• Published 2nd May 2019
  • 3,371 Views, 12 Comments

Friends With Benefits - Liquid Savage

In which a great and powerful enabler gains power over her friend

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A Great and Powerful Curse

Starlight Glimmer wandered the Castle of Friendship’s kitchen, eyelids lowered in sheer boredom. With the School of Friendship closed for the summer, her duties as Councillor weren’t formally needed, so she’d spent the morning flopped on the bed with nothing better to do. She’d skimmed through a few books she’d borrowed from the library, but they didn’t capture her interest. Not that day. She couldn’t even do any magic training with Twilight Sparkle, since she was away on Princess of Friendship duties. She still wasn’t sure what to think of the whole ‘Friendship’ motif Twilight had going on.

So, she had turned to the never-fail solution to satiate a bored mare; food.

Unfortunately, so far the kitchen wasn’t giving her any good ideas either. Hay sandwiches and gems for Spike were the main items on the menu, but there were a few cupcakes and tubs of ice cream. If only she knew what she wanted. She knew what she liked, but-

Her eyes lit up with realisation. She knew what she wanted; Muffins! Muffins were her favourite treat since she was a filly. It was the main reason she made it the only food Sugar Belle could bake back when she was evil and had a whole town under her-

She shook her head, dispelling the memories. Those days were long behind her. She was a good guy now, doing good guy things. These would be good guy muffins for a good guy pony.

The only issue was there were no muffins in the castle kitchen, good guy or otherwise. A consequence of her last craving, she figured. She pouted for a moment, but ultimately it was no big deal. It just meant a trip to Sugarcube Corner for some more. Plus, why have just a few when she could have a whole box of them to herself? That thought put a grin on her face and a rumble in her belly.

With that, she exited the front door. She knew she was leaving Spike alone in an entire castle, but if he could be the hero of the entire Crystal Empire then he could take care of a castle for fifteen minutes. She trotted eagerly into Ponyville, with Sugarcube Corner being mercifully close so her urge could be satisfied that little bit sooner. Just as well, since her stomach was getting rather vocal about the lack of muffins inside it.

Thankfully the bakery was devoid of a long line, so she could jog right up to the counter and the smiling stallion behind it.
“Afternoon, Starlight,” greeted Mr. Cake. “Your usual?”
“Yeah please,” she said. “Make it two today. Actually, three. We ran out in the castle.”
Mr. Cake nodded, and within moments the counter had a trio of chocolate-banana muffins stacked on top of each other. Starlight paid for them and went on her way, happy that Twilight had been paying her a decent councillor’s wage.

Using her magic, she carried the boxes back toward the castle, flipping the lid off one and lifting out a fluffy looking muffin. She grinned and chomped into it, moaning softly at the taste. Easily the best muffins she’d ever had, bar none.

Why did I take away Sugar Belle’s cutie mark if I could’ve gotten muffins like this? No, Starlight, stop. Things are better now.

Before she could put the focus back on her muffins, a puff of smoke exploded in front of her, almost making her drop them. The smoke faded to reveal a blue unicorn in a purple, star-spangled cape and pointy hat.
“Starlight Glimmer, today is your lucky day!” she declared, puffing out her chest. “I, The Great and Powerful Trrrrrixie, have chosen today as the day of hanging out!”
Starlight smirked and rolled her eyes, used to her friend’s dramatics. “How’s it going, Trixie?”
“Oh fine, thanks,” Trixie answered, her booming yell lowered to a casual speaking tone. “I’ve got something I wanted to show you, if you have time.”
“Yeah?” Starlight asked, taking another bite of her muffin. “What is it?”
“I’ll show you at the wagon,” she said, and began a trot. “C’mon!”
Starlight’s pupils dilated and she rushed over to cut her off. “Maybe we could do this at the castle? Remember the last time we both tried to use your wagon?”
Trixie flinched. “Good point. Let’s do this at your place then.”

Starlight nodded and the two walked toward the Castle of Friendship. Trixie looked toward the opened box.
“Can I have a muffin?” she asked, reaching a hoof out.
“No,” snapped Starlight out of instinct, then blinked and quickly brought a muffin to Trixie’s mouth, “problem. No problem at all.”

Maybe I have a problem, she thought, cringing.

Starlight’s bedroom wasn’t as extravagant as Trixie was expecting. She entered the door waiting to see a four-poster bed and crystal walls, but she saw a normal double-bed, some magic stuff on the worktable, a few plants and a kite leaning against the wall. She kept forgetting Starlight liked kites for some reason.

But that wasn’t the point of her visit. She had something to show her friend, and once the two were settled on the bed, the muffin box between them, she was ready to share.

“Okay, so,” Starlight began, biting into yet another muffin. “What’s this thing you wanted to show me?”
Trixie smirked and waved her hooves in Starlight’s face. “As you can see, there is nothing in my left hoof, and nothing in my right. But now, watch as I reach behind my cape!”
Starlight suppressed a snort as she watched Trixie blatantly flip open a pouch behind her back. She was a good stage magician, but apparently she was too eager to bring out her A material.
Trixie revealed her surprise; a vial with a baster lid, and some pink liquid inside. “Behold!”
Starlight’s smirk turned into an intrigued frown, and she leaned down to inspect it further. “What is it?”
“This potion is special indeed,” Trixie explained, “for when a single drop is placed onto any kind of food, the pony who eats it becomes hooked on it!”
Starlight furrowed her brow sceptically. Trixie was a passable wizard, but she was no alchemist. “It really does that?”
“Well, it should,” admitted Trixie, glancing aside.
Starlight narrowed her eyes. “Where did you get this stuff?”
“A magician never reveals her secrets, Starlight Glimmer!”
“Was it a pair of tall unicorns dressed like old-timey barbers?”
“Oh no, it was this one unicorn mare I met on the side of the road. She asked me if I liked sweets, I said sweets are alright but I have a friend who likes muffins. She sold me this stuff really cheap, saying my friend would really love it. And of course, that friend is you but I didn’t tell her that. She smelled nice, like fresh bread, but her pointy hat wasn’t as nice as mine, all black and ragged. Never trust a shoddy-dressed magician, I always say.”
“Trixie, when have you ever said that?”
“That’s not the point!” Trixie said, raising her voice. “Will you try it out for me? I need to see if I was ripped off and I can’t get distracted with food if I try it myself.

Starlight looked down at the potion, then at Trixie, the scepticism not leaving her stare. She already suspected herself of having an addiction to muffins, the last thing she needed was to be completely hooked on them.
But on the other hoof, her inner wizard was telling her to try it. If anything, she wanted to put her curiosity to bed, and there was only one way to do it.

“Is there a cure for this stuff?” she finally asked.
Trixie nodded. “She said the potion will wear off if you go without it for a whole day.”
“So if I try this stuff for you, I can go back to normal anytime?”
“After a day, yes.”
Starlight swallowed the last of her current muffin, then sighed and lifted another toward Trixie. “Potion me, then.”

With a grin, Trixie twisted the lid off the vial and squeezed a drop of the potion onto the muffin. A small bit of pink vapour rose, forming a heart shape before disappearing. The two watched it, then looked at each other and shrugged.
She held her breath as Starlight took a small test bite, and both mares froze. She rose a hoof, then jumped as her friend tore into the muffin, getting crumbs on herself and the bed.
“Wow, that stuff is good!” Starlight confirmed, grinning and licking her muzzle clean. “That muffin was already delicious, but that made it even better!”
Trixie smirked with triumph. “Want some m-” she was cut off by another muffin thrust into her face.
“Could you do the rest of the box too?” Starlight requested, her eyes showing a hint of mania. “A-and maybe the boxes in the kitchen too?”

Trixie tried hard not to smirk as she squeezed another drop out onto the muffin. “Anything for a best friend.”

The next day, Starlight felt so strange. From the moment she woke up, she had an itch in the back of her mind. A craving like none other she had felt before. Granted, the want--no, the need for muffins was nothing new to her, but never at this level. To the point where she felt like she’d cease to exist if she went for too long without one.

And even after emptying every box she’d bought the day before, she still wasn’t satisfied. She needed more. But how? Where?

Trixie. Trixie had that special ingredient. That potion that made muffins the best thing in the world. The only thing that mattered. She needed to find her, and quick.

Find the wagon. Find Trixie. Find the potion. Muffins. Need muffins. Eat muffins.

Her magic-fuelled craze stopped her from noticing another change, though this one a lot more obvious to the naked eye. Starlight’s biting on muffins had come back to bite her, with her stomach having rounded out into a true barrel. Her flanks had even plumped up a little bit, giving them a jiggle to her step.

She didn’t pay any attention to the stares she was receiving from concerned passers-by. Even those who tried to get her attention were completely ignored. They didn’t matter. The wagon mattered. Trixie mattered. Muffins mattered.

She found the wagon and rushed over with a new vigour. Ignoring her exhaustion from the sudden sprint, she banged her hoof on the door and tapped on the ground impatiently. The longer she went without those special muffins, the more irritable she became. Why wasn’t Trixie opening up? She could hear movement inside the wagon. Was she holding out on her?

Finally the door opened, and Starlight was right in Trixie’s face. “Trixie! Muffins! Do you have more? You have more, right?!”
Poor Trixie had been sleeping in that morning, and the banging on her wagon door had sent her into a panic. Her mane was still out of place and her eyes were weary. “Huh…?”
“Muffins!” Starlight repeated, using her magic to lift Trixie out of the way and look around inside her wagon. Chests, boxes and covers went flying around the tiny space from her magic flipping them around in search of her treasure. “Do you have them or not?!”
Trixie shook her head, starting to focus. “Oh, muffins. As it happens I do have some set aside for you. If you’d just let me down-”
“Found them,” she said, setting Trixie back down and backing away with her claimed boxes of magically laced muffins. “Thanks, Trixie!”

Trixie, bewildered, only stared at Starlight’s behind as it wobbled off. “Um, no problem…?”

Later on, Trixie laid in her bed, going over what had happened that morning. Starlight had barged into her wagon, looking like she hadn’t slept the previous night, and demanded muffins like she was going to explode if she didn’t get them right that moment. She certainly looked ready to explode, with how jittery she was.

It was definitely the work of that potion, she knew that much. She stared at the stacks of vials on her tiny shelf inside the wagon. She definitely knew that the stuff worked, and that strange pony in the White Tail Woods hadn’t ripped her off, but she wasn’t expecting it to work that well. Was it to do with Starlight’s own love for muffins before she was enchanted to practically live on them?

She remembered Starlight’s dilated pupils. Her sheer desperation to get even just one more muffin. Her flanks jiggling as she went off with them.

She snickered to herself. Starlight was really starting to plump up from cramming her face. But even she knew that normally she couldn’t have gained that much weight overnight. Could that have been another effect of that potion? To make the victim bloat up the more of it they put into them?

An idea took root in the back of Trixie’s head. A dark thought. She’d been trying to suppress such things since turning ‘good’, but this one was just too tempting to ignore.

I should test just how far I can go with this stuff. How far Starlight can go. How big can I make her in just a day? Would she get even more desperate? I have enough of the potion to last weeks, but if I had enough muffins…

A smirk grew on her muzzle as the plan developed more and more in her head. Just a little bit of fun at her bestie’s expense wouldn’t hurt. And besides, the effect would wear off after twenty-four hours. What was the harm?

Starlight practically burst down the door at Sugarcube Corner, earning the attention of everypony inside. Looks of shock and murmurs were exchanged as she rushed in. Her stomach had grown past her thickened legs so much that its curvature squished against the doorframe ever so slightly. Her flanks jiggled behind her like moulds of jello with every step she took toward the counter. Her tubby cheeks and soft slab of fat beneath her chin betrayed her manic eyes.

In fact, the only pony who wasn’t reacting in sheer confusion was Pinkie Pie, who beamed at the newcomer with her trademark wide grin. “Heya, Starlight!”
“Yeah, hi,” Starlight muttered, her breathing heavy from a mixture of exertion, desperation and a hint of anger. “Is Trixie here? She left a note saying she had muffins.”
“Indeedy do, she is!” the earth pony giggled and bounced over the counter. “Lemme show ya our special party room!” She added with an air of mystery, wiggling her hooves in Starlight’s face before leading her around the back.

In the kitchen, Starlight looked around for this special party room, as well as keeping an eye out for any rogue muffins she could snack on before the big ‘surprise’ Trixie had mentioned in the letter she’d received that morning.

Hey Starlight,
I’m renting out a special party room at Sugarcube Corner this afternoon. I know you won’t be busy, so head on over around lunchtime. I’ve got a nice surprise for you. Pinkie knows you’re on your way, everything’s taken care of.
P.S. Yes, there will be muffins.

The wait all through the morning had been agony. A whole morning without muffins? What was she supposed to do instead? She had even overturned Trixie’s wagon in a panic, and she could find not a crumb. Not even a drop of that potion was there!

Starlight hadn’t been that annoyed in a long time, and Trixie had better hope this surprise of hers was worth it.

“And here we are!” chirped Pinkie, pushing open a door to what looked like a cellar. “Just mind your hooves going down, it’s a big surprise down there!”

“Thanks,” Starlight mumbled and practically rushed down the steps while Pinkie bounced back toward the storefront.

She didn’t care about how strange it was, Trixie telling her to meet her in a dark basement. She didn’t think about how she didn’t know Sugarcube Corner even had a basement. She didn’t think about how all she could see was a single spotlight that she stood in the middle of.

Only muffins mattered. Sweet, delicious, precious muffins. There had better be mountains of them down there, with how hungry she was. Her stomach grumbled loud enough to echo through the darkness.

“Welcome, Starlight Glimmer,” Trixie’s voice piped up from somewhere in the room, but Starlight couldn’t figure out which direction. Her head snapped up toward the door as it slammed shut over her. “Glad to see you made it, and you brought your appetite.”

Both Starlight and her belly groaned with hunger. “Do you have muffins or not? I’ve been waiting all morning!”

Trixie stepped into the light, a dark smirk contorting her muzzle. “Oh, I have muffins alright. Behold!”

Lights flashed from above, illuminating the large cellar. Starlight’s jaw dropped as she looked around her. Indeed, like Trixie said, she had muffins. Hundreds upon hundreds of boxes stacked and mountained around the two mares. Not even Sugar Belle had ever baked so many muffins at one time! If these were Pinkie Pie’s doing, she had corrupted the wrong baker a long time ago.

Her belly howled. Her mouth flooded. Her eyes widened. Her breath got heavy.

“The Great and Generous Trixie, in her infinite kindness, has seen fit to grant her best friend with the best gift anypony could ever give their best friend; a lifetime’s supply of magically-enhanced muffins,” the blue mare boasted proudly, and halted her spiel when she saw Starlight had already torn a box’s lid off and stuck her chubby face into it with loud chomps. “But I see you’ve decided to help yourself. Very well, indulge away then.”

For once, Trixie didn’t mind that her gloating had been interrupted. This was going exactly as planned, and that was enough. Starlight had practically dived into the pile of boxes, her legs wiggling and jiggling with gluttonous glee as she gobbled up muffin after muffin. Her dark smirk returned when she noticed those flanks bloat up with another new layer of adipose.

Trixie sat on her haunches and watched. She was lucky she had already eaten that morning, or she’d be tempted to dive into that pile with her. She only wanted one victim that day, and it wasn’t going to be herself.

One side of the room was piled up with boxes, devoid of lids and contents, crumbs dropping down the mountain like pebbles. On the other were more piled up boxes yet to be emptied, enough to satisfy a large birthday party.

In the middle, facing away from the untouched boxes, was an orb of purple unicorn. Her body was a perfect sphere, her stomach having outgrown her tree trunk-size legs which dangled uselessly in the air. Her flanks stuck out from behind her like a pair of water balloons, rippling with every twitch of her hooves. She no longer had any visible neck, just a thick roll of fat hugging her head and a wobbling slab of blubber under her chin. A pair of chubby cheeks gave her quite a squint.

But of course, Starlight didn’t care about, or even know what was happening. She was focusing on her next box. A short, animalistic grunt escaped her as she crammed another one in her mouth, crumbs dropping down to the floor if they weren’t stuck to her fat face.

Trixie, however, was enjoying every moment of it. She marched around Starlight, taking in every roll and jiggle on the massive mare’s body. It was such a marvel to behold. Everything was going perfectly, and as Starlight got rid of yet another box, it was time for the next phase.

Starlight had spent the last half-hour indulging herself, and now it was Trixie’s turn for some fun.

She watched as Starlight turned her head - at least, she was trying to but that large tire of neck fat made it far too difficult - and look around her.

“Hey,” she muttered, her voice breathy and husky, “there any muffins left?”

Trixie snorted, her eyes darting to the mounds of muffins behind the blob. She hoped she didn’t notice.

“Celestia almighty,” she chuckled, smirking up at her fat friend, “you’ve eaten enough muffins to feed all of Manehattan and you still want more?”

“Um, yeah?” Starlight belched, crumbs dropping from her cheeks. “Of course I do.”

“Wow,” gasped Trixie in fake shock, putting her hoof to her chest. “I knew you had an appetite, but I didn’t think you’d be such a pig!” She paced around the mare’s mass, pressing a hoof into her stomach’s side, indenting the flab deep and making Starlight belch. “Look at you. You can’t even stand on your own hooves anymore. Your hooves aren’t anywhere near the ground, because this big belly has you pinned in place.”

Starlight let out a desperate groan, hooves wiggling against her flab. “C’mon Trixie, are there more muffins…?”

“Goodness, are you not even listening to me?” Trixie giggled, narrowing her eyes with a sinister smile. “Normally, The Great and Powerful Trixie would be appalled that one would be so rude as to not listen to her gloating, but you are so lucky that she has found your being such a gluttonous cow so entertaining that she would rather laugh than be upset!”

The air in the room was filled with one mare’s haughty chortle and another mare’s moaning breaths. Trixie was having fun messing with Starlight, the poor mare so obsessed with magical muffins that it was all she could think about.

“Trixie, please,” Starlight whined, her tail flicking between her flabby flanks, “tell me there’s more…!”

Trixie snickered into her hoof. This was going better than she’d imagined. A voice in the back of her head told her that this wasn’t right, taking advantage of her first real friend via a cursed dessert additive. But a louder voice, one that she sided with, told her that there was nothing wrong with a little fun at another pony’s expense. Schadenfreude was a big part of life, after all. And besides, the effects were only temporary. Chances were she wouldn’t even remember all this happening once the twenty-four hours were up.

Another chuckle from the smaller, blue unicorn. Trixie raised her chin in her usual pompous stance and marched around to the large mare’s derriere. “Well, if you’d care to turn yourself around…”

If it meant more to eat, Starlight was plenty motivated. She used her horn to cover herself in her magical aura, and lifted herself up just enough to turn in place. Her sheer surprise and glee at the next pile of treats awaiting her.

Not skipping a beat, Starlight went right back to it like the teasing had never happened, grabbing the closest box, causing many around it to topple over. She quickly eyed them to make sure no muffins fell out, before cramming her flabby muzzle into it like she hadn’t eaten in a week.

Trixie giggled to herself. If Starlight was this desperate now, what would she be like when there truly was none left?

Another half-hour passed, and Trixie was able to get the answer to that question.

To say Starlight had ballooned into a blob would be putting it too nicely. Plus, the word ‘blob’ implies that there’s a shape. Starlight had lost all manner of shape to her body a few dozen boxes ago, being more like an absolute mass of what used to be a pony, now just a mindless eating machine.

Her stomach was filling out the entire basement floor like an oversized waterbed, squishing against the walls and the stairs leading up to the world oblivious to the dark, delicious deeds going on down there. Her legs had long since been absorbed into circular rolls of flab, leaving just useless stubs of hooves wiggling in the air. She had more junk in her trunk than Trixie did in her wagon, and it was about as big as each of her flanks were right now. Her cutie mark was almost indecipherable with how many rolls and dimples had misshapen it, on top of it needing to stretch out to fill the new space. Her face was overcome with a pair of yoga ball-sized cheeks, giving her a squint so strong she could barely see past it, and a tire stack of chins jiggling beneath her jaw as it chewed yet another mouthful of muffins.

Trixie was stood on top of the many crevasses caused by a plethora of back rolls, watching and listening to Starlight moan and gorge. As she carefully crossed the cracks of deep folds, she found herself focusing on how her hooves sunk in so deep, almost to the point where she had to wade through the blubber. Her face was turned pink in a warm flush as she thought about how soft Starlight was. Soft and gelatinous, like a big hot-water bottle that she felt an urge to put her head down on. Perhaps even curl up on her and have a nap?

She shook her head, trying to swing such thoughts away.

Goodness, Trixie, what’s getting into you? She’s a giant butterball of blubber! A landwhale! She’s literally filling out the basement with her flab!

And yet, why did she not find that disgusting? She’d have to find out another time.

For now, as she watched Starlight toss the last box of muffins over her shoulder, just missing her head, it was time for a last bit of fun.

She used the rolls on the back of Starlight’s head as hoof-holds to climb onto her head, leaning on it. “Did my friend enjoy her feast?”

Starlight grunted, like the blue-ribbon sow she had become. “M-more…?”

A bark of a laugh escaped Trixie as she climbed over Starlight, standing on a platform of belly blubber and turning to her friend’s oversized face. “You’ve eaten enough muffins to make even Princess Celestia feel sick, and you still want more?”

“M-more,” Starlight huffed. Her voice had gotten husky from all the fat pushing against her vocal chords, and her cheeks squishing against her mouth so badly left her with a lisp. “Muffinsh…!”

“I don’t believe it,” Trixie said in mock horror. “I just can’t believe that a pony could be such a greedy, gluttonous cow that not just wants to stuff her big fat face, but can only think of stuffing her big fat face! But you’re not really a pony anymore, are you? You’re not even a cow. You’re just a big, jiggling mass of blubber and batter. You’d eat those muffins until you explode, wouldn’t you? Though, you’ve only exploded in size.”

Starlight’s already blushing cheeks blushed even deeper, Trixie’s teasing seeming to get through to her somewhat. “I-I jusht...need muffinsh...jusht...a little more…”

“A little more?” Trixie repeated, a condescending smirk on her muzzle as she grabbed Starlight’s cheeks in her hooves, rubbing them in a circular motion. “Nothing about you is little anymore, my friend. Not even your self-control, since it would have to exist in order to be little.”

For a moment, she thought about how soft Starlight’s cheeks were to the touch, and her tail twitched.

“C-c’mon, Trixhie,” Starlight whined, her own hooves wiggling uselessly amongst their engulfing rolls of leg blubber, “j-jusht one more? Or two…?”

“Trust me, I would love to let you stuff your face some more,” Trixie half-lied, “but I’m afraid it’s not possible. You’ve emptied every box down here, and there’s simply no room for more!”

“N-none left?” Starlight grunted, sounding almost terrified. “C-can Pinkie…?”

Trixie giggled into her hoof. “I could ask her to bake you some more, but honestly, I think you’ve had enough. Look at you, Starlight, if you can even move your neck that far. You weigh more than the population of Yakyakistan, and have eaten enough to feed them for a month.”

“E-enough…?” Starlight gasped, her eyes widened ever so slightly. “B-but, hungry…!”

Trixie shrugged and looked over her shoulder to the stairs. “I’m sorry, Lardlight Jiggler, but as your best friend, I must look out for your wellbeing. What you need right now is some time away from muffins.”

“Sh-shtop it…”

“Stop what?”

“M-making fun of me…”

“Wait,” Trixie murmured and leaned forward. “Are you crying? Oh Celestia, you are! Well, there’s no point getting all upset over it. You did all this to yourself, Tons of Fun.”

Starlight watched helplessly as Trixie grabbed Starlight’s damp cheeks again, rubbing them while she smirked.

“L-lemme go…”

“Gimme a good reason.”

“C-can’t get to more muffins…”

“Oh, this is just sad,” Trixie sighed mockingly. “Look, I’ll give you a day to think of a better excuse than to just stuff your face, alright?”

Starlight wiggled desperately, trying to think of any words to plead her case. It wouldn’t have mattered, since Trixie was already heading upstairs, satisfied with her fun.

“P-pleashe,” she sobbed, “I’ll do anything…!”

“There’s not really much you can do right now, fatso,” said Trixie, leaving the mass of purple pony pudge to her plight. “You’ll thank me in twenty-four hours!”

The next day, Trixie had to visit a pony. She was sitting in the living room of a cottage in the darkest part of the White Tail Woods, across from a tall, dark, slender unicorn sitting in an armchair.

“So,” she said, “did my potion work as you expected?”

“Oh yeah, you weren’t kidding about it,” Trixie confirmed. “My friend is now taking up the whole Sugarcube Corner cellar!”

“Not to worry,” purred the taller mare, adjusting her black pointed hat, “the effects will indeed wear off later today, as I promised.”

“That’s good,” Trixie sighed. “I feel a little bad doing that to her, but hopefully she won’t remember it happening when it wears off.”

“Hopefully,” agreed the mare with a smirk.

Trixie wondered what that meant, but a moment later a more pressing matter forced itself to the front of her thoughts. One that had nearly kept her awake the night before.

The blue unicorn coughed into her hoof. “So, um, I have a couple of questions about the potion.”

“Yes, dear?”

“Yesterday with Starlight, I had these...feelings,” she explained. “I was looking at her blobby body, touching her big fat cheeks, I was even sitting on her! But, it wasn’t disgusting, or even that funny. It felt...nice.”

The tall mare’s smirk grew. “Ah, well I can tell you that wasn’t an effect of the potion itself. Though, maybe it helped you find out something about yourself, hm~?”

Trixie furrowed her brow. What was that supposed to mean? That she liked fat mares? No, that was silly. Impossible. Could such a thing even happen?

She imagined that blob of Starlight Glimmer, wobbling and jiggling in place, requiring Trixie’s attention just to feed herself. Her face flushed warm again and her hind leg twitched.

She tried to picture another certain pony in the same scenario. The flushed feeling went away. No, that definitely did nothing for her. In fact, that pony she found amusing as a giant blob of lard.

She thought of Trixie again to make sure. She wiggled in her seat. That definitely confirmed it; it was just Starlight she found attractive as a big fat waterbed.

Which made her next question much easier to ask.

“I’d like to use the potion on another pony,” Trixie went on, a smirk on her muzzle to match the other mare’s. “Her name is Rainbow Dash.”

Comments ( 12 )

“I’d like to use the potion on another pony,” Trixie went on, a smirk on her muzzle to match the other mare’s. “Her name is Rainbow Dash.”

Sequel? :pinkiegasp:

Loved the fic~ i like stuff like that

Trixie sat on her haunches and watched. She was lucky she had already eaten that morning, or she’d be tempted to dive into that pile with her. She only wanted one victim that day, and it wasn’t going to be herself.

Ah, that's a shame.

“I’d like to use the potion on another pony,” Trixie went on, a smirk on her muzzle to match the other mare’s. “Her name is Rainbow Dash.”

That'd be fun to read.

And with that, Spellbound claims another victim. We need more Starlight Glimmer weight gain stories like this!

9600505 I certainly hope so! :pinkiehappy:

9601832 Yay! :twilightsmile:

I plan to write more Glimmer in the future :yay:

9698541 Good, because we need more weight gain stories involving Starlight Glimmer, as well as Trixie and Rainbow Dash. :pinkiehappy: Maybe for the sequel Rainbow Dash and Starlight can catch on to what Trixie is is doing and decide to give her a little taste of her own medicine. Or they could always squash her with their enormous butts. :rainbowlaugh: Either one works for me. Or you could always do both. Whatever you choose to do is fine.

She thought of Trixie again to make sure. She wiggled in her seat. That definitely confirmed it; it was just Starlight she found attractive as a big fat waterbed.

The "she" is definitely still Trixie, so thinking of herself confirmed her attraction for fat Starlight? Just wanted to point it out.

i find it both hilarious that, even weighing several tons, starlight can still levitate herself

after grounded, into the drink, and nommare night. rd might wind up fat for the 4th time in this au

“A little more?” Trixie repeated, a condescending smirk on her muzzle as she grabbed Starlight’s cheeks in her hooves, rubbing them in a circular motion. “Nothing about you is little anymore, my friend. Not even your self-control, since it would have to exist in order to be little.”

that self-control quip is a pretty creative diss

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