?'

Admittedly, this was true. Your collection of books from over the years could seem daunting to some. Granted you were sure that there were others in Ponyville with a much broader library than your own.

"Well, then maybe I can offer a suggestion for you." You said as you left the guest room and guided Irisa back to your study.

Entering the study, you walked over to the bookshelf and began to examine it's volumes.

"Let's see…"

At first you considered suggesting she read the story, The Lost Bride of Arsthotua, however you felt that it might be a bit too intense for Irisa. You could also recommend a Daring Doo book, except your copy of the first book in the series was missing.

"Who stole my book?" You mumbled to yourself.

Glancing over your collection, you noticed a book with a red cover. Across the cover in white letters was the title, The Wondrous Tale of Little Scarlet, by S.S. Lovely. It was a story about a young filly exploring a strange new world filled with fantastic and marvelous creatures. Looking at the book, you felt that this would be the perfect story for Irisa.

"How about you try this one." You said, levitating the book to Irisa.

Irisa's eyes were open wide as you offered her the novel.

'T-thank you master.' Irisa took the book. 'I will take good care of it.'

"I'm sure you will."

And thus you found yourself the proud master of a monster mare maid.

Comments ( 48 )

This is a very cute story. Well done!:twilightsmile:

The mystery of the blue door

I'd really love a sequel, need to know what's up with that door

9734404 Thank you.

9734573 There is indeed a sequel in the works. :twilightsmile:

9734526 Oh, who knows.:raritywink:

(Reads description) So, you're saying that the one letting her in is a real sight for sore eyes?

9734874 I'm not quite sure where you get that idea. Unless you (the reader) think you are a sight for sore eyes, then sure, why not?

Irisa is so CUUUUUTTTTEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!:yay::yay::yay: Fluttershy has some new competition for the cute championship now!

9735375 I am glad you think so. While I didn't intend for her to compete with Fluttershy for cuteness, I am glad that you deem her worthy.:twilightsmile:

This is awesome and she looks so pretty in the picture and I think rarity ships them. And how can anyone dislike this it's awesome. And now I go sleep.

*lifts up a few eye tendrils*

...im very much Drawn to things where the core feature is eyes. Irisa is Beautiful.

Hrmmm... I suspect both Irisa and Jag have certain mutual “acquaintances”

Hrmmm... I suspect both Irisa and Jag have certain mutual “acquaintances”. And now I am concerned for Amble.

So I'm on my phone right now, however when I looked at the FiMFiction main page, it said this story was featured. Can anyone confirm this?:rainbowderp:

Well, it appears on the Featured list.:ajsmug:

9736374 Yay! :yay:

I haven't had a story on the featured list since my story, The Gorgony in the Evergreen (a story I feel was given more praise then it really deserved).

Thank you all so much for your support.:twilightsmile:

We need more monster pony stories. This was great and I for one would like to read more.

Not good if there's an Equestrian version of the ANT farm...the princesses need to be informed of this yesterday.

God help us if decide to pull a version of the "let's kidnap Cyborg stunt," considering it would probably be with Princess twilight.

Be praise! For our new WAIFU!!

The scar on her throat, her submissive nature, her fear of others, such things are sign of a her being given a tough time. I do not like those that do such things. :twilightangry2:. Perhaps, I could be allowed to give them a hard time. After all, I haven't broken out the training collars and obedience chips in such a long time. It would be a joy and an honor to educate others that would abuse these mares so.

9734726 First off, allow me to thank all of you for your support (even those of you who haven't commented but hopefully will see this message), I did not expect this story to be loved so much or for it to even hit the featured page. You are all AWESOME!!!

Secondly, there is a blog that I posted yesterday that I hope you will all enjoy. It does involve a future story involving Irisa, so I do hope you will take a look.

"Oh, you're so arrogant of the ways of mares," Rarity said.

I think you meant to say 'ignorant'.

Irisa is just too precious,

must protecc. :heart:

But in all seriousness I gotta say this was by far my favorite of the monster mare stuff you've put out so far. ( Just found you today, and read through the others ).

Amble was a nice slice of life, Jag and Holly were fun and made for good drama and a very heart warming ending. Somewhere beyond the sea was a very enjoyable recommended read. The dialogue between Fluer and Fancy in that one is Mwah! great. Blueblood was oddly enjoyable too.

Back to this fic, hehe. I suppose while the others were fun or interesting I just found this one really tugging on the heartstrings. Irisa just comes across as so vulnerable. The whole "master / maid" thing, while a bit sudden, hits a rather endearing cord with me. She's damaged on several levels, and she knows it, the protagonist can observe it. He happens to be the soft place she can land. The first place she can really trust apparently. The way she just throws herself into devotion, and how she's just so hungry for someone to be loyal to. It's puppy levels of adorable that make it stand out.

Now, the romance tag was placed on some of your previous fics in this series, but it's all been touched rather lightly so far. Bit of a tease really :trollestia:. If you do decide to progress our dear protagonist into a more committed relationship at some point in the future, then I totally cast my inconsequential vote in Irisa's direction. :pinkiehappy:

I mean, she's already living in his house now. No long distance worries there :rainbowdetermined2:

"Oh, you're so ignorant of the ways of mares," Rarity said.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

It was about then that the curtain to the changing booth pulled back revealing Irisa in her new uniform. The black dress complimented her frame very well as did the apron and the white stockings that hung tightly to all four of her legs. The outfit was rather charming on her.

Irisa blushed slightly at the attention.

"Oh, you'll see." Rarity winked.

plus rarity approves :raritywink:

is she a descendant of Argus Panoptes cause she kinda reminds me of him

9738172 While not technically a descendant of him, Irisa's design was inspired by Argus.

Aww that was sweet, I'll have to read the prequel cause this left me wanting more. Hope to see that beholder pony again, she's so cute.

Really good thing this got featured, otherwise I would have likely missed out on it. This is a really fascinating little world you're crafting, and I think this is my favorite entry so far. Don't get me wrong, Amble and Jag are adorable and endearing in their own right, but Irisa is absolutely precious. Can't wait to see who you pull out of the bestiary next.

Randomly stumbled on your monster pony stories over the weekend and have caught up on them. This feels like it is a build up to a longer story. This pleases the Bear as these are very cute and wholesome :3

Bear want's to peep behind the blue door.

9745928 Thank you. I am glad you're enjoying the series so far. I do have a few more ideas for the world that I hope to expand upon in future stories.

Why does this sound like the start to an anime?

It's a pun, in case you didn't realize.

I do hope he does see Amble again one day they seemed to get on well with each other. And maybe one day go back and see Jag.

I finally got around to reading this. Irisa is soooo kawaii. if I could I would like to use her in my upcoming story if you had no objections

9837907 Perhaps... Send me a PM and we can discuss it. :pinkiesmile:

Why does Irisa look like Luna so much?

9854700 What do you mean? :rainbowhuh:

I would love to see more stories with irisa.
(Edit-just realized I already commented on this, but my statement still stands, love irisa)

9855799 Thank you. I really like her too. :twilightsmile:

9985238 Awesome. Again, great review. I will try to see if I can make some changes in the future.:pinkiesmile:

As an aside, giving the more obscure beings of classical mythology the pegasus treatment is always neat. I'm one of the comparatively few people who had heard of the Ophiotaurus before the show used it, with the original acting as the source of the Godspyre.

After you purchased Irisa's uniform at Rarity's boutique, the two of you had gone to the marketplace and bought some groceries to help refill the supplies in your refrigerator. While Irisa's outfit did draw some attention, she seemed to be more confident when wearing it. This worried you a little bit, considering that you weren't sure you wanted her being your maid to be a permanent arrangement.

You repeated yourself here.
Also, is the blue door a reference to Bluebeard?


You repeated yourself here.

Yeah, that happens sometimes. :rainbowlaugh:

Also, is the blue door a reference to Bluebeard?

Nope. :derpytongue2:

Alright, I quite like the many-eyed maid.

Very interesting! I'd like to find out more about Irisa's backstory. What kind of monster is she,what happened to her,etc?

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