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Saturday morning rolled around; Brian made a breakfast consisting of pancakes and sausage as the two enjoyed everything.

“How do you propose we do this,” Sunset asked

“We are just joining to walk down there; but I'm expecting some retaliation over this.”

“I see what you mean. In school no one wanted to touch me; but now they have the chance.”

“The problem is; someone could be carrying weapons and plans to use them. That's why I don't suggest taking a direct route to the factory; but going around a block or two.”

“I'd guess Gilda Griffin and her band of cronies will be waiting to get a shot at me,” Sunset mused

“Let's grab a few things for protection.”

The two headed down to the dojo as Brian hit a switch, opening up the weapon cabinets. He headed over to one and retrieved the Kevlar trench coat and paintball gun; before handing a vest over to Sunset.

“You really think it's necessary,” she questioned

“At this point; it's better safe than sorry. You did say it might be a gang assault and who knows what they could do?”

“You're right. I don't trust anyone wanting to eliminate me; or rather Anon-a-Miss; by any means necessary.”

With all precautions taken; the two headed out as he slung the gun over his shoulder and Sunset adjusted her bag. The walk felt agonizing as they headed further down the street in silence before stopping.

“What's wrong,” Sunset asked in a whisper

“That,” Brian answered, pointing ahead

In front of them was the factory; but standing in the way were a group of people consisting of three males and two females and all were armed. Brian pulled out his phone and activated the camera to record everything. In the process; he zoomed in to see everything in detail.

“Gilda Griffin and Lightning Dust. The three stooges are known as the Diamond Dog gang. Fido, Rover and Spot; I believe,” she commented “What are we going to do?”

“They're looking to kick your ass and all have brass knuckles. Once we get there; we're splitting up. I'll take care of anyone out front while you get inside.”

“Are you sure?”

“I am. Just be careful.”

Brian readied his weapon as they approached the front of the factory. Before the gang could react; three shots found their targets in the male's chests. Each of them were doubled over pain. In the confusion; Sunset darted by and headed inside.

“Shit! Dust; take care of that bitch,” Gilda ordered “This bastard’s mine.”

“No blood. Good sign,” the smallest Diamond Dog commented

“That hurt,” one of the Diamond Dogs whined

“Not experience that again,” the third added

Gilda removed the brass knuckles and tossed them towards her fallen compatriots before reaching behind her waistband. A six inch buck knife was withdrawn and flipped over in her hand.

“Why would you help Anon-a-Bitch out? What are you getting out of it,” Gilda questioned "She screwing you for help?"

Instead of getting an answer; Brian shifted his weight towards his rear foot in preparation of an attack. Gilda charged at him in a blind fury as he countered with a roundhouse kick to the abdomen.

“I'm going to kill you for that,” she said through breaths

A second charge from Gilda resulted in him dodging the attack by rolling over his left shoulder. Upon landing; one of the Diamond Dogs grabbed Brian's legs as Gilda charged. The blade was brought down in an overhead strike, causing him to raise his left arm in defense. As the trench coat was lifted; a portion of his arm became exposed as the blade met skin. Although the result was only a small cut; he refused to acknowledge it and give Gilda any satisfaction.

“What do you know; his is human after all,” Gilda taunted “And here I thought you were some kind of Superman.”

In retaliation; Brian crouched down and swept her legs out from under her, as she landed face down. Before Gilda could get up, a rolling axe kick to the shoulder blades followed.

“If you know what's good for you; stay down,” Brian suggested

“You bastard. You'll pay. Mark my words,” Gilda promised, spitting out blood

"Consider them marked."


Sunset ducked inside a side door as Lightning Dust followed behind.

“This is going to be fun. I'm going to make you pay for posting all those secrets,” Dust taunted

“I never posted any fucking secrets!”

“That's exactly what Anon-a-Miss would say upon being caught,” was the reply

Looking around; the entire room was empty which didn't help with trying to escape. Sunset figured her best idea was to run towards one of the other rooms and find a weapon.

“Why don't you admit you're the creator and we can end this easily,” Dust suggested “Otherwise; this is going to hurt you a lot.”

Without giving her opponent an answer; Sunset bolted towards the first on the other side of the room. She knew her destination was the fourth room; but wouldn’t let Lightning Dust know.

Just a desk and chair sat in the room; which really didn't help. Although she could block the door; it bars her only way out as well.

“Shimmer? I know you're in here,” Dust taunted, grabbing the handle

Trying to be quiet; the desk drawer was opened to find nothing but dust. With nothing left to lose; Sunset tried to cover her hand with dust and dirt just as Lightning Dust leaned over the desk.

“What do we have here,” Dust said sarcastically

“In your face,” Sunset said, throwing the dirt

“You bitch! You're gonna pay for that!”

Taking advantage of her temporary blindness; Sunset ran into the room over and found a length of rope. Lightning Dust had removed a four-inch buck knife from her belt and started swinging wildly, while holding the sheath in the other hand.

Making sure to avoid the blade; Sunset wrapped one end of the rope around Dust’s legs before causing her to lose her balance and knock the blade loose. The rest of the rope was used to tie her up as Sunset bent down to retrieve the weapon.

“Let me out of her!”

“I'm going to have to say ‘no’ to that. I'll at least let your friends know where they can collect you.”

With the threat of attack neutralized; Sunset stored the knife in her jacket pocket before heading to her desired room.

“Give me back my damn knife!”

“This is mine now. Besides; I'm not letting you attack me again.”

Inside the main office; the desk was shoved aside to allow a mattress to fill the back corner. Sunset opened up one drawer and removed an outfit consisting of a light blue shirt and gray tights. The bottom drawer on the other side was opened and a couple bags were removed and wrapped up in the clothes for protection. After that; the clothes were thrown in the backpack before heading out.


Brian watched as the three members of the Diamond Dog gang he shot help one another to their feet before getting Gilda. He had no idea how long they were apart before Sunset finally reemerged from the factory.

“Where's Lightning Dust,” Gilda demanded

“She's a little tied up at the moment. You might want to get her eyes washed out,” Sunset mused

“Let's get going and give them time to lick their wounds.”

With that; the two headed back home slowly due to exhaustion from the fights. It was nearly forty-five minutes later they arrived; despite the trip to the factory taking half the time.

“Well; at least we made it unscathed,” Sunset commented

“Not entirely.”

Brian gently removed his jacket to reveal the cut on his arm, followed by a blood trail onto the back of his hand.

“Gilda? What'd she use?”

“Buck knife. She brought it down by head and I blocked instinctively. It's not that bad; but I wasn't going to let her know that.”

“Let's head into the bathroom and I can clean it up for you,” she suggested “By the way; I gained a blade of my own. I took it from Lightning Dust after she was tied up.”

“You really shouldn't have stolen her knife; but I do see the dilemma you were in. If you give it back, Lightning Dust could attack you again; but it's stealing if you keep it.”

“I was damned if I did anything; so I decided on what was best,” she mused

After grabbing a couple cotton balls and peroxide; the wound was cleaned with minimal effort. A bandage was stuck on top to protect it.

“That could have been worse,” Sunset said

“You got everything that was there?”

“Yeah. The outfit was a peace offering from Rarity when I hung around them,” she answered “By the way; this is for you.”

Sunset passed Brian two gold objects the diameter of an American quarter and five times as thick. Turning one disk over; a sun was inscribed on one side; while a crescent moon was on the other. Two bags containing the objects were set on the floor.

“These are Equestria’s currency; bits. Inscribed are the cutie marks of the rulers of the sun and moon; Celestia and Luna; respectively. They're made of 24-carat gold,” she explained

“Thank you for these. How'd you get them?”

“I kind of stole them before I left. Celestia is my mom and former teacher. It was late at night and I somehow wandered to the factory and fell asleep. I'll try to skip most of everything and just tell from the area. I threw the bags in the desk drawer and removed a few coins for my own need. I walked around for a while before finding a coin shop and headed inside.”


“What can I do for you young lady? I am Golden Scale and this is my shop,” he inquired

“I'm Sunset Shimmer; sir. I would like to sell these.”

Four bits were removed from her pocket and placed on the counter. Golden Scale lifted one and placed it on a nearby scale.
“Please follow me into this room,” he said
Sunset grabbed the remaining coins and headed into a room on the side of the lobby. Once inside; Scale closed the door for privacy.

“Where and how exactly did you acquire these? They're 24-carat pure gold with a weight of 5 ounces each for a selling rate of $500 per ounce. I would also like to know how you have that name as well,” he asked

“You're probably going to think I'm crazy; but I came from a world with ponies known as Equestria. These coins are the world's currency. As to having the name ‘Sunset Shimmer’; how would I know there was another that shared that name?”

“Sorry; it's just unbelievable. My wife and daughter; Sunset Shimmer died in a car accident years ago and she was your mirror image in appearance. Technically and legally speaking; I shouldn't be selling these to a minor such as yourself,” he replied “The total price should be $10,000; but I'll make an exception and double it.”
“Thank you very much.”


“After he gave me the $20,000.00 for the four coins; Golden Scale decided to take me to a fast food restaurant and bought eight burgers for us once I explained I was homeless. To a thirteen year old from another world; that was a lot of money,” Sunset finished

“How'd you survive?”

“With the help of the local homeless population; I was able to get food and clothing when needed. The hardest part was not revealing I had any money.”

“Tomorrow we're going to head out.”

“Where to?”

“The mall. That way you have clothes to wear other than just my mom's. I'll pay for everything.”

“You don't have to do that. I could sell one of the bits for money,” she countered “Besides; there's plenty here.”


For breakfast; the two decided on having cereal before getting dressed. Sunset was directed to the clothing boxes to select what she wanted. A pair of jeans and t-shirt were grabbed as her usual boots completed the outfit along with her leather jacket. Brian handed her a green jacket similar to his trench coat in order to wear over the other for warmth.

After that was done; they headed into the shopping district of Canterlot. Brian was in awe at the multitude of different stores.

“It's funny; but I've never been here before.”

“Really? Why not,” she asked

“My mom and I never needed to come here. Even afterwards; I still chose not to visit.”

“Our first stop is right here,” she stated, pointing to the shop

“Miss Shimmer; long time no see. And who might you be,” Golden Scale mused, as the pair entered

“Brian Dragnov. Nice to meet you.”

“Here for the usual; I take it,” Scale questioned

“Two this time,” Sunset answered

“I'll be just a minute,” Scale said before departing

A few minutes later, he reentered the room with an envelope as Sunset handed over the coins. She opened the trench coat and stored the envelope in her jacket pocket.

“It's the actual amount; this time. I don't want to get any backlash,” Scale said apologetically

“That's fine. Thank you for everything,” Sunset said, shaking his hand

The two left the store and continued towards their final destination of the Crystal Kingdom mall. Consisting of three floors and a few hundred shops; the mall was the town's Mecca for needs. Most everything could be found inside.

“Where should we head first?”

“As you've said; I could use a new wardrobe. There's a few shops on the third floor that have some reasonable prices,” she answered

“Lead the way.”

Just as headed towards a nearby elevator; a trio of girls passed by causing Sunset to stop as they address her.

“Sunset Shimmer? Long time no see. Care to introduce us,” an orange-haired female said casually

“Brian; allow me to introduce Adagio Dazzle and her sisters; Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk. Also known as the Dazzlings,” Sunset said, motioning to each in turn

“Nice to meet you all.”

“Where's your friends? Or are the rumors true,” Aria asked

“We had a falling out; but I don't know what rumors are you referring to,” Sunset replied

“After our failure at Canterlot High with the Battle of the Bands; we are still registered even if we don't care to be there anymore. Checking MyStable revealed some interesting things,” Adagio said

“Given the current situation; we are glad it's just you here,” Aria added

“On behalf of my sisters; we'd like to thank you,” Sonata added, hugging Sunset

“Thank me? What did I do,” a dumbfounded Sunset asked, rubbing her forehead

“Let's go somewhere quiet. It'll be easier to explain,” Adagio replied cryptically

The Dazzlings led everyone towards an out of the way area before removing three broken pendants from around their necks.

“You remember these; right? The gems inside held the energy collected from others,” Adagio started

“We were Sirens; to clear up confusion,” Sonata clarified, as Brian tilted his head in confusion

“Thanks. You're all from Equestria; right?”

“Yes we were. After our defeat; the actual Sirens contained inside were destroyed; which freed us,” Adagio continued

“As of now, we're completely normal; despite being alive for over a thousand years. In other words; we'll continue to live our lives as actual teenagers and age normally according to our bodies,” Sonata added cheerfully

“Congratulations. I'm glad that it was a good thing you were defeated,” Sunset joked

“So; what exactly happened between your friends,” Aria asked directly

“A MyStable account known as Anon-a-Miss. They thought I was posting secrets and abandoned me earlier in the week. Brian helped me out and saved me from probably killing myself,” Sunset said sadly

“Just so you know; my sisters and I believe you're innocent. With the work you had done to fix everything; why would you go and ruin it? Have you ever found the culprit,” Adagio stated

“A trio consisting of two of the younger siblings of Sunset’s friends along with another girl. The latter arrived at my house with evidence regarding their guilt. It'll be turned in tomorrow to Principal Celestia.”

“We wish you the best of luck with that. Thanks again for saving our asses,” Sonata mused

“Do you three ever plan on returning to Equestria,” Sunset asked

“Not really. We're the last of our species; for one thing. And two; it's been over a thousand years since our banishment,” Aria replied

“I don't think your friend the Princess would want three ‘dangerous’ creatures there. We're entirely harmless; but she probably wouldn't care. It's easier being human anyways,” Adagio added

Just as the Dazzlings left the area to carry out their own business; Brian and Sunset were alerted by someone grabbing their shoulders.

“Easy there; Sunset,” Applejack said cautiously

“What do you lot want,” Sunset demanded, turning around

“We wanted to try and make amends. Rarity and I aren't sure what to believe,” AJ commented

“What she means; is the Rainbooms aren't holding together. Pinkie and Fluttershy are completely sure of your innocence in posting secrets while Dash is adamant it's you posting,” Rarity explained

“What if I told you your sisters were at fault?”

“I don't know what to say,” Rarity said

“Where's your proof,” AJ demanded

“You'll have to wait until tomorrow. All evidence regarding Anon-a-Miss will be handed over.”

“Now, if you'll excuse us; we have business to take care of,” Sunset added as they left

“Sorry about my rudeness,” Sunset said apologetically

“It's alright. Neither of us were expecting to have visitors. Let's carry on with what we came here for.”

With that decided; they finally caught an elevator and headed to the third floor. Sunset walked with a renewed purpose towards their destination. Once inside; she removed both jackets and handed them over before looking around.


“This is interesting…I like the design on this one…the color is nice on this,” she muttered to herself while looking at a rack of shirts

Inside the changing room; each of the items were tried on and placed aside into separate piles. The few she liked would stay as she sought his opinion; while the others would be put back.

“What do you think of this?”

She opened the door to reveal a blue shirt with two dragons intertwined into a heart.
“It's cute,” Brian mused “I like it.”

Another one that was chosen was a red shirt with an orange bird that could have resembled a phoenix.

“These are the shirts you like,” he asked
“Yeah. I need more than one and these six will add more variety.”

Following that; a couple skirts were chosen along with a few pants. Looking at how long she'd been homeless for; Sunset felt lucky not to have gotten sick. After everything had been finalized in regards to the selection; Sunset reaching in her jacket pocket to retrieve a few bills.

“This is everything for you ma'am,” the cashier asked

“Yes. I've been putting it off for a while.”

“Your total is $150,” the cashier stated

Without a question; Sunset handed the money over and collected the change as Brian grabbed the bags.


“I don't know about you; but I'm starting to get hungry. My treat,” he suggested

“That does sound good. Any place in particular,” she asked

“We'll decide at the food court.”

Sunset led her escort down the floor towards the other end of the mall where the food court was. Looking around at the choices; a sandwich shop seemed like their best option.

“What'd you think about today,” she asked casually

“It's been fun. This was the first time actually acting like a teenager; so to speak. With my parent's jobs; I had to take care of everything so I didn't have much free time. I've read the entire Canterlot Revised Statutes and can recite most from memory.”

“I'm glad we were able to change that. All work and no play makes for a dull life,” she joked

“Tomorrow certainly isn't going to be very fun.”

“Well; at least it should be better.”

After finishing their lunch; the two headed home where Brian decided to wash the new clothes to remove any starch from them. With a new collection of clothes; Sunset hung them up in the closet as she could finally retire her main outfit for the others as her contact book glowed.

Has there been any progress with finding out who posted secrets?

Yeah. It was Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle that framed me.

Why'd the CMC do it?

According to Scootaloo; I took the other two's sisters away and this was retribution. Tomorrow; Brian and I are going to turn everything over regarding evidence.

I'm going over there tomorrow. They'll hear it from me as well.

“I pity the other students. This is not going to be fun,” she muttered

“Well; at least it'll be over with. I'm still surprised that three students could cause so much damage. We'll be lucky if the students can forgive one another; especially later in the year.”

“What's later,” she inquired

“The Friendship Games. I've read that it's the biggest event in town as CHS takes on Crystal Prep.”

“Unfortunately; they've won every year. I don't think we have ever stood a chance. I've heard that Prep students actually study for everything and are given cheat sheets to ensure their success,” she replied sadly

“Maybe we can get lucky this year. It's not impossible to do so.”

“If you're able to lead us; I'd say we have a fighting chance.”

“Well; all we can do is wait and see how the selection process goes. Hopefully I can join the team. If not; I'll help out as coach.”