• Published 2nd Aug 2020
  • 4,382 Views, 56 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Deltorix

A young man is asked to help save Equestria by someone unexpected, will he save Equestria or will he fail.

  • ...

Chapter 20

Rodger walked into his ship with Rose and Tor following him. “The first floor holds the dining room, kitchen, and cockpit. Downstairs are the training room, bedrooms, med bay, and cargo bay.” He explained, showing everything off.

Tor looked around happily, taking in all the sights. "This is so cool!"

Roger chuckled a bit. “Glad you like it, hopefully I will be able to get Rose a Morpher of her own soon.” He said before looking at her. “Until then feel free to come train whenever you want. If you guys want I can open a portal back to the dragon lands and keep it open for you so you can move your stuff to the cave in the nearby mountain.”

Rose held her chin in thought for a moment, before nodding gently. "That'll work."

Roger nodded his head and started heading outside. “Feel free to add a room on my ship if you ever need space away from your dad.” He told Rose with a chuckle.

Rose chuckled and nodded. "Will do."

“Hey, I told you already, she is living with me.” Tor said upset.

Roger waved him off. “It would just be an extra space for her to relax in, like a clubhouse.” He said before making a portal back to the dragon lands.

Rose giggled a little. "It's my own little, clubhouse.~" She started singing in the Mickey mouse clubhouse theme.

Roger raised an eyebrow with a smirk. “More like rent it, heh heh heh, go on, I need to speak with some other rangers while you guys are moving.”

The two nod and head off to move their things. Roger headed back inside leaving the portal open, once he made it into the kitchen he used the speakers to call everyone. “I will be making lunch, if you have any special requests come and make them now. Also, all rangers and pokemon are required for this meeting.” He then started making lunch.

"Think I could request tacos?" Cam asked, walking into the kitchen. "Living in a ninja base most of your life you don't get to eat a lot of exotic foods."

“Sure, just give me a bit.” Roger said and moved over to start making tacos too.

"Thank you." Cam said with a small smile.

“No problem, can you make sure everyone is here?” Roger asked as he cooked more food.

"Got it." Cam said going to the coms. "Repeat announcement, all rangers report to the cafeteria for a mandatory meeting… anyone who doesn't show up doesn't eat." He said before they heard a herd of footsteps enter the cafeteria.

Roger chuckled and said. “Mind also calling the pokemon, even the wild one.” He asked before finishing the human food and starting up the pokemon food.

"All Pokemon… same deal." Cam said into the microphone before they heard multiple pokemon voices enter the cafeteria obviously not happy.

Roger chuckled and shook his head. “The one thing that motivates all species, food.” After a bit he finished up and took it out to everyone with Cam helping.

“Thank you all for coming, I know some of you don’t feel up to being around others.” Roger said, looking at RJ. “While others don’t trust us yet, and that's fine.” He said looking at Zeraora. “Eat while we all talk about our future plans.” He then stepped out of the dining room to grab his laptop.

"Anyone know what this is about?" Mike asked the other rangers as he ate.

“No idea, but it better involve us getting to Silver Hills sooner.” Eric said as he ate.

“Not exactly.” Roger said as he came back with his laptop and sat down. “We need to come up with a new plan.” He opened the laptop and started looking through the files.

"What's the situation?" Cruger asked Roger, tossing an apple slice into his mouth.

“We have enough rangers we can split into three teams.” Roger started, then he found a map of the galaxy and the true placement of all the villains, he then turned the laptop to show everyone. “The three teams will be, Earth, space, and Equestria. One team will go to earth to continue rescuing people and recruiting other rangers, another team will go from planet to planet to recruit heroes that haven't been targeted by the evil alliance yet and the last team will stay here and keep Equestria safe. I will be jumping between all three teams, and help whoever needs me. Before we split up we will need a few supplies. First I'll get Andros his Astro Megaship, but then we need communicators that will work over long distances. Do you think you can make something like that Kat?”

"I believe I can." Kat said, nodding.

“Good, then the next problem is the few ships that are still above this planet, it would be pointless to summon the Astro Megaship if it just gets blown up trying to leave the planet.” Roger frowned and leaned forward, eating. “Any ideas?”

"A teleporter?" Cam suggested.

Roger shook his head. “Even if we could build a teleporter it would have to be massive to teleport an entire ship and even then we'd have to have coordinates of an exact place that we know for certain does not have any enemy soldiers. We could use my sword or summon it on earth but we would face an even bigger problem, the whole planet is covered in ships. There's no way for the Astro Megaship to leave it without being shot out of the sky before it even breached the atmosphere.”

"What if some of us cause a distraction and some of us teleport into the ship? That way we can get the ship out with the least amount of possible damage?" Mike said, making everyone go quiet.

“Hmm I think that is a possible idea but I think something like this could work better.” Roger said as he worked on the computer a bit before showing them a scene from the first Gokaiger episode. The scene in question is when they formed the Megazord and fought their way through an armada of ships to get to earth.

"Interesting." Crugar said.

“As far as I know, my ship is the only one with an automatic repair system. So I'm thinking I'll create a distraction with my Megazord so Andros and his team can leave the planet, heading off to areas the evil alliance doesn't have control over yet. He will then work on uniting the heroes of those worlds if you can find any left.” Roger looked around. “Any questions or objections?”

"What's the backup plan in case it goes wrong?" Wes Collins asked Rodger, crossing his arms with a raised eyebrow.

Roger scratched his head. “Best I could think of is to summon a few more Megazords using that trumpet Deltorix gave me.”

"Better than nothing." Mike said.

“We have until Kat can finish the communication devices to pick which team you want to be on. Oh, one thing Kat, make sure they are capable of video calls, I need to see where I am going to open portals.” Roger said, then slides the laptop to Andros. “Go ahead and start planning your route.”

Andros nodded and began typing as the rangers began talking amongst themselves. Roger looked over to RJ. “I know you have had a hard time but I would like to ask for some training from you.”

RJ nodded "I understand, it'll be like old times when I was training Casey."

Roger nodded then looked at zeraora. “I know you don’t trust us, and I don’t want to force you to do anything. So any time you want to leave, ask Eevee to take you to the forest nearby and you can be as free as you want.”

Zeraora nodded once. "Alright, though I'll stick around to see how things go. You're obviously not like those who had me chained up…" They said in pokespeak, which thanks to Roger's telepathy ability he could understand them.

“Alright, it is your choice. I think that covers everything I wanted to bring up, although I do want to ask Kat and Cruger something.” Roger said.

"yes?” The two asked.

“If I tried to summon the SPD base and it worked, would you set up a branch of SPD on this world? Even though they haven’t even explored their own moon.” Roger asked.

"We can try, but what would that do to the timeline?" Crugar asked.

Roger shrugged and said. “Not much worse than what the villains did, I mean the only way to undo all this is to go back in time and make sure they never teamed up in the first place. I say we live with what we have. Plus this isn’t earth so it should be fine to set up a base on this world.”

Crugar and Kat nodded. "We understand, commander."

Roger chuckled and shook his head. “Whoa whoa whoa, I am no commander, I am just the guy getting the heroes what they need to win.” He said with a smile and got up, picking up a taco as he started to leave. “You guys are the real heroes. I am just some rando.” He said leaving.

"Don't say that you are a part of the ranger family." RJ said.

Roger looked back with a smile. “Oh sure I am, I’m just some guy who got the powers to fix this world.” He took a bite of the taco. “I am pretty sure once everything is handled on earth and here I will retire.”

"Once a ranger, always a ranger." Everyone said.

Roger chuckled and nodded. “I suppose that is true.” He walked over to the key shelf. “If either of you wants to pick a spot for the base let me know, until then I think I’ll check on the ponies.”

"Understood." Cruger said.

Roger left the ship and jumped down to the ground before heading into Twilight’s castle, still chewing on the taco. “Good guys, but I know my time will probably end before this universe is saved.” He mumbles to himself.

"Hey Rodger." Spike said with a smile as he walked up.

“Oh hey Spike, I bet you're glad to be back in Twilight's castle huh?” Roger asked as he walked next to Spike.

"yeah." Spike nodded. "I missed my bed."

Roger chuckled and slapped Spike’s back. “I bet, I once spent a whole week in the hospital, not only was the bed uncomfortable but the food was awful too.”

Spike nodded. "Yeah, yuck."

Roger smiled and looked ahead. “So what is Twilight up to?”

“Oh, she is just having Starlight make a new friend.” Spike said.

“Making a new friend?” Roger asked.

"Yeah, she wants Starlight to make a friend on her own, not just Twilight's friends." Spike said.

“Huh, alright well she would need some friends.” Roger said before they enter the throne room and he sat down on Rainbow's throne before he pulled out the map he asked Celestia and Luna to make.

"So what have you been up to?" Spike asked sitting in his own little throne.

“Well not much, just sent Rose and Tor home, and had a lunch meeting with all the rangers.” Roger said while he looked at his map and tried to figure out how to get the table map to work again.

"Oh cool." Spike said.

“Yeah, I guess. Hmm, I think Starlight’s time travel spell messed up the map.” Roger said before slapping the table in a last attempt to get it to work.

"Well I bet, I mean it's a magic table that was messed with magic." Spike said.

Roger sighed and looked closer at his map. “Huh, there is one key nearby, in the Everfree.”

"A new key? Which one?" Spike asked, curiosity in his voice.

“I don't know, just that there is a key nearby. I have been so busy fighting I haven’t had a chance to look for them.” Roger said before getting up. “If anyone asks, tell them I am key hunting.”

"Alright." Spike said, nodding.

Roger patted Spike’s head and left the castle, along the way five fillies spotted him walking towards the forest so they follow him. After a while of following the map, Roger found a large hole in the ground. “Oh great, climbing.”

"What ya doing Rodger?" Applebloom's voice said from behind him.

“Huh!?” He turned around and saw a few fillies. “What are you doing following me?”

"We were bored and wanted to know what you were doing." Sweetie Belle said, smiling.

"And somepony has to keep you safe." Scootaloo said, crossing her arms.

Roger rolled his eyes. “I don’t need someone to watch over me. This place is dangerous, go home.”

"Oh please, like you could handle this place by yourself." Diamond Tiara said.

Roger frowned at the girls before he sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Fine, but at the first sign of trouble I am sending you home.”

"Yeah ok." Silver Spoon said. "So what's going on?"

“I am just looking for something.” Roger told her and turned back to the hole and looked for a way down.

"In a hole?" Applebloom asked, arching an eyebrow.

“Yes, down a hole.” He said before he pulled his sword out and used it as an anchor as he starts to climb down the hole.

Applebloom, Silver Spoon, and Diamond Tiara all looked at each other before whispering to themselves. The three earth ponies took each other's hands as small roots and vines grew from the side of the walls of the hole making it easier to climb down. "Man, Applejack wasn't kidding… that's really exhausting." Applebloom said, holding her head.

“Whoa, I didn’t know earth ponies could do that.” Roger said in shock.

"Well yeah, they use their magic mostly for growing crops. And in younger ponies it's not as potent. But with three of us, we were able to do it." Silver Spoon said.

“Well don’t push yourself too far.” Roger said before he started to climb down the vines.

The five young fillies soon followed after him, looking around the bottom of the hole. "What exactly are we looking for?" Sweetie Belle asked, picking up a rock.

Roger showed them one of his keys. “Something like this but probably a different color.” He looked around and saw mostly dirt and darkness, so he covered his hand in magic lighting up the cave, there were bones everywhere in the walls.

"Oh cool, a Pteranodon skeleton!" Sweetie Belle said, picking up a pteranodon skull before a small white and black item fell out. "Um, is that what you're looking for?" She asked as she picked it up.

Roger smiled and picked it up out of her hands. “Yes it is, thank you very much.” He looked it over and smiled. “Welcome to the team white dino.”

"Um is there supposed to be a rainbow aurora?" Diamond Tiara asked, looking into the back of the cave as an array of lights shone through some fallen rocks.

“Underground? I don’t think so. Just in case there is a crazy pegasus down here I suggest you stay behind me.” Roger said as he started to walk down the tunnel but the five girls rushed ahead of him.

“No way are we gonna let a stallion put himself in danger for us.” Scootaloo said.

"Yeah! Everypony would make fun of us!" Diamond Tiara said, as five distinct lights began growing brighter. Red, pink, blue, black, and green.

Roger's eyes widened. “Oh no, you five out now. I think I know what those lights are.” He tried to get to them and pull them out in time but the light got too bright and blinded him, making him miss when he tried to grab one of them.

Once the light died down, Rodger was able to see the five fillies in front of him had morphed into the original five dino charge power rangers. "Whoa-nelly, this is cool!" Applebloom's voice said from the red ranger uniform, having an all-red suit with the mask of a tyrannosaurus Rex and yellow and black spikes for a belt going across her body.

Roger’s eye twitched before he threw his hands up. “Your families are gonna kill me!”

"For what?" Sweetie Belle asked from the pink ranger uniform, being the same as the red but pink with a triceratops visor.

“You are power rangers now.” He said groaning before he stepped up to them and touched their shoulders getting a key from each of them. “Come on let’s head back to the castle, I need to inform Twilight about this.”

"What about the rest of the lights?" Black ranger, Scootaloo asked, pointing behind them having the mask of Parasaur.

“We should grab them and bring them with us, but do not let anyone else touch them. If they bond to someone they become a ranger.” Roger said and was about to go deeper into the cave before he heard dirt falling behind them.

"Rangers!" A large mole-like alien yelled. "Get away from my bones!"

Roger groaned and lifted his sword. “Girls get the gems, I will deal with ugly.”

"Ya got it." Applebloom said as she grabbed the aqua and graphite energems.

"Got 'em." Scootaloo said holding the silver and purple energems.

"Now what?" Diamond Tiara asked from within the green Dino charge rangers uniform, having the helmet of a velociraptor while holding the gold energem.

“Now you five tell Twilight where I am.” He said before using his sword to make a portal leading to Twilight’s castle. “Do not change back in front of anyone.” He said before pulling out his gun and started shooting the mole monster.

"What about that one?" Silver Spoon asked Rodger, pointing to a dark glowing coming from behind the fossils from the blue ranger uniform.

Roger frowned before sighing. “I will get it, just go please I can’t fight him and defend you at the same time.” He swung his sword to cut the mole monster but he blocked the sword with his claws.

Only for a blast of energy to hit the monster and push it back. "Buck that! We're gonna help!"

“First off, language. Secondly, this isn’t the place to fight!” Roger yelled as the cave started to fall around them.

"Then let's get out of here!" Sweetie Belle said as they all run out of the cave through Roger's portal. However, the mole monster came through too just as the whole cave collapsed.

“One of you go tell Twilight, and another get on my ship and tell the rangers there is trouble.” Roger ordered before pulling out his Morpher. “Set sail!” He yelled and turned his key in the Morpher, making it call out ‘Gokaiger!’ and in a red flash he is morphed.

"Are we able to tell Twilight who we are?" Sweetie Belle asked.

“Yes, but only her!” Roger yelled before he ran at the mole monster and clashed his sword with its claws.

The five new rangers ran to Twilight's castle. “Alright whoever you are, why were you really digging up the forest?” Roger asked the mole as he tried to overpower it.

"For those energems, once I dispose of you I'll receive them!" The mole monster said, clawing at Rodger’s sword.

Roger jumped back and shot his gun at the mole monster. “Like hell I will let you or anyone else take them.” Sparks fly off the monster as he stumbles back from the shots.

"That isn't up to you!" The mole monster said before multiple shots hit the monster.

"Are you alright?" Cruger asked, running up with Kat.

“Yeah, just lucky I found mole breath here before he could get what he was after.” Roger said and smirked under his helmet. “Did you happen to see me or did one of the new rangers get you?”

"We saw them running to the castle when we were looking for a new base." Kat said as the Kat ranger. "So I morphed and asked what was up."

“I see, well we gotta deal with him, then deal with a whole new problem.” Roger said before he held up one of his new keys. “You wanted to get some dino power? Well, try this on for size! White Ranger, Dino Power!" He called as he used the new key, the Morpher called out ‘Abaranger!’ and in a flash of white light Roger stood in the white dino thunder suit. It was mostly white with black stripes and a chest shield, the helmet was in the shape of a pterodactyl with a red X-shaped visor.

"You think I'm afraid of you!" The mole monster yelled, firing a blast of bones at the three rangers.

Roger used his Drago Sword, a white and gold sword shaped like a fountain pin, to cut and destroy a few of the bones but he still gets hit by a lot of them. “Gah!”

"SPD emergency!" Cruger yelled before transforming into the shadow ranger, having the helmet of a dog and a dark suit with the red number one hundred on it. "No one attacks a ranger!" He said, slashing at the mole monster with his blade.

“Aaahhh!” The mole backed away and started to dig into the ground. “Forget this!”

"Should we pursue?" Cruger asked.

Roger got up from the last attack. “Up to you space cop, we have what he was after so either we chase him or he comes back later.”

Cruger nodded before powering down. "Not worth it right now without a base."

“Alright.” Roger powered down as well and rubbed his chest. “Damn, even with my suit on, it still hurt.” Roger started walking to Twilight’s castle door.

"We also believe we've found a good place for the SPD base." Cruger said.

“That's good, I will summon it after I deal with some angry mares.” Roger said groaning and opened the doors to the castle.

Rodger noticed the five fillies and Twilight speaking to each other, each sitting on a throne. “Hey everyone, I scared off that monster. So Twilight, how much trouble am I in?” He asked.

Twilight tapped her hoof. "You let five fillies become power rangers, what do you think?"

Roger sighed and rubbed the back of his head. “Yeah, I figured as much, but I did try and stop them from following me. They refuse to listen. I tried to get them out of the cave when the energems started to react to them and now we have five new rangers and six….” His eyes widen before he grabs his head. “Oh my god, I forgot the dark emergem!”

"You forgot the one we told you to grab!" Silver Spoon yelled, throwing her hand into the air.

“I was kinda focused on fighting a monster and getting you out of a collapsing tunnel!” He yelled back.

"Well let's go back." Sweetie Belle said.

Roger pointed at the girls. “No! I will go back, you five stay here while Twilight gets your parents and sisters.”

"Oh come on." Scootaloo said, sitting back. "I bet the other rangers didn't go through this!"

“Other rangers are at least teenagers!” Roger yelled. “Look, you may be rangers but you're too young, you will be transferring your powers to someone else as soon as someone worthy becomes available.”

"We're obviously worthy!" Scootaloo argued.

"I do recall a ranger being a child in the turbo team." Cruger said. "According to the archives."

Roger frowned and looked at Cruger. “Not helping.” He looked back at the girls. “Look, being a ranger isn’t about fun and games, we are fighters, we protect those who can’t protect themselves.” Roger thought about it before smirking. “How about a deal, if you can get your parents or guardians to agree to let you be Rangers AND you pass his training course-” He pointed at Cruger. “-then you get to keep your powers.”

"How exactly are you supposed to take them anyway?" Diamond Tiara asked.

Roger smirked and summoned his sword. “I can use this to go get someone who can take those powers away and transfer them to someone else.”

"This isn't fair, a male gets to keep his ranger powers but we can't? That's such BS!" Scootaloo said, crossing her arms.

Roger walked up to her before in one smooth motion, swept her legs, and knocked her to the ground putting his sword to her throat. “The reason we kept our powers is because we have experience fighting. You are little girls that still have their whole lives ahead of them, don't trade your happy lives to become soldiers.” He said with quite a bit of venom in his voice.

"That's not your choice, it's ours!" Scootaloo yelled back. "Don't make our decisions for us and I really doubt you knew what you were doing before becoming rangers!"

Roger frowned and stood up. “You know my offer, get your parents and guardians to give the OK and pass Cruger’s test and I'll let you stay rangers.”

"Says the one that wasn't chosen and lucked into it." Scootaloo mumbled angrily outside of his earshot.

Roger looked to Cruger. “Do your best, I want them either to quit or be the best damn rangers you have ever trained.”

"As you said they are children, isn't that a bit harsh?" Cruger asked.

“That's the point, I don’t want them to be rangers because I know how dangerous it is. But no matter what I tell them they won’t give up. So they will either quit your training or be one of the best teams you have trained.” Roger sighed and rubbed his face. “Now I need to get the dark emergem.”

"What are the energems?" Kat asked as she looked at Scootaloo. "Also probably wasn't the best choice to make her an enemy."

“Maybe not but she needs to know this isn’t a game.” Roger sighed and rubbed his face. “Energems are powerful items that have a connection to the Morphin grid and it's the power source of the Dino charged rangers. They aren't part of the main timeline of Power Rangers, they are from another universe where dinosaurs continue to exist on earth alongside humans. Don't ask how.”

"I see so you're questioning the Morphin grid then?" Cruger asked, arching an eyebrow.

Roger rubbed the back of his neck. “A bit, I mean they are what thirteen?”

"The grid wouldn't have chosen them unless they were worthy." Kat said, smiling softly at the five fillies.

Roger groaned and pinched his nose. “Alright fine, but you are training them, I don’t want them rushing into battle without any training. Ugh, this is gonna be a nightmare when I have to deal with their parents.”

"I thought you said we couldn't tell anyone about our identity?" Sweetie Belle asked, after removing her pink helmet. "I've read superhero comics, wouldn't that put them in danger?"

“True, but knowing my luck they will find out eventually and who do you think they will be mad at?” I ask her.

Sweetie Belle rubbed the back of her head. "Well, if they're smart us... we didn't listen to you."

Applebloom chuckled as Roger sighed and shook his head. “Fine, keep the other gems away from anyone else, they can bond with anyone. I need to go back and get the dark energem.”

"You got it." Applebloom said as the five demorphed and put them in their pockets.

Roger sighed and rubbed his face some more. “They will also need real Morphers, Kat do you think with just some videos you could make their Morphers?”

"You mean this?" Applebloom asked as a stone dino charge Morpher appeared in her hand.

Roger blinked and sighed. “I was thinking something a bit more modern, can’t exactly have you walking around with large rocks.”

Applebloom looked at her energem for a moment as it glowed brighter before she inserted it into the rock and the stone was shaved away to reveal a Morpher in the shape of a dinosaur gun.

“Alright, that solves that.” Roger said then turned to walk away. “Cruger, do you mind starting their training while me and another ranger go after the dark emergem? Kat, I will need some kind of containment device. If you need inspiration check out the episodes of Power Rangers Dino charge.”

"Understood." They both said as Cruger walked over to the fillies.

"Come with me, but don't think I'll go easy on you. I've trained some of the best rangers in history." Cruger said.

Roger used his sword to make a portal to the inside of his ship. He stepped through and called out. “I have an important time-sensitive mission. I need volunteers to go after a gem that cannot be touched, any volunteers?”

"I'll get it." Zoraora said to Roger in his pokespeak.

Roger shook his head. “Sorry no, it is something very dangerous. I don't want to risk you getting corrupted by it.”

"I have a containment unit." Cam said, raising an eyebrow as Cruger comes through the portal with the five new rangers. "Why are there children here?"

“First, that’s convenient and secondly, meet the latest team of Power Rangers.” Roger said with a sigh then added. “Go ahead and grab it then I don’t know if that mole monster is going after it or not…and if you find any shovels bring them too.”

Cameron nodded, running off to get the containment unit. Roger rubbed the back of his head. “Hey Cruger go ahead and mark the spot you and Kat picked out so I can summon your base after I get the gem, also I will probably be using your suit so don’t get worried if you're unable to morph.”

"Understood." Cruger said, marking the top of a mountain near Canterlot.

Roger nodded and stretched. “Alright, I will get it done after the dark energem is under our control.” He said before crossing his arms.

"Alright, I shall start training these five." Cruger said, motioning the five fillies to follow him.

“Good luck!” Roger called out laughing a bit as he knows at least three of them will most likely end up covered in tree sap…somehow.

Cruger raised an eyebrow as the five fillies followed him. "What does that mean?"

“Nothing!” Three of the five girls said at the same time.

Roger laughed harder, and soon Cam returns. “All set?” He asked.

"Yup, I got the containment unit." He said pulling out a long tube. "And some shovels."

“Good, let's get going.” Roger opened a portal back to the hole and found it has completely collapsed. “Ugh... I was hoping part of it was still held up so we wouldn't have to dig from scratch.”

"Well, we can't change the past." Cam said, before starting to dig.

“Yeah yeah, heh. Guess I am a pirate. I mean look at me I'm digging for a jewel.” Roger said while he started to dig with him.

"A pirate and a samurai, strange combo." Cameron said with a chuckle.

Roger chuckled and smirked. “We also have a space cop, a treasure-hunting team, a group of wizards, and a few space explorers. Face it, anyone who gets ranger powers is going to be strange.” They start finding bones.

"Fair enough, so that new team, what are they based on?" Cam asked, pulling out the pteranodon skull Sweetie Belle had found earlier.

“Dinosaurs, basically in the original story an alien named the Keeper brought these gems to earth and entrusted them to dinosaurs to protect. Don't ask me why. They bonded with the dinosaurs so they copied their DNA or something and then later when humans started bonding with them they gave their powers.” Roger explained then added. “Oh yeah and counting the dark energem that we're going after right now there are a total of eleven rangers.”

"Wow, I think that's the biggest team I've heard of." Cameron said, moving a huge rock. "So what's the deal with this dark energem?"

“If I remember correctly it was made at the same time as the others but it's made of the opposite energy. So the first person that touches it will become corrupted by it and become evil, but they'll also have a Ranger form. If we can purify it then we will have the eleventh ranger.” Roger said while moving more bones.

"Sounds interesting… what if the evil is purified from the evil being?" Cam asked.

“They get a dark blue suit.” Roger said with a shrug. “Dino charged wasn’t my favorite season to watch so I don’t remember everything. Thankfully my laptop has all the episodes, even the original sentai version. Be thankful that you don't have to morph the way the sentai version of Dino charged had to.” He chuckled.

"Why?" Cameron asked, raising an eyebrow.

Roger chuckled and shook his head. “They had to dance before morphing. Remind me later and I will let you see.” Roger’s shovel hits a weak spot and made a hole into a tunnel. “This can’t be good.”

"How bad would it be if the enemy got their hands on this dark energem?" Cam asked, slowly pulling out his Morpher ready for a fight.

“Well, they would either get a major power boost or they'll become the dark ranger, I don't exactly know for sure because it was just a normal guy who touched the dark energem first and got a split personality out of it.” Roger said before pulling out his Morpher. “I seriously need to find more keys. I'm still missing two keys from your team.”

"Well then let's get this thing and find them." Cameron said, holding up his Morpher. "Samurai storm, ranger form!" He said before morphing into the green samurai storm ranger.

“Set sail!” He morphs as well, as his Morpher called out ‘Gokaiger!’ Roger spun his sword before jumping into the hole. “Geronimo.”

Cameron followed suit, his hand on the sword he kept on his side Incase of a fight. They land in the tunnel and Roger looked around before frowning under his helmet. “I forgot how dark it was down here.” He summoned a key and mophed again. “Overdrive accelerate!” He called out and his Morpher called out ‘Boukenger!’ in a red flash he was in the red overdrive suit. “This should help.” the lights in his helmet turn on.

"Handy." Cameron said, looking around. "What's the dark energem look like?"

“A black crystal cylinder about this big.” He holds his fingers about the size of it. “If we find that mole monster we will need to get it above ground.”

"Got it." Cameron said, holding his fingers to his visor. "Super samurai mode!" He said as his helmet flipped around and his golden armor came off. "Scanning for energy signatures."

Roger looked around slowly and they head down the tunnel. “Got anything yet?”

"There's a large energy signal down the tunnel, giving off a dark aura… safe to say that's the dark energem." Cameron said.

“Yeah, sounds about right.” Roger said before summoning his ​​Drive Lance, a long red staff with a blade at the end. “Let’s hope we got here first.” They ran down the tunnel.

"I am detecting another energy signature, it's about four kilometers above the dark energem." Cameron said.

Roger frowned. “Four kilometers up? No way we are that deep underground, what could it be?” He asked as they hurried.

"From my scanners, we're about five kilometers away, and judging from the distance that cave-in must have pushed the dark energem farther underground." Cameron said, his visor beeping a bit. "It appears we are surrounded by multiple different types of dinosaur bones."

“Huh? Alright, then let's get to it.” Roger said following Cam’s lead.

The two ran for a few more minutes before Cameron stopped. "I'm detecting a strange energy signature."

“Any details or just something you can’t identify?” Roger asked, readying his spear.

"It's as if the monster's energy is… fading?" Cameron said. "I've never seen this before."

Roger frowned in confusion. “Very strange, let's hurry up.” Roger ran around a corner only to hit a wall. “Huh? Oh come on!”

"I'm not seeing another path, we may have to make one." Cameron said.

Roger sighed and looked at Cam. “Alright, point out the best spot.”

After a moment Cameron pointed to a spot in the ground. Roger sighed before he started digging with the shovel. “Picking up any other enemies?”

"None." Cam said. "And do you not have a ranger form with a drill or anything?"

Roger sighed and pointed at Cam. “Not a word about what you're about to see.” He pulled out a pink key and called out. “Tricera Charger Engage!” He turned the key and the Morpher called out ‘Kyoryuger!’ and in a flash of pink he stands in the pink dino-charged suit.

“And now Tricera Drill!” He called out, a drill with a hand grip and a pink triceratops on the grip. He starts the drill and starts digging.

"Isn't that one of the new rangers' uniforms?" Cam asked, watching Rodger dig.

“Yes, thankfully I got her key before I left them in Cruger’s hands.” Roger said as he was making a large tunnel for them.

"Perfect, the dark energem is directly underneath us." Cam said.

“Then we should get to it first.” Roger said as he pushed the drill faster.

"How do we get it in the containment unit without touching it?" Cam asked.

“If you don’t mind I can use magic to move it, but I have to power down completely so if we are attacked it will take me a moment to morph again.” Roger said.

"Got it, I'll keep an eye out for enemies." Cam said.

Roger demophes putting the two of them in complete darkness, that is before Roger lights his hands with magic and makes a ball of light. “Good thing I studied some spells. Ok now, where is the gem?”

"There" Cameron said pointing to a pile of rocks that were glowing slightly.

“Right.” Roger used his magic to move the rocks till he saw the dark energem and lifts it into the air, but then black lightning sparked out and hits him. “Gah!” He acted quickly and put the gem into the containment unit. He slid down the wall panting and groaning. “That hurt.”

"Are you ok!?" Cam asked worriedly.

Roger groaned as he slowly stood up. “Yeah, just sore.”

"What was that dark lightning?" Cam asked.

“My guess, the energy from the dark energem.” Roger sighed and summoned his sword. “Let's get back to the surface and find out what that energy signature that you spotted was.”

"Right." Cam said, sealing the containment unit before they went back up to the surface.

After stepping through the portal to the surface. “Alright samurai boy, which way is the other energy?” Roger asked.

"It's gone…" Can said, turning his head to and from each direction. "This is strange… it's as if something is taking care of the monsters before they attack us."

“Strange indeed.” Roger said, scratching his chin. “Let’s head back and store all the energems somewhere safe.”

"Got it." Cam said, neither one noticed a monster hiding near them.

Roger started to walk towards town. “So while we are walking, mind telling me about the whole ninja school thing? Must have been an interesting life.”

"I guess? I mean it's all I've ever known, training day in and day out, the pressure of being the headmaster's son." Cam said.

“I bet that was stressful but hey you proved yourself.” Roger said, pointing to Cam’s necklace. “And if I remember right it was you who made all the ranger’s tech. That is damn impressive.”

Cam chuckled. "Thanks, I had a lot of time to prepare everything."

Roger smiled and looked ahead. “So have you decided what team you're going with?”

"I think I'll stay here… samurai in space sounds like a bad sitcom, and I don't know how bad earth is so I'm gonna stick to what I'm familiar with." Cam said.

“Alright, hey maybe you and Kat can work together on stuff.” Roger said before he got an idea. “Actually now that I think of it, there is one project I think you can work on in secret. Assuming that you are the one that made the wind ninja Morphers.”

"I am… why?" Cameron asked, arching an eyebrow.

“I will show you when we get back to the ship. This needs to be hush hush.” Roger said, smirking a bit.

"Got-" Cam said before a blast shot him off his feet from behind, revealing the mole monster with cybernetic enhancements.

"You'll pay rangers! The bosses did this to me since I didn't have the energems, and now it's payback time!" It yelled angrily.

Roger took a few steps back. “Whoa! Hey, it's not our fault you have really horrible bosses! Why don't you just leave?” Roger asked while getting his key and Morpher ready.

"And where would I go!? The bosses have the universe nearly completely covered!" The monster yelled, blasting at them again.

Roger tried to make a magic shield but the attack went right through it knocking him away. “Gah!” The confinement unit goes flying and it landed in the grass, away from the two rangers.

"This isn't gonna be easy, we may need-" Cam said before multiple shots hit the mole as the dino charge rangers fillies and Cruger showed up.

"We were doing laps around the field when we heard the shots." Cruger said, helping Rodger stand.

“Thanks.” Roger said then patted down his pockets. “Damn it, I lost the container we need to find it.”

"We'll hold the monster off, you find it." Applebloom said, blasting an attack that was coming at them.

Roger frowned but sighed. “Fine, may the power protect you.” He said before he started looking around the field for the container.

"Oh no you don't!" The mole monster yelled charging at Rodger before Diamond Tiara blasted its legs making it fall

"Hurry up!" She shouted, getting in a defensive position.

“I am trying!? Do you know how small the damn thing is?!” Roger yelled while trying to find the container.

"There it is!" Cam said, pointing to the container in the grass before the mole monster shot him again. "Guhh!"

“On it!” Roger ran for it while morphing. “Set sail!” He morphed as his Morpher called out ‘Gokaiger!’ Roger jumped forward and grabbed the container before spinning around and aiming his gun at the mole monster. “You have lost, but tell you what if you willingly surrender we can put you in a confinement card where you'll be safe from your bosses.”

"That doesn't sound much better, I'd be all alone!" The mole monster yelled, blasting him again.

Roger took the hit and was knocked back. “Ugh, to my knowledge it should be like being in suspended animation, as soon as the card is activated one moment you're standing in front of us the next it's the future and you're free to go.”

"So I'd lose who knows how long of my life?" The mole monster asked, growling.

“Well, I mean socially? However long it takes us to beat or lose to the evil alliance, your lifespan? None.” Roger said, hoping he sounded convincing.

The mole monster seemed to be considering it. "I never even wanted to come here… my family gave me to them to keep themselves safe."

Rogers frowned and lowered his gun. “Give us the planet's name and we can try to rescue them. Just because you're an alien to us, doesn't have to make you our enemy.”

The mole monster scoffed. "And why would I worry about a planet that abandoned me?"

"Well… um, what if you worked with us?" Sweetie Belle spoke up. "The rangers could keep you safe, you'd have friends and you wouldn't have to go into suspended animation sleep."

The monster seemed to seriously be considering that offer. “Perhaps, and note this isn’t a guarantee, but perhaps some of our people might be able to remove your cybernetics, if you wish.” Roger said before putting his gun away.

The mole monster looked down before a surge of electricity went through him. "Aaahhh!!"

“What's happenin to em?!” Applebloom asked.

Roger groaned and drew his sword. “Ten bits says whoever his bosses are have been watching and listening the whole time and are activating some sort of failsafe to force him to fight.”

"Can we put him in a card and figure out how to stop it?" Scootaloo asked as the mole monster held his head in pain.

Roger looked at Cruger. “Can it be done?” He asked while getting ready for a fight.

"Possibly, but with the electricity surging it may interfere with the card." Cruger said, holding out his Morpher.

“Worth a try, do it.” Roger said while getting a key ready to put in his sword.

Crugar opened the Morpher attempting to put the creature in a card before he received an error message. "No good, it doesn't work!"

The mole monster yelled in pain, his body lurching slightly as Scootaloo shoots something on the back of his head, having run around while everyone was distracted. The creature falling forward passed out with a machine broken on the ground next to him, as Scootaloo shook a bit.

Roger walked up to the mole and lightly kicked him with his foot. “He is out cold, try now.” He then walked over to Scootaloo and put a hand on her shoulder. “It is hard isn’t it?”

"I...I…" Scootaloo said before demorphing a very angry look on her face as Cruger put the mole into a containment card. "I can't believe they forced him to do all this! Those guys need to be stopped!"

Roger sighed and demophed as well. “Yes they do, and we will stop them one fight at a time.” He looked at the other girls. “Thank you for your help, I am sorry I was so harsh on you all but now you see the kinds of people we are up against.”

They all nod, de-morphing as well as Cruger picked up the card. "We need to get him back so me and Kat can try to remove those cybernetics." Cam said.

“Right, but it would be better if you had better equipment. I'll summon the SPD base.” Roger said and handed Cam the emergem. “One second.” He opens a portal into the air jumping through. He spotted the area Cruger marked on the map and made another portal to it, rolling to a stop.

Roger then opened a portal back to the group. “Come on thorough.”

The group slowly walked through, the fillies shivering a bit at the altitude. "Whoa it's cold!" Applebloom said.

“Of course it is.” Roger said before summoning the black SPD key and looking at Cruger. “I’ll need to borrow your powers.”

Cruger nodded, before powering down. "All yours."

“SPD emergency!” Roger called out as he morphed, his Morpher called out ‘Dekaranger!’ and after a black flash he looks over at Cruger. “Alright, where exactly do you want it?” Cruger pointed to a spot then Roger held a hand out in that direction and calls out. “SPD Delta Base!” A massive portal opens up on the ground as a large building with a dog head on top comes up from the portal.

"Whoa!" All the fillies and Cam said in surprise.

"That's really cool." The green samurai storm ranger said.

Roger powered down and smiled. “Now you and Kat have an advanced lab and Cruger has a base to train a whole new SPD squad.”

"Thank you." Cruger said bowing a little.

"Can it turn into a zord?" Cam asked, obviously having some ideas.

“Yep, it is a whole Megazord by itself.” Roger said but then scratched his chin. “But it was never clear in the show if it takes a fully staffed base to work or if just Cruger could pilot it by himself.”

"I… Have never tried." Crugar mumbled, rubbing his own chin in thought.

“Well that is something to test later, Let’s get the dark emergem locked away.” Roger said heading to the base. “Hmm, perhaps I can get Celestia to find some volunteers for you to start up a branch of SPD here.”

"Maybe some of the guards?" Scootaloo suggested as Rodger noticed Sweetie Belle's face was red as she was thinking about something.

“Perhaps, we will find out later.” Roger said as they made their way through the base to a lab.

"Um… Rodger, can I ask you something?" Sweetie asked, fidgeting with her fingers.

“Sure what's up?” Roger asked, stopping while the others explored the lab.

Sweetie belle blushes deeply. "U-um… Could Spike become a ranger?"

“It is possible but that's not for me to decide.” Roger said, rubbing his head. “It's up to the Morphin grid.”

Sweetie Belle nodded a bit, still blushing as she fiddled with her fingers more. Roger smirked a bit and kneeled down. “I take it you have a crush on him.”

Sweetie's blush deepened more. "I-I uh…"

Roger patted her shoulder. “Relax, I won’t say anything. Just know that you should speak up to him about your feelings one day.”

Sweetie Belle looked down. "But he likes Rarity…"

Roger rolled his eyes. “He is too young for her anyway, and she doesn’t return his feelings. I will admit I don't know that much about relationships but I can tell you that it takes a brave person to tell another person their feelings even if they may not be returned.” He stood up and smiled. “Just think about that ok?”

Sweetie Belle nodded gingerly. "O-ok."

Roger looked over at the other girls. “Why not join your friends in exploring?”

Sweetie Belle quickly rushed after her friends. Roger smiled at them before waving Cam over. “Hey, I think it's time I showed you the secret project I want you to work on.” He smirked and used his sword to open a portal to his ship.