• Published 14th May 2019
  • 2,403 Views, 1,551 Comments

Unshaken - The 24th Pegasus

The age of gunslingers is coming to an end. As the law closes in on outlaws across the Equestrian southwest, Kestrel must find a way to help her wanted gang of misfits escape or die trying. [A CYOA Story]

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Chapter 43

Talk to the three drunkards: 8 Votes

Kestrel waited until the three drunks had wandered out of the light of the saloon and into the shadows of the streets before she left the alleyway, beckoning with her wing for Roughshod to follow. Again, she made sure her hat was tilted down to shade her face as best it could, and she rolled her shoulders as she approached the group. Drunk or not, they likely could still put up a tough fight if it came to blows, and Kestrel didn’t plan on taking any hits if it came to it. She’d been beat up enough over the course of the train robbery, and she wasn’t interested in more bedrest.

The drunkards didn’t notice Kestrel and Roughshod step out into the street; they were too busy hooting, hollering, and staggering into each other. Kestrel smirked and slightly shook her head. They were piss drunk, and hopefully that would make them easy to deal with. The alcohol would loosen their tongues and slow their hooves, and if need be, Roughshod was good at doing both as well. For now, however, they simply waited in the dark of the street for the ponies to approach them.

They only stopped when one of them bumped into Roughshod’s chest and fell to his flank, nearly taking the pony next to him down with him. The third backpedaled and almost tripped over his own hooves, cursing and glaring down his muzzle at Kestrel while his friends slowly picked themselves up. “Whachu wan’?” the stallion slurred, drunken eyes scanning over Kestrel and Roughshod. “I know you?”

Do the drunks recognize Kestrel and/or Roughshod? No

“Naw,” Kestrel dissuaded him. “Might be you seen somepony we’re lookin’ for.”

“Blue unicorn,” Roughshod grunted. “He’s got a beard and a snakeskin hat. We need to talk to him.”

“Piss on you, big boy,” the middle drunk growled, swaying back and forth. “Your problems ain’t ours. Go cry to that birdy sheriff if you’re missin’ somepony.”

Kestrel frowned at them, looking over their clothing and weapons to see if she could get a better look at what she was dealing with.

Are the drunks Vipers? Yes

There wasn’t anything special about their clothing, but each pony carried a revolver at their side, and each holster had been made out of snakeskin—like the hat on the Viper they were looking for. Snakeskin holsters weren’t common, but for a gang that called themselves the Vipers, led by a stallion named Rattlesnake, it seemed like a purposeful choice for the members to identify each other when out and about incognito.

“You’re Vipers,” Kestrel flatly observed, and that statement got the stallions’ heads to turn. “Pony we’re lookin’ for is a Viper. So spit it out. You seen him? Where’s he at?”

“Ain’t seen him,” the last drunkard said, finally managing to get to his hooves with the help of his wings as extra legs. “So how’s about you run on home, pretty thing? Unless you want me work that tail of yours, fill you up real good…”

Kestrel rolled her eyes at the drunk’s words; being an outlaw mare had desensitized her to threats of rape and other lewd catcalling. Instead, she just glanced sideways at Roughshod. “You want a go?”

“With pleasure.” Roughshod stomped forward, making the three flinch back. “You’re gonna tell us what you know, or I’m gonna hurt you. I’m gonna hurt you real bad. Rattlesnake’s gonna need a whole team of oxen to pull you outta each other’s asses when I’m done with ya.”

Roughshod uses Sweet Talker (4+2) to intimidate the drunks into spilling what they know (Hired Muscle skill)

The three stallions couldn’t seem to get out of Roughshod’s reach fast enough. Kestrel didn’t blame them; one was a pegasus and two were unicorns, who were on average smaller than earth ponies, and Roughshod was big for an earth pony. Magic and wings don’t help so much when drunk as can be, and somewhere in their addled minds, the Vipers must have realized that. “Alright! Alright!” The first drunk cursed under his breath when Roughshod ceased looming over them. “We ain’t gettin’ our tails torn out on Adder’s behalf.”

“He the unicorn?” Kestrel asked him. When they nodded, she took a step forward. “Where is he?”

Is the unicorn in the saloon? Yes

As one, the three Vipers glanced toward the saloon before they even knew what they were doing. Kestrel stifled a curse at that. As much as she had hoped it wouldn’t come to it, it looked like it came down to the saloon. “What’s he doin’ in there?”

“He was drinkin’ with the rest of us,” one of the Vipers said.

“Was there a red pegasus with him?” Roughshod asked.

Two Vipers slowly nodded after a beat, while the third squinted as he struggled to remember. “Think so,” one said. “They was in there for a bite to eat, then they went out back. Only Adder came back.”

“You don’t know what they did?” Kestrel raised an eyebrow, but the ponies only shook their heads.

“That’s it, then,” Roughshod said, and he took a step forward while the three Vipers took two steps back. After a moment, he tilted his head to the side. “Run off,” he said. “Go find a cactus to pass out under, or I’ll give you more permanent dwellin’s in the ground.”

That got them to scamper off with their tails between their legs, and they only tripped over their hooves and ate dirt two or three times before they disappeared from sight. That left Kestrel and Roughshod in the street, watching as a gaggle of young mares spilled out of the saloon, laughing and giggling as a few young ranchhooves tried to entice them back inside for a few more drinks. “That fucker must’ve done somethin’ to Wanderer,” Roughshod growled. “If he saw him off after dinner, that was hours and hours ago. Wanderer woulda made it back to us otherwise.”

Kestrel nodded in agreement. “Those drunks don’t know nothin’ about it,” she said. “But this Adder pony… might be we make him talk.”

“Oh, I’m lookin’ forward to that,” Roughshod said with a grin plastered across his muzzle. “How we wanna make him dance?”

1. Go in together and drag Adder out. Rough and I together can probably take on a whole saloon of drunks. Might make a ton of ruckus, but we been outlaws together for so long we’re naturals at watchin’ each other’s backs. Adder don’t stand no chance.

2. Send Roughshod in alone to flush Adder out. Rough knows how to stage a drunken brawl. Might be he can get Adder outta the saloon in a fight, and I can help secure him outside.

3. Go in alone to lure Adder out. Bandits and outlaws are always lookin’ to sex up a country girl when they come to town; their own mares are too tough to take easy. If I pull my hair down, shape it up a little, might be he won’t recognize me and I can bring him out to Rough on the promise of some tail.

4. Try to find Tumbleweed and Silvie first. We need more backup if we’re gonna drag Adder out of the saloon. We can grab the Boss and Silvie and head there in force. I just hope Adder don’t get up and leave while we’re lookin’ for ‘em, else we’re back to square one.

Author's Note:

Please comment your decision down below. Only comments expressly stating your choice will be considered. You cannot vote for multiple choices. Polling will be considered closed after a few days and a sufficient number of comments.

This story is a CYOA comment-driven story, where you, the readers, decide the outcome of the story. Each poll contains several options, each with sub-optimal choices thrown into the mix, with nothing but the prose to clue the readers into what each option entails. The will of the masses, alongside a few unbiased dice rolls, will decide the outcome of the story.

You can find Kestrel's character sheet, along with some key information about her and the Gang, here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xAGDlcd5mlMTAHwexlsrXOffQMMLoQc12u9itAa-io0/edit?usp=sharing

If you want to see the dice rolls in action, check out my Discord server: https://discord.gg/RsVkdD

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