• Published 14th May 2019
  • 2,403 Views, 1,551 Comments

Unshaken - The 24th Pegasus

The age of gunslingers is coming to an end. As the law closes in on outlaws across the Equestrian southwest, Kestrel must find a way to help her wanted gang of misfits escape or die trying. [A CYOA Story]

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Chapter 127

Go our separate ways: 8 Votes

“There’s somethin’ many big gangs learned pretty quickly when it comes to raisin’ too much trouble,” Kestrel said after a moment to think. “Biggest thing is that it’s easier to find somepony when they’re travelin’ with a lotta ponies than when they split. And after everythin’ that’s been done in Hoofston, it might be safer for us all if we split up.”

Starlight raised a skeptical eyebrow in turn. “Perhaps, but don’t ponies like you form large gangs in the first place because there’s strength in numbers? With the PPDA breathing down your necks, I would imagine that the extra support would be desired.”

“Our best bet at stayin’ alive ain’t with fightin’ the Pinks,” Kestrel countered. “There’ll always be more of ‘em, no matter how many we kill or chase off. But there’s only so many of us. And we could all die in the blink of an eye. Happened with Wanderer and Trixie today. And if they find us in New Oatleans, it’ll be the rest of us, too.”

She sighed and fidgeted with her wings. “Look, Starlight, I appreciate that you helped get us set up with that conference. We made good money off of that. Can’t deny it. But it’s in all of our best interests if we split up after all this today. It’ll make it harder for the Law to find us, simple as that.”

“I suppose you’re right about that, then.” Starlight finally nodded her agreement, which left Kestrel relieved. At least with the equalists gone, the Gang wouldn’t be divided amongst itself about whether or not to even tolerate them after the lack of remorse or regret they showed for Wanderer’s and Trixie’s deaths. “It was a pleasure working with you while it lasted, then. But should you ever need our help…”

“I’ll keep an eye open for you,” Kestrel said. Hopefully it wouldn’t come to that, but if their backs ended up against the wall and they could use a little more muscle…

Hoofsteps crunched on the dirt behind them, and Kestrel looked over her shoulder to find Tumbleweed approaching the two mares. The stallion gave them a curt nod and cleared his throat before speaking. “We’re… all set to head out then, Kessie,” he said. “We’ll be keepin’ Trixie’s wagon with us, and the Chatter gun inside. Rough’ll pull that one, and we’ll get Gizmo to pull our supplies. You and Silvie I’ll want in the skies to make sure nopony’s sneakin’ up on us while we get outta here.”

“Figured as much,” Kestrel said. “Best place for us to be.”

“And Starlight…” Tumbleweed turned to Starlight and raised an eyebrow. “What’re your plans? Pinks’ll be after you too.”

Starlight briefly glanced at Kestrel before answering. “Kestrel and I had a little bit of a discussion about that. We… agreed it would be best to go our separate ways. We’d be likely to attract less attention that way. And she made it very clear that five more ponies wouldn’t really help if the PPDA found us traveling together.”

“Best way forward’s to not pick a fight with the Law,” Kestrel said. “’Specially after we got licked like we did today.”

Tumbleweed looked like he wanted to say something, but he bit it back after he and his right hoof mare made eye contact. Instead, he bowed his head to Starlight. “Best of luck to you and your cause, then. A shame our relationship had to end here. But, I suppose it’s for the best, if one looks at the greater picture.”

“We always keep our eyes on the bigger picture.” Starlight smiled back at Tumbleweed and shook his hoof. “Stay safe in New Oatleans. We’ll probably be heading in that direction too. Maybe we’ll cross paths again. At the very least, if somepony gets the town all riled up while we’re staying there, we’ll know who to blame.”

“So long as you keep that information to yourself.” Tumbleweed touched the brim of his hat in parting as Starlight and her posse started to gather themselves together for heading off. “You stay safe as well. The Law’s gonna be real riled up after everythin’ that happened here these past few days.”

The rest of Starlight’s crew said their goodbyes, and then the Gang watched as they set off down the road. It was only after they were gone did Kestrel clear her throat at Tumbleweed and gestured off to the side. “Word with you, boss?”

Tumbleweed sighed but nevertheless followed Kestrel away from the wagons. The two ponies wandered a bit into the trees before Kestrel turned around and looked Tumbleweed sharply in the eyes. “It ain’t my fault, Tumbleweed.”

“Ain’t nopony’s fault but the Pinks,” Tumbleweed said through a frown.

“Then why you keep actin’ like it’s mine?” Kestrel’s question caught Tumbleweed by surprise, and she took a step forward. “I made a decision. I took what I thought was best for the Gang. I own that it was the wrong one. But when you keep askin’ me what I think and we go with what I say, I ain’t the only one to blame when things go wrong. And I ain’t gonna get it right all of the time.”

“But we can’t afford to make any more mistakes!” Tumbleweed countered. “Not now! Not with so much on the line! The noose is tightenin’ ‘round our necks, and we have to be on our A-game. Otherwise, more of us are gonna get killed! Forgive me if today’s events let me far from feelin’ satisfied with how they turned out. I put it in your hooves, Kessie, to get set up the way you thought best. Just ‘cause I asked you to do it don’t absolve you of all the blame!”

“And it don’t mean it’s all mine!” Kestrel opened her wings in indignation, took a breath through gritted teeth, and forced herself to lower them. “Tumbleweed… look. It ain’t pretty. And it’s gonna get a heck of a lot uglier from here on out. But we can’t be at each other’s throats over it. ‘Specially not in front of the rest of the Gang! You think we’re gonna stick together if you and me start bickerin’ like an old married couple?”

Tumbleweed raised an eyebrow at Kestrel. “So what is it that you want, Kessie? How do you want us to get into and outta New Oatleans in one piece?”

“Trust,” Kestrel said, leaning in closer to Tumbleweed, almost pleading with him. “Don’t second guess me when you pass the buck off to me. You don’t think I got what it takes to do somethin’, then do it yourself. But if you ask me to do somethin’, don’t come snappin’ back at me if it goes wrong. Because if you punch me again, I’m like to punch back next time. Then there ain’t gonna be no Gang no more.”

It seemed like it took forever for Tumbleweed to find a response, but finally, his nostrils flared and he nodded once. “Fine, Kessie. We’ll try to keep things a little more responsible ‘round here. But remember, we can’t afford no more mistakes. Another slip up like today, and it’s like to end us all.”

“I’m well aware of that, Tumbleweed.”

“Good. Then let’s get goin’, alright? Can’t risk hangin’ round any longer, case the Pinks track us down.” He turned around and began to walk away. “Get in the sky when you feel like it. Figure you might want to say a few last things to Wanderer ‘fore you go. I know… I know we all had somethin’ to say, each in our own way.”

Kestrel could only dip her head as Tumbleweed left, and let out a long sigh. A part of her was glad that the Gang was moving on from Hoofston, but most of her was heartbroken over the circumstances surrounding it. Hoofston had proven just as lucrative and just as dangerous as they had believed when leaving Rock Ridge. And New Oatleans, well, that would be another beast entirely.

But she didn’t know if they would be able to tame it or if it would swallow them whole.

The Ransom of Applejack Summary:

  • The Gang’s morale has crashed after losing both Wanderer and Trixie during the attempt to ransom off Applejack to the Apple Conglomerates.
  • No money was made during the ransom.
  • Leaving Hoofston has lowered Law Attention from 5 to 3 (High)
  • Leaving Hoofston has reset Kestrel’s local bounty.
  • Kestrel has gained honor for attempting to uphold the deal and ransom Applejack (+10)
  • The deaths of Wanderer and Trixie have reduced the number of living gang members to 6. Consequently, the Gang now only needs $60,000 to leave Equestria.
  • Starlight and her posse of Equalist revolutionaries have left the party.
  • Kestrel, Roughshod, and Silver Wings are all Grazed
  • Tumbleweed is Seriously Injured
  • Applejack may have survived the ransom

Gang Savings: $27,954/60,000

Camp Morale: Disheartened

Law Attention: 3 (High)

Kestrel’s Honor: +70

Kestrel’s Local Bounty: $0


Author's Note:

And that's it for Hoofston. What a wild ride that was...

Who knows what awaits us in New Oatleans? New opportunities and new dangers abound...

This story is a CYOA comment-driven story, where you, the readers, decide the outcome of the story. Each poll contains several options, each with sub-optimal choices thrown into the mix, with nothing but the prose to clue the readers into what each option entails. The will of the masses, alongside a few unbiased dice rolls, will decide the outcome of the story.

You can find Kestrel's character sheet, along with some key information about her and the Gang, here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xAGDlcd5mlMTAHwexlsrXOffQMMLoQc12u9itAa-io0/edit?usp=sharing

If you want to see the dice rolls in action, check out my Discord server: https://discord.gg/RsVkdD

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