• Published 10th May 2019
  • 985 Views, 35 Comments

Not The Obvious Answer - Jhoira

Applejack has been getting anonymous love letters and it's starting to annoy her.

  • ...

The Other Fashionista (May 10th, Friday afternoon.)

Rarity sat back on her chaise longue sipping her tea peacefully, slowly eating one of her most delectable finger sandwiches. Why were they called finger sandwichs was a question she'd asked herself many times, what were fingers? But then again there are many other things with nonsense names like saddles, why was a saddle a saddle, a dress a dress? Just odd names for things she supposed. She mused on these things quietly as she watched her friend Coco Pommel run around her boutique in a frantic panic.

"What will I do when she shows up? I can't talk to her! I-I was so creepy! Sending her all those letters."

"Coco, darling."

"What if she hates me!? Oh, she won't even remember me from Manehatten I bet."


"She probably is more interested in strong stallions who can help her on the farm! I should just go home now!"


"Yes, yes, I'll just go home and send her an apology letter! Then I will stop being creepy and sending her unsigned letters and just get some cats..."


Coco jumped nearly a foot in the air as the raised voice finally cut through her panic and she blushed brightly, her ears going down as she looked guiltily over at Rarity. "Oh, I'm sorry Rarity..."

"It will be fine darling, Applejack is one of the nicest ponies around, and like I said in my letter, I am fairly certain she is more open to the idea than she'd publicly let on. Now come over here and have some tea, it will help you calm down." She patted the couch next to her and smiled as Coco sheepishly walked over and climbed up next to her friend, taking the teacup that had been set out for her and drinking a small amount, nodding to Rarity. "There, you see? Isn't that helping?"

"Yes, thank you Rarity." Coco still almost hummed with nervous energy but at least she wasn't running around the boutique to Rarity's relief. "Do you think she's coming?"

Rarity let out a loud, exasperated sigh that caused Coco to flinch back slightly. "Coco, darling, she isn't due for another ten minutes, you are going to kill yourself with worry at this rate you know." Coco nodded and nervously looked out the window. "Coco, why are you so nervous?"

Coco meeped at Rarity finally asking her the direct question she'd been dreading. "W-Well you see... I've never actually... Been on a date."

Rarity blinked, now that was a surprise. "Really darling? But you are the absolute definition of adorable, I'm surprised no mare or stallion has tried to snap you up over the years."

Coco nodded. "Well they did, but I always turned them down." She blushed a little brighter. "I-I was just too nervous to go through with it you know!"

Rarity shook her head before pausing mid shake and smiling at Coco. "Well, that means that Applejack must be really special to you if you've turned down all the others but then went after her yourself!... In... An admittedly very round-about and subtle way but still! You were the one who started this! Good for you darling."

Coco smiled widely. "Oh yes! Applejack is just the prettiest pony I've ever seen! And she's so nice! And she helped out on the play! And she has such a unique style! And she is so strong! And she..."

"Breathe darling, breathe."

Coco blushed a bit brighter but slowed down, pausing for a breathe. "Well... You get the point."

Rarity nodded, smiling at her friend. "I do indeed. Now you should take a moment to collect yourself." She motioned over to the clock. "You have two minutes, and Applejack is nothing if not punctual." The squee that Coco produced would have punctured Rarity's eardrums if she were not used to similar sounds from Sweetie Belle. Coco looked around for a moment before getting up and dashing towards the bathroom.

A moment of great concern passed over Rarity before she heard Coco call out. "Do you have any makeup! I forgot mine!"

"You didn't forget darling, I told you not to wear it, Applejack likes to be able to see ponies without their makeup, she says it's more honest."

"Oh right..." Coco walked back out looking a bit chagrinned and smiling at Rarity as she looked at the clock, one minute to go, bouncing nervously on her hooves as she looked between the door and the clock repeatedly. Rarity just shook her head at the other pony.

"I will remind you she doesn't even know you'll be here or you're the one that sent her the letters, I just invited her over to get some of Appleblooms things she left here on her last visit, if you don't want to talk about it you don't have to." Coco nodded but meeped loudly as the door received a firm, but far less loud knock than it did a few days ago. After giving a reassuring smile to Coco, Rarity opened the door for her friend. "Hello Applejack."

Applejack smiled and walked into the boutique. "Oh hey Rares, where's the stuff that Applebloom left?" She looked around for it and spied another pony in the room. "Oh, hey Coco, how's it going in Manehattan?"

Rarity pointed to a nearby box full of Appleblooms things, which there was no real reason for Rarity to send back but she had needed an excuse to get Applejack there. Coco blushed a little as Rarity gave a look behind Applejacks back, as she turned to pick up the box. "O-Oh! It's been good Applejack! How's the farm?"

Applejack smiled and nodded. "Well, that's good Coco. The farm's been busier than usual. I'm more tired than a one-legged pony in a butt-kickin' contest." Coco blinked and frowned as she tried to imagine... "It's an expression sugar cube, just means I'm plum tuckered out from work." Coco smiled and nodded. "Well, I'll see you two later." Applejack waved as she started to turn towards the door.

Rarity didn't let it show on her face but she was internally grimacing, she had meant to let Coco ease into talking to Applejack but she had been meaning to take a few steps down those stairs not inch towards the landing. Well, she'd just have to... "Applejack?" Rarity's mind snapped back to the present as Coco spoke up again.


"I was the one who sent you those letters! I-I'm in love with you!" Rarity's eyes bulged as she opened them a bit too widely. Ok then, instead of inching her way forwards, or taking a few steps at a time, apparently Coco had decided it was time to hurl herself down the entire flight of stairs.