• Member Since 6th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen Sunday


Don't read my stuff if you have a weak stomach or are easily bothered by traumatic genitalia damage. That's seriously all I've got in here!

Comments ( 38 )


You know what, this is fine.

....I got nothing

Why would you want to avoid surgery when it comes to kidney stones?

Because anon is an idiot. :)

Can always count on for anonpencil for weird sex stories that I don't know how to feel about lol.

This entire story:

I am pleased I never/always disappoint. :)

Down-voting this honestly just makes you the big gay, and displays your envy of anon's kidney stones.

Love ya, pencil! <3

I want to eat anon’s kidney stone :rainbowwild:

... I don't actually know what would happen to kidney stones if you ate them. What they would do to you.

Aren’t kidney stone just salt? So wouldn’t it be like eating salt pellets?

Thought it was also calcium that will not dissolve. So... wonder how it would fare in a human stomach? Probably a question for another day.

Making it hail!!! OMG!!!


There are multiple types of kidney stones. Phosphate is pretty common, but I personally get calcium stones.

'Fun' fact, calcium crystallizes so many of my stones will form sharp edges, like broken yellowish glass razor blades. And calcium is only the second hardest of kidney stones according to my doctor.

Forgot what was the hardest, but I'm just glad I don't have those.

Yikes. Well, nice to know I got my description right anyway!

My legs hurt from clinching the entire time I was reading this... Pencil, you are evil. :rainbowlaugh:

This story gave me phantom dick pain.:raritydespair:

*Reads description*
*Reads warning*


While y'all know I love it when bad things happen to anon, i can't help but wonder how long it's going to take for word to get around that hoofing off humans is hazardous to a pony's health?

Like, when Royal recovers, she's going to be wondering what it would have felt like if anon's custard gun had gone off inside her...

He should have gone to Maud.

Hail to the King, baby.


I was completely expecting a CBT joke at the end. But the punchline just made the story for me. :rainbowlaugh:

When some people go to a strip club, they make it rain. You made it hail.

kidney stones don't give you dick pain. Your kidneys feel like they're trying to burst through the thick muscles of your back. Your entire spine locks up in pain, your insides burn, and you desperately want whatever it is to get out of you but relief never comes.

by the time they get to your bladder they just sort of pop out.

weird story though.


Thus my all caps note at the bottom, heh.

Is it consensual tho?

I mean, the hoof job, yeah. What happens next? Well, I don't think either of them saw it coming.

You lost me at consensual. However, you won me at coming.

I fucking hate this, it made me laugh so hard. :D Good lord, that ending! Anon, you fucking moron. I love you for how dumb you are!

As someone with a history of kidney stones, can related to this story.

I saved this for a bad day and im happy I did. Hail/10

actually, i had one get lodged and couldnt piss it out... read somethng online that said blowin a load might dislodge it.... long story short, i fell down from behind the wife and assumed the fetal position and cried like a bitch... went to the bathroom, and with a little pressure and a LOT of pain, i finally passed the evil bastard. shaped like a bean but the length and diameter of a mid sized grain of rice.... so i can vouch that this CAN work, but if i could have done it different, i would have been very drunk before i done it.

If the stone is big enough or your unlucky and a edge hits just right it will definitely hurt not like this but

I think I need a drink, scratch that a wipe the slate clean blitz of drink, I dont think I've laughed and cried for different reasons at the same time

That moment when you've actually tried to masturbate the stones out and you pass out from sheer exhaustion and pain only to wake up with the stone sitting on your belly in a stain.

Some showers just aren't hot enough to wash the shame away.

Never got kidney stones and hope I never do got a irrational fear my penis head would split in half. My real penis fear is the candiru fish who can swim up your piss stream and lodge itself in your urethra thankfully it's only in Amazon basin.

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