• Member Since 4th May, 2017
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Cackling Moron

"Fluff" in the same way what collects under the sofa is fluff.


Charlie, being displaced for reasons everyone is of course aware of, has a sudden hankering for Pinkie's company - because she might be able to make a particular pastry he's fond of.

No other reason.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 26 )

Here you go again, making me feel feels...

Great stuff as always.

But, don't displaced OCs normally gain the powers and appearance of someone from another anime/video game?


Well he might've, 'tis just not anything that had to do with Eccles cakes. We never got a visual description, and Pinkie is notoriously blasé. It really could have been anything standing in that kitchen, just imagine whichever character would look strangest helping a pink pony bake pastries.

He's displaced, not Displaced. Just the normal meaning of the word.

It's a common mistake people make if they don't fully understand the difference being displaced and the Displaced.

For a second there I got very confused but then i remembered there were supposed to be 'Displaced' stories or something weren't there?

I ain't read 'em.

The Displaced involves human A being changed into Character B or given powers before being sent into an alternative universe C. Most of the Displaced stories range from being horrible to being pretty good.

I feel just as confused as the characters a lot of the time and had to stop twice to Google what a "Chorley Cake" and an "Eccles Cake" was.

I'm convinced you just write these stories now to confuse Americans, don't you?

Great stuff as always. Love seeing Human x Pinkie, not something you see every day.

They're just so delicious!

Those sound like you probably could frost them, actually. Not with cake frosting, but the stuff you put on cinnamon rolls. Or maybe that would be a glaze?

Were you so inclined. Technically you can frost or glaze anything you feel like, it's just a question of restraint.

You were so busy wondering if you could you never stopped to think whether you should!

I guess I was thinking of them more like biscuits (American) or scones, based on Charlie's description.

Either way, I think Pinkie glazed and ate like a dozen of them while we were talking. Now there's a mare who never bothers to ask either question.

Now I’m hungry for cake.

She's the wisest of us, really

Good story, but needs a romance tag. And also more cuddling. :pinkiehappy:

I imagine baking with Pinkie would be somewhat of a religious experience

Only ever slice of life!

...except that one time I had to tag that thing because it was upsetting to some people...

Like seeing the faces of the gods

hi every buddy come see my blog with my writing prompts!!

“You can frost whatever you like, Pinkie,” he said.

In the years that followed, that day would be remembered by the history books and children's books alike. One particular book especially popular among foals was titled "No dear, it's not snow." :pinkiehappy:

Huh. Was kind of expecting some kind of twist or something that would pull the rug out from under me. But no, just two friends (for now, at least), baking and having fun.


I approve. Carry on.

As though I'd write something with a twist or unexpected events or shocking swerves in tone.

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