• Published 25th Apr 2019
  • 1,656 Views, 12 Comments

Thingy's Halloween - chucklefarts

Thingpone finds Nightmare Night to be the perfect excuse to abuse her shapeshifting abilities to scare unsuspecting ponies. An exasperated Anon tries to keep her in check.

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Chapter 4

A hundred, black fleshy tendrils curled around countless branches of a tree overlooking a corn maze. It looked like a cross between spaghetti and a colony of worms, constantly moving and shifting and clinging to the bare branches of a tree in autumn. Within the mass of moving muscles, two were completely still. They carried eyes with strange corneas that changed shape. The moonlight briefly poked through the clouds and for a few moments the alien could be clearly seen in the tree.

The Thing suddenly decided to slither down the trunk of the tree. Hundreds of featureless black, alien snakes slid against each other as they slid down the trunk of the tree and across the ground into the field of corn. They rapidly slid through the forest of corn stalks until a filly’s voice could be heard.

“Where are we? I knew you didn’t know where you were going, Scootaloo!” said Applebloom.

All of the snakes suddenly stopped moving in perfect sync. They were close.

“Did you hear that? I think I saw a snake!” exclaimed Sweetie.

Looks like I got a bit too close. Thing thought in her hivemind. Thing had a devious plan. Now that she had her slivering biomass oriented to the group’s location she could set up her prank. If all went well, she would give the foals a scare but more importantly, she would scare the living daylights out of Anon.


The foals giggled and Anon stifled a yawn. Another pony had jumped from around the corner, this time dressed as a zombie with full face paint. The zombie moaned and started shambling towards the foals with one foreleg outstretched.


The zombie turned and began limping towards Anon.

Anon narrowed his eyes, “Aw, hell no! Not this again!”

Anon backed up and swatted at Lyra as she approached but lyra reared up on her hind legs and put her forehooves on anon’s belly in an effort to reach his hands.

“Shoo! Shoo!” Anon held his hands out of heach.

Lyra giggled. “Aww, come on! Let me see them up close!”

“No, I only work during the hours of nine to two and you have to pay for massages like everyone else!” Anon clutched his hands to his chest. The last time he had let her examine his hands, she had placed them in her mouth. Hooves were not exactly the best for feeling things.

“Okay…” Lyra winked up at Anon. “Maybe next time big boy!”

Lyra grinned and waved goodbye as she set up shop for the next group.

Amber snickered at Lyra and Anon’s antics. “I think she likes you, Anon! You think she’ll let me assimilate her if I promise to turn her into a human?”

Anon sighed, “Wouldn’t put it past her.”

The foals moved on. Out of the corner of the maze came something strange looking. At first it looked like a giant ant and it moved like one too, in fact it hissed and screeched. The insect had its limbs spread apart and an insectoid face with antennae but at a closer inspection it was not an insect. The crusaders were fooled for about half a second before they saw right through the trick.

“Wow! Neat trick, Blossomforth! I don’t think anypony in Ponyville could do it as well as you can!” Sweetie said.

A muffled feminine voice emanated from the supposed insect.

“Awww! Saw through it that quickly, did you?”

Now that the crusaders had pointed it out, it was easy to see what was happening. Blossomforth, the local contortionist and yoga expert, was doing a deep backbend bridge stretch where her torso was upside down. Her head was upside down but her mask was made specifically so that she could wear it rightside up when she herself was upside down. Her spine was curled in a deep arch with her stomach and rib cage jutting upwards. This allowed her to stand in an inverted position with her knees and elbows facing away from her body instead of the normally inward facing knees and elbows. Her shoulders and plot were facing inwards instead of the usual outwards position. She also spread her forelegs and hind legs apart so that she could walk in an insect-like manner with her elbows and knees facing outwards like insect limbs would.

“Wasn’t I at least a little scary? Some other fillies and colts fell for it.”

Sweetie spoke up, “You had me there for a second but I have worked with too many costumes with Rarity to not see through it. I think you may have scared Scootaloo a little though.”

“Hey, I was not scared for a second!”

Blossomforth began walking slowly towards the crusaders, her forelegs in a wide stance and changed her voice playfully. “Hisssss! I’m a big spider, and I’m gonna to eat ya!”

The fillies laughed at Blossomforth’s contorted performance.

Amber edged up to Anon and whispered, “I can do that much better than she can!”

Anon looked down at her and raised an eyebrow. “It’s not as impressive with you, you’re cheating.”

Thing pouted back at Anon. “Hmph!”

She resolved to make him scream like a girl.

Thing’s flesh twisted and flexed propelling itself on the floor of the farm. The perfect spot was ahead, a clearing deserted from the rest of the maze. The slithering snakes of tentacles piled together in the middle of the clearing, curling against each other. Soon the flesh began to melt and stick together. Thing thought of her purpose and imagined her shape.

The flesh was amorphous and without form, ready to be mutated into the proper shape. It twisted together, it crystallized, creaked and cracked as it formed a hardened, shell. An advanced exoskeleton substance, a genetic structure Thing’s race had stored in her mind. The bone was light yet very strong. In fact it was strong enough to support the weight of a giant insect. She merged the organs and abilities from a great number of organisms to create her flesh into an abomination. She should not exist in this world, her biology was miles ahead of what existed here and her creations she transformed into had abilities that made her into a monster. Something that could easily outrun the fastest cheetah, could jump thirty feet into the air, and was stronger and more nimble than any organism its size.

Her new body looked somewhat like a huge spider, as large as a shed. Her body had most of the traits of one. Each of her legs was hairy but beneath the exoskeleton were advanced muscles, designs of which were harvested from an ancient race. Her entire body had hair growing from it. Her maw had fangs that could crush a boulder. Despite her huge size, she was very light, in fact she had wings that could make her huge body hover. The silk in her glands was stronger than titanium and the adhesive it was covered in was sticky enough to trap a manticore. The venom in her was strong enough to knock out a dragon. Her long spindly legs dexterous enough to tie a knot.

Finally, Thing was ready. She imagined her shape, her organs, her genetic code. Her body’s advanced mechanisms laced and fused the genetic code of many different organisms into one. Then it began. Her legs began growing out of her flesh, rapidly sprouting outwards like grass and solidifying. The legs flexed and twitched. The large mound was picked up by the legs and hefted from the ground. The main body itself was still mutating, solidifying into a sternum. The abdomen usually found on an insect was completely gone. Thing had no use for digestion or a circulatory system. Her face sprouted into existence, eight beady eyes, and a maw with powerful crushing fangs cracked and fused together, drool dripping from its maw. Finally the alien had finished its grotesque transformation. It’s new body and advanced mechanisms, billions upon billions of years of evolution honed for one purpose.

To scare the living hell out of Anon.