• Published 6th May 2019
  • 2,667 Views, 134 Comments

Different Events - Moonlight Bloom

Starlight had done it: She successfully prevented the rainboom and destroyed the time spell. Now, there's only one way Twilight and Spike can save the future: Help their friends earn their cutie marks.

  • ...

Ch. 7 - Fluttering Hearts

*Knock*, *knock*, *knock*.

Twilight shuffled a little as she stood on the front stoop of Fluttershy’s house – or at least the house that Fluttershy lived in according to the flight school. She continued to wait for a response, holding a hoof over her head to keep a large, pale-yellow sunhat with an attached sunflower in place as the windy Cloudsdale air blew past it. In her saddlebags was her new sweater, away for the time being in order to let her wings be free.

The knob clinked as it turned. The door then opened, revealing...nopony.

“Hello?” Twilight asked into the empty living room. Glancing down, she noticed the eyes of a young cyan colt with a blonde mane peek out from from around the door.

“Hey mom, there’s somepony at the door!” he called out. He sounded around 10.

A mare with a pale orangeish-yellow coat and a light burgundy mane peaked her head up from below the window sill outside the back living room window. She ducked back down before getting up and walking inside the house. “Pardon the delay,” she spoke, “I was busy with some gardening. My name’s Posey Shy, how may I help you?” She smiled gently.

“Is your daughter Fluttershy home? I was wondering if I could talk with her,” Twilight replied.

“Why certainly; she’s out back, reading. Follow me.”

So far, so good, Twilight thought. She knew things wouldn’t be smooth all the way through though. She’d learned from Rarity and Pinkie that there were bound to be hiccups in her plan, and nopony would make that more evident than Fluttershy, who Twilight knew would be hesitant to get on board with her activity suggestions.

“My name’s Zephyr Breeze,” the colt spoke, pulling Twilight out of her thoughts. “Anythin’ about style; I’m your guy!” he pointed a proud hoof at himself.

“Nice to meet you,” Twilight replied.

He squinted at her. “Is that hat a fashion statement, or a personal statement that you’re too ashamed of your boring manecut?” he asked.

Twilight blinked. “Uh...”

The mare sighed and looked back up to Twilight. “You’ll have to excuse Zephyr Breeze; he can be a little...blunt...at times.”

“Uh-huh...” Twilight responded, giving a forced grin as she nervously chuckled. “Well, it’s just a question, no harm done.”

“For the record, I adore that sunflower on your hat.”

“Thank you,” Twilight blushed.

Entering the back yard, the three approached a small cloud floating low over the yard. “Flutter,” Posey called out. “There’s somepony here to see you.”

A small “*eep*!” came from the cloud as it stirred slightly.

Twilight took a step closer. “It’s okay, I just want to show you something. Something I know you’ll love.”

“Nopony’s home!” the ‘cloud’ uttered.

“Aw, c’mon sis! Stop bein’ such a scaredy-cat!” Zephyr scoffed, using wing-propelled jumps to get on top of the door, then onto an upstairs window-sill, then onto the roof, and finally, from the roof into a glide which drove straight through the cloud Fluttershy was reclining on, busting it into nothing.

Suddenly without support, the filly yelped, tumbled through the air as she flailed, and cratered belly-first into the clouds of the yard below. A depression in the shape of a teenage filly with all limbs splayed out, now sat in the yard, with a small bit of pink mane and tail sticking out of it.

“Are you okay dear?” Posey asked, eyes wide.

Fluttershy poked her head out of the her cloud-crater, using her forehooves to prop herself up. “*Phu*!” a chunk of cloud was spat out of her mouth.

“I’ll go get the first aid kit, just in case,” Posey stated, walking back into the house.

Shaking her head to rid the disorientation, Fluttershy looked forward, and suddenly dipped her head back down towards the depression when she caught sight of Twilight.

Twilight smiled. “It’s okay.” She put a hoof to her chest. “My name’s Twilight Sparkle.”

Fluttershy whimpered and sunk back down further.

This was okay, Twilight had planned for this; she just needed a way to get Fluttershy to speak. She stepped a little closer, the filly shuffling back a little in response. She picked up the book, which had fallen next to Fluttershy, and looked at the cover. “Hey! Wandering in a Golden Meadow; I remember reading this book when I was a filly!”

Fluttershy raised her head back up, cocking it slightly while her eyebrows furrowed.

Twilight looked back to her. “...Is something wrong?”

“...Um, that book...only came out two years ago...” she whispered.

Twilight darted her eyes to the cover, then back to Fluttershy. “Oh! Right! I must’ve gotten it mixed up with another book I read...Heh heh...” She smiled sheepishly as she handed the book back to Fluttershy, who tucked it under her wing. “Anyways, I live down on the ground; I think I might’ve seen you there the other day.”

Fluttershy’s eyes suddenly widened as she locked her eyes onto Twilight.

“You seemed like you were having a lot of fun with the animals.”

She began to sink back towards the ground once more.

“In fact, if I heard right, you even had some beautiful singing down there!”

Her face lit up with red as submerged herself back into the cloud-lawn, folding her lanky forelegs over her head.


“Don’t worry about her,” Zephyr spoke, “she just doesn’t know how to handle ponies telling her that she’s the greatest, like I have!” He pulled her head out of the cloud, smooshing her cheek against his as he wrapped a foreleg around her neck. “Isn’t that right, Flutterbutter?”

Fluttershy squeaked.

Twilight cleared her throat. “So anyways, I was wondering if you might want somepony to take you back down there; maybe even show you around a little.

“Um-” she nudged Zephyr off of her. “...I, um...I don’t know. I mean, everything was pretty, and all the creatures seamed nice, but, um...I just don’t think I belong down there...I felt like...an outsider...”

Twilight reached out to put a hoof around the filly. “Fluttershy, you’re not an outsider. You’re part of that world just as much as the animals are!”

She raised an eyebrow.

“Let me show you!” Twilight immediately scooped up Fluttershy onto her back – a little more difficult than Pinkie or Spike due to Fluttershy being a year or two older than them. “We’ll be right back,” Twilight informed Zephyr, before plunging through the clouds of the yard as Fluttershy yelped.

The colt simply stared at the cloud-ground.

“Flutter, dear, I got the first aid kit for you! Are you feeling any better now?” Posey asked, walking back out into the yard. She paused, scanning the area. “...Flutter?”

Meanwhile, Twilight was in a nosedive towards the true ground, with Fluttershy on her back, eyes squeezed shut and an iron grip around Twilight’s upper chest. She landed, and after a few taps to Fluttershy’s foreleg to alert her that she was no longer in ‘danger’, the filly dismounted.

Fluttershy slowly looked about the area. There were many trees and bushes around, but no animals seemed to be immediately visible.

Time for the hard part, Twilight thought. She knew that it would take a minute for Fluttershy to find an animal, and even when she did, it probably wouldn’t go well on the first try, and she’d have to keep encouraging Fluttershy – which she’d need to be careful with in order to not push her too hard – and who knows how many times that would need to be repe–

“Why hello there little one!” Fluttershy cooed.

Twilight looked up.

The filly’s chin was almost on the ground, her face practically nose-to-nose with a tan rabbit.

The rabbit squeaked.

“That’s right; I am your new friend,” Fluttershy giggled, rubbing her nose against its, before freezing with widened eyes. She shot up completely straight, then looked back down at the rabbit. “Did...did I just interpret your squeak?”

With that, a small light flashed on her flanks and three pink butterflies were left in its place.

Fluttershy cranked her head around and gasped. “My cutie mark!

Twilight’s mouth dropped open slightly as her eyes narrowed in confusion. “That’s it? That’s all it took!?” she exclaimed.

Fluttershy darted her eyes up to Twilight. “...That’s all what took?” she asked, hesitantly.

“Uh, uh...um, nothing! Just that...that’s all it took to help you see how great nature is!” Twilight replied, nervously grinning.

Fluttershy stared for a moment with a raised eyebrow. “Okay...” She slowly turned back to the rabbit.

Twilight sighed, relaxing a little. Four down, two to go, she thought.

“And that’s when we reached the stream,” Fluttershy narrated, recounting the events of her day to her family, who were seated at the dinner table along with her and Twilight. “There were all sorts of neat creatures living there! Ducks, frogs, fish...it isn’t like anything up here!”

“Sounds like quite an adventure you had there,” an aqua stallion with a magentaish-white mane – Fluttershy’s father, Gentle Breeze – stated.

“Mm-hmm!” Fluttershy replied, nodding.

“I’m still amazed you can communicate with animals so well!” Posey added.

Fluttershy looked at her mother. “I am too! And I wouldn’t have ever figured it out if it weren’t for Miss Twilight offering to show me the forest today,” she smiled, glancing over at the aforementioned mare.

Twilight smiled in return.

Zephyr looked up at Twilight, who was sitting next to him. “So, when are you gonna help me get my cutie mark?” he asked, brushing his side against her and raising his eyebrows several times.

Twilight chuckled. “Oh, Zephyr! You’re still a little young to figure out what you’re good at in life.”

“But I already do know!” he exclaimed. “I’m gonna be the greatest painter Equestria’s ever seen!” He got off his chair and dashed into the other room, hauling out a canvas with a sheet over it. “Dear ponies, I present to you, a portrait of Equestria’s greatest sister!” he yanked the sheet off, revealing the canvas.

Fluttershy shrieked like a bat and shot up out of her chair, ending up nervously shuddering among the insulating clouds near the ceiling.

The painting depicted a ghastly rendition of Fluttershy, with a melted looking face, limbs better fit for a spider, and a smile out of a horror movie.

“Can’t handle the sheer beauty of yourself, eh sis?” Zephyr asked to the small bit of pink tail poking out of the clouds.

Posey and Gentle simply stared at it, their faces twisted in nervous worry.

“I can see you went for a very...abstract approach!” Twilight ‘complimented’.

Zephyr chuckled. “This isn’t abstract,” he explained. “This is the art style of the Bucktrain Era! But I guess not all of us are as knowledgeable on the arts as I am.”

Twilight’s eyebrows dropped as she snorted.

“Now, even though I know you all want to keep admiring my work, I must put it back under cover before it succumbs to ruin by mac ‘n cheese,” he declared, picking up the sheet and beginning to put it back over the canvas.

Twilight shook her head as a half-smile crossed her face. “Okay mister ‘greatest artist’, I don’t think you’ll need my help earning your cutie mark...” She turned back to the table. “...But I think there might be a pony who could use my help. Fluttershy?”

She poked her head out of the clouds, and finally lowered herself back down into her chair.

“Do you happen to know where your friend Rainbow Dash lives? I was hoping I could talk to her tomorrow after flight school.”

Fluttershy’s eyes went wide. “R-Rainbow Dash?” She shuffled in her seat, lowering her head slightly.

Twilight nodded. “Yes; do you know where she lives? It’s fine if you don’t, I can always just try and catch her on her way out of school instead.”

She whimpered. “Well, um...about that...”

Zephyr groaned, walking back into the kitchen. “Just spit it out already, ‘sis! You afraid she’ll think you made it happen or something?”

Twilight furrowed her eyebrows, “Did what? Did something happen to Rainbow Dash?”

Fluttershy chewed her lip for a moment, before taking a deep breath and speaking. “Well, we ran into this gray filly during lunch on Monday...”

Spike pulled a black bow-tie taught as he inspected himself in the mirror. “Oh yeah, lookin’ slick!” he said, pointing at himself with finger-guns while giving a ‘cool-guy’ grin. He turned to Little Mac who was standing next to him. “Thanks again for letting me borrow this.”

“Ah don’t mention it,” Mac replied. “I bet Rarity’s gonna love it.” He patted his friend on the back.

Applejack strolled into the room, carrying a couple bags of chips and a bowl of cut vegetables on her back. “Alright! Got my chores done; who’s ready fer some more O&O?!” She announced, unloaded her cargo onto the bed.

Mac and Spike turned around and just stared, eyebrows furrowed.

Applejack glanced over at them. “...What?”

“*ahem*” Spike cleared, pointing at his bow-tie.

Applejack’s eyebrows sunk as she clenched her bottom jaw in an unamused frown. “Oh...right...yer date with Rarity,” she grumbled, beginning to trudge back towards the door.

“Hey wait a minute!” Spike called out, causing Applejack to pause. “You don’t have to get all bent out of shape; Twi won’t need me tomorrow. I can help you and Mac with chores, and then we can spend the entire rest of the day playing our O&O game!” he beamed.

The filly glanced over. “Fine or whatever...I’m just gonna go get that new axe we’ve been needin’,” she sulked, exiting the room.

Mac looked back to Spike. “So, ya all set?” he asked.

Spike nodded. “Uh-huh! Wish me luck!” He gave Mac a hoof-bump before sprinting out the door.

“...and once I saw everypony’s reaction to it, I knew that fashion design was what I wanted to do with my life,” Rarity spoke, telling Spike about the very first piece of clothing she ever made. “It’s also what prompted me to start volunteering to do the costumes for the school play each year.”

“Wow…” he responded, gazing at her with dreamy eyes as his head rested upon his palms.

“Of course, I couldn’t have done it without – *OOF*!” Rarity was nearly knocked out of her chair as a pony collided with it. She looked up and to her right to see a stallion – one of the restaurant staff.

“I’m terribly sorry,” he apologized, pushing her chair back in. “I must have misjudged my turn.”

Rarity huffed and rolled her eyes.

“Your waiter will be right with you,” he said to the table next to them.

Rarity took a short look at the aforementioned table and furrowed her eyebrows. Only one orange pony was seated there, holding their menu up completely vertically, obstructing any view of their face or mane.

She turned back to Spike. “You know, I wonder what makes certain ponies come to a restaurant like this.”

Spike raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean, Rarity?”

“Well, take the pony next to us for instance. They clearly don’t have a date, and they also don’t appear to be the type to frequent a place like this. You can tell because their hooves are fairly roughed up, rather than being well-kept like the hooves of most of the clientele here.”

Spike glanced over at the hooves and stared. Blinking a couple times, he turned back to Rarity. “You can tell a pony’s personality just by looking at their hooves?”

“Oh why certainly!” Rarity stated, her eyebrows raising. “When you want to get into an industry like fashion, you have to learn what each little detail about yourself conveys. If you want to project yourself as having class, then you have to make sure everything from your mane, to your eyes, to your hooves have class. It’s why I keep my mane well-brushed and my hooves polished!”

Spike’s eyes were wide with fascination. “Woah…Twilight’s never talked about this kind of stuff. Do I have class?!” he asked, eagerly.

Rarity cringed a little and leaned back in her seat. “Eh, no offense Spike, but your claws are a bit roughed up...likely from helping on that farm...and your table manners leave a bit to be desired. You’re certainly much closer than, say, Applejack, though.” She shuddered slightly.


A somewhat gruff cough from the table next to them, making them momentarily glance at the orange pony. Shrugging it off, they looked back to each-other.

“Anyways, where was I?” Rarity spoke. “Oh, right; discovering my talent for fashion!” She cleared her throat. “I certainly couldn’t have figured my special way of truly standing out without your help, Spike,” she smiled.

“Aw, don’t mention it Rarity; it was my pleasure!”

She giggled. The two remained silent for a minute, Rarity avoiding eye contact as she looked around the room, a furrow of concern starting to take over her face.

Spike tilted his head. “Something wrong, Rarity?”

She looked back up. “Well...It’s just that I wanted to do this to thank you for helping me get my cutie mark, but, um, it feels more like you’re thanking me,” she replied, making a slight chuckle in nervousness.

“Well, if it’d make you feel better, I’ll call everything repaid for a kiss,” he stated, giving a goofy ‘cool-guy’ grin.

“Oh, well I suppose I could do that,” she replied, leaning forward a little. “Which ch-*MMFF!*” The filly felt herself be pulled forward even further and pressed up against another pair of lips, her face going bright red in the process.

A loud *thwap* occurred off to the side.

After a few seconds, Spike let go and pulled back, leaving Rarity staring a thousand yards into his soul, too stunned to blink.

“Uh, Rarity...you okay?”

She finally broke free of her daze, shaking her head slightly and blinking. “Huh? I-...Um… I-I’m fine, Spike...” she looked down, a little too flustered to maintain eye contact “I just...when you said ‘kiss,’ I-I didn’t think you meant...o-or I guess I was expecting...” she shifted her gaze upward, but to the side of Spike in a long stare. “I didn’t quite envision my first kiss happening like this…”

Spike winced a little. “Oh...

Rarity suddenly glanced right and did a double take. “...Applejack?

Spike looked to his left and blinked in surprise.

The menu that was previously obstructing the orange pony was now laying flat on the table, leaving Applejack in plain view of the two. A minimized look of horrified shock still lingered on her face as she stared at Rarity.

“What are you doing here?” Spike asked, genuinely puzzled.

Her ears and left eye twitched upon hearing his voice, and the shock on her face became mild anger as she turned her head to look at him. “You heartbreakin’ varmint! How could you!?” she shouted, bracing herself against the table as she leaned forward and pointed an accusatory hoof at him.

Spike leaned back as his face contorted in confusion. “Applejack what are you talking about?”

She stepped over to Spike. “I’m talkin’ about you an’ me!” Her forehooves grabbed his shoulders. “I thought we were closer than moss on a tree!” She let go and turned to Rarity. “I mean, what in the hay does she have that I don’t!?”

Rarity scrunched her face in frustration. “Well certainly better manners, for one! And not to mention better grooming skills!”

Applejack rolled her eyes at Rarity as Spike put his claw on her back. “Hey now wait a minute Applejack, we’re still friends! Just because I’ve been hanging out with Rarity the past couple days doesn’t mean I don’t wanna hang out with you and Mac anymore.”

Applejack whipped around to face him again. “But I thought we were more than friends!”

Spike leaned back in surprise. “Wait...what?”

“Ooooh dear...” Rarity nervously muttered.

“I like you, Spike!” Applejack exclaimed, practically knocking him over as she lifted her forehooves and braced them against his chest and arms. “And I mean in the special somepony way!”

“U-uh...I...um,” Spike stuttered, completely thrown off by this sudden revelation.

Suddenly, all three squinted as a bright rose flash appeared. Applejack was levitated over next to Rarity, and Spike was dragged over against Twilight in her aura. “Excuse us for a minute!” Twilight politely yet nervously told the other two, before teleporting away with Spike. The two fillies simply looked at each other with a blank stare of confusion.

Outside behind the restaurant, Twilight set Spike down in front of her.

“Tw-Twilight? What the hay is going on?!” he asked, even more perplexed than he already was.

She grabbed him with her forehooves. “Spike, we have a MAJOR problem!” she exclaimed, pure panic in her voice.

Spike stared to breath faster and more heavily. ”Oh boy…uhh...Okay, Twilight, calm down! It can’t be that bad...Can it?”

She pressed her muzzle up against his. “SPIKE, RAINBOW DASH WENT TO CANTERLOT TO LOOK FOR ME!” she shouted, completely hysterical.

Spike stared with eyes wide as a plate. “Ahh-hah-hah…” he sputtered, stepping away dizzily as he started to breath even faster than he already was. “Oh boy...oh boy...this night’s a disaster! We’re doomed! Equestria’s ruined!”


“First I take things too far with Rarity, then Applejack says she’s into me, now Rainbow Dash is missing!

“WAIT, APPLEJACK SAID SHE’S INTO YOU!?” Twilight’s eyes went even wider in horror than they already were.

Spike was hyperventilating at this point. “Feeling...dizzy...” he moaned, stumbling for a crate.

Twilight used her magic to set him on one, before briefly teleporting away and returning with a take-out bag. “Spike, breathe into this,” she instructed, handing it to him.

He did so, starting to calm down a little in the process.

Twilight shook her head repeatedly as she started to pace. “Spike, do you have any idea how bad Applejack liking you is!?”

He momentarily pulled the bag away. “Um...no?”

She grabbed him with her forehooves, squeezing tight as she stared directly into his eyes with her own crazed ones. “She could turn out completely different when she’s older! She might even have an entirely different outlook on life because of you!”

His eyes shrunk. “...Oh.”

Twilight let go of him, beginning to pace again. “She could end up depressed, or worse, hate us before we’ve even met her!” She took a deep breath in and let out a long groan. “We were supposed to fix things, Spike, not make them even worse!”

Spike took another breath into the paper bag before pulling it away. “So what are we gonna do?”

Twilight paused. “Well, we can’t really do much about Applejack liking you; she’s her own pony after all. We just need to focus on Rainbow Dash for right now.” She turned to him and unfurled her wings. “How ready are you to fly?”

Spike’s eyes went wide as he held claws out forward and waved them back-and forth. “Now wait a minute Twilight! I can’t help it that AJ likes me, but if I just leave her after having kissed Rarity, she really is gonna hate me forever!”

Twilight froze. “YOU KISSED RARITY!?”

“Her first kiss, actually...” he stated.

Twilight just stared, her left eye twitching slightly. After several long seconds of attempting to process what she had just heard, she finally just shook her head, taking a long, deep breath. “Spike, I’m going to go to Canterlot now. You are going to stay behind and fix your mess.” She spread her wings once again, ready to take off, only for Spike to jump onto her tail and pin it against the ground.

“WAIT!” he yelled.

What?” she snapped, whipping her head around.

“Don’t you think it’s a little late to go searching tonight? I mean, it’s already after dark!”

Twilight looked up at the dull sky.

“Plus, I know you’re going to get careless if you go in all hysterical like that.”

Twilight chewed on her lip. “Well...”

And I can handle Applejack and Rarity first, which means we can look for Rainbow Dash together tomorrow.”

Twilight took a deep breath in, holding it for several moments, before letting it out again in a sigh. “...You’re right, Spike. I’m getting ahead of myself.” She dipped her head. “I’m just so scared that things won’t work out before it’s too late.”

He walked around to the front of her and gave a hug, which she silently reciprocated. “Hey, don’t worry Twi, I’m still here to help you!”

A tear rolled down her face. “Thanks, Spike.”

After several moments, they let go.

Twilight wiped her eyes. “I want Rainbow to be where she belongs before something goes wrong, but like you said, we can’t go charging in before we’re ready.” She placed a hoof on his shoulder. “You go take care of Applejack and Rarity; I’ll go get us tickets for the earliest possible Canterlot train tomorrow, and we’ll meet back at Sweet Apple Acres for a good night’s rest. Sound like a plan?”

Spike nodded. “Sounds like a Twilight plan.”

She smiled and gave him another, short hug, before taking off towards the train station.

Meanwhile, Spike headed back inside the Vine Garden Grill, only to find Applejack and Rarity stop mid-conversation to face him.

“Hey,” Spike began, “Sorry about–“

“Spike,” Rarity interrupted, holding up a hoof, “don’t feel sorry.”

“Yeah,” Applejack added, “if anythin’ I’m the one who should be sorry; I got jealous, started spyin’ on ya through the window, and then ruined y’all’s date,” she muttered, looking down.

“Hey, don’t be like that!” Spike encouraged, putting a claw on her back. “You could’ve just told me how you felt initially – would’ve saved us this whole mess.”

Applejack’s face went red as her body slunk down slightly.

“I’m also sorry, Spike,” Rarity stated.

Spike looked over and raised an eyebrow. “You are? But I thought I was the one who–“

“Yes, but it was also my fault for not being more clear about things from the start. I like your company, Spike, I really do, and I think you’re wonderful, but...I just don’t know if I’m ready for a...special somepony, as Applejack put it.”

Spike’s claw slid off of Applejack’s back as he lowered his gaze. “Oh...”

Rarity furrowed her eyebrows. “Spike, look, I know you like me, it’s just...I have certain things I want in a colt...”

“Like class,” he muttered.

“Well, yes, but that’s not the point, Spike,” she said, shaking her head and taking a step forward.

He shifted his gaze back up, and she looked him directly in the eyes.

“The point is, I just don’t know if you’re what I really want yet. Plus, everything came so fast – e-especially that kiss. It all kind of frightened me.”

Spike gritted his teeth as he shuffled uncomfortably. “Boy I really messed up...” he muttered.

Rarity took a deep breath in and averted her gaze. “...Yeah.

“I guess you’re going to hate me forever now, huh?” he asked wearily.

Rarity looked back up. “What? No! Spike, you’re an absolutely wonderful friend! I wouldn’t want to lose you in a million years!” She sighed. “It’s just that I’m not so sure you’re the one...a-and I’m not really ready to find out yet.”


The two stood in silence, Spike staring directly at the floor, and Rarity looking at everything except him.

After several moments, she shifted her gaze forward again. “Spike?” she asked.

He finally looked at her once more.

“Whoever you do end up with; she’ll be the luckiest filly in Equestria.”

He smiled weakly in response. “Thanks Rarity.”

She glanced at Applejack, then back to Spike “...I think I should go now. Plus, I’m pretty sure you two still have some things to work out.”

Spike sighed as he nodded.

Rarity pulled him into a hug. “Still friends?” she asked.

“Still friends,” he replied.

She let go and headed for the exit. “Have a good night you two.”

They waved as she exited.

Now, alone next to the table, Spike and Applejack stood in silence.

“Ya really liked Rarity, didn’t ya?” Applejack finally asked, breaking the silence.

“Yeah, but it’s fine,” Spike replied through a sigh. “I should’ve expected something like that sooner or later...it just came a little sooner than I hoped...in more ways than one.”

Applejack glanced down for several moments before looking back up at him. “Well, y’know, I’m still here...if you’re wantin’ somepony ta finish yer evenin’ out with,” she offered, scooching up next to him as she wrapped a foreleg around his neck. “Uh...as a friend or a special somepony...i-if you’re interested, of course.”

Spike stroked a claw against his chin. “A friend sounds pretty good to me. I mean, I still haven’t ordered dessert, and I’m going to have to head to Canterlot tomorrow for who knows how long...”

And we could turn it inta a contest ta see who can finish a slice of chocolate cake faster...” Applejack added.

Spike turned his head with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. “Are you challenging me?” he questioned.

Applejack simply bore a smug smirk on her face. “Oh ya bet I am,” she said, poking his chest with her other hoof. “Last one ta finish dessert has ta fix apple pie for everyone durin’ O&O later?”

“You’re on!” he replied, poking her back.

Smiling, and with their eyes narrowed in a competitive glare, the two hopped into the chairs and flagged down the waiter.