• Published 18th Jun 2019
  • 477 Views, 14 Comments

Beneath the Surface - MisterEdd

Something is living in Sasamare Lake...and Rough Sketch is about to discover what it is

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The ride to Sasamare Lake was rather uneventful for Rough Sketch though he did somewhat enjoy the sights that Vanhoover had to offer. Before arriving, he was sure to settle his affairs with his attorney Legal Jargon, leaving the majority of his possessions to Scribble Inkpot, his parents and his sister. He decided it would be best not to say goodbye to anypony; they'd only try to stop him with some malarkey about "knowing what he's feeling" and "having so much to live for." It was his life, dammit, and he could do with it what he pleased! Besides, what kind of life was it without his Rowan?

Well, this place is certainly neat. Rough Sketch noted as he placed his suitcases on the floor next to the door. The single-story cabin consisted of four rooms: a bedroom, a kitchen, bathroom and dining area/main foyer. A lesser stallion would've complained about the small size but he wasn't going to be staying here for long so comfort wasn't on his list of priorities. This was more or less a last stop on the way to seeing his wife again.

Behind him, an earth pony carefully placed his wooden drawing easel next to the front window and set it up. "There, all set! Need anything else?"

Rough Sketch shook his head. "No thanks, Trailblazer. Thanks for your help," he added, fishing some bits out of his saddlebags and depositing them into his hoof. He'd met Trailblazer at the airport and the earth pony had generously offered to not only give him a lift to the lake but to also help him unload his things. Trailblazer, as it turned out, was a park ranger and knew his way around the location, even asking Rough Sketch to be his tour guide but he declined. It wasn't as though he was there for a hike or bird watching. "Keep the change."

Trailblazer gaped at the small pile of bits. "The offer was for thirty. This is sixty. I don't know if I can take this from you."

"Just keep it. Buy your wife something nice."

The earth pony reluctantly dropped the coins into his khaki shorts pocket. "Well, if you're sure. If there's anything else you need, don't hesitate to give me a call. Nothing really happens around here. Other than the kelpie, of course."

"The what?"

"Just a local myth. It's a water horse that supposedly lives in the lake and drowns anypony foolish enough to get near the water at night. Her first victim was a young mare over a hundred years ago and since then, locals have been trying to catch even a fleeting glimpse of the kelpie. I don't believe in it but hey, whatever brings in the tourists."

Rough Sketch snorted. "Well, I'll be on the lookout for it. Have a good day, Trailblazer."

"You too, Rough Sketch. Good luck with the art," the ranger said with a tip of his hat before making his exit, leaving Rough Sketch alone once more. He ran a hoof along his easel, recalling all of the artwork that he'd created with it and the life that it helped him build for himself and Rowan. He had no plans of using it of course but everypony knew that the two were inseparable and it would've been strange if he hadn't have brought it. Shaking his head, Rough Sketch set about readying the cabin, first by decorating the table with photos of him and Rowan before composing his note.

Once that was finished, he sealed it in an envelope and placed it in front of his little memorial. He was never much of a poet but that served him well as that meant that the letter wouldn't come out as melodramatic. Now it was time to pick up the supplies. He'd decided against hanging as it was too cliché and had a hard time swallowing pills, so that was out. Finally, he settled on drowning, an ironic death given his status as a pegasus. Besides, It's a nice day for a swim.


The lake rippled as Sassie breached the surface, water streaming down her face as she watched the boat in the distance. Not many pegasi visited Sasamare Lake so this got the kelpie's attention. The pegasus was young, in his mid to late 20's with an icy blue coat and a mop of dark blue hair. He was a little on the short side but still attractive. Hmm. He's nae half bad lookin' tae be honest.

Killing the motor boat's engine, the pegasus got to work tying some rope around something before standing up with a cinderblock in his forelegs. Now whit is he daein'? His limbs violently shook as he heaved the cinderblock over his head and tossed it into the lake, splashing himself with a wave of water. A coil of rope followed the cinderblock into the depths and Sassie's brow furrowed as she really inspected the pegasus. He remained standing with his eyes closed and forelegs spread out, a look of resignation written on his face. Please teel me he's nae tryin' tae…

Before Sassie could finish that thought, the other end of the rope tugged on the pegasus' ankles, yanking him over the side of the boat. Sweit Celestia's mane, he did it! Th' bastard actually did it! Something snapped in the kelpie's brain and she descended, speeding through the water faster than she even knew was possible. She founded the pegasus floating at the bottom, his mane and wings swaying back and forth in time with the duckweed.

Drowning those that deserved it was fine but Sassie couldn't allow a pony to take his own life. No matter what he did or how bad things were, nopony deserved to feel like suicide was the answer. Dragging the pegasus onto the shoreline, Sassie immediately went to work administering CPR, her hooves pressing down on his chest before she clamped her lips onto his own. Funay, he tastes loch honey oats. After two minutes, she was ready to give up when the merciful sound of vomiting filled her ears and she thanked Celestia that the idiot was alive.

"Noo 'en, let's gie ye someplace warm."