• Published 11th Apr 2019
  • 1,021 Views, 78 Comments

Country Ponies - TwiPON3

Various parts of Earth become ponies in Equestria. Oddity ensues.

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Twilight woke up before Celestia raised the Sun to a noise coming from downstairs.

“What was that?” she asked, going to check it out.

Thankfully, Spike wasn’t woken up by the noise.

“Akh!” a mare with an unfamiliar accent said from the library, “Gde ya? Chto ya? Ya zhiv? Kto-nibud', pozhaluysta, pomogite mne!!! Chto sluchilos'!? Lyuboy, pozhaluysta!!!”
Ah!” a mare with an unfamiliar accent said from the library, “Where am I? What am I? I’m alive? Someone, please, help me!!! What happened!? Anyone, please!!!!”

Twilight ran down and saw a mare that was having a panic attack.

This mare was a light gray earth pony with blue eyes and a tri-colored mane (red, white, and blue), braided into two blue ponytails in back, and her cutie mark was a red star with a blue outline.

“Kto ty!?” the pony asked, in full-on panic mode now.
Who are you!?” the pony asked, in full-on panic mode now.

“I can’t under-”

“Pozhaluysta! Pozhaluysta, pomogite mne!!”
Please! Please, help me!!”

Twilight nodded her head, sat down, and opened her forelegs as if to embrace the mare in a hug for a reason she didn’t quite know yet.

“Khorosho. Da, ya postarayus' uspokoit'sya,” the mare said, catching her breath.
Okay. Yes, I will try to calm down,” the mare said, catching her breath.

“What is your name?”

“Kakiye? Ya ne mogu tebya ponyat’.”
What? I cannot understand you.”

Twilight quickly reacted to this the best way she knew how.

“I have an idea,” she said as her horn glowed.

“Chto ty- NET!!!”
What are you- NO!!!”

But the mare wasn’t quick enough, panicking again after the spell had been cast.

“Can you understand me now?” Twilight asked, concerned for her well-being.

“What is going on? I should not be here! This is im- why am I not speaking Russian?” the mare said, still with her accent.

“Listen,” Twilight said, putting a hoof on the mare, “I want to help you, I really do, but I need to know if my spell worked. Do you know what I’m saying?”

She looked at Twilight in shock, “I… I can n- now. What was spell for?”

“The spell simply made it where you can speak our language, so we can understand you.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I want to help you. My name is Twilight Sparkle. You’re in Equestria, more specifically, the Golden Oaks Library in Ponyville.”


“Yes. Now, just calm down.”

“Okay,” she said, breathing.

“Now, what is your name?”

“My name is Marusya, but I was originally country called Russia.”

“Tell me, what do you remember?”

“Only thing I remember is waking up in library and being scared and confused.”

“How do you feel?”

“I feel naked.”

“Ponies don’t usually wear clothes, Marusya, but my friend Rarity is a dressmaker. Maybe she could make you something.”

“That sounds nice.”

“So Marusya, is there anything else you remember?”

“I remember having several sisters, and few friends. We were mostly close, though we had our differences.”

“Well, however long you stay in Equestria, my friends and family are your friends and family, too. How does that sound?”

“It would make me happiest.”

Twilight yawned, but Marusya looked as if she were about to succumb to exhaustion, so Twilight showed Marusya the guest room.

“You can stay here,” Twilight said, leading her to the bed, “I hope you enjoy your time here.”

“Bol'shoye spasibo, Sumerechnaya Iskorka,” Marusya said in Russian before falling immediately to sleep.
Thank you so much, Twilight Sparkle,” Marusya said in Russian before falling immediately to sleep.

“Good night,” Twilight said quietly and smiled at the peaceful-looking mare.

As quietly as she could, Twilight pulled the covers over Marusya and left her to sleep, closing the door on the way out before going back to her own bed.

The next morning, Twilight woke up to an unfamiliar smell coming from her kitchen and noticed that Spike was already awake.

“Marusya?” Twilight called as she went downstairs.

“Da!” she called back.
"Yes!" she called back.

“Are you cooking something?”

“Da, I am. It is surprise, thank you for last night,” she said as Twilight went into the kitchen.
"Yes, I am. It is surprise, thank you for last night," she said as Twilight went into the kitchen.

“Hey, Twilight!” Spike said.

“Good morning, Spike,” Twilight said with a smile, “Good morning, Marusya.”

“Here is breakfast,” Marusya said, getting two plates and glasses and setting them on the table, “It is Russian dish called syrniki. It is cottage cheese dumplings with jam. In Russia, we normally drink milk with it.”

“Oh, wow,” Twilight said, taking a bite of Marusya’s cooking, “This is amazing.”

“Thank you. I believe it to be small token of my gratitude to you.”

“No, it’s perfectly okay. I couldn’t possibly just leave a pony in your condition to fend for themselves. It just wouldn’t work.”

“That is even more reason for me to show my respects to you.”

“Well, do you think your sisters and friends may be here in Equestria with you?”

“It feels like some could have come with me, but your country is rather large for me to search for them on my own.”

“Well, Spike and I have five friends, the princesses, and one of our friend’s family to help you find them. What are their names?”

“Osten, Westen, Biely, Schweizerisch, Nihon, Bug, Nam, Română, Union Jill, Français, Hayastan, Qazaqşa, and Maple,” she said, “If they are in same situation as myself, they should be easy to find.”
East, West, White, Swiss, Japan, Chosun, Han, Romanian, Union Jill, French, Armenia, Kazakh, and Maple,” she said, “If they are in same situation as myself, they should be easy to find.”

“Those are nice names,” Twilight said as she and Spike finished their breakfast, “I’m sure they’re fitting, too. But... I'm starting to question the spell from last night.”

“They are. Each are of their own country. Most would be proud and honored to meet you. And no, those are their actual names. They all speak different languages, so their names mean something in their language. Like, for instance, Biely means White in Byelorussian.”

“Interesting. I’m glad to hear that, Marusya. Now, I think it’s only fair that you get the bathroom first-” Twilight said, but was cut off by Spike.

“You know I like hot showers!”

“Spike...” Twilight said.

“It is fine. I will leave hot water for you.”

“Okay, then,” Spike groaned.

“Spike, you will enjoy me, I promise,” Marusya said, hugging both of them then getting the dishes and going to get ready for the day.

Author's Note:

Just an idea that popped into my head when I saw a piece of fan art online.

Маруся (Literally: Marusya)

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