• Published 10th May 2019
  • 985 Views, 35 Comments

Not The Obvious Answer - Jhoira

Applejack has been getting anonymous love letters and it's starting to annoy her.

  • ...

Advice Received, Advice Given (”Time For Fashion” crossover.) (May 10th, Friday evening.)

Applejack looked up as Rarity knocked on the door jam of the open kitchen door before walking in and sitting at the table, quietly watching her friend pace until Applejack couldn't take it anymore. "Did I make a mistake Rares?"

"Well I can't speak for you darling but Coco's absolutely beside herself getting ready for your date..."

"It ain't a date."

"For your -date- later. And I thought you chatted with her about everything? Foals, family and staying in Ponyville wasn't it?"

Applejack frowned at her friend but let that issue drop. "Well Yeah but... those were just the things about havin' any relationship ya know? But Coco specifically... She's just..."

Rarity frowned as her friend stopped talking. What could be bothering her? Coco was the sweetest girl, very pretty, a promising and lucrative career ahead of her, young, an... Oh. "You're not that much older than her Applejack."

"Yeah, I know! And in four years this wouldn't be an issue but right now..."

Rarity shook her head slightly and smiled at her friend. "Do you think Coco's dumb dear?"

"What? No!"

"Do you think she's emotionally unstable?"

"No! Rares what are ya goin' on abo... Oh, I see where ya goin'. Fine, she can make her own choices. But what will other ponies say about it?"

Rarity clicked her tongue at Applejack, causing her to flick an ear in annoyance, she hated when Rarity did that. Some self-satisfied lecture was coming. "You really shouldn't care what others say about you so much Applejack."

Applejack rolled her eyes with a sigh. "Ya one to talk there Rares. Your entire job is about what other people think about ya!"

Rarity scoffed at the rebuttal. "Perhaps but it's not like I am planning on changing my love life based on their opinions!"

"Yeah but you'd change your main color to impress them! Or your entire person! Like for that Trenderhoof!"

"I knew you'd throw that back in my face you...!" Rarity huffed, but then took a deep breathe. "I'm sorry darling I shouldn't have gone off ok you like that."

Applejack took a few deep breathes herself. "Yeah me either. Sorry Rares I'm just nervous is all."

Rarity snickered and looked around like someone might have been eavesdropping. "You think you're a mess? You should see Coco like I said she's excited, but she's also a bit of a wreck of nerves. I didn't dare tell her I was coming here today."

Applejack smiled at the thought. "I can imagine her going through her entire wardrobe she brought like three times trying to find the cutest outfit. Not that she'd need to try."

Rarity grinned at the other mare. "So what are your plans for the date?"

"Well, I'm plannin' on bringing her down to the farm to meet the family."

Rarity just groaned and shook her head. "Darling! You can't just bring her to the farm on the first date!"

Applejack frowned. "But it's important that she meets and gets along with mah family Rares."

"Fine, do that next time. But your first date should be super special not just meeting the family!"

"Family is special!"

"Ugh!" Rarity let her head slam into the table before looking up at Applejack's stubborn frown. "Applejack I'm begging you! Just take my advice for once in your life and do something more special for Coco!"

"Once in my life!? I take you advice regularly Rares! Why ya being such a... Mule right now!?"

Rarity let her head hit the table again, groaning slightly. "I'm sorry Applejack I'm just... Going through something right now."

Applejack nodded and walked over, patting her friend on the back. "Still havin' trouble with yer' spring line?"

Rarity shook her head. ”No that's fine darling. It's something else.”

”Well you know can tell me sugar cube.”

Rarity puffed out her cheeks and shook her head. ”I'm not sure darling it's a bit... Awkward.”

”Rares, we just went over me dating a younger mare and had a rather dramatic argument, is it bigger than that?”

Rarity sighed and nodded. ”Well kind of darling. I... I think I have a crush on Pinkie’s friend Minuette.”


”Oh indeed darling. I mean it's nothing like Coco having a crush on you for a whole and sending you all those letters but... Arg I can't stop thinking about wanting to brush her mane!” Rarity let out an exasperated sigh and looked up to scowl at Applejack upon seeing her grinning from ear to ear. ”I’m glad you find this so amusing Applejack.”

”I'm sorry sugar cube it’s just that you were givin’ me such a hard time about mah letters and now you're obsessing over some blue mare’s mane!”

Rarity stood up quickly. ”Well if you're not going to help and are just going to mock I’ll...!”

Applejack pushed gently against Rarity pushing her back into the chair. ”Sorry Rares. Why not just tell her? She's Twilight’s and Pinkie’s friend so she's gotta be good company.”

Rarity nodded. ”While you're right darling I think it would be better if I just let it be.”

”Really? After manufacturing feelings for that prince, then for Trendymcbigpants just because you thought it was what you should do now you hesitate?”

”That’s why I'm hesitating darling!”

”Ahh, well let me ask ye this Rares. Is Minuette some famous big wig fashionista that'll help yer career?”


”Is she some fancy princess you've imagined marrying to get into a noble family?”

”Ah! I see what you're doing darling, very clever.” Rarity smiled as she stood up and gave her friend a hug. ”Thanks for the advice darling. Though I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it."

”I was only returnin’ the favor there Rares, you helped me settle my mind something awful too.” Applejack walked Rarity to the door and both parted company with a smile and a lightened step. Though they both now had things to think on, one the best first date, and one if she should tell the adorable blue mare her feelings.