• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 4,042 Views, 75 Comments

Halo: The new age - The Silent writer

A highly skilled and lethal Spartan of UNSC while riding on a forerunner ship stumbles upon an unexplored planet

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Ponyville war and Reaching the planet


The Main 6 were at the borders of Ponyville, hiding in cover, while shooting from cover at the changelings with Bows and arrows.


After getting to rarity’s boutique, she had ordered spike to run away from Ponyville to everfree as it was the only safest option available at the moment. On seeing that spike had evaded into the forest, she along with with Rarity met Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy after Rainbow dash had managed to get them while avoiding the changeling troops that were patrolling the area. Twilight and her 5 friends got the message that 100 royal guards had been dispatched. Princess also told that she along with Captain Shining Armour would join them in the battle later. The main 6 together, had been battling bravely and were able to stop the advance of the changeling forces till 1 hour. After that, the royal guards (All females) had arrived and joined the battle to help the elements in defending ponyville from changelings. Civilians were being evacuated as fast as possible by the royal guard, but occasionally some civilians were caught, were either murdered or captured for slavery. Conditions were not good for Ponyville.


“ Twilight, provide me cover fire while I try to knock the changelings with cannons out.” Rainbow dash said to twilight while evading an arrow that nearly missed her.

Twilight acknowledged and nodded and began firing at the changelings with cannons, the changelings with cannons ducked behind their cannons. Rainbow dash with her incredible speed took advantage and reached behind the changlings and started firing her arrows at the changelings. She didn’t wanted to kill them, so she fired her arrows at the legs of changelings and then hit them hard with the blunt end of her sword to knock them unconscious. All the cannon wielding Changelings moaned in pain and fell down unconscious.

Rainbow Dash returned back and was hugged by all her friends.

“ That was so cool sugarcube, you literally knocked all of ‘em out.” Applejack said while patting Rainbow’s back.

“ The was awesome Dashie, You defeated those meanies easily, I will surely throw ‘Rainbow the changeling knock outer’ party !” Pinkie exclaimed. All others were dumbfounded on pinkie’s reaction that even in such a time she was thinking about parties. Well they could never question pinkie’s antics ever.

“ Yeah yeah, I know that I am awesome, because I am Rainbow Dash.” Rainbow Dash exclaimed pride fully, which caused twilight to do a face palm.

“ OK guys, back to business” a royal guard said from behind, which caused all the main 6 to again get to their positions and resume their counter-firing.

“ Lieutenant, what is the status of civilians and our current strength ?” Twilight asked a nearby high ranking royal guard beside her. The royal guard turned her head and told

“ Ma’am, Evacuation process is going on as we speak, but there is also sad news too.” The guard put her head down, Twilight knew what the news would be but she hoped that it would be false.

“ What bad news ?” Twilight asked, guard lifted her head and told,

“ though our evacuation process is going fast enough, we still couldn’t save all civilians, about 30% civilians have been captured another 15% have been murdered by the changeling troops, we also lost 10 royal guards as of now.” ....Twilight now held her head down in shame, a single tear rolled down her cheeks because of the thought of being unable to save everyone from.

“ OK lieutenant, I get it, let’s give our best and show these bucking changelings that they messed with the wrong people.” Twilight said loud enough for everyone to here. Every soldier and other friends of Twilight cheered and started firing back at changelings with more energy,


Parth, after two hours of testing all the weapons that were in the armoury like Rocket launchers, Spartan lasers, BR battle Rifles, MA5B Assault rifles, Magnums, plasma rifles, beam rifles, sniper rifles, fuel rod cannons, boltshots, suppressors and light rifles, came out in his undersuit of his MJLONIR armour, out of the armoury.

He was not exhausted because of his augmentations which had increased his muscle reflexes and power so he could not get tired easily. He was still fascinated about the energy sword that would remain with him permanently. He recently used this sword and was astonished to discover that it had more power than the normal covenant energy sword. All these thoughts made him to grin widely.

He returned back to the control room to get reports on the planet, that they recently stumbled upon.

“ Anubis, give me the report about the planet.” Parth said, which caused Anubis to pop-out beside the spartan. Spartan was quite concerned when he saw that the A.I. had a serious expression, which was not much in the case of Anubis.

“ Yes sir, all the reports are ready about the planet, though you may not believe what I had uncovered around this planet.” Anubis said in a concerned tone, which caused spartan to raise his eyebrow.

“What do you mean Anubis, you know I trust you and serry more than anything on this ship, whatever you would say, I will accept it is true.” Spartan said these words which loosened the tension on the face of the A.I.

“ OK sir, than let me start, This planet has almost identical conditions as that on earth with 21% oxygen and 78% Nitrogen in the Atmosphere. This planet has little bit lesser land to water ratio than on earth, here water is more and most important thing, there are sentient creatures living on this planet.” The A.I. finished about the basic characteristics of the planet.

The last part caused the spartan to raise his eyebrow and he asked “ Sentient life ? You mean the creatures on this planet have intelligence ?” , The A.I. nodded.

“ OK Anubis, carry on.” Parth said

“ Yes sir, one more thing I discovered is that this planet has humans on it.” A.I. told the spartan.

Now the spartan’s jaw literally dropped on hearing the fact.

“ HUMANS ! The fuck are you saying Anubis...are they insurrectionists ?” Spartan asked loudly, and thinking if these are humans, what are they doing here so far out of UNSC space and how come UNSC never got to know about these humans.

“ No sir, they are not insurrectionists, because sir I let out a drone onto the planet, The images are as follows as captured by the drone.” Anubis said and , a 3-Dimensional model of the planet came into view with various pictures of the planets.

“ As you can see, their technology is centuries behind use, they don’t have vehicles, nor any satellites and most important of all there weapons are very primitive, they use bows, arrows, primitive cannons, spears and swords, that we used 1000 years ago. The buildings are clear description that there model is that we used to have almost 800 years ago.” Anubis said and took time so that information may sink into the spartan’s mind.

“ So Anubis, it means just like we humans evolved at earth, these humans evolved at this planet and they have no contacts with the UNSC.” Parth said and the A.I. nodded.

“ At least that is a good thing that we don’t need to engage in battle with them as they don’t know about us, Anubis what else can you tell about this planets ?” Parth asked.

“ Well, I managed to get the drone into the library of a town known as ‘Ponyville’ and I learnt that, there are many countries in this world and all of them have monarch government.” Anubis said, and Parth pondered about the point.

“ So they have Kings and Queens ruling there respective countries, interesting.” Parth said and, then motioned Anubis to carry on.

“ Yes sir, the kingdoms are knowns as
Well one interesting thing is that this planet has 90% population female population, so they have mainly queens as their leaders, only griffin kingdom has a king.” A.I. finished and Parth was again dumbstruck.

“ 90% FEMALE POPULATION ! Damn I know a lot of guys who would really wanna be here.” Parth said sarcastically which, caused Anubis to chuckle.

“ Also one more unbelievable thing I discovered is that the humans here can do mythical things like Telekinesis, Teleportation and magic.” as soon as Anubis said this, Parth’s jaw fell down again.

“ O...k, I get it Anubis, I won’t question you as this planet already defied many physical laws of nature, so magic doesn’t really get the damn shock out of me.” Parth said and the A.I. chuckled again,

“ Don’t worry sir, even though these humans can fire magical beams, they would have little to no effect on you as your energy shields are very strong, they wouldn’t be able to deplete your shield even by 10% even if they all attack you altogether.” Anubis said and Parth led out a sigh of relief.

“ Anubis, prepare a phantom for me and put our ship in orbit around this planet. I would go to the surface of this planet to investigate further, I will try to uncover the mystery behind all this ‘magic’ stuff and the anomalies of this planet, I would like land on this country ‘Equestria’, give me more necessary details about it.” Parth ordered Anubis.

“ Right away sir, I have ordered 10 promethean knights to activate the phantom, 2 prometheans will go and drop you at the surface of the planet and return back to the ship with the phantom, you can just call me through comms, for pelican or phantom and I will send it right away,.....As for your second question, this country has two rulers by the name of Princess Celestia the raiser of the sun, and Princess Luna the raiser of the moon, there is another princess also by the name of Princess Cadence, but we don’t need information about her right now. There are six girls which are known in the country as the ‘Elements of Harmony’, There names are Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy... Right now sir, I only know that these elements are the most powerful weapons these humans have on their land. But still these weapons cannot deplete your energy shields by more than 15%.” A.I. finished by showing the picture of how these six humans looked like, Parth was quite impressed by their ‘elements’ and felt funny on their ridiculous names, Parth didn’t say anything and only nodded after knowing this much.

“ The phantom will drop you in the everfree forest which is just beside this Ponyville town, be careful there as that forest is quite dangerous having lot of wild animals, it is the safest area where I can drop you to avoid any attention from natives.” Anubis told Parth.

“ OK Anubis, well you know I don’t need to worry because I am worry, I am a spartan” Parth said and Anubis laughed.

“ Anubis, I am going to cryo chamber to get my armour back on me, by then prepare the phantom for me.” Parth said and the A.I. acknowledged.

Parth then turned around, and made exited the control room, making his way to the cryo chamber.

”Raiser of the sun and raiser of the moon,...hmm....what did Anubis mean by that ?” Parth thought about this but shrugged it off considering it to be a question for later.

It took 20 minutes for Parth to reach the cryo chamber. He saw Serry there and went to her to ask about the armour

“ Serry, is everything done on my armour ?” Parth asked, Serr turned around and replied

“ Yes, Sir everything in position, all updates have been downloaded and uploaded to your armour, you are ready to wear it.” This brought smile upon Parth’s lips.

“ OK serry, start up the armour assembling machine, and place my armour parts on the machine.” Parth ordered Serry and she nodded.

” Let’s do it” was all Parth thought when he entered and stood between the different parts of the machine in his undersuit. The machine started assembling the parts on the body of the spartan.


The war has been raging on continuously for the past one hour. More than thousands of the changelings had been incapacitated or killed by the counter firing of equestrians, and the equestrians had now lost 35 royal guards while battling against the changelings.

The main 6 have been battling bravely against the changelings along side the royal guards, but the end of battle did not seem to be insight.

“ Just how many of these buckers are there ? We had been incapacitating and killing many of them, but there numbers don’t even seem to deplete.” Rainbow shouted angrily, while taking cover form enemy fire. Twilight put her hand on Rainbow’s shoulder and said

“ Don’t worry Rainbow, we are all friends. We will fight against these creatures and defend our town against these creatures till our last breath. Princess Celestia, princess Luna and Shining Armour will be here soon with more than 1000 royal guards. We just need to hold out for a little longer and then everything would turn back to normal.” Rainbow made a sigh of relief after listening these words from her friends.

“ But darling, because of these dirty monsters my skin that I got massaged in the spa has returned back to it’s original dirty nature, also my beautiful hair have been strangled.” Rarity exclaimed while whining. Everyone present there did a face palm on hearing Rarity’s complains.

“ OK, Rarity I will go with you and Fluttershy to the spa, once we deal with this attack. I will pay for everything, but until then, please focus on what we are doing right now.” Twilight said in a monotonous voice.

“ Really ! Thanks dear Twilight.” Rarity exclaimed and jumped on Twilight to hug her, but missed when Twilight stepped aside.

“ No huggings till we deal with this war.” Twilight exclaimed and Rarity pouted, but soon they both began covering fire.

The war continued like this for 25 more minutes like this and 10 more royal guard died while fighting now. But now something unexpected happened.

Suddenly almost 2000-3000 changelings came out of nowhere behind the main sic and remaining 45 royal guards, catching all of them off guard. The royal guards turned immediately from bows and arrows to swords and spears along with the main 6.

The battle took place in close combat now but lasted only 30 minutes when all the remaining royal guards were killed and the main 6 were finally captured by the changelings.

“ Why did you attack us again, what do you want ?” Twilight asked the changelings that were now leading them to the central area of Ponyville.

“ It’s been a while Twilight.” a familiar voice came within the horde of changelings. Twilight recognised the voice and her anger rose. As the owner of the voice came into view, the rage of all the main 6 began to unleash.

“ CHRYSALIS”, all the main 6 exclaimed together and with disgust in their voices.

“ Oh don’t need to get angry, you will need to save that energy for crying for your loved ones later.” Chrysalis said with venom in here voice. The main 6 went pale after hearing that kind of warning from chrysalis

“ What do you mean by that, you dirty creature ?” Rarity asked with fear in her voice.

“ You will all see later, just wait, this time even your princesses will not be able to save you from me and my changelings.” Chrysalis said with a devilish grin on her face.

“ You will never be successful, with your evil intentions chrysalis.” Twilight said with bravery.

“ Just wait and watch, you will soon understand that when my revenge would be successful, for the last time you did with me in the royal wedding, you all will pay for that.” Chrysalis said to main 6 and then went away, leaving all of them alone.


Parth was sitting on the passenger seat inside the phantom. He was now wearing his armour completely, a 500 tonne MJOLNIR mark VIII armour. Two promethean knights were driving the phantom, while Parth was inspecting the weapons he had brought with him. He brought a magnum, a UNSC modified sniper rifle and a MA5B assault rifle. All his weapons were full loaded and he had the maximum amount of magazines, he could carry for each weapon. He also had the energy sword which was now permanently attached to his armour.

“ Sir please strap yourself, we are about to reach the surface, ETA- 5 minutes.” A knight said from the cockpit.

Parth nodded and strapped himself on the seat of the phantom. Just few more minutes and he would be on the surface of a newly discovered planet.

Those 5 minutes went away like few seconds and the phantom was now hovering above the surface of the planet. Parth unstrapped himself and went to the hatch of the phantom. He jumped out of the phantom and landed on the ground with a loud ‘thud’. The spartan then motioned the prometheans that he had landed and asked them to fly away.
Prometheans acknowledged and went away, back to THE ENDURANCE.

“ Anubis, do you read me ?” Parth asked through comms.

“ Yes sir, loud and clear, your helmet is recording what you would be seeing from now onwards.” Anubis replied.

“ OK, over and out, will contact you when required, until then enjoy the show.” Parth said sarcastically and switched of his comms.

Parth than began to scan his surroundings, what he saw was a bizarre sight. He saw that most of the trees were of the same colour, there were birds just like earth, many rabbits and squirrels, as same as that on earth. He saw that there were no contacts near his position in his motion tracker. He placed all his weapons on their respective places on his armour and started making his way towards this town ‘Ponyville’.

Author's Note:

Well guys, this is it for now, In the next chapter, our hero will save ponyville, meet and get acquainted with main 6 and the princesses, next chapter will be published in at most 3 days, till then see ya