• Published 11th Apr 2019
  • 1,020 Views, 78 Comments

Country Ponies - TwiPON3

Various parts of Earth become ponies in Equestria. Oddity ensues.

  • ...


It was just after midnight in Ponyville, and everything seemed to be going normal, as with every other night. Just tonight, though, there was a flash of light and a small pop in front of Sugarcube corner, waking Pinkie up.

"A new pony!" she said to herself, jolting up in her bed, "Tomorrow is the day for a party!"

Meanwhile, outside sat a lime earth pony mare. She had key lime eyes, somewhat a somewhat-curly, two-toned mane and tail (dark orange and dark leaf), and her cutie mark was a red crystal star outlined in gold, surrounded by a golden ring of leaves. She spoke with an accent, but wouldn't be able to understand any of the ponies.

Unless her sisters and friends were there...

"Što zdarylasia sa mnoj?" she asked, shrugging it off moments later and letting her happy-go-lucky attitude take back over, "Viedaješ što?" she said with a yawn, "Zaŭtra, ja daznajusia, i ja budu atrymlivać zadavaĺniennie rabić heta!"
"What happened to me?" she asked, shrugging it off moments later and letting her happy-go-lucky attitude take back over, "You know what?" she said with a yawn, "Tomorrow, I'm gonna find out, and I'm gonna have fun doing it!"

Whatever had happened, she wasn't about to let it get her hopes and good spirits down. She knew that wouldn't accomplish anything. In fact, she may even make some new friends! Not that she didn't enjoy her friends and family, but because the more, the merrier. She had always had that mindset, because it was a good one to have, right?

"Vila Ruž budzie viesiela!" she said, looking around.
"This is gonna be fun!" she said, looking around.

Moments later, Pinkie Pie answered the door, capturing her attention.

"Hi!" she said, "What are you doing out this late? I bet it's for a midnight snack, isn't it?"

"Dobry dzień!" the green mare said with a smile, "Ja nie ŭpeŭnieny, kali vy možacie zrazumieć mianie, alie bylo b dobra, kali b ja zastaŭsia z taboj sionnia?"
"Hello!" the green mare said with a smile, "I'm not sure if you can understand me, but would it be okay if I stayed with you tonight?"

Pinkie Pie looked at her for a moment, then, as if her Pinkie Sense told her what the pony said, answered, "Sure thing! Wait, do you know what I'm saying?"

"Ja nie mahu ciabie zrazumieć, Pink Paj," she replied, "Alie, kali vy možacie zrazumieć mianie, ja Biely."
"I can't understand you, Pinkie Pie," she replied, "But, if you can understand me, I'm Biely."

"So, Pinkie Pie," she pointed a hoof to herself, "And Biely?" she pointed a hoof to Biely.

"Da!" she said with a smile, "Praviĺna!"
"Yeah!" she said with a smile, "That's right!"

"Well, come in, Biely!" Pinkie said, motioning for her to come in.

"Vialiki dziakuj, Pink!" Biely said, going inside.
"Thanks a lot, Pinkie Pie!" Biely said, going inside."

"You can sleep in my room!" Pinkie Pie said, signing out what she was saying.

It seemed to be rather effective, as Biely followed her to her room.

"You can sleep here!" Pinkie said, signing and pointing to her bed.

"Što nakont ciabie?"
"What about you?"

"Bunkmates!" Pinkie said, getting on half of her bed and patting a hoof on the other.

Biely understood the invitation and jumped into bed with Pinkie and immediately fell asleep.

"Nighty night," Pinkie said, pulling the cover over them and falling asleep shortly after.

The next morning, Mrs Cake went to wake Pinkie, but was surprised when she saw another pony in bed with Pinkie.

"Pinkie Pie," she said, tapping the pink pony.

She gently woke up, waking Biely up in the process, "Oh, good morning!"

"Who's your new friend?"

"Her name is Biely!" she replied as Biely rubbed the sleepy from her eyes, "She can't understand a thing we say!"

"Oh, dear! Well, do you know what happened?"

"No. Maybe Twilight can help us out!"

"Okay, then you two get ready for the day and go see what she can do," Mrs Cake said, leaving.

"Follow me!" Pinkie said, motioning for Biely to follow her to the bathroom.

"Dobra!" Biely replied, following her and taking the bathroom first.
"Okay!" Biely replied, following her and taking the bathroom first.

Author's Note:

Белы (Pronounced: Biely|Literally: White)

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