• Published 11th May 2019
  • 8,996 Views, 161 Comments

My adorkable marefriend - SkarinOfAtmora

After years of being friends, Twilight realises she might feel something more for the Ponyville resident human named Ryan.

  • ...

6 - The best laid plans

"So, you're telling me, Twilight headbutted you, spilled wine on your shirt and then you both caught a cold? " Luna asked with a raised brow and took a bite of her morning salad.

"Oh, and a table almost landed on Filthy Rich. " Ryan replied, his fork picking at the salad before him. He'd really need to ask Luna to bring over some meat next time. It's been well over a month since he had the delicious, juicy source of protein.

"Huh. " Luna chewed on her salad "Seems... Legit? " she looked at Ryan uncertainly and after he nodded, Luna smiled victoriously "Huzzah! Modern phrases shall elude me no more. "

"From another world no less. " Ryan gave up the salad and slumped in his seat. It's been three days since he poked Twilight with a banana, followed by a heated cuddling session, they barely had time to see each other. Twilight was swarmed with princess duties, and world ending disasters, which by the way happen on a regular basis apparently, and as it turns out, if Ryan takes a few days off the town starts falling apart. First thing he had to do after finishing breakfast with Luna at Sugarcube Corner was to fix the sink in this sugar palace of a cafe.

"Anyway, I believe congratulations are in order. " Luna smiled but the expression vanished once she saw Ryan's slumped form "What is the matter? " Ryan sighed deeply before speaking.

"We barely have any time to ourselves lately. " he said in a defeated tone and Luna looked at him in confusion "My lunch deliveries have been lacking as well... "

"It's only been three days. " Luna pointed out "You've been apart far longer than that. "

"Well, yeah, but, we weren't dating back then. " Ryan leaned forward and whispered "It's freaking me out! "

"What is? "

"This relationship! I've never been in one! " Ryan replied and dragged a hand across his face "It's like, I want to spend every moment with her and I honestly don't know what to do with myself when she's gone. I get through the day just fine but when I come home and she's not there I just kinda'... Deflate. " to make his point clear he slumped even deeper into his seat "I have issues... "

"That is fact. " Luna said teasingly to cheer him up but it didn't help. The young alicorn sighed "I know this is a new experience for you. You're not used to staying in one place for too long and I can see how this could affect your mind. " Ryan was deep in thought "But trust me, that feeling will pass quickly and you'll be fine. "

"You know what I need? " Luna quirked a brow "A world ending crisis. "

"No. " the princess cut off with a flat look.

"Yes! " Ryan perked back up "She's always off saving the world and I can go with her! Adventures! Honor! Glory! "

"You are banned from ending world ending crises after what you did with Tirek. " Luna said sternly but Ryan waved her off.

"That didn't stop me with the others, did it? "

"I'm serious Ryan. " the blue alicorn said with a pointed finger "And for the record, if I had been able, I would have tied you to a tree for every single one of them. "

"Kinky. " Ryan smirked but Luna was not amused by his antics right now.

"Have you talked to anyone about Tirek? " silence was answer enough "Does Twilight know what you did? " Ryan looked to the side and scratched his cheek while whistling "That's what I thought. You're avoiding the Tirek issue ever since it happened. "

"There's nothing to avoid. It happened and we moved on. " Ryan suddenly found his salad interesting "This is some damn good salad. " he stabbed the salad with the fork more forcefully than intended.

"Moved on? " Luna gasped "I saw your dreams Ryan! Your memories! You can't just move on from something like that! " eyes turned to their table as Luna raised her voice.

"Watch me. " Ryan replied with a glare.

"Ryan- "

"Drop it. "

"Let me help- "

"I SAID DROP IT! " he slammed his hands on the table, the plates and cups on in clattering dangerously. Luna recoiled in shock, her ears drooping down sadly. Ryan looked around and confirmed all eyes were now on him, some even looked frightened. Ryan was not known for lashing out like that. Even Pinkie looked at him with a frightened expression behind the counter.

"Very well. " Luna said before rising to her hooves "Contact me when you're willing to talk. " and in a flash of light, the Princess of the Night was gone. Ryan felt instant regret at what he did. After all, Luna was his best friend next to Twilight and she was just trying to help. Luna knew exactly what happened and what he did with Tirek. She urged him to talk with somepony about it but he just couldn't. Wouldn't... He actually wanted to talk with Twilight about what he really did. But, how do you tell someone-

"Umm, Ryan? " ooooh that was mean of me. Um, it was Pinkie who interrupted his thoughts, her mane less coroful and deflated "Did you two have a fight? " she asked timidly, tears forming on the corners of her eyes. Ryan smiled and scratched the pink mare behind the ear.

"No. I was just being an idiot. " he reassured her with a smile "C'mon, let's see about that sink of yours. " Pinkie sniffed and nodded slowly "Pinkie, everything's fine. "

"Really? " Ryan nodded "She's not going to go all mind flayer on you and connect your brain with a hive mind in a dark world that looks a lot like ours but is actually empty? "

"As strange as that sounds, no, she will not. " Pinkie opened her mouth to speak "I will not turn into a brain eating octopus either. Pinkie promise. " the mares mane retained her curly volume and she was back to her hyperactive happy self.

"Okie-dokie-lokie! " and just like that Pinkie was bouncing away towards the clogged sink. Ryan chuckled and followed after the bubbly mare. Element of laughter indeed.

"So what is it this time? Frosting? " a rapid nod of her head confirmed Ryan's fears "I'll get the hose, you get me lunch for Twilight. " he cracked his knuckles and looked at the frosting filled sink, not even questioning how it happened "You've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk? "

Headmare Twilight Sparkle was exhausted. For the last three days she's been all over the place. Princess duties, school duties, counseling, planning her duties a month in advance.

"Brush up on organizing skills. " she mumbled and wrote it down on a piece of parchment labeled Planning planer. She laid down the quill and stretched her aching limbs "I wish Ryan was here. " truth be told, Twilight was in the same predicament as her coltfriend. These last three days left them no time for themselves. By the time she finally got home Ryan was either sleeping or had to leave for some emergency that required his skills and got back by the time she fell asleep. Twilight knew it was only three days and that things will settle down eventually but still. She wanted to spend more time with her coltfriend. Was that too much to ask?

Twilight looked at the clock in her office and it was five minutes until noon. This made her smile since it meant Ryan would soon burst through the door with lunch and some pop-culture reference from his world. Though she didn't understand any of them, Twilight suspected it was some sort of coping mechanism of never going home again.

Going home... Twilight has been trying for years to get the mirror back to his world working again but with no success so far. After a while Ryan made peace with his situation and told her to just leave it be. But Twilight couldn't just leave it be, no, she was determined to at least give him the choice. To go home if he wished so. The last thought brought a frown to her brows. Would he go home? Leave her behind? Twilight shook the dark thoughts away before adjusting her glasses, a pair Ryan said she should wear more often and makes her look cuter. And that was before they started dating.

Dating. It made her laugh giddily. She finally had a special somepony, or rather, someone. They've been dancing around each other for a while now and it finally happened a few days ago when she gathered all of her courage and made a fool of herself in front of everypony in Sugarcube Corner. Still, the day ended with the two of them making out so it was all good. That nice train of thought was interrupted when her stomach grumbled.

"He'll be here soon. " she patted her belly and looked at the clock "Any time now. " ten minutes passed and still no human kicking the door open "I'm sure it's a busy day for him as well. " Twilight chuckled and watched the door intensively. Ten more minutes passed "C'mon Ryan. I'm hungry and lonely. " she whined and slammed her head on the table in defeat. Just then a click of the door knob was heard. Twilight snapped her head up, smiling brightly until the door opened fully "Oh, it's you. " with a flat look, her head hit the table once more.

"Geez, good to see you too. " it was Starlight Glimmer, raising a curious brow after seeing Twilight's head hit the table. She looked around and saw the distinct lack of human in the room "Where's Ryan? "

"Dunno'... " Twilight mumbled into some papers her head rested on "And I'm hungry. " she moaned again as her stomach growled.

"Weird. He's almost never missed lunch time. " Starlight rubbed her chin in thought "Oh well. " she shrugged and made her way out.

"Wait! " Twilight stood up suddenly and Starlight looked over her shoulder "I need counseling. " Starlight turned fully to face er mentor and grinned widely.

"Counseling? Oh how I dreamed of this day! " gave her a deadpan look that the unicorn completely ignored "I shall write this down in books for generations to read. Twilight Sparkle need my counseling! " she pulled up a chair closer to the table.

"It's about Ryan. " Starlight's grin faded.

"Oh. " well this put a stop to her enthusiasm "I think I'm the last pony to give relationship advice. "

"Just, hear me out please. " Twilight took a deep breath "Is it weird that I miss him so much even though it's only been three days? " Starlight scrunched her brow in thought.

"Hmmm. I don't know. Like I said, I'm the last pony to give relationship advice, but... " she scratched her cheek in thought "I guess, since it's a fresh relationship and you've had the hots for each other for a while, I think it's normal that you want to spend as much time together as possible. "

"You think so? " Twilight asked with an apprehensive smile.

"Yeah, I guess. " Starlight shrugged "Again, not an expert but-TAKE COVER! " her horn glowed before she dived to the side and avoided a gray blur that shot through the magically opened window. Twilight barely registered what was happening as Starlight dived to the side and the mentioned gray blur shot past mere inches from her.

"Derpy! " Twilight jumped up and ran to help the mailmare to her hooves.

"Hey Twilight! " she said as Twilight pulled her up "Caught a weird draft of air. " Derpy smiled, her eyes strangely focused on what spot. She bumped the right of her head and her eye went into a different direction than the other "That's better. Anyway, I have a special delivery for you. " she rummaged through her bag and pulled out a cardboard package with a note attached to it and handed it to Twilight "Oh, and have a muffin! " placing a muffin on top of the package she saluted and was out the window.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking! " Starlight yelled after her but the mailmare was too far away to hear. Twilight blinked a couple of times to make sense of what happened before reading the note.

Frostmageddon at Sugarcube Corner.
Have to skip lunch.
And tell Starlight to stop peeking over your shoulder.

Sure enough, there she was, acting innocent and whistling.

Since you're reading it anyway, finish her paperwork for today, Twilight has plans for tonight.

Starlight muttered something under her breath and got to work on the paperwork. It was a little honor based game they played. Chuckling to herself, Twilight was about to reach for her planner before she read the next sentence.

It's not in your schedule. Let anarchy rule!

The "A" had a circle drawn around it and the straight lines of the letter were going through it. She couldn't help but smile a little. He knew her so well.

See you tonight!

Twilight folded the letter and opened the package Ryan sent her. Inside was a full lunch course along with another note.


"Knock knock? " Twilight mumbled before there was, in fact, a knock on the door. She quirked a brow and went to see who it was. Opening the door she found Roseluck holding a bouquet of purple Canterbury Bells. The mare handed Twilight the bouquet with only a smile and left. The lavender alicorn was giggling to herself and soon found another note attached to the flowers.

This was pretty good right?

Twilight chuckled and removed one flower from the bunch and inhaled deeply.

"Yes. Yes it was. " then she chomped on the delicious plant and closed the door behind her, wondering just what Ryan had planned for tonight.

Author's Note:

I know I promised I would update Kulaas ahrk Dovah but I'm having so much fun writing this and Reforming the Evil I just can't concentrate enough. Which kinda' bums me out since KaD is the only story I have planned out, like, 95% percent of it and it's basically my baby.
But, what can you do...
Anyway, hope you liked this short one for now. I wanted to include Ryan's plan in this one but felt like it should be it's own separate thing.
And to clear up some probable confusion, what Twilight remembers in ch5 about Ryan confronting Tirek is something else entierly from what Ryan's actually hiding.

Comments ( 24 )

Huh. Pretty good.

What the fuck did he do with Tirek? I really need to know now!

Patience young grasshopper. All will be revealed in due time :derpytongue2:

I'm sorry, but that ending joke was killer for me. It was well planned, and we'll executed.

Oh how I love it when you can see something you predicted:twilightsmile:

Okay reference time:
1. I'll reply to the first one with a related quote: "Go ahead, make my day." (Love his movies.)
2. The circled "A": frickin' punk.
3. I'll have a scotch and water, hold the scotch.

Did I really make a subconscience reference to The Waterboy? :derpyderp2:

The last couple of lines, actually "Did you just make a joke, Bobby?"

Huh... I like Adam Sandler, sue me if you must, soooo one extra point to your tally good sir :moustache:
Still, you missed a few both here and in previous chapters :rainbowwild:
But you're still WAY in the lead :rainbowlaugh:

Frostmageddon huh. I am going to guess something went wrong and say that somehow everything stuck in the sink exploded outward.

I'm probably not well-versed for them, I spend too much time outside for it.

Oh, Canterbury, right. :facehoof:

so cheesy~!:rainbowkiss:

Nice job cant wait for more 😆

Oooooo now that would be fun 😂

I do hope you'll continue this story as I really enjoy coming back to it again and again.

Tirek is something else entierly from what Ryan's actually hiding.

I know this isn't actually part of this story and it might be a little late in it's discovery but...... Entirely. :twilightblush:

And I'm still looking forward to the next chapter of every story you've got going.

I really enjoy this story and I hope it continues

Hiatus!?:pinkiegasp: But........the audience needs to know what happened next! Oh, mister Skariiiiiin.🎶 I would like to discuss something with you 🎶 :pinkiecrazy: 🔨

Come on, everyone wants to know how the story goes.

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