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Sunset was surprised to learn that Brian planned on leaving earlier Monday morning. The two arrived at school at 6:15am; just as a few teachers were getting there. Without any hesitation; they headed directly to the Celestia’s office as Sunset knocked on the door.

“Principal Celestia? May we come in?”

“Come on in,” Celestia replied

“What do you have there,” Luna inquired, pointing to the box

“Evidence regarding the Anon-a-Miss suspects. Could either of you sign this?”

“You've really thought this out. But you know that these papers wouldn't hold any weight in court; right,” Luna commented, signing the paper in question

“I am aware of that. Even still; I'd rather take precautions against tampering as one of the suspects gave these to me.”

“Scootaloo and her friends did that? Why,” Celestia asked in shock, looking at the chain of custody sheet

“Perhaps it'll be best to let them answer that. Have an assembly in the morning and we can get this over with as soon as possible.”

“Princess Twilight is planning on coming over as well,” Sunset added

As the four watched from the office window; a female with purple hair emerged from the horse statue out front by the entrance. Sunset immediately left the room and headed out to collect Twilight.

“Don't see that every day,” Brian muttered under his breath

“You get used to strange happenings like that,” Celestia whispered

“Principal Celestia; I am sorry about dropping by unannounced like this. I am so sorry; where are my manners? I am Equestria’s Princess Twilight Sparkle,” Twilight said as a blush came over her cheeks “And you are?”

“Brian Dragnov; your majesty,” he said with a bow

“You don't have to bow to me; but I do wish to thank you. You helped Sunset out when no one else would,” Twilight said

“I did what I knew was right. Sunset explained what happened and I decided to make sure justice was served.”

“Brian has helped me out a lot. On Saturday the two of us headed down to the factory I was staying at to retrieve a few things left behind,” Sunset said

“You're homeless!? Why didn't you ever say anything,” Celestia demanded

“I wasn't entirely proud of asking for help from someone that reminded me of my former mentor (no offense). During the five years I've been here; the local homeless population had helped me out. Food and clothes were easy to come by and I at least had my own residence; so to speak,” Sunset added “Brian did offer me a place to stay; and I'm happy to say that I accepted it.”

“That's good to hear. I'm glad you have someone looking out for you,” Luna said “Did you encounter any problems?”

“A group consisting of Gilda Griffin and her friends were waiting for us; but were defeated with little hassle. Three males did end up getting shot in the process; though.”

“You killed three students,” Twilight asked in shock

“No. I used a paintball gun when I shot them. It's nonlethal and might only cause minor bruising in the sternum.”

“In the meantime; go and head to the cafeteria for breakfast and return here afterwards. We'll keep Twilight’s presence secret until the assembly,” Celestia said

Brian led the pair to the cafeteria and sat down just as Granny Smith emerged from the kitchen with a fresh tray of pancakes and three plates. She set the food on the table in front of them to their surprise.

“Help yourselves; youngins. Celestia let me know about the three of you coming by. Usually breakfast like this is just reserved for the teachers; while the students get other items,” Granny Smith said

“Thank you very much; ma'am.”

“Thank you for the food,” Sunset and Twilight added

“Shoot. You can just call me ‘Granny Smith’. Everyone does,” Granny replied “Now enjoy.”

Brian grabbed a plate and lifted two pancakes off before setting it in front of Twilight as he did the same for Sunset.

“You didn't have to serve us,” Twilight commented “We'd have gotten it.”

“I know; but it's just good manners. My parents taught me about respect and serving others before taking my own plate.”

“Thank you for that; Brian,” Sunset replied

“You're both very welcome.”

“Cinnamon apple. I'd recognize that taste anywhere,” Twilight mused “Her counterpart is known for those flavors.”

After they finished off the tray; Brian returned it to the kitchen as the girls head to the bathroom to get cleaned up. Looking at a nearby clock revealed the time to be almost 7am and knew he needed to beat the morning rush as they went back to the office.

“We're going to have the three of you stay here for now until after breakfast,” Celestia explained “The assembly will be held afterwards and might see the school ending early.”

“How long are we going to be here for,” Twilight inquired

“Breakfast ends at 7:45 as class starts at 8am; allowing them time to get there. This is to be a surprise announcement they won't see coming,” Luna answered

While they waited for breakfast to end; Brian walked over to a bookcase and carefully took out one of the law books and began to read. Sunset and Twilight looked over the messages regarding Anon-a-Miss to see what they contained.

“I can't believe the CMC posted secrets in this world. Their counterparts did almost the exact same thing in Equestria,” Twilight said in disbelief, before adding with a sigh “And your friends ended up abandoning you as well.”

“What happened at home,” Sunset asked

“The Cutie Mark Crusaders; as they called themselves; wanted to earn their cutie marks in journalism and instead ended up posting secrets as ‘Gabby Gums’. Needless to say it didn't go over well with the citizens,” Twilight answered

“I take it you have experience with abandonment?”

“Yes. My brother was getting married years ago to my foalsitter Cadence. I knew something was wrong with her attitude and told my friends; the counterparts of Rainbow Dash and the others; but they didn't believe me. I knew exactly what Sunset through and was glad someone was there to help her. I did manage to find Cadence locked up and returned her; but the apologies didn't make me feel better,” Twilight replied sadly “It was about a week later did I actually repair the damages and accept their apologies.”

“Damn. I'm sorry to hear you went through that,” Sunset said, hugging her

“We have completely made amends over it; although I have reminded them of it any time they don't believe me about something,” Twilight said

The ringing of the bell brought their attention to the present as Celestia had all students report to the gym for a mandatory assembly. Seeing that as their cue; Brian led the three out of the office.

“We'll be right behind you,” Luna said

“Here goes nothing,” Sunset said with a sigh

“You'll be alright. Besides; we know the truth about this,” Brian said reassuringly, placing a hand on her shoulder

“He's right; Sunset. You have friends right by your side,” Twilight added, repeating the gesture on the other shoulder

With renewed confidence; Sunset led the trio as Brian took the rear. Looking in the room; they saw everyone anxiously waiting and talking amongst themselves. Before they could enter the room a small call came from behind.

“Gangway,” Discord called pushing a cart

Looking closely at the cart revealed it to contain a projector; laptop and an overhead projector. Following Discord was Celestia and Luna; who was tasked with carrying the evidence box.

“Let us get this set up and the three of you can enter,” Luna said

A few minutes later; Luna headed outside to instruct Brian and the girls to enter.

“I'm sure you're wondering why this assembly was called,” Celestia started “And it has to do with our school-wide problem.”

“We know who the creator is,” Luna added confidently

“Sunset Shimmer,” someone yelled “She's been the one posting secrets!”

“I haven't done anything of the sort,” Sunset replied “Why don't you step forward and explain yourself?”

Scootaloo stood up and headed towards the front to the shock of the school. In front of them; she logged in to MyStable and accessed the Anon-a-Miss account before deleting it. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked on and couldn't believe what just happened.

“I am only one of the three that started this account. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom are the others,” Scootaloo said

“Traitor,” Bloom yelled “Judas!”

“I am not a traitor. I did the right thing by admitting it,” Scootaloo countered

“Why the hell did you do it,” someone yelled

“It was meant to only be a joke. The nickname was meant as a simple laugh; as I'm sure other students have worse that that,” Scootaloo answered “The dresses were originally posted as free advertising to Rarity’s Carousel Boutique; but it was twisted towards different means. Many students can attest to how stubborn Rainbow Dash can be; and her refusal to ask for help. I posted the test in the hopes of someone offering to help her out.”

“What about the rest of our secrets? Why were those posted,” another demanded

“We were only posting what we were told to do,” Apple Bloom added quickly

“It was Diamond Tiara who was the mastermind,” Sweetie Belle chimed in

“I can say for certainty it was Diamond Tiara who made the final edits of posts before they were shared,” Silver Spoon added “There are folders on her home computer that contain the private secrets of every student and teacher.”

“The police have been informed of this knowledge and will be investigating it thoroughly,” Celestia said, holding up her cellphone

“I am very disappointed in the student body of Canterlot High,” Twilight said “How many of you were completely sure of Sunset’s innocence?”

To her surprise; only seven students stood up in regards to the question. Four were recognized as Octavia and her friends with Snips, Snails and Derpy finishing them off. The rest either thought Sunset was guilty; or didn't care one way or another about the incident.

“I thought the last time I was here, you would have learned; but I guess not. You got yourselves into this mess; and you are responsible for fixing it. And how's about the five I left to teach Sunset about friendship; what do you have to say for yourselves,” Twilight continued

“I don't care what the reasoning was; I still see Sunset as guilty,” Rainbow Dash stated defiantly

“I'm just surprised my sister was the one posting secrets. Why'd you do it,” Applejack commented

“I wanted to spend more time with my sister; but you blew me off for Sunset,” Bloom answered “So I wanted to break up your friendship. And I did a better job than Sunset ever did!”

“Pinkie and I thought it was Sunset at first as did everyone else. The more we looked at it; the less made sense. We kept returning to the idea of why someone who wanted to make amends for their actions turn their back on the progress made,” Fluttershy said

“The last time you went through this; the five of you failed to confirm it was any of you that lied and mislead the others. What reasons did you have to condemn Sunset,” Twilight asked

“The pictures were taken only on her phone. Those same pictures showed up online,” Dash countered

“Did any of you ever think my phone could have been stolen!? I was lucky to have a phone; so there wasn't any lock on it because I didn't know how. I have since rectified that problem; but the damage was done,” Sunset commented

“I did discuss that with Fluttershy about how pictures might have gotten posted,” Pinkie added “We're horrible friends.”

“We'd understand if you don't ever want to be our friend anymore,” Fluttershy added sadly

“We'll see. I hung around you all in the hopes of being included in the group; but obviously that was a load of crap,” Sunset mused

“Did any of you actually plan on accepting Sunset into the Rainbooms; or was it just because a princess asked you to do so,” Twilight added with a combination of disgust and sarcasm in her voice

“I honestly don't think there's an answer to that question. None of us treated Sunset like an equal,” Rarity mused sadly

“I don't care about anyone; but I want payback from Saturday,” Gilda said as she approached

Before Brian could react; one of the taller Diamond Dogs grabbed him from behind in a bear hug as his partner approached. Sunset grabbed Twilight and brought her close to protect her.

As the two surrounded Brian; he leaned back and kicked at the attacker in front of him; creating separation. His right heel was driven into the instep of the other; causing the grip to loosen. Seizing the moment; two elbow strikes were delivered to the Diamond Dog before being thrown to the ground.


The other charged at Brian trying to kick him; as the foot was caught; leaving the Dog on unsteady ground. Brian rolled towards his right, causing his opponent to land on his fallen comrade. The shortest member of the trio; only a little shorter than Brian; ran towards him only to stop as Brian had a hand on his head.

“I'd suggest you stop unless you wish to join them.”

“I stop. No more pain,” the Diamond Dog said, heading towards his friends

“If you want something done; better do it yourself,” Gilda taunted

“Don't think about it,” Celestia warned

“It's alright Principal Celestia. I'll take care of this.”

The school watched as Gilda removed a knife from her belt and attempted to attack Brian. Without a second thought; he brought his hands over the knife and grabbed her wrist.

Following the temporary neutralization of the weapon; he twisted his body to bring the arm over his shoulder as the knife fell from Gilda’s grip. His right foot was lifted allowing the blade to land on it as Gilda was thrown over his shoulder landing near the others. Upon finishing his impromptu self-defense presentation; the students started applauding as he kicked his foot upward allowing the knife to be thrown and land in his outstretched hand.

“Principal Celestia; I believe you'll be wanting this,” he said handing over the blade with a slight bow

“I do not know what everyone is clapping for. The matter of punishments are still to be determined,” Luna said

“May I hand them out? I do have some ideas,” Brian whispered

“Feel free,” Celestia replied

“For battery with a deadly weapon; and according to CRS (Canterlot Revised Statutes) 1000.45: Gilda Griffin will be subject to expulsion and arrest.”

“Shit. I fucked up big time,” Gilda muttered

“For the five accused of creating the MyStable Anon-a-Miss page; each of you will receive in school suspension for the reminder of the year.”

“Five of us? But only they did it,” Silver Spoon argued, motioning towards the CMC

“You were complicit in the actions and did not attempt to stop Diamond Tiara from posting secrets.”

“As for the rest of the student body; there is an event that happens next semester called the Friendship Games. Every student will be participating in qualification with the twelve highest students representing CHS. I will be one of the participants as well.”

“Consider yourselves lucky about punishments. School is dismissed,” Celestia said simply

Embracing their freedom; the students raced out of the gym and off school grounds. Before she could leave, Scootaloo found herself shoved to the floor from behind. Two pairs of arms helped her up in the form of Sunset and Brian.

“Traitorous bitch,” Apple Bloom spat “You're no longer a member of the Canterlot Movie Club.”

“I quit on Friday when I turned over the documents to someone I actually trust. I have more in common with Brian then I ever did with you,” Scootaloo countered

Granny Smith entered the gym with Applejack and grabbed her granddaughter’s earlobe dragging her out of the room. A dejected Rarity yanked her sister's wrist and pulled her out as the others followed wordlessly. Only Luna, Celestia, Brian, Sunset and Twilight remained.

“With everything that happened; o don't know if I want to head home anytime soon,” Twilight mused “The amount of stupidity makes me angry.”

“If you want; you can stay the night at my house,” Brian suggested

“I'd like that very much,” Twilight replied

“It's about a mile away. I hope you don't mind the walk?”

“That's fine. I can at least see more of this world,” Twilight said

“Brian and I met the Dazzlings the other day,” Sunset said casually, changing the subject

“What did they want,” Twilight inquired

“They thanked me for destroying the crystal that contained the Sirens themselves. Other than being over a thousand years old; their bodies will age like the teenagers they appear to be,” Sunset replied

“I'm glad to hear that they're doing much better after the incident,” Twilight replied

“I'll give the three of you a ride if you'd like,” Celestia suggested

“If it's not too much to ask.”

“Not at all,” Celestia replied

Celestia led the trio out towards the parking lot and her personal car. Brian helped Twilight inside before Sunset climbed in the back just as he took the passenger seat up front.

“Thank you for driving us home; Principal Celestia.”

“You're welcome. I'm glad this whole nonsense is over with,” Celestia replied

“Partially. We'll be dealing with the aftermath for a while. Those secrets destroyed friendships and will take time to mend,” Sunset said sadly

“I just hope there is some sort of normalcy when the Friendship Games come around. It'd be nice to have a chance at winning for once,” Celestia commented

“So do I; Principal Celestia. It's hard to watch as everything falls apart after being fixed,” Twilight mused

“We're here. Have a nice day; you three,” Celestia said as Brian helped the girls out, before adding “And don't do anything you'd regret!”

“This is a nice house,” Twilight commented “Who lives here with you?”

“It was my parents’ but the two died in combat. After Sunset mentioned she was homeless; I suggested she stay here.”

As Brian opened the door for them; Twilight watched him head towards the memorial wall in the living room.

“Your parents may be gone; but your memories of them are not. Rejoice knowing they are in peace and that you'll join them some day,” Twilight said reassuringly

“Thanks. I always wear their dog tags as a reminder of them.”

“What's with the gloves,” she asked

“Massive scaring on both hands. Perhaps it's best left at that.”

“I can understand. I'm not too sure I'd want to see. Arg! Why do so many of the students have to be so bucking stupid,” Twilight asked rhetorically

“I honestly don't know what to say. We've both been through the same situation regardless of circumstances,” Sunset mused sadly

“When you destroyed their friendship years ago (no offense); they didn't do anything to help themselves until I suggested they investigate it. This was the exact same thing; just months after I arrived the first time! I really want to hit something,” Twilight said angrily

“I can help taking your frustrations out. Have Sunset help you into this and she can lead you downstairs,” he said, handing over a karate uniform

Sunset led Twilight into her bedroom and helped redressing her friend. Brian headed downstairs and changed into his uniform pants and wore a white tank top along with his belt. Just as the girls arrived, he removed a big attack pad from a corner.

“What's that,” Twilight asked

“It's a body shield for martial arts. Go ahead and attack it.”

“I'll try not to hurt you,” Twilight said cautiously

“Don't worry; I'll be fine. Which leg would you want to use first?”

“Probably my left. At home; I seem to reach for something using my right foreleg more often,” she replied

With that in mind; he steadied himself as Twilight drove her left leg into the pad. A short time later; she switched legs to even things out.

“That does help a lot. I still want to hit something though,” she said

“I have something that might help.”

“What's with the two cinder blocks,” Sunset asked

“Just what I was thinking of. Board breaking.”

“I don't know if I do that,” Twilight said sheepishly “The pad was soft.”

“It's not that bad. Trust me.”

For starters; he grabbed a short brick and set it on top of the others. After kneeling down in front of it Brian held a hand above the brick before dropping it; causing it to break.

“That doesn't look so hard,” Twilight commented “Let me try.”

“You'd find it easier to start with a wooden board. Bricks are not for beginners; unless you'd want to break your hand.”

“I'll help you out Twi. I'll break one first to give you an idea. Brian; would you mind holding one for me,” Sunset asked

“Of course.”

Sunset grabbed one of the wooden boards and placed in on the bricks before handing him one. Taking a similar stance as with the pad; Sunset punched the board with little effort as Twilight watched.

“How'd you do that so easily,” Twilight asked

“I just blocked out everything and struck. Dash had me break one and I ended up hurting my hand for a day or two. She told me I had improper technique and after that; had me hit another one,” Sunset answered

“Instead of hitting straight ahead; swing your fist downward onto the board,” he suggested

To Twilight’s glee; the board broke using the technique he suggested. Three more boards were destroyed as she altered hands.

“I'm done. Thank you for that; Brian. It took a lot of anger out,” Twilight said, as she hugged him

“Glad I could help. If you need it; there's a shower on the first floor. Sunset could direct you to it. I'm going to get the floor cleaned in the meantime.”

As the girls departed; he grabbed a trashcan and deposited the broken remains inside and swept up the debris on the floor. Afterwards the trashcan was brought upstairs and outside to be picked up with the garbage. Once Twilight was out of the bathroom; he headed inside to clean off before getting changed into his sweats and t-shirt.

“I don't want to be rude; but what's there to eat? All that work made me hungry,” Twilight commented

“I haven't had time to go shopping to restock; so I'll order pizza and onion rings for us.”

“I'll be alright eating meat; if you're wondering. Pinkie ordered pizza with meat on it once. When Applejack told me about some animals being raised for food; it reminded me of the difference between sapient creatures and non-sapient at home,” Twilight added

“Even though you're okay with it; why don't we have anchovy and mushrooms,” Sunset suggested

With that decided; the order was put in as all they had to do was wait. Brian stepped out of the room and retrieved a case from his bedroom and opened it up.

“You play? I didn't know that,” a surprised Sunset asked

“During my time in the Academy; I joined orchestra and was taught how to play cello.”

An impromptu concert was played as Brian wanted to relax. Twilight found herself leaning in from her seat enthralled by his playing.

“You don't happen to know someone named Octavia Melody, do you,” Twilight inquired

“Unfortunately; I don't. I'd hazard a guess in saying she's a big name in Equestria?”

“She is. In fact; Octavia happens to be a famous musician,” Twilight replied

“I've met her human counterpart once before. She is the school's best cellist; having been taught at a young age,” Sunset said

Brian had enough time to put his cello away before the door rang with the food delivery. Sunset paid for the meal and brought it inside. Everyone enjoyed the food and retired to their rooms before heading to bed at their own time.


“How's mom been doing?”

“Princess Celestia still loves and misses you. When I told her about you trying to make amends for your actions; she pardoned you of all crimes,” Twilight replied before pointing to a bag in the corner “That isn't what I think it is; right?”

“It probably is. Bits.”

“You stole bits from home!?”

“It was just prior to my departure. I swiped a few bags and left through the portal. Somehow they stayed the same even when I became human.”

“She knew you took them that day and didn't mind. It ended up being written off as a necessary expense,” Twilight mused

“I'm surprised she did that.”

“On another topic; do you like Brian,” Twilight inquired

“I don't know. It's not that I don't; but I really haven't been in a relationship.”

“What about Flash Sentry?”

“I used him to gain popularity in the school when I arrived. I’d like to think he hung around me because I was the badass in school.”

“If you do indeed have a relationship; I wish you the best. Now; how's about we get to sleep?”

“Sounds good. There's a nightgown in the closet if you need it.”

“Thanks; but what about you? What're you wearing,” Twilight countered

“Nothing. I'll be fine naked.”

“Is that really the best? Sleeping nude?”

“We're both girls and have the same anatomy. It's not that bad.”

“It's your choice. Let's get to bed. Besides; I need to get home tomorrow,” Twilight said through a yawn


Brian laid down with one thought constantly running through his mind. Try as he might; it wouldn't pass, so he decided to meditate.

‘Have I really fallen for Sunset? She is pretty; but I don't know anything about relationships. Hell; I don't know what will happen if I do say anything,’ he thought

“I guess the best thing to do is just wait and see.”

Hoping the lingering thought had finally passed; he crawled into bed not entirely looking forward to Tuesday morning.