• Published 6th May 2019
  • 2,667 Views, 134 Comments

Different Events - Moonlight Bloom

Starlight had done it: She successfully prevented the rainboom and destroyed the time spell. Now, there's only one way Twilight and Spike can save the future: Help their friends earn their cutie marks.

  • ...

Ch. 8 - Plans Unraveled

“I dunno Twi,” Spike remarked, examining a notepad as he walked. “The post office said they didn’t see her, we checked every park in Canterlot, and we’ve been checking the retail areas...all we’ve got left is the library, Mom & Dad’s house, and around Canterlot Castle.”

“Knowing Rainbow, she probably wouldn’t even think to look in those first two places,” Twilight remarked, walking just ahead of him while wearing her new sweater once again.

“So that just leaves the area near the castle.” Spike scratched his head and looked behind himself. “And that’s back in the other direction…” He looked down at his stomach, which groaned slightly. “Hey Twi, you think we could grab something to eat f-UMPH!” Spike looked up at the last moment before slamming face-first into Twilight’s rear, getting a mouth full of tail hair in the process. He took a step back and spat some of the strands out. “Besides hair…” he groaned.

He looked up at his sister, only to see her staring forward, blankly.

“Uh, Twi?” he asked, eyebrows furrowing.

Her pupils began to slowly shrink as her face twisted in confused shock.

“You okay?”

“I...feel like I’m a filly again…”

Spike glanced where she was staring, only to be taken back a bit himself. “Whoa…”

Before them sat the very street of shops Twilight had frequented in her youth. While some still existed in the future, many had changed, and others simply vanished over the years. But here was everything, exactly as she once remembered it.

“It’s like I stepped back in time…” she remarked, before shaking her head slightly and blinking. “What am I saying? I did step back in time – I am back in time!” She stroked her hoof back through her mane, her right eye twitching slightly as her gaze darted from sight to sight.

“Okay Twilight, I know this is a bit weird, but just calm down…”

She pointed towards the grocer’s shop. “There’s Mr. Supply! He looks so much younger!” She glanced around more. “That pony at the cafe is Mrs. Chalks from across the street – her mane isn’t gray! R. Draft Printing is still here!” Twilight gasped, grabbing Spike and pointing at an elderly mare walking along the street. “Oh Celestia, that’s Ms. Lilly Lucks from next door! She’s...alive!” Twilight let go and dropped onto her haunches, mouth agape in disbelief.

Spike put his claw on her back. “Take it easy there, Twi...”

“I just never realized how much changed…” she softly remarked, shaking her head as her eyes watered slightly.

Spike’s stomach then groaned again, prompting both to look down at it.

“Now that’s something that hasn’t changed!” he stated, proudly.

Twilight giggled. “Alright mister grumbly guts, maybe we should stop and take a lunch break.” Suddenly, Twilight’s face lit up as she gasped in excitement. “Spike! I just realized!”


She squished his cheeks between her hooves and pulled his nose right up to hers. “If we’re 11 years in the past, that means Mr. Quartzfrost’s ice cream shop is still here!” She jumped up and started prancing around Spike in glee. “Rocky Road, Triple Chocolate Fudge, Strawberry Banana Swirl, Royal Cherry...ooh there’s so many flavors he used to make better than anypony else!” She scooped Spike up with her magic and dropped him on her back. “C’mon!” she squealed in delight as she trotted on.

The ding-a-ling of a bell rang as Twilight swung open the glass door. She paused momentarily, taking in the sight of the store, before trotting up to the counter.

A chocolate colored stallion with a mint green mane stepped out from the back. “Well hello there! You two seem new here, what can I get for you today?” he asked with a gentle smile, grabbing a scooper.

Spike inhaled, only to be cut off by Twilight.

“A scoop of Rocky Road, a scoop of Triple Chocolate Fudge, and uhhh…” she quickly scanned the available flavors. “And a scoop of Royal Cherry, please!” She looked back up at the stallion with a grin as wide as her cheeks allowed.

The stallion blinked and did a slight double take as he smirked and began scooping.

“I-is something wrong?” Twilight asked.

He looked up, still smiling. “Oh no, it’s just that I’d be the princess’s uncle if you didn’t look like the spitting image of a young filly who comes in here about two or three times a week.”

“O-oh, i-imagine that, heh-heh!” Twilight laughed, nervously.

“Yep. You even got the same favorite flavors as her,” he chuckled. “Her name’s Twilight. I’d say you ought to meet her, but I don’t think she’s actually been in once this week.”

Uh-huh...” Twilight’s eyebrows furrowed. That was odd to hear.

Mr. Quartzfrost then proceeded to take Spike’s order and gave them both their cones.

Twilight took a lick of her ice cream as they stepped over to a table. “Mmmh! Oh I missed these so much; they used to be my favorite study-snack!”

Spike took a bite out of his. “Yeah, and I hear Mom had to cut you off for a month when you were 14...”

Twilight’s face went red as she sat down. “Hey! I was under a lot of stress from school, okay? Besides…” She slunk down in her seat a little. “...It was only 18 pounds…” she mumbled.

“Still enough to qualify for the ‘world’s softest sister’ according to Shining!”

Twilight snorted, her face remaining bright red.

Spike suddenly tensed as he started to sit down. “Whoa, I gotta run to the bathroom…” He set his ice cream on the table and took off.

“Don’t take too long, or I might just eat yours too!” she said with a sly grin.

“Like you’d put up with listening to ‘Mr. Grumbly Guts’ all day!” he called out, stepping through the door.

She then took another happy lick of her own ice cream. If only Mr. Quartzfrost stayed here instead of moving to Manetona, she thought.

She gazed out the front windows of the shop. If only Rainbow Dash had stayed home…

Then, as if on cue, what seemed to be a quick, light blue & rainbow streak flashed in the air outside the shop. Twilight’s eyes went wide. Quickly casting a refrigeration spell on their ice creams, she took out a pen and wrote a note on some paper from the notepad:


Saw Rainbow; will follow. If not back in 15 minutes, find Little T without me. She’ll likely be at the library.

-Big T.

With that, the mare ducked out into the street. She glanced around the sky, looking for the out-of-place pegasus. No luck. She scanned the ponies on the street. No sign of her friend there either.

“Excuse me! Miss?”

Twilight whipped her head around.

“Miss!” A lone stallion dressed in royal guard attire was running up the road, looking directly at her. “Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering where you got that amazing sweater from! I’ve been looking for one for my wife.”

Twilight’s eyes widened in surprise. “Oh, well...it’s um, actually custom made, and–”

“–Oh darn.” the guard interrupted. “Well, not the end of the world. Thank you though. Twilight Sparkle, right?”

“Ye–” She started to nod, but suddenly blinked. “Wait how did you know my–”

Immediately, the guard blew a signaling whistle, making Twilight press her ears against her head in pain. In that moment, she felt something get slipped on her horn. Opening her eyes, she witnessed a whole platoon of guards quickly approaching. Dread washed over her.

“We got her, guys!” the one next to her called out, seizing her by the foreleg. He then looked back with a stern glare and stood up straight. “Twilight Aurora Sparkle, by direct order of Princess Celestia herself, you are hereby under arrest for malicious manipulation of fate, grand conspiracy, and conspiracy to commit treason!”

W-wha!?” she gasped.

Two guards in the arriving platoon pulled off her sweater and began to cuff her hooves and wings. Sandwiching her between themselves, they high-hoofed each-other, carelessly smacking her muzzle on the way up. They proceeded to grab her right foreleg and neck with iron grips, nearly choking her in the process.

Feeling like she had already been convicted, a million thoughts raced through Twilight’s mind. She tried to think of a way to get out of the present situation, but no solution arose – at least, not without making things far worse than herself.

“Now, how about we have a little one-way chat while we walk, hm?” The first guard rhetorically asked. The two guards beside her began forcibly marching her forward, while the first read out her rights.

Her mind going numb, Twilight simply stared directly ahead at the looming castle in the distance. Whatever fate awaited her, she desperately hoped it wouldn’t be one that doomed Equestria – now or in the future.

One mostly uneaten ice cream cone in hand, Spike glanced up at the Canterlot Public Library’s grand entrance, which grew ever closer as he continued to approach it. All he had to do now was find Twilight’s younger self.


He slowed slightly, glancing around. He shrugged it off and continued.


Now he outright stopped. Looking around, he didn’t see anypony that seemed to be too focused on him.

“Over here!” a high but raspy voice called out.

Spike turned almost all the way around, spotting a blue filly with a rainbow mane waving him over from a bush next to the entryway staircase.

His eyes went wide. Rainbow Dash!

Immediately, Spike bolted over to the bush as the filly hopped out, hovering slightly off the ground.

“Rainbow Dash!?” he asked in shock.

“Yep, that’s me, the one and only!” she replied. “You were with Twilight Sparkle in Cloudsdale, right?”

Spike nodded. “Uh-huh.”

“Right. Well after flight school on Monday I came here looking for her so I could find out why she saved me specifically – y’know, if I’m really just that awesome and stuff – but instead of her living at Canterlot Castle, apparently she lives at some random house in one of the neighborhoods!” Rainbow threw her hooves out to her sides. “And she looks the same age as me! What gives?!”

Spike’s own eyebrows furrowed. “Wait, you found her house? The post office said they didn’t see you!”

Rainbow blinked. “Post office? Why would I look for a princess at a stuffy place like that? I just followed her home! Stopped for ice cream and saw her walking by on the street. I woulda said ‘hi’ but the whole age thing freaked me out.” Suddenly, she gasped, grabbing Spike’s cheeks with her forehooves. “WAIT! She’s not some kind of superhero who turns into a fully-grown alicorn when she says a special word, is she!?”

“Nhu,” he replied through his forced fish-lips.

She let go as her enthusiasm evaporated. “Aww…”

“You said you followed a filly Twilight home, right?”

Rainbow nodded and then raised an eyebrow. “Uh-huh. A few days ago. Been following her around ever since. It’s really fun trying to stay out of sight! The nervous look on her face when she thinks she’s being followed, it’s priceless!” She laughed.

Spike took a glance back towards the retail areas. “The Twi I know left me a note saying she’d seen you and was gonna follow. That was over an hour ago...”

“Well...I did get a sandwich from some cafe earlier,” Rainbow stated, holding up the empty paper bag. “But I never saw your Twi that saved me. Young one’s in the library though.”

He rubbed his claw on his chin. “I guess she must’ve seen you coming here and didn’t want to get close in case it would disrupt the timeline.”

“The timeline?” Rainbow questioned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Spike turned back around. “O-oh, you know, like the timeline of events – the, the schedule we’re going on!”

“Oh! So she like, saves specific ponies at specific times? *gasp* Does that mean she time travels to–” Rainbow’s eyes went wide with realization. “Oh my Celestia...you two are from the future! You went back in time to save me!” She gasped. “THAT MUST MEAN I BECOME THE MOST AWESOME WONDERBOLT THAT EVER LIVED!” The pegasus squealed in delight as she did a loop-de-loop in the air. Landing, she grabbed Spike’s cheeks once more and pressed her nose to his. “How many fans do I have?! Thousands?! Millions?! Billions!? You and Twilight must be two of my biggest ones, right!?”


All of a sudden, the rush got to her, and her eyes started to roll backward.

“OKAY, easy there…” Spike assured, quickly reaching forward to catch her and sit her down safely. He nervously glanced at a bunch of nearby ponies who were now staring, sheepishly smiling in response.

“Woooowww,” Rainbow softly admired, dreamily gazing into the sky.

“Why don’t you, uh, rest here for a bit,” Spike suggested. “I’m gonna go talk to that young Twilight in the library.”

“Uh-huh, sure thing…” Rainbow replied, completely unable to comprehend what she was told.

Heading in, Spike spent a few solid minutes trying to find where Twilight’s younger self could be. He scanned row, after row, after row, but kept seeing nothing. But then, as he reached one of the reading lounge clearings, he froze almost as much as the ice cream he still held.

There, across the reading lounge, seated at a table with a stack of books, was Twilight. His big sister, pseudo-mother, teacher, and whatever else – yet she was practically the same age as him.

He remained completely still, locked in an unwavering stare as his mind attempted to process what he was seeing. Slowly, he started to step forward, but didn’t look away for a second; each step felt like somepony else was operating him.

When he reached the table, he just stood there, heart racing in panicked confusion.

“Tw-...Twi?” he finally asked, his voice barely able to kick in.

She looked up from her book. “He-...-llo?” she asked, her eyes almost tensing in confusion but instead relaxing to surprise as her jaw hung open slightly.

“I...is it alright i-if I sit here?” he asked, nervously.

The young Twilight shut her jaw and nodded.

Spike sat down and set the ice cream on the table.

Catching sight of it, Twily narrowed her eyes. “Hey wait a minute, you’re not allowed to have food in here!” she quietly barked.

Spike looked at the ice cream. “O-oh right, I kinda forgot I had it. You can have it if you want.”

“But it might get all over the boo–“ She paused, staring at the three scoops. “...Is that Rocky Road and Royal Cherry?”

With a scoop of Triple Chocolate Fudge!” he boasted.

Twily’s face turned slightly redder as she quickly checked the surroundings. “On second thought...maybe one cone won’t hurt…” She gave a sheepish smile as she levitated the ice cream stack over to herself and took a big lick.

Her eyes widened again in surprise. “Hey, wow! This isn’t even melted yet!” She glanced back at Spike. “How’d you do that?”

“Oh uh, a friend of mine put a refrigeration spell on it…”

Twily looked at the ice cream with impressed curiosity. “A refrigeration spell...neat!” She then took a small bite out of the dessert. “By the way, how’d you know my name?”

His mind blanked. He and his Twilight had yet to come up with a cover story for interacting with her younger self. It was a little late to have that conversation now though; he was just going to have to wing it. “I uh...met your brother at the academy. Dragon defense training and everything.” He gave a nervous grin. “I’m Spike by the way.”

“Spike,” Twily confirmed to herself, nodding. “You know, I’ve never gotten the chance to talk to a dragon before; and I really didn’t expect to meet one my size.”

“Oh! That’s ‘cuz I’m a baby dragon. N-not that I’m actually a baby, I-I’m just tiny compared to some dragons…”

“Whoa. So when were you born – err, hatched – or… Wait, do you dragons go by hatched days or layed days?”

“Oh, uh, I go by when I was hatched; I don’t really know when my egg was layed. My …adopted sister hatched me on June twelfth, n–“ he immediately bit his tongue as he felt a nervous chill rush over him. “...I- I’m eleven.” he corrected.

“So you’re a year younger than me!” she beamed. “And your adopted sister hatched you! Interesting!” Twily immediately pulled out a notepad and pencil. “I need to write this all down!” She took another bite out of the ice cream.

“So uh, I hear you had some trouble getting into Princess Celestia’s school…”

Twily paused and looked up. “Oh...Shining told you about that too…” Her enthusiasm drained right out of her.

“W-well I was thinking maybe I could help you with your magic studies!” he offered.

She blinked. “You? But you’re a dragon!”

“Well, I did grow up under the care of somepony who studied magic her whole life.”

Twily’s eyes narrowed slightly as she smirked. “Okay Mr. Magic Dragon, but really I’ve already got help.”

Spike blinked. “You do?

She nodded. “Uh-huh. Weekday tutoring!” Suddenly her smile vanished, and she glanced up at a clock on the wall. “Oh shoot, that’s in 30 minutes!” Quickly, Twily began packing her books.

“Need any help?” Spike asked.

Twily shook her head. “Nope! But…” She readied the notepad once more. “You can tell me more about being a dragon on the way home!”

Spike sighed. Time to play 50 million questions.

“Miss Twilight?” a guard asked sternly, stepping out from the doors of the Canterlot Castle throne room.

The alicorn looked up, anxiously standing as still as she possibly could between the two guards that brought her there.

“The princess will be seeing you now.”

Twilight took a deep breath as she was marched into the throne room.

At the far end, seated upon the grand throne, was Princess Celestia herself. As Twilight approached, she watched as her mentor’s face slowly became more cold and calculated, eyes watching her like a hawk, mouth scowling in disapproval.

Twilight was rarely forced to experience this side of Celestia’s personality herself, but on the unfortunate occasion that she did – such as her present situation – it sent a terrified chill down her spine.

The guards brought Twilight to a stop a short ways from the throne.

Celestia silently eyed Twilight for several seconds, before lifting a teacup from beside her and taking a long sip. “Leave her with me,” she stated once she had finished.

All of the guards turned and looked at her, confused. “Um, are you sure that’s a safe idea, your highness?” the one to Twilight’s left asked.

She took another casual sip. “I don’t think she poses much of a threat, and if she attempts anything foolish while she’s restrained with a horn ring on her…” Celestia directly eyed Twilight upon saying this. “Then I think a statue of a young alicorn would make a lovely addition to the Canterlot Gardens, don’t you think?” She smiled gently, taking another sip of her tea.

“Hah-hah!” Twilight laughed in pure terror, starting to shake.

“There will be nothing to worry about if your intentions are honest,” she added. Celestia then looked to the guards once more. “As for you all, I plan to discuss information too sensitive for even you two to hear,” she stated, turning to her two personal guards as she mentioned them.

“As you wish,” they acknowledged. All of them then headed for the exit.

Once they had departed, Celestia focused her attention to the only remaining pony in the room. She stared calmly, taking a sip of her tea.

Twilight tried desperately to force a grin on her face, while her entire body trembled.

“So,” she began, “you’re Twilight Sparkle…”

The little alicorn trembled and slunk down, nodding.

“Well then. I am quite curious to hear what you have to say for yourself,” she said, leaning back in her royal seat.

Twilight gulped, hesitating as her mouth opened slightly, unable to find the words or voice to speak. “Ah…I…”

I’m listening,” Celestia harshly reminded.

“I-I...I am fr-from the f-future…” she admitted, stuttering over her nerves.

Celestia slowly nodded.

“A-and I came back by accident, after a-act-activating a m-odified version of St-Star Swirl’s spell.”

“By accident?” she asked, raising an eyebrow as she sipped more of her tea. “I’m not sure I’ve quite heard of a pony accidentally casting a spell…”

Twilight took a deep breath in and swallowed it. “W-well, I......it...Starlight...she rigged...” She looked up at Celestia, who still had her eyebrow raised and teacup levitating inches from her mouth. Twilight’s eyes snapped shut as she fell back on her haunches and started crying. ”Oh why am I even trying to explain this?! Even I wouldn’t trust me!”

The next thing she knew, she felt her chin being lifted up by a hoof. She opened her eyes to see her mentor standing above her.

Twilight,” Celestia spoke in a blunt yet calm tone. “You’re not off the hook, but I'm not ready to lock you in Tartarus just yet either. The truth, no matter how strange, is simply what I want to hear right now.”

Twilight took a deep breath. “Really?”

Celestia smiled and nodded. “Really. You may continue now.”

Twilight slowly exhaled. “Okay. Everything started several months ago – well, several months ago for me – but it started when me and my friends visited an experimental ‘no cutie mark’ town. It was led by a mare named Starlight Glimmer, and she sought to eliminate cutie marks in the hopes that it would make everypony happier. Unfortunately, all it did was make ponies more miserable, and worst of all, we found that she still had her cutie mark all along. After exposing her lie, the townsponies chased her away, and me and my friends thought that was the end of things. But now it turns out she wants revenge, and after learning how me and my friends all got our cutie marks from the same event, she traveled back in time to change that. But she ended up setting a trap for me, by leaving the scroll lying on the floor and having it trigger if anypony touched it.”

“I see,” Celestia responded, nodding gently. “And did she succeed in changing this event?”

Twilight nodded. “Yes; we struggled back and forth, trying to undo and redo the change, but she ultimately won after destroying the time spell’s scroll. Ever since then, I’ve been going around Equestria trying to help each of my friends earn their cutie marks.”

Celestia turned and stepped over to one of the stained glass windows, gazing through it. “This does sound like a serious matter,” she stated. “But I would be lying if I didn’t admit how flawed I find this story.”

Twilight’s heart sank like a rock. “W-what?” she gasped, her eyes watering.

The princess turned to look down at her with an unamused stare. “If you really are the pony I should trust in this matter, perhaps you could explain where you obtained your alicornhood from?”

Twilight gulped. “Alright, but this is going to sound a bit crazy.”

“I’ve canceled the rest of my meetings for the day; I have plenty of time for ‘crazy’,” she responded, taking another sip of her tea. “...And to thoroughly analyze your claims.”

Taking another deep breath, Twilight whimpered as she looked up into Celestia’s eyes. “Exactly one week ago, a twelve-year old version of me applied for your magic school here in Canterlot…”

“...and that’s how you maintain proper scale care,” Spike concluded, answering Twily’s latest question about scale health.

Whoa,” she fawned, practically drooling from amazement over all she was learning.

Spike squinted. “Oh hey, you missed a bit of ice cream on your face!” Quickly, he licked it off with his tongue.

Twily’s eyes went wide. “Ooh, do all dragons lick food off each-other’s faces like dogs?” she asked.


All of a sudden, the front door creaked as it opened. A single “ahem” came from the mare responsible.

Looking up, Spike immediately froze, every part of his body tensing as fear surged through him.

“Aren’t you running a little late for your magic lessons?” Starlight Glimmer asked, looking directly at Twily with a soft smile and a raised eyebrow.

The filly gave an embarrassed smile in return. “Sorry Ms. Glimmer, I just got to meet a dragon for the first time, and I had a lot of questions I wanted to ask him.”

The sly grin on her face widened as she turned her attention to Spike. “Oh, I see…” She picked him up with her magic and brought him close. “He certainly is an adorable little guy, isn’t he?” she cooed, lifting his chin with her hoof.

Every inch of Spike’s skin crawled as he tried desperately not to squirm.

Starlight set him back down on the porch as her smile started to fade. “Well,” she began, looking back to Twily. “Your curiosity is certainly something special, but just remember that it’s still risky to talk with other ponies right now. Any one of them could be tied to your future self, trying to lead you down that dark, evil path she followed.” Starlight turned her eyes to Spike and stared straight into his soul. “And we wouldn’t want that, now would we?”

As if to save his life, he nervously shook his head no ever so slightly, eyes still wide in terror.

Starlight’s smile started to creep back onto her face. “Good.” She turned back to Twily. “Now, how about we go in and get started on those magic lessons?”

Twily’s face lit up. “Okay!” she replied, hopping in the door. “Bye Spike,” she called out, looking back.

Before he could even think of responding, the door was gently closed, and the sound of a lock flipping could be heard.

Now, he simply stood there, the entire situation playing on panicked repeat in his mind. Starlight Glimmer, the mare who was actively seeking revenge against them, had become the personal tutor of Twilight Sparkle.

A soft, terrified little “Aah...” was all that squeaked out of his mouth, before the world went black, and he collapsed.

Comments ( 22 )

Really wish I could wipe that smirk off of Starlight. After all the mess she's caused, she thinks she can get away with this? At least Spike made contact with tiny Rainbow Dash and Twilight, but ironically Celestia and Starlight are their biggest obstacles right now.

Drops in after so long to give us a new chapter, and it ends likes this.

Well played, author, well played :moustache:.


After all the mess she's caused, she thinks she can get away with this?

Yes, and why shouldn't she?

I'm noticing a trend the longer I'm on this site, the creative what if stories and AU's that try to be show-like or tell a grand story that heavily relies on canon tend to get buried and neglected for more...exotic stories. It's such a shame too, as a fellow creator, to see a creator get a significant smaller follower count than a majority of other creators. I'm going to watch this story with great interest.

Yeah, I guess Starlight has been beating Twilight when rewriting history every single time successfully, and even managed to manipulate Celestia into arresting Twilight, despite the latter being an alicorn of all things. The only advantage that Twilight has is that she knows Celestia personally, so she has more personal facts to sway Celestia to her side, unlike Starlight who only knows what the public knows.

Good chapter! Much suspense!

There's this thing called punctuation.
You should try it out, it'll increase the chance of people reading more than two lines of your posts.

Gotta keep up your anticipation for the next chapter somehow! :trollestia:

Don't worry, things are about to get even more out of control in the next chapter. ;)

well congrats. You have that attention and notice. Did the chapter take so long because you were recovering from the plot twists and couldn't move from bed?

just caught up, good story! <;

This is the first time travel story I've read, and it totally hooked me, I look forward to more chapters in the future

Kind of glad now the chapters here are so much longer. Had to wait about three days because of the heatwave. This chapter was worth the extra wait.

“It’s like I stepped back in time…” she remarked, before shaking her head slightly and blinking. “What am I saying? I did step back in time – I am back in time!” She stroked her hoof back through her mane, her right eye twitching slightly as her gaze darted from sight to sight.

She squished his cheeks between her hooves and pulled his nose right up to hers. “If we’re 11 years in the past, that means Mr. Quartzfrost ’s ice cream shop is still here! ” She jumped up and started prancing around Spike in glee. “Rocky Road, Triple Chocolate Fudge, Strawberry Banana Swirl, Royal Cherry...ooh there’s so many flavors he used to make better than anypony else!” She scooped Spike up with her magic and dropped him on her back. “C’mon!” she squealed in delight as she trotted on.

Wow she is twilighting but yet she's only got excited of her childhood years that she never really look around

“–Oh darn.” the guard interrupted. “Well, not the end of the world. Thank you though. Twilight Sparkle, right?”

Rainbow blinked. “ Post office? Why would I look for a princess at a stuffy place like that ? I just followed her home! Stopped for ice cream and saw her walking by on the street. I woulda said ‘hi’ but the whole age thing freaked me out.” Suddenly, she gasped, grabbing Spike’s cheeks with her forehooves. “WAIT! She’s not some kind of superhero who turns into a fully-grown alicorn when she says a special word, is she!?”

I see what you did there very clever

She nodded. “Uh-huh. Weekday tutoring!” Suddenly her smile vanished, and she glanced up at a clock on the wall. “Oh shoot, that’s in 30 minutes!” Quickly, Twily began packing her books.

Wait tutoring wait a minute why do I have a feeling who Could That Be 😰

Starlight set him back down on the porch as her smile started to fade. “Well,” she began, looking back to Twily. “Your curiosity is certainly something special, but just remember that it’s still risky to talk with other ponies right now. Any one of them could be tied to your future self, trying to lead you down that dark, evil path she followed.” Starlight turned her eyes to Spike and stared straight into his soul. “And we wouldn’t want that , now would we?”


Oh no this is so not good not good at all okay so Twilight and Spike arrive to Canterlot and Twilight is starting to have some flashback of her younger years and she got a little excited and they went to the ice cream store to get some ice cream but Spike needed to go to the bathroom and Twilight saw rainbow so she wrote a note that Spike needs to handle the younger Twilight so they split up trying to follow rainbow but instead she got captured by the guards and once she got to the princess and she is much intimidating and Twilight had to explain to Celestia about since she doesn't believe anything meanwhile Spike tried to find younger Twilight but instead she found Rainbow Dash and apparently she's been following the wrong Twilight and of course Spike had to explain to her that they are from the future and now he got the chance to talk with Twilight and somehow she was pretty excited but then she realized she has a tutor but what makes things worse her tutor is Starlight glimmer figured that she would show up to mess with Twilight especially her younger years and now she kidnapped Spike this is really not good at all I wonder how they're going to get the self out of the situation especially with two problems I guess we'll find out next time

and with that I finally caught up with your story and I know I said that a couple of times but this is so like Back to the Future vibe situation that Twilight and Spike had to fix the damage of the timeline before things change completely hopefully we'll find out


“Twilight Aurora Sparkle, by direct order of Princess Celestia herself, you are hereby under arrest for malicious manipulation of fate, grand conspiracy, and conspiracy to commit treason!”

If 'optimal fate' was letting discord messed with whole Equestria, Tirek sucking up random ponies' magic and pitched against Twilight, while she was put thought traumatic experiences one after another.

Yeah..With how hostile Celestia came across, I expected their any possible friendly releationship to completely shivered and died. The drama would be fun to watch too.

"Where the buck are all these ultra competent royal guards when Equestria needed them, huh? Why didn't you take your job as the protector seriously when Tirek came? Answer me you white leech coward!

So, how likely is it that we'll see Twilight trying to stop and even reform Nightmare Moon, Discord, and Sunset Shimmer now that she knows what will happen?

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