• Published 23rd May 2019
  • 680 Views, 28 Comments

Overprotective Marefriend - Jhoira

Rainbow Dash continues the adventure of dealing with Flitter and her emotional issues.

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Party Minuette (June 7th, Friday evening.) (Time To Model Crossover)

Rarity wished Applejack and Coco well as they entered the party. Minuette returned Coco's welcome hug just a little too long, not enough that anyone besides Rarity would notice. She glared sideways are Minuette as she caught up. "Don't you even think it darling."

"What? She was the one who offered a hug, I was just being polite. Besides, you hugged her too."

"Yes, but don't think I didn't notice how you lingered. Really Minuette, I know you've... Convinced me of a few things, but do not try to bring poor Coco in on any of that, she'd have a heart attack."

Minuette grinned, she'd had no intention of doing so of course, she could tell when a pony wasn't interested in more untraditional relationships, but if she used Coco as an unknowing little poke at Rarity no harm no foul. "I would never do such a thing Rarity! I am serious Minuette as you requested, not lascivious Minuette."

Rarity rolled her eyes, they both knew that Minuette knew exactly what she had done and that she'd done it on purpose. But Rarity had to also admit that Minuette both meant no harm, and was careful to respect the boundaries of others, Coco didn't even notice the extra few seconds, and no one else did, so there really wasn't any harm done. "You're terrible dear."

"And you love it don't you dearheart?"

Rarity blushed gently. "It has its moments I must admit." She turned her head at the flash of blue she thought she recognized, that wasn't Minuette. Rarity grinned, thankful for the distraction. "Rainbow Dash! Flitter!" She grinned and trotted over to her two friends, causing Minuette to chuckle as she followed.


Rarity smiled at her two friends as Minuette came up behind her. "Hello darlings, how are you two?"

Flitter looked up at Rainbow Dash, pushing up against her side but not speaking. "Uh... We're... Ok Rarity. But that's a pretty dress."

"Oh thank you, darling! I spent hours on it! Minuette and I match now!" Though Rarity was pretty easy to divert it seemed Minuette was not so easily distracted.

"What's the matter?"

Flitter frowned a bit but Rainbow Dash used a wing to pull Flitter closer into her side, cooing to her softly before looking back to Minuette, waving a hoof absently. "Oh, nothing to worry about Minuette. Just came from visiting Cloud Chaser, Flitter's never the best after that for obvious reasons."

Minuette nodded, accepting that explanation, it made perfect sense obviously. Rarity nodded, being a bit more empathetic than Minuette. "Oh I'm sorry dear, how is she doing?"

"Fine...!" The harsh word came from the scowling Flitter who looked away for a moment. "Sorry... She's ok..."

Rarity nodded but dropped that topic of conversation wisely. "Well darlings, I do think I should have you both over to the boutique some time! I haven't taken your measurements recently and in case you two want any new dresses it would be good to have your numbers at the ready!" Rarity was sure that Coco would come to Rarity for the dresses, and having such an idea beforehand would make Rarity look very clever.

Rainbow Dash grinned, though, to her knowledge, Rarity didn't know it she had just hit onto a great idea, they would need to come anyway and agreeing to such an idea would make Rainbow Dash look very clever. "Good idea Rarity! You never know when you'll need a new dress."

Minuette had obtained an apple from somewhere and was snacking while the two old friends made plans, and she looked at Flitter who reluctantly came over to Minuette at a proffered apple. Minuette leaned in and whispered into Flitter's ear. "I bet that Rarity just makes dresses so she can cop feels on other ponies. Can't blame her though, I mean Rainbow Dash is a hottie."

Both Rarity and Rainbow Dash looked over at the other pair as Flitter actually burst out laughing. While Rainbow Dash grinned, happy to see the jokester second only to Pinkie had gotten Flitter to cheer up a bit, Rarity rolled her eyes, trotting over to Minuette and hissing. "I thought we agreed that serious Minuette would be at the party?"

Minuette grinned, she couldn't get Rarity to set her up better if there had been a script involved. "I promise you what I said I was was completely serious." Flitter couldn't stop herself from letting out another guffaw at that comment, sitting down and continuing to laugh as so that she wouldn't fall over.

Rainbow Dash trotted over as well, giving Minuette a wide smile as she trotted up to Flitter and sat down next to her, prodding her with a hoof. "Hey, don't bogart the joke there." But Flitter could only shake her head as she laughed. "Man, you're good Minuette."

Minuette grinned. "Oh, I know."

Rarity sighed in exasperation. "Don't encourage her Rainbow Dash!"

Minuette trotted over to Rainbow Dash and grinned wickedly at Rarity and leaned in to whisper to Rainbow Dash. "I told Flitter that Rarity only makes dresses to cop feels from other ponies." Rainbow Dash let out a spurt of laughter before Minuette added the second part. "Then I called you a hottie." She grinned and got up, giving Rainbow Dash a wink before trotting back to Rarity, Minuette was, of course, looking inordinately proud of herself.

Rarity glared at her. "Do I even want to ask what you said?"

"Probably not!" The answer came from Rainbow Dash who was beating her hoof on the ground as she busted a gut, though Rarity was sure she saw a faint blush on Rainbow Dash's cheeks, that could be attributed to her exertion of laughter. "Oh, man. how did Rarity ever find you? I mean... seriously? You and Rarity?"

Rarity sighed, she'd had this conversation before. "Minuette is a very complex pony Rainbow Dash!" Minuette grinned and Rarity realized that the question had not been an actual criticism of their relationship, she blushed gently at the fact she had made a small bit of a fool of herself at that moment. "Well, my statement is true either way!"

"Either way what Rarity?" Minuette grinned, giving Rarity her full attention. Rarity blushed a bit brighter.

"W-Well never you mind!"

Minuette snickered and looked back at Rainbow Dash. "Isn't she adorable when she's flustered?"

Rainbow Dash nodded, still chuckling, and though Flitter had calmed down she was still grinning in genuine amusement. Rarity huffed and got behind Minuette, pushing her hard and causing her to stumble a few steps forward to end up next to Rainbow Dash, looking back and raising an eyebrow, Rarity rarely got physically angry, but then she noticed the slight grin on Rarity's muzzle. "Well if you two get along so well how about we switch, you two go off and crack more jokes." She trotted over slightly to stand next to Flitter. "And I will take the beautiful, and more importantly civil and proper Flitter around the party. We all win."

Both Rainbow Dash and Minuette had a good chortle over that one, Rainbow Dash smiled. "I dunno Rarity, Flitter's pretty adorable, I don't know if you can handle her."

Flitter rolled her eyes but smiled. 'Well certainly, it's not like she's used to anything adorable in her life otherwise." Minuette faked getting shot through the heart and landing dead on the grass. But Rarity wasn't about to rise to such an obvious bait, at least, not on their terms.

"Oh, my dears you misunderstand me. Minuette can't very well be expected to beat Flitter's adorability quotient but I assure you she makes up for it in... Other ways." And after a few moments, long enough for both Flitter and Rainbow Dash to register their surprise, and even Minuette opened an eye from the ground to look at Rarity appraisingly Rarity finished the thought. "You know, she's an excellent gofer and her time magic makes her very useful for meeting deadlines."

All three other ponies had to laugh at the turnaround, Minuette getting to her feet and trotting over to give Rarity an affectionate hug. "I told you my bad manners would rub off on you."

Flitter smiled, it was still only slight but she did feel better after all that. She trotted back over to Rainbow Dash, sitting down next to her as she chortled. Rarity smiled and nodded to the other pair. "Well darlings we should go mingle more, we will see you later."

Minuette grinned and gave them both a wink, from the eye hidden from Rarity of course. "Yeah, see you two about."

Rainbow Dash smiled and waved. "Yeah, you two have fun."

Flitter hesitated then raised her own hoof in farewell but didn't say anything to the two, as she leaned in and whispered to Rainbow Dash. "Minuette's a little weird."

Rainbow Dash smiled and nodded. "Yeah, but she's fun."

"Was she flirting with us?"

Rainbow Dash blinked, blushing a little, she'd thought she was imagining it but if Flitter had picked up on that too. "Naw. Couldn't be, probably just her sense of humor. I mean... That would mean she and Rarity..." Rainbow Dash paused then her eyes widened as she remembered a few jokes that Minuette had made and then how Rarity reacted... And some off-hand comments she had made... "Oh goodness..."

Flitter raised an eyebrow before blinking. "No... You're kidding."

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Yeah... I think they swing... Or something like it."