• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 4,042 Views, 75 Comments

Halo: The new age - The Silent writer

A highly skilled and lethal Spartan of UNSC while riding on a forerunner ship stumbles upon an unexplored planet

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Meeting Spike and Reaching Ponyville


It had been two hours since, the spartan had landed on the planet. He discovered that this planet has same date and time system just like earth using his armour’s advanced computers, much to his shock. Throughout this time, he had found many mythical animals on this planet like cockatrice, Hydras, manticores and dragons, he only peeked at them and did not confront them as that would make him to kill these innocent animals. He had been observing his surroundings and was trying to deduce, various scientific theories to prove these anomalies of this planet, but not even was completely being true.

He activated his comms and said,

“Anubis, do you read me ?”

“ Yes sir, I read you, loud and clear, anything you need ?” Anubis replied like the soldiers, who respond to their seniors.

“ Hmm Anubis, why are you being so formal, please don’t say that now you also have a damn crush on me, like all those women on earth.” Parth said sarcastically,

“ Huh no....I .....I-mean...I- “. Anubis, struggled with those words, as what Parth said was partially true. Over the time, she had developed a liking for him through her advanced computing mechanisms, but not like that she wanted him to have sex with her.

“ Relax, Anubis, I was playing with you...hahaha.” Parth cut her off when she was making a sentence

Hmmm.. you damn motherfucker..” Anubis said in a very low voice, even for a spartan to listen.

“ Anubis, this world seems to be far more strange, I thought that magic was enough but seeing those fucking mythical creatures, I guess we are on a very weird planet, but climatic conditions are same here.” Parth said seriously but with some humour in his voice.

“ You are correct sir, this planet has very different characteristics, even for me as a forerunner A.I. to understand such complex world is proving hectic.” Anubis said with an amusing voice, causing Parth to chuckle.

“ Yup, Anubis this is re-“ Parth suddenly stopped in between when he heard something. He heard someone....Crying ? It sounded like a child’s cry.

Deciding to check on it he said, “ Anubis, I will contact you later, over and out.” Parth said to Anubis she acknowledged by cutting the comms off, but his front camera was recording everything.

Anubis said that this forest is the most dangerous place in equestria, then why the hell is someone crying here...in middle of this forest.” Parth thought inside his super brain, while making his way through the bushes to the source of the sound.

As Parth made his way through the Forest, the sound of crying grew louder gradually. He was holding his magnum in his hands, while his assault rifle and sniper rifle rested on his back. He soon reached the spot where he confirmed that the crying was of a child, he was making his way through the bushes when he realized something.

”I think I shall use active camo... I am sure that the child would surely get scared when he would see a human, with some futuristic advanced armour”. Parth thought and soon activated his active camo and became invisible.

Now he was almost 100 metres away from the child when he noticed the red blip on his motion tracker, coming from the direction of child. Cautiously, he tightened his grip on his magnum while making his way slowly to the child. Even though the natives of this planet could not damage him even in the slightest, he took no chance with caution and had activated his active camo and grip tightened on magnum. He also readied his energy sword. When he got out of the bushes and saw the child, he could not believe what he was seeing.

He saw a boy, wearing dark blue jeans and red coloured T-Shirt with three diamonds on it. He saw that boy had green hair and was... purple skinned. The boy had scales on his body and two eyes, nose, ears and mouth with hands and legs, just like humans. By his facial features, he deduced that the child was a boy.

”WHAT THE FUCK.... That kid looks like a dragon and different from other natives. Damn this planet will never stop to amuse me.” Parth thought very loudly and laughed in his head.

Concluding that this boy was no threat, Parth switched off his active camo and made his way forward towards the boy. But magnum still in his hands, just in case.

The boy, suddenly stopped crying and his eyes widened with shock when he saw an armoured behemoth materializing in front of him and coming towards him. The boy saw that the....thing as he thought, had different and more advanced armour as compared to that of a royal guard, the armoured being was wearing a black helmet and armour with blue-black faceplate. He saw that the armoured being was carrying some ‘L’ shaped thing in his hand, with his one finger on a movable piston like object. The boys also noted that it had two more sticks, stuck on his back with some unknown magical force, one was a long stick whereas other was a little shorter, perhaps they were some sought of unknown weapons. Now this whole armoured being inserted one emotion in the boy’s mind in vast amounts. ‘FEAR’.

The spartan noticed the boy’s behaviour and saw that he was really intimidating for the boy. So Parth decided to confront the boy and if possible, comfort him by asking a most basic question that one species would ask to another.

“ Can you understand me ?” Parth asked. He knew that he could understand their language by the translator that his helmet was carrying.

The boy seemed to get confused as to how this thing was able to speak without a face. He also deduced that this armoured being was a male by the accent of it’s voice. Seeing the boy was in confusion, he repeated himself

“ I ask again, can you understand me ?”

The boy was still feeling intimidated of this armoured creature, but he managed to nod to Parth.

Celebrating his short victory in his head on getting the response from the boy, Parth tried to continue the conversation to get some answers from the boy and to ask about his problems.

“ Good, now tell me, what kind of creature are you ?” Parth asked, trying to be less intimidating.

The boy, feeling a little comfortable on knowing that this creature is not going to harm him, said

“ I-I-I a-am, what i-is kn-known as a d-d-dra-dragon b-boy, we a-are a mixture o-of human and d-dragon.” The boy finished very nervously with his eyes with less fear than before.

“ OK boy, now tell me what is your name and why are you crying ?”

“ S-S-Spike “ the boy told his name to the spartan. “ I am crying because, I had to run away from my house and my village and was forced to leave my friends on the orders of my adoptive big sister.” Spike said and his eyes again started filling with tears.

Parth understood from the way he spoke, the way he looked miserable, that this boy had suffered something bad and has lost someone, just like those few kids that he had saved from the covenant. Nevertheless, Parth asked him one more question, though he knew why had Spike run away.

“ Why were you forced to run away from your home.” As soon as Parth asked this, Spike burst into tears right in front of Parth. Being a spartan, Parth was trained and his genetic augmentations caused him to feel almost no emotion so, Spike’s crying did not induce any sympathy or caring nature for spike in the spartan.

Spike, recounted all the tale of the war that had broken out in Ponyville, Spike told hime that he had gone to rarity’s boutique and how when he was helping rarity, some changeling creatures invaded their town. Parth questioned him about these changelings. Spike told him that Changelings were black and scaly bipedal creature who fed on emotions of others and were brutal in their methods, Spike also told him that these changelings were led by a queen known as ‘Chrysalis’. Spike explained him that his big adoptive sister was none other than Twilight. These names Rarity and Twilight all caught Parth’s attention as they were two of the carriers of the most powerful weapon of this planet. Spike also told him that after being rescued by Twilight, she had ordered him to escape and hide into the Everfree forest, as it was the only safest option available at the moment. The last part of the story dwelled tears into his eyes again as he didn’t know what would be the condition of twilight as of now.

Parth had enough of his crying.

“ Stop crying like a one year old baby spike, get yourself up move forward, it is pointless to cry for those things that are not in our control, I shall say that your sister made a wise decision by sending you here to hide. Else you would have been captured also.” Parth said in complete emotionless voice, as he had dealt with the emotion that Spike has been going through. The final part really angered Spike and he said out loud.


“ ENOUGH ! You don’t have any idea through what I have been through, you are a small kid who should not have watched those horrible moments of war, so shut up and get over with it.” Parth said a bit loudly and harshly to Spike, which caused him to cringe in fear again.

Realizing that a kid would not understand the intergalactic war that he went through in the past 6 years, he knelt down on one leg.

“ I am sorry Spike, I shouldn’t have yelled on you, but you forced me to led out the anger and sadness that I have buried in my heart from the past one year.” Parth said almost emotionlessly, but Spike managed to understand that this armoured being had a lot of pain inside him, even though he could not see his face or even if he had one.

“ I am sorry too, I know nothing about you and I spoke those harsh words, by the way who are you and what are you ?” Spike asked out of curiosity.

“ Call me Spartan-127 or just Spartan, the rest information about me is classified.” Parth said. He didn’t feel that it was the right time to share his details, especially with a kid that he is a human, not of this world but also the owner of a ship that could devastate this planet within few minutes.

Spike didn’t understand about this ‘classified’ thing but, understood that Spartan did not wanted to divulge any information about himself, so he didn’t suppress his question for answers.

“ OK mister Spartan, I jus-.” Spike was cutoff when the spartan raised his hand to silence him.

Parth saw nine red signature dots in his motion tracker. Soon after that their was a loud ‘HOWL’ just like of a wolf, which caused Spike to cringe more in fear and the spartan to unholster his magnum and to ready it for an incoming possible attack.

Suddenly, the creatures stepped out in front of them, the spartan moved forward, he was quite amused to see the creatures. The creatures were made of...wood. They had bright green glowing eyes and sharp canine teeth. They looked exactly like wolves. They started surrounding the spartan as Spike had already dug himself behind a bush.

” Oh shit....more fucking impossible creatures, what more ridiculous creatures will this world show to me, and they think they can take me down, let me prove them fucking wrong.” Parth said as he readied himself for the combat by igniting his energy sword along with the magnum. These poor wooden creatures didn't really have an idea about what they are facing right now.

Spike peeked through the bush to see what was happening, but could only see in horror that the Spartan had been surrounded by nine Timberwolves. But he saw that Spartan was not afraid, instead he had readied himself for the combat with that 'L' shaped weapon and a blue sword with little flames, that he thought that Spartan had brought out from nowhere. Spike thought that this creatures was underestimating the Timberwolves. He was a little enthusiastic as what would this creature do to protect himself, surely he won't kill anyone would he ?

Suddenly, the timber wolves stopped circling the Spartan and stood at a particular position, with their growling increasing in intensity.

Parth marked the positions of his targets.

" Three targets, behind me, Three targets, infront of me, two targets on my right side and one target on my left side, seems they are trying to flank me, I know how to deal with this." Parth formulated this all by his increased thinking capacity.

Suddenly three Timberwolves lunched at him from behind, Parth saw this in his motion tracker and spun around with incredible speed and slashed his energy sword through the timberwolves. The energy sword had no problem in cutting the wolves as various parts of the bodies of the wolves splattered into pieces. One of the wolf's face was gone completely, second one was cut entirely in half and the third one was on fire with,screaming with his legs cut from the attack, all of them had some green substance flowing out of them. Spartan spun around quickly again and before any of the Timberwolves could react, he fired three rounds of his magnum towards the three timberwolves that were standing infront of him. Each bullet met it's mark and the heads of those three timberwolves were gone in few seconds, all of them fell down, dead. Now the remaining three wolves we're completely intimidated by the power of Spartan, their legs started shaking and their faces had look of pure fear. But the Spartan showed no mercy, he quickly fired one more magnum round towards the head of the lone standing timberwolf which met it's mark, and he quickly spun around and slashed his energy sword at the two remaining timberwolves before even they could run for their lives. So within 5 minutes, the Spartan had taken down all the Timberwolves, each lying down dead.

"Ha...piece of cake". Parth said in his mind.

Spike was completely petrified on what he saw. The creature had KILLED those nine Timberwolves. It would take almost 12 royal guards to scare away so many timberwolves, but this Spartan had killed these timberwolves mercilessly without even flinching. Spike was now completely afraid of this Spartan. He understood that this creature was danger to everyone, Spike thought that the Spartan must be banished to the Moon for such aggressiveness. But before he could make a run his life, away from the spartan. He heard the Spartan call his name.

" Spike come out, the danger is dead , we are safe for now." Parth said with emotionless voice which caused Spike to flinch as he came out from the bush.

This Spartan k-killed those wolves mercilessly, he could have scared them away, but he chose to kill them and still does not show any regrets...this creature is really dangerous. I shall say to twilight to ask Princess Celestia to banish this creature from Equestria Spike thought in his mind as he made his way to the Spartan, but did not say any word.

" So Spike" Parth started," Can you venture out of this forest on your own or shall I escort you out of it ?" Parth asked Spike.

Spike was more than happy to get away from this Spartan as soon as possible, but again heard a large 'ROAR' of a manticore.

Realizing that he would not be able to make it to ponyville alone he asked,

"W-well, it would be better if you could escort me out. I don't wanna become a food of a manticore." Spike said in a low voice, but enough for the Spartan to hear.

" OK, then I will escort you out, don't go away from me if you don't wanna die kid." Parth said as he deactivated his energy sword, much to Spike's astonishment, but kept his magnum in his hands, just in case.

Thankfully, the rest of the trip was safe, and the Spartan and Spike we're now nearing the edge of the forest, they had been walking for almost 1 hour because of Spike's slow speed. Spike on other hand was explaining about the dangers of everfree forests to the Spartan, Spike also told him that the creatures he killed are known as timberwolves and are very dangerous creatures. Though Spike was still petrified from him, but he also looked on the Spartan with awe on the Spartan's remarkable strength and speed.

" So here it is kid, where we part ways, your town will be just ahead of these bushes, good luck." Parth said as he started making his way back to the extraction point.

"But wait, how can I go into the town with these changelings rampaging it !" Spike exclaimed, which caused the Spartan to stop dead in his tracks.

He had forgotten that this child had runaway from his attackers and he was leaving him here, to be caught by those attackers.

He quickly contacted Anubis by shutting off his external speakers.

" Anubis, there is a problem now."

" Go ahead sir, I am listening." Anubis replied, prompting the Spartan to continue.

" I was researching the area when I suddenly stumbled around a kid in this forest. He told me that his village was under attack by some creatures called 'changelings'. I right now escorted him out of the forest, and standing infront of the village. Shall I help them or shall I return back ?" Parth asked Anubis for her advice.

" I advice that you shall, help them Parth. It might help us to become friendlies to locals, which might inturn, help us in researching of this planet, we might also contact their rulers and get to know their intentions, rest is up to you Parth." Anubis advised, which was enough to convince Parth to help the natives.

" Alright Anubis, I will help them, I need you to change the ship mode to combat, as I might ask you for orbital bombardment, If I find that their army is more than one million." Parth ordered Anubis.

" Alright Sir, Anubis out" Anubis said and shut the comms off. Parth also reopened his helmet's external speakers. He saw Spike looking at him, puzzled.

" Spike." Parth said which caught Spike's attention

" I will help you and your people in this war, but don't think that I will not kill if I am supposed to, I saw your reaction when I killed these Timberwolves and understood that you guys don't know or have seen killing since a long time, so I will help but will not hesitate to kill, and it would be beneficial for me too." Parth stated complete emotionlessly.

Spike thought that he was crazy, that he thought that he could take on an army on his own, but Spike did realize that this Spartan had killed 9 timberwolves with much ease. So Spike only nodded in agreement, but he was petrified as he would see more deaths and killings.

"Good, now let's find a safe spot to take cover while getting most of the open view of the village, I might need to snipe some targets before entering the battlefield, I might need your help in identifying some potentially important targets." Parth said asked Spike to follow him.

Spike again nodded in agreement and started following him.

" Looks like I have to return to my former self, once again after the war with covenant, to my lone-wolf and ruthless side... that everyone feared." Parth thought as he made his way to the target hill.

Author's Note:

So guys this is it for now, I'm really sorry that I promised that I would be showing the meeting of Spartan with the main six and the princesses in this chapter, but I didn't have enough time to write that much big chapter, but I assure you that next chapter will have the battle for Ponyville and how the first meeting will go with the main 6. So see ya until next chapter.