• Published 18th Jun 2019
  • 477 Views, 14 Comments

Beneath the Surface - MisterEdd

Something is living in Sasamare Lake...and Rough Sketch is about to discover what it is

  • ...

Leave Me Breathless

"No, this won't do either."

Rough Sketch crumpled up the sheet of paper and tossed it at the small mountain peak forming at the top of the waste basket. He shifted in his chair and took a gulp of coffee before getting back to work. After sleeping in late, he tried drawing only to find that his work wasn't up to snuff or was simply nonexistent. His only progress had been with Sassie and she'd gone MIA since she disappeared yesterday. Great, I find a muse and I managed to upset her. Nice work, genius!

Fate itself must've taken pity on this sap as there came a gentle rapping on the front door and he found Sassie herself standing there, although something was off about her. Her head was hung low and her long mane covered her face like a veil, giving the kelpie the appearance of being very shy and vulnerable. Puzzled, Rough Sketch opened the door and Sassie stepped aside to allow him to step onto the porch. He was ready to say something but figured she came by to speak her piece so he stayed silent. His intuition proved correct when Sassie raised her head and swept half her mane aside.

"Ah...Ah jist wanted tae apologize. F-fur runnin aff yesterday."

"It's okay. I was actually worried that I'd said something to upset you."

Sassie rose to her full height, exposing her dumbstruck expression. "Ye waur...woriat...abit me?"

Oh my Celestia, she is so cute! Rough Sketch bit the inside of his cheek to keep from giggling aloud. "Well, yeah, I was. I mean, we're friends right?"

A gentle but radiant smile appeared on Sassie's face. “Aye. We ur, arenae we?”

"So how about we forget about yesterday and just hang out?"

"'Hang out'? Ye mean, spend time together?"

Rough Sketch chuckled, "Yes, that's exactly it! As I recall, you made a deal to cheer me up."

Bemused, Sassie lightly shoved him in his chest. "Och, Ah see hoo it is, wee fella. Blackmail, is it? Weel fine ‘en. Meit me it oan th’ northwest side ay th’ loch in thirty minutes. Dornt keep me waitin’," she sing-sang as she trotted away, a noticeable bounce in her step.

Dragonflies whizzed past Rough Sketch's head, flitting about one another in an amusing little display of playful aerial acrobatics. The Wonderbolts could take a few tips from these guys. He noted and glanced once more at his waterproof watch. Almost forty minutes. Not that he could complain. He was standing under the shade of a nice maple tree and could see the whole of the lake shimmering diamond-like in the sun.

The water in front of him bubbled and actually parted as though they were elevator doors, revealing a giddy and mirthful Sassie, who climbed onto the lakebed and strode up to him. As the water receded, Rough Sketch couldn't help but notice the way her coat glistened in the light, how it clung to her lithe form. Banishing those thoughts, he smiled, "I was on time. You, on the other hoof, are late, missy."

Actually rolling her eyes, Sassie shrugged, "It’s mah loch sae Ah can shaw up whenver Ah want. Gang gie yer ain, feaither-flank." Deciding not to argue semantics, Rough Sketch instead regarded her suspiciously.

"So what's this big surprise?"

Sassie gestured with her head towards the lake. "Ah know it’s a wee suin, but let’s go. Ye an’ me!" The pegasus stared past her and at the water, shivering a bit at his last encounter with the lake. "Ah promise Ah willnae lit anthin’ happen tae ye." Whether it was the softness of her eyes or the sincerity of her voice, Rough Sketch nodded in agreement and the two headed into the water.

Little by little, they walked out into the lake until their entire bodies were submerged. Heart jackhammering in his chest, Rough Sketch looked to Sassie for support and lightly took ahold of one of her claw-hooves, a gesture that she surprisingly reciprocated. Pegasi were actually quite capable swimmers but due to their preference for living in the clouds, many didn't bother to learn how to swim. Thankfully, Rough Sketch wasn't one of those individuals so it wasn't as awkward for him. Allowing Sassie to take the lead, they descended lower and lower towards the bottom.

Okay, time to leave. Rough Sketch couldn't ignore the beauty of what lay before his eyes but his air was running out so he pointed upward. Sassie nodded in understanding but they remained where they were. Wh-what's going on? Seeing the fear on his face, she pulled him in close and, with a gentle smile, mashed her lips against his own.

Air returned to Rough Sketch's lungs but he didn't notice, instead grabbing ahold of Sassie's cheeks to return the kiss. The mare's eyes bulged open but she simply rolled with it, relishing the attention she'd been missing. They both broke the kiss and Rough Sketch could find that he could stay under water much longer. Magic kiss, perhaps? He nodded and they swam further under the lake, the water oddly remaining crystal clear despite the depths that they'd reached.

After roughly two hours and a few more make out sessions, they finally swam back up to the surface and headed back to the cabin. "So, um, Sassie? What was with all of the kissing?"

The kelpie responded with tremulous laughter. "Kissin’? Is ‘at whit ye thooght ‘at was?"

"Wasn't it?" He responded, feeling irritated for some reason.

"Nae! ‘at was tae help ye breathe. Ah was releasin’ wee belches tae help ye...-"

"Wait! You...you were burping in my mouth?"

"It worked, didne it?" Sassie said nonchalantly, though her red cheeks betrayed her enjoyment of the act. She hadn't expected him to actually kiss her but it was a pleasant surprise.

"No wonder I taste salt and fish eggs," Rough Sketch half-complained, not entirely liking the taste but loving the actual smooch, even if it was just to keep him breathing. Maybe we should go swimming more often.

Sassie looked back at her winged companion and sighed contently. Maybe I could ask him if he wants to swim again later.