• Published 19th Apr 2019
  • 5,316 Views, 57 Comments

Tempting Shadow - Element of Power

Arriving in a strange world, you, a musician, stumble upon a unicorn named Tempest Shadow. As you grow closer to her, it reveals a growing love.

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Chapter 7

The train ride took you through the country, until the landscape changed from grassy to snow covered mountains. In the distance, you could spot a tall spire of crystal. After about an hour, the train slowed to a stop at a crowded station. You and Tempest looked at each other, before you grabbed your guitar and got off the train. Most of the ponies in the station seemed to be musicians, all carrying various instruments.

"It looks like there are a lot of ponies who are competing." she says, worried.

You take another glance around. It was already starting to get dark outside. "That doesn't really matter. Let's just focus on getting to Vinyl. They said the competition starts tonight, so we don't have a lot of time."

She nods in agreement, before you both squeeze your way through the crowd.

The streets were much like the station. Everywhere you turned, there were groups of ponies, most with the means to make music. Something felt off, until you realized.

"Wait, Tempest, why are they not, you know, bothered by me? Every other pony was."

She turned to look at you. "Well, the Crystal Empire was put into something like stasis a couple thousand years ago. Back then, Equestria and the Crystal Empire were a lot more accepting and less skittish around other races. Since the Empire only recently got out if the stasis, that mindset is still a part of their society. In fact, there are a few griffons, minotaurs, and hippogriffs in the streets if you look closely."

You follow her advice, and sure enough, you could now see various races mixed into the crowd. The majority of the crowd was heading to a large structure in the distance, so you and Tempest decided to follow them, since that was most likely the place where you were going to perform.

The building slowly grew as you got closer, then you walked in.As you entered the structure, you realized it was like a giant amphitheater. There were rows and rows of seats, all in a semicircle and sloping down to a stage. The whole thing was covered in what looked like a topless dome. Hundreds of beings slowly flooded through the doors, filling up the seats all around the stage.

Off to the side, a pony was talking.

"All creatures wishing to compete, please go through the stage doors." she instructed.

You look over at Tempest. "I guess I have to go now." She smiles, before rearing up and kissing you on the cheek.

"Good luck!"

She trots off, leaving you stunned. 'Did... she...'

Before you could finish that thought, you felt something bump into you. Looking down, you see Vinyl, with a smirk on her face. "Dude, I didn't know you two were together. Good job stud." You can already feel yourself starting to heat up in your cheeks, so you quickly change the topic.

"Do you have your equipment? We can't do this without them."

The DJ ignites her horn, and a pile of equipment appears. "Don't worry, I've got it." She makes it disappear again before entering through the performers doors to the stage. You quickly follow her, entering the large area backstage. Everyone is forming a line to sign up, so you stand next to Vinyl. Once you're at the front, the pony running the sign up says, "Names please."

"Vinyl Scratch"

You tell her your name, and then Vinyl quickly says "We're performing together." The pony lets you through, and you make your way over to a remote area to get your things sorted out. Once again, her equipment appears, and she begins to move them around and connect them.

You then ask, "Wait, don't I need a mic since I'm going to sing?" She quickly shakes her head. "No need dude. They have spells on the stage that amplify the music."

She finished setting up, so you walked over and plugged your guitar to her amps. You played a few notes to test it out, and it was working perfectly. Vinyl used her magic to move everything to the space behind the stage, where everyone else was waiting.

Then, the announcer arrived on stage. He cleared his throat, before speaking. "Mares and Stallions, Beings of all races, welcome to the first annual Let's Get Lyrical musical competition! Make sure to cheer for those you like the most, since that will be counted. Let the show begin!" And with that, he left the stage, and the first competitor went up.

One after one, and sometimes groups, went up to perform. All the musicians were excellent. Normally, this would make people nervous to go up, but you never really had that problem. You practiced, performed, and hoped people liked it. To you, it didn't really matter if you won or not.

Then, it was finally your turn. You weren't the last, more performers followed you, like somewhere near the end. You looked at Vinyl.


"Ready!" she nodded.

The both of you walked out onto the stage, while Vinyl levitated her equipment into position. You grabbed your guitar and stood in a ready stance. The amphitheater darkened, except for the stage, and the crowd quieted down. In the very front, you see all the ponies who you knew would attend; The Elements of Harmony, all three Princesses, Spike, and Tempest. Smiling at them, you raise your pick, and start to play, while Vinyl uses her DJ equipment for the background music. You're playing... Hail to the King.

Watch your tongue or have it cut from your head
Save your life by keeping whispers unsaid
Children roam the streets now orphans of war
Bodies hanging in the streets to adore

Everyone in the crowd was caught off guard, and immediately got quieter to listen.

Royal flames will carve the path in chaos
Bringing daylight to the night

Celestia nervously glanced at her sister, while Luna just smirked and rolled her eyes at her sister's antics.

Death is riding in to town with armor
They come to take all your rights

Hail to the king, hail to the one
Kneel to the crown, stand in the sun

At this, you kneel down to Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Twilight in the front row while playing.

Hail to the king

Blood is spilled while holding keys to the throne
Born again but it’s too late to atone

No mercy from the edge of the blade
Dare escape and learn the price to be paid

You notice that a lot of griffons, and Luna, seemed to like this verse.

Let the water flow in shades of red now
Arrows black out all the light (light)

Death is riding into town with armor
They come to grant you your rights

Hail to the king, hail to the one
Kneel to the crown, stand in the sun

Hail to the king

You start your solo, and you are really feeling it. Everyone in the crowd is is in awe at your skills. Then, you continue to sing.

There's a taste of fear

When the henchmen call

Iron fist to tame them

Iron fist to claim it all

You get down on your knee once more.

Hail to the king, hail to the one
Kneel to the crown, stand in the sun

Hail to the king, hail to the one
Kneel to the crown, stand in the sun

Haaaail to the kiiiiiiiiing!

You finish the song, out of breath. Then, the crowd explodes with cheer. Ponies were stomping their hooves or sitting and clapping, while the rest were clapping. It seemed like the creatures that liked the song the most were the Griffons and Minotaurs. You even see Luna, going apeshit and cheering. It filled you with joy to see all those people happy with your song. You never got an opportunity like this back home; you only ever played small performances.

You look back to Vinyl, who just walked over to you. Overjoyed, you lift her up by surprise, and put her on your shoulders. She's lighter than expected, so it was easy. You both raise your arms to the crowd's cheers, soaking it all in.

You then turn around, with Vinyl still on your shoulders, and walk back to the backstage area. The crowd continued to cheer the whole way.

Once you're out of sight, you set Vinyl down. "Thanks for doing this with me, Vinyl. I couldn't have done it without you."

She beams. "No problem, dude! That was epic! If you ever need me in a song, I'll be glad to help." She holds out her hoof, and you fist-bump it. She packs up her equipment and makes it disappear. As she walks off, she says "I'm going home before everypony else rushes for the trains. You can get the award since this was your song. Later!" Then, she trotted out the door and into the night.

You sit down in the backstage area and wait. A few more songs are performed, and you listen to all of them. You can't help but enjoy them even though they are technically the 'competition'.

All the competitors have gone up, and the announcer now took up the stage.

"Alright! Now it is time to decide the winner. Using our crowd enthusiasm meters,"

'I didn't know they had that...'

"It has shown who you all liked the best! So, the winning song of the Let's Get Lyrical musical competition is...... HAIL TO THE KING!"

The crowd once again goes crazy, cheering louder and louder. You walk onto the stage toward the announcer, who had a big smile on his face. He surged his horn, and created not a gold trophy, but a red and white crystal trophy. You take it in your hands, and notice that the figure at the top... is you. It's a figure of you playing the guitar on one knee, with your head tilted to the sky. You feel tears swelling in the corners of your eyes. But you don't dare let them fall.

You turn back to the crowd, back to your friends, back to Tempest, and you raise the trophy. They all cheer louder than ever before.

You climb off the stage and walk up to them. They all talk at once about your performance, then you walk over to Tempest. She immediately hugs you.

"Great job out there!" She says over your shoulder. Before you could respond, she pulls back and kisses you. After the initial shock, you move deeper into the kiss. The cheering, impossibly, gets louder, and those tears in the corners of your eyes, finally fall.

Author's Note:

HELL YEAH!:rainbowlaugh::pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 10 )

I like it, but the pacing should be slowed down a little. Take your time, explore thoughts, feelings, enviroments, conversations.

Dam good song good choice

It's ok, no harm done.

I will do that every chapter

*plays harpsichord music* Why? Why can't you be merciful and use damp instead? Must you play with my rage in this way?

Good vocals, awesome solo guitar.

That poor drummer, though. Probably bored out of his mind. The rhythm isn't that imaginitive, and the chord selection is kinda boring. All in all, not a bad song, but not a great one, either. 6/10.

I am unamused in an amused sort of way.

She beams. "No problem, dude! That was epic! If you ever need me in a song, I'll be glad to help." She holds out her hoof, and you fist-bump it. She packs up her equipment and makes it disappear. As she walks off, she says "I'm going home before everypony else rushes for the trains. You can get the award since this was your song. Later!" Then, she trotted out the door and into the night.

Or at least the copywriters can't do agything against infringement/ copyright violations when applied to interdimensional shennanigans.

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