• Published 17th Apr 2019
  • 593 Views, 5 Comments

A wash well done - SwarmLordAbdonis

After hearing a rumour that Rainbow Dash hates washing, Rarity decides to take matters into her own hooves and make sure that the cyan pegasus takes a wash one way or another

  • ...

A rumour uncovered

"Rainbow Dash! Oh Rainbow Dash!"

The cyan Pegasus had been walking down one of the many long streets of Ponyville when she heard her name being all but yelled out. She looked behind her to find Rarity herself calling out for her while she approached from a distance. Glad to see her, she turned round properly and greeted her friend with a smile once she was close enough.

"Hey there Rarity. What's up?" She spoke. Her smile slowly shifting to one of slight worry as she watched Rarity breathe heavily as though she had just finished a marathon. "Uh... Everything alright there?"

"Oh yes yes, of course darling... Just... just need a... second to catch my breath... is all." She all but wheezed out. It didn't take long for her to correct her posture once she had recovered. "Right now I'm just happy to have found you, you see I... may need you help confirming something for me, if you wouldn't mind?"

"Oh... okay, sure. What you got?"

"Well, I was just recently in the market place with our dearest Applejack, having a fun day out. Why, I remember one store which was selling the most splendid summer hat I've ever seen! Well, one made by somepony other than mwa of course." The unicorn rose a hoof to her chest, before clearing her throat and continuing. "But anyway, to cut a long story short, Applejack happened to bring up one itsy bitsy, teeny tiny rumour. Of course after hearing about such a thing I expected it to be just balderdash but I felt I had to ask and check just to be on the safe side, if you wouldn't mind of course?"

Rainbow Dash nodded slowly. "Right?"

"Well darling, according to her she claimed that you hate and avoid washing! Is, heh, is of course ridiculous." Rarity took a moment to laugh at such a silly thought for a few seconds before her face suddenly switched moods at the drop of a hat and became deadly serious, as did her voice. "Is it true?"

The Pegasus raised an eyebrow at Rarity's sudden change of mood, but didn't think too much on it as she shrugged it off and answered.

"Yep, pretty much."

Rarity chuckled. "Oh thank goodness, that's such a relief! Thank you for helping sort out this... this..." Her words grinded to a halt as her friends single worded reply echoed through her mind. But surely she just hadn't heard right.
Maybe? "Sorry darling, would you remind repeating that for me one more time?" She asked carefully, trying not to cringe.
"I don't like washing." The cyan pony confirmed a second time. The poor unicorns face was becoming more and more uncomfortable by the second now.

"And... exactly how often do you wash...?" Rarity very calmly asked, unsure if she wanted, or was even prepared to hear the answer or not.

"Like, once a week I think."

The instant she had said it, Rarity's face quickly turned a sickly shade of green and she instantly rose a hoof to her mouth. Once she was able to get herself under control, her green face quickly turned to purple.

"That is absolutely repulsive"! She screeched like a banshee. "For Celestias sake Rainbow Dash, you're a wonderbolt! Do you know how many times you practise weekly and how... ugh... sweaty you can become?!"

Rainbow just shrugged. "I don't really see what the big deal is, I mean it's not like I don't wash at all."

"That is not the point!" Rarity paused before she could continue. Shouting like a ruffian would not get her anywhere. She needed to get to the main issue of the conversation. "Rainbow Dash, I insist you improve your showering schedule at once! A shower a day should see you fresh and clean in no time. At LEAST a shower a day."

For a brief moment, Rainbow Dash said nothing but instead stared at the ivory unicorn which in turn glared at her with the most serious look she could muster. Once the words had soaked into her head for long enough, the Pegasus began to laugh out loud. Her eyes were shut and so full of tears that they failed to spot Rarity's face becoming redder with every second she laughed. Eventually Rainbow Dash was able to collect herself and wiped her eyes.

"You're kidding, right?"

"I most certainly am not!" Rarity exclaimed stamping her hoof. Rainbow merely rolled her eyes.

"Look, Rarity, you may okay washing over a dozen times a say, but I'm not alright? It's not exactly a big deal."

Rarity turned up her nose. Clearly the Pegasus showed no interest in washing more frequently, meaning that she had to step up her motives. "Very well then Rainbow Dash. If you won't keep yourself clean, then I suppose I must take matters into my own hooves!"

"Uh... come again?"

"I'm going to make you wash darling, what else?" She pointed out as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. The sudden claim was enough to send Rainbow Dash into another fit of laughter.

"Oh that's hilarious!" She chuckled. "YOU are going to make ME wash? And how exactly are you going to do that?"

"Oh, you will see." Rarity smirked back with conviction. "Just because I'm a lady doesn't mean that I'm afraid to get my hooves muddy every once in a while."

"Yeah well, good luck with that!" The cyan Pegasus waved before spreading her wings and disappearing high into the sky within seconds, unintentionally leaving Rarity to cough from the sudden dust of her descent as it stuck to her coat. When she had recovered, she looked into the sky with a determined glare.

"Very well then Rainbow Dash. It! Is! On!" She narrowed her eyes.

Only to widen them again as she realised the amount of dust now clinging to her. "After I have a wash myself that is!" She groaned before making her way back to her boutique.

Author's Note:

After re-watching the episode "Secrets and Pies", I began to wonder how Rarity may have reacted to the fact that Rainbow Dash hates washing, thus inspiring me to write this story!

Hopefully I've made the characters sound on point since I've never written either of them before ^^;

Comments ( 5 )

Congrats! You get a like.

Well, one made by somepony other than mwa of course."

"Mwa"? Do you perhaps mean the word moi?

Maybe RD gets washed from all the clouds she has to tend to and fly through?

The characters were spot on, as was the hilarious cover art, though your said tags need some work.

Get the feeling Rarity’s number of daily ablutions will be doubled at minimum for the duration of this venture.

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