• Published 2nd Aug 2020
  • 4,382 Views, 56 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Deltorix

A young man is asked to help save Equestria by someone unexpected, will he save Equestria or will he fail.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Author's Note:

Cross over with the story The golden eyed Sage part 2 of 5

I walked through the dome shield with Shining on my shoulder and the other rest nearby, "That took you a while," Edward remarked as he took Shining from me.

I flip him the bird and say. “Yeah well you didn’t have to deal with a monster that can regenerate from being cut into pieces and still be on your first day of displacement.” I say to him then he hands Shining over to Applejack but I quickly reach into his pocket and pull out my key and smirk to myself.

"That is very disconcerting," Edward's brow line furrows a bit. "There's only a few creatures that can regenerate from those types of wounds and it still takes them a great deal of time to do so. Were you able to capture it?"

I not and throw the confinement card over to him. “ Courtesy of Space Patrol Delta.” I say then look over the girls and the empire and hum. “Huh it really is made of crystals. Cool.”

“Hmmm...." Edward gave a angered growl. I look over and in the next moment the card turns to ash. "This is very bad. He some how figured out how to use alchemagic." He huffed. "Let's go see Cadance; and Rodger, this is for you." Edward held out his hand and in it was a morphing key that looked like an odd pocket watch.

I tilt my head and take it looking over as I follow them. “Interesting. Did you make this?” I ask as I flip it from figure mode to key mode and back again almost playing with it.

"It wasn't hard after analyzing your earlier morphs, your connection to the morphing grid, and this Magna Defender key you let Shining borrow out there," He held up the Defend Key that I KNOW I put on my belt. "Needed to borrow it for a quick analysis.” He gave it back to me. "Now on to the castle."

"Follow me," Shining said as he got to his feet.

We did as we were told and followed the unicorn to the crystal castle. Along the way I saw many ponies; though their skin tones were more blunt and grayish like the lacked emotions, The colors were also on the softer end of the color spectrum than the bright and darker ones back in Equestria. I could have sworn I heard whispers about the return of someone called the Crimson King. Soon I noticed some of the ponies that were whispering such things weren't as grey or lifeless as the others that weren't talking about this 'Crimson King.'

“Hmmm...” I hum and listen but also look around when I get a chance I walk closer to Edward and say. “Hey I think some of them are remembering you and it’s boosting their spirits. Hopefully seeing you will be enough of a boost to stop them from remembering you know who also it was never brought up in the show but are there any children in the empire right now or did Sombra....” I trail off as I feel a feeling of danger and take a step away from Edward.

“In all honesty Rodger, I don't know," Edward glared forward. "But there better be!”

We soon arrived at the palace and Shining showed us to the throne room where a very ragged looking Princess of Love sat on the Crystal throne. She looked absolutely drained and like she was about to pass out at any moment.

As soon as she saw her eyes saw us they came to life with sparkles in them, "Uncle Ed! Twilight! Everypony!" She jumped off the throne and shot to Ed and Twilight and wrapped them both in a big hug. She then looked at Shining as gave a loud gasp when she saw his horn.

"It was Sombra's creature but we got it," He reassured his wife. "How are you feeling?"

"Drained," She huffed. "I don't know know how much longer I can keep spreading the light of love through the Empire and keep the shield up."

"And it'll be much harder now," Shining rubbed his crystal encrusted horn. "This stuff blocks my magic."

I cross my arms and say. “Well then if it’s all the same I think I’ll have a look around near the castle while Twilight does her test, and before you say anything I’m calm because I have faith in her.” I finish with a thumbs up to Twilight, then I turn around and start walking to the doors.

But something catches my attention, something that Edward pulled out of nowhere, a pink glowing stone that's radiating so much magic it's making me nauseous.

"Here Cadance, this is for you," Edward handed over the stone and a wave of magic rushed over use all. "I looked outside to the wavering barrier and it not only stabilized but seemed stronger. I looked at Cadance and she was glowing and had grown a bit while her mane had become ethereal like Celestia and Luna's.

"Uncle Ed, are you sure I'm ready to have it?" Cadance pleaded.

"You're more than ready my little princess, with the Love Stone in your hands you can protect the ponies of Kingdom without worry of Sombra's influences or his army," Edward placed his hands on her shoulders and gave her a warm smile before give her a hug. "Now there are things that need to be done," He turned to Twilight and company. "I suggest you all hit the library. Rodger, with me."

I shrugged and flowed my acquaintance to the doors but we were stopped immediately buy a small battalion of guards dressed in red shimmering armor. It looked as if the were literally wearing fire when the light bounced of them. I readied myself as I slowly reached for my blaster but Edward looked back at me over his shoulder and gave a slight shake of his head. These weren't just ponies either but from the details I could make out they ranged from Ponies, griffons, and even a few minotaurs.

The head guard marched up and knelt in front of Edward. "Your highness, the Order of the Crimson Knights welcomes your return to the Empire after all these years."

I relax seeing they work for him and cross my arms and chuckle. “Well it seems you have a army so I guess you don’t want me around.” I say then walk over to a painting and just look at it but secretly I’m still watching and listening to them.

"You're timing couldn't be better captain, I want most of the Crimson Knights to report for duty immediately. Have them form ranks at the entrance of the Empire's northern gate," Edward ordered.

'This guy was serious, what kind of a life has he had here and to have and his own Order of Knights.'

"No one is to leave the barrier; period," Edward continued. "Be ready to mobilize upon ordered. A grand knight known as Polearm is here escorting my niece Twilight Sparkle and her friends. He is a great soldier and one of my personal apprentices and he speaks for me when I'm not here. There is Princess Celestia's adopted son Prince Spike. He may not look it but he is a skilled alchemist in the art of crystal and gem alchemy as well as powerful combatant and mage. They well join you if needed. i want a small platoon here to guard or help out if needed."

"Sir," He stood up and saluted before walked off with the others.

"Shall we," Edward gesture to the hallway.

I realize he knew I was still paying attention and so I turn and follow him still with a relaxed posture. “So got yourself an order of knights, must come in handy when shit hits the fan.” I say trying to keep things for being silent.

"Technically they’re all my grandchildren," Edward said outright as we walked.

I trip a bit but keep up. “Damn if I didn’t know any better I’d say we are in a harem universe.” I joke and chuckle, then I look at all the different doors and ask. “Where are we going anyway?”

"They’re called ‘herds’ in most of the worlds you'll visit and they usually have up to eight memebers," Edward explained. "And those are some of the descends of the war orphans Luna and I took in many years ago.

'And now I feel like a dick!'

"I have more out in the world that are part of the order as well, Polearm is one of them." He pointed. "This way to Sombra’s old room."

I rub the back of my head. “Sorry, about how I said that, and is that wise? It’s most likely booby-trapped to explode or something if we aren’t him.” I say now a bit nervous.

"Don't care," He said as he quickened his pace. Soon we arrived a pair of grand iron doors, and I felt powerful magic on them. "KNOCK..KNOCK..." Edward said through teeth as he punched the doors off the hinges into the room.

A specter of a unicorn appeared but Edward wasn't having any of it, as he walked into the room I saw clutch several shimmering strings and snapped them. I raised an eyebrow and was about to say something while looking at the specter that simply fell apart to nothing,

I blink both confused and in awe then decide to ask. “So um...am i here for any reason besides you don’t want me out of your sight?” I ask as I watch Ed go through bookshelf after bookshelf.

"You're here because of that and the ponies here don't know about the Displaced," Edward scanned the room. "He really did go dark," he shook his head as he'd walked over and picked up a book and looked through it before going over to a nearby bookshelf and turning to look at he floor, Tears formed in his eye.

I look closer then when I realize what his apexes are I quickly look away saying. “Shit!” Under my breath, after that I try to not look at Edward. “So I have some good news. I saved the CMC and Fluttershy on my first hour of being a displaced.”

"Mhmm..." he walked over to the corner of the room and knelt down and touched the floor. I walked over to see what it was the he was actually doing and saw some form of weird magic circle craved into the ground. Edward was rubbing his hand over the etching.

“Find something?” I ask as I lean over him to look too.

"Not really, just remembering the old days I spent with Sombra when he was still a colt." Edward sighed. "He never really knew his father due to certain circumstances and his mother, Princess Amore, let me in the picture to act as a role model and teacher but... I ended up more of foster father for the lad, even feel for Amore a bit but I was too set in my marriage and love for Luna at the time and never thought of opening myself up to another woman. I... I didn't think I needed too because to me Luna was enough at the time. I think Sombra resented me a bit for not being in the picture after he grew up. I had other dealing to take care of and was around less and less.”

I cross my arms and sigh. “Probably didn’t help that every year the crystal heart would hurt Sombra and the last ruler did nothing about it.” I say thinking of the comic and a few fanfics I’ve read.

Edward slammed his fist into the wall sending several crack up, "Don't you dare saying anything against Amore!" Edward looked over his shoulder at me and glared in rage as his eye shifted to a red color. "She did everything she could for her and would have gladly sold her soul for him!"

I look away but say. ”If it were me I would have moved him to Equestria where the crystal heart wouldn’t hurt him... and I was talking about the comics version anyway. I’m sure your version did what she could.” I say then turn around and walk over to the door and stand by it.

"You need to be a little more careful with your words around me right now Rodger," Edward stood up as he wiped his eyes on his sleeve. I notice the the cracks in the wall were starting to repair themselves.

“Is this place alive too?” I ask as I watch the walls repair themselves.

"No it's just a repair and growth spell combo," Edward placed a hand on the wall and rubbed it. "Amore cast it long ago, I can't believe it still works." He looked at we . "It's funny actually. Me and Sombra found out that if you make a big enough hole in the crystal to put something in it and leave to let the wall close up around it, the action is a cavity where you," his eyes shot open with a realization. "CAN HIDE STUFF!"

I smirk as I see he got a idea and step out of the room. “I assume you’re gonna start to smash stuff.”

“We need to get to the throne room," Edward replied immediately.

“Alright lets go then.” I say then we both sprint to the throne room.

As we entered the throne room Edward began to look around frantically. "Come one where are you?" He said a loud.

"What exactly are you looking for?" I tilted my head.

"Sombra was very full of himself even as a colt he loved to show off what he did," Edward explained. "When he took over the throne from Amore he turned her to obsidian but didn't shatter her. Tia and Lu said she was in the throne room when their assault on this place went do, and the smashed this place up pretty good knowing them. Do you have a key that x-rays things? I don't want to smash anything blindly."

I shake my head I sigh. “Sorry Edward I don’t have anything like that, hmm” I look around the room trying to think like Sombra that’s with my eyes light up and I turn to the throne. “What about inside the throne? Is it different then the original ruler’s?”

"No, it all looks like it did when Amore was in charge," Edward crossed his arms. "Damn it, I know she's still here but where? I can go nuts and tear this place apart without damaging the tower and the protective field."

Twilight on the others then came in babbling amongst themselves.

I listen to what the girls are talking about while thinking of where Sombra could hide a statue then I turn to Edward. “Well that’s just it if I remember correctly this,” I wave my arms around the clean sparking throne room. “Isn’t this throne room right?”

“Shouldn’t you all be out helping in the fair," Edward looked at the ponies causing them to shut up.

"We were but then we kinda got... ah... sidetracked," Rainbow answered.

"We found out from one of the ponies that the Crystal Heart wasn't just another showpiece but an artifact used to help strengthen the barrier," Twilight looked at Edward. "We came in here to look for where King Sombra may have hidden it. I remembered your advice 'look for the truth when the truth.' Alchemists hide their research in plain sight."

"So we came here but then we heard you say it's the same as when Sombra took over," Spike added.

"Wait, what is that you said again?" Polearm pointed at me.

I look to Edward quickly but figure that they have already Easter together themselves and just need the final piece so I say. “I said that this isn’t Sandra’s throne room I mean look at how shiny and sparkly it is do you really think someone who is evil would want their throne room to be all sparkly and shiny and pretty.” I say in a way that makes it sound like I am not sure if I’m right even though I know I am.

"Sombra did fall to corruption but Dark Magic is widely used and encouraged here,” Shining Armor cut in as he entered the room. "The room was a wreck when found it, crystal everywhere."

"What is that you're looking for?" Cadance asked.

"Anything that might lead us to the Crystal Heart," Spike said.

"What Rodger said is right, this place is to nice for an evil king," A beam of dark magic shot from Twilight horn at the throne and her eyes started to change. "Nah... this feeling is... disgusting!" She cried as Polearm braced her. Soon the room changed to be much darker and evil lair looking with a massive trap door in the middle of the room. Twilight shut off her magic and grabbed her head. "Gross, but it worked."

I saw Edward knelt down n the floor again. Curious I walked over and saw the state of a larger unicorn woman reaching out with a look of horror plastered on her face.

I smirk and pat his back. “Yet another victory for you. Now they just need to deal with Sombra then fix her and everything will be sunshine and rainbows...well.. tell the next ancient evil arises.” I step forward and rolled my neck.

I look down the hole and say. “So Edward what’s the plan? Want me to go with Twilight?”

Edward raised both his hands above his head and slammed them down on the floor at the base of the statue. He continued to beat on the floor until the cracks extended outward from it. One final blow was dealt with his right hand shattering the floor into pieces he quickly rushed over and brushed the shards of crystal away from Amore. He pulled her out and placed her next to the hole and the others stood there in shock looking at the former Princess of Crystal.

I tilt my head as a thought hit me. “Hey Edward...what is she gonna be doing once she is freed? I mean...the kingdom in just about every timeline belongs to Princess Mi Amore Cadenza so...” i trail off at the looks I’m getting from everyone.

Cadence came over and looked at her ancestor. "She looks kind of like me. Who she Uncle?"

"She's a distant relative of yours Cadance," I saw a tear roll down Ed's cheek as he placed a hand on Amore's cheek. "She'll do what she wants. I want her to come back to Canterlot but I won't stop if she chooses to stay here. She was grooming Sombra to take over for her before the... corruption set in." He walked over next to me, "Keep the timeline crap down. Only Tia and Lu know about future events."

I give Edward a nod and walk over to a window and look out giving him and the others time to talk I try to watch the edge of the city seeing a few red dots moving around I assume they are his knights at work.

Shining Armor came up next to me, "They're not as strong as the elite guard back home or Twilight and her friends but they are very well trained." I noticed him look at me slightly "I've been wonder something? When you lent me that Key it gave me all the knowledge of morphing. It's so taxing to stay morphed even for a little while. Why is that you can stay morphed all the time and Why do you?"

“Well Shining, it was most likely more taxing on you because you aren’t fully bonded with the morphin grid, but to answer your other question, I don’t think I can power down while I’m in Edward’s world.” I look at him and rub the side of my helmet.

“I can’t even remove my helmet while I’m here, something similar happened to another ranger when he traveled to another universe so I suspect that the Morphin grid protect strangers but keeping them morphed when they travel to the universe that is in their own.” I then look down at myself and rub my stomach.

“Honestly I’m hoping that we can deal with Sombra soon and that he will let me try to summon my ship. I have a theory that I might be able to power down while I’m on board my ship.” After I finish my sentence my stomach growls loud enough even the girls can ear it.

“If ya were hungry ya should of said something sooner," Applejack cut in. "The fair has plenty of treats."

"AJ, we don't have time," Rainbow abruptly said. "There is an army out there and these ponies are gonna need to stay happy if we have any chance of kicking Sombra's butt."

"Rainbow is right," Edward turned to us.

"I am? ... I mean of course I am, cause I'm just that awesome," She snorted as puffs of steam came from her nose.

"You five get back to that fair," Edward order five of the mane Six. "My knights will help when needed. Twiligth you get that flank down that hole and find the heart. Cadance, you maintain that barrier," He turned to me Shining, Pole, and Spike. "You three are with me." He pointed at use and then himself.

I walk up to Edward and lean in and whisper into his ear. “Won’t she need Spike to break free of the trap?” Then I look over at this Spike getting a look at him.

I then look over to Applejack and say. “Also Applejack I can’t remove my helmet while I’m in Edward’s world.”

"Twilight," Edward said, causing the mare to stare. "Come here."

"What's wrong Ed?" She asked as she walked over.

Edward placed his hands on Twilight's shoulder. "You are one of a bright and most powerful unicorns of your age and the best alchemist second to King Sombra and Starswirl. You've studied and trained both mentally and physically every day since you became my apprentice. Though you still have a long way to go before becoming a true Alchmage, it is time you started on that road." Twilight's eyes lite up and were as big as dinner plates while her mouth was agape. "I know you're ready, so make me proud."

She shook her head vigorously while the others stood in awe.

'This stuff must be a big deal if everyone here knows about it.'

"You four," Edward stepped in front of me, Spike, Polearm, and Shining Armor. "We're heading out." Edward turned to the door and walked off.

I give Twilight a thumbs up before running after Edward and the others, once I catch up I ask. “Ok so I’m gonna take a wild guess that the five of us are gonna play distraction with smoke eyes?”

“Something like that kid," Polearm chuckled

"Sombra knows I'm here," Edward cut in. "He's after me first and foremost. He's added alchemagic to his skill list somehow, probably some research I left behind without realizing it, to that he stole while I wasn't paying attention. Long story short, yes we keep his focus off the Empire and on me. The secondary objective is that crystal army and seeing as how it's probably made of magic nullifying crystal there's only one weapon we have that can fight it and that's you four as it is you four that the most powerful have alchemy."

I nod a bit but then tilt my head. “But I don’t have alchemy Edward.” I tell him as we get to the bottom of the stairs to the ground floor and I sigh and look back. “Geez what’s with this place and stairs?”

“You're a dumbass if you said that after a little walk like that," Pole snarked. "Think of what Twilight is gonna have to walk down back in the throne room."

We walked through the streets of the Empire and I noticed a lot more of the ponies were colorful, cheerful, and active. Many of them were bowing to Edward as we walked by.

'Is he some kind of hero or something?'

"I know that look," Shining snickered. "Ed was once the Minos King and ender of the Minos Wars nearly three thousand years ago. Though he doesn't like the part of how he got to be the king he is hailed as both a hero and a monster for both events. Though purely a hero to the ponies but also a great king and bedtime story you tell to misbehaved calves at night."

I turn to shining and say. “Damn that is cool but messed up, I was told he was a king but I didn’t know he was this popular.” I then look to the other guy and say. “Oh I know exactly what she has to go through I was just making a small joke to lighten the mood.”

Lastly I turn to Edward and speak up. “Edward is there a way to can block what’s happening outside the shield from sight so I can summon my ship? If I can use its cannons on the,” I look around then change what I was gonna say. “Snow out there it will make our job easier.”

"You and that ship," Edward sigh. "For that last time, no!"

"A big ass red train was already too much and now I have my entire order of knights for the whole Empire assembling at the main gate of the Empire," Edward raised his hands. "I'm already causing a panic if you can't tell. I don't need a giant red pirate ship robot to there as well. Our forces will just have to do."

“Fine fine geez I’m just trying to think of ways I can help end this quickly in case you didn’t know I haven’t eaten all day and have been fighting most of that time with two naps between them.” I tell him and cross my arms walking forward faster and summon Edwards key he made and look at it wondering if it would even work.

"Majesty," the captain said with vigor. "It is pleasure to serve you as the original Crimson Knights did so long ago grandfather." I could tell the word, 'grandfather', kind of bothered the alchemist from the way he sighed.

"Have the troops from ranks, I will address them soon," Edward waved off the captain who saluted and went back to what he was doing. Edward then turned to us and he looked at me. "You know you don't have to be here Rodger. This is my fight and you were sent to this world by accident. I can send you home now," he noticed the key in my hand. "If you’re worried about using the key then don't use it."

I look to the key then back to Edward. “ I’m a bit cautious of using it but it looks like it should work and you seem very powerful so I trust it will work fine though I can test it right now if you want.” I tell him and hold out my other hand summoning my morpher.

"Test it if you want to my young friend but be up front in a few moments," Edward shrugged. "I've got to address the knights and I want you up there with the others." Edward patted my shoulder and walked off leaving me with my thoughts.

I watch Edward walk off then look down to the key and nod flipping it to key mode and hold both it and my morpher up and feel a small voice in my head tell me what I need to say. “ Equivalent exchange!” I slide the key into my morpher in front of me and turn it and then transmutation circle appears at my feet and slowly starts to rise over me and my suit is changed through alchemy into a black and red metallic armor with golden crystal diagonal across the chest and the black parts around the joints and the helmet looks like a monster’s face with sharp teeth for the mouth guard, the oroborus symbol appears behind me while I raise my right hand in a fist with red light attracted to it from the symbol. ‘Ok good it worked, now I’ll see what it can do when I fight those foot soldiers.’

Edward was in front of his knights with Shining, Spike and Polearm standing in line just behind him, so I decided to get in line next to Shining. The guys were all wearing different style armor similar to the Crimson Knights but in different color schemes. At his side was a scimitar of all things.

Shining was wearing a gold set similar to the one from the series but it seemed a bit bulkier, then again he was in pretty good shape from what I saw from our battle with that creature. He was definitely stronger than an earth pony with their natural magic.

Polearm sported the exact same armor of the knights but as a red and black variation while on his back was a naginata. He also had a good build and no doubt he was strong as he was an earth pony. Spike was wearing a purple and green set of armor but his was less restricting. He didn't have a weapon except for a set of claw like gloves and a few daggers at his belt. I then notice a few different spools on his back belt.

Edward started to speak so I turned my attention back to the front.

"My children, the day has come for you to see the battlefield as your forefathers had once prepared to do. I do not ask you to fight for me and you may go home now if you wish but I ask that you stay here for the families of the Empire and for this family you have next to you at this moment," Edward said proudly. "The world has changed in the time you were under Sombra's curse and I WISH i could've broken it but I couldn't be there for I too was cursed to be in stone. I was not there for you, my family when you needed, but I am here now and will be for many more of your grandmother’s beloved moon to cross the sky. I am proud of you all and proud too call you my knights and my children. Today we face the army of the King who usurped the throne from the Beloved Princess Amore. This battle will battle will be long and hard, some may fall but it must be fought for the sake of your home and for kin. Let us stand as not only as brothers in arms but as a family for the Empire," He yelled throwing a fist in the air and the knights started to beat there weapons on the ground or against there shields or bows in rhythm and slowly died down.

"Behind me are top class fighters and family. My nephew and your new crown prince, Prince Shining Armor," Edward stepped to the side and Shining stepped forward and stuck out his chest. "Next we have one of our own from Canterlot, Grand Knight Polearm Aries," Pole stepped up and slammed his right arm on his chest and the knights did the same. "On the end we have the adopted son of Princess Celestia, crown prince of Equestria, and one of my apprentices, Prince Spike Solaris Everfree," Spike stepped forward and slammed his fist together and took a deep bow and the knights mimicked.

"And last but not least we have my personal friend Captain Rodger the Red Devil," Edward motioned to me.

'Captain Rodger; the Red Devil!'

I watch Edward as he gives his speech and see those ponies ready to do anything and rush to their death, then I stand tall when Edward named me so I decide if I’m going down I’m taking you down with me.

"Every creature form ranks, and prepare to move out!" Edward demanded and we hear the guard thump and move like a well oiled machine. Edward came over to us. "Sorry about the name Rodger. I had to come up with something as I can't exactly say 'HEY; HE'S A DISPLACED'."

I nod and shrug. “Hey I understand some things are hard to explain to them.” I then crack my knuckles and grin and my faceplate changes to be grinning. “Let’s go kick some ass! I feel amazing right now."

We walked with Edward to the front of the knights just inside the barrier. He pointed to the Army in the distance and I noticed it was much closer than when we'd first'd arrived here in the Empire. I also saw hat there were nearly five time as many of them as the Knights.

"We can't let them get with striking distance," Edward said. "If enough of those crystal creatures get here they'll easily overwhelm the Empire as they're made of magic nullifying crystal. The can pass through the barrier with ease and can cancel it out if enough go through at one time.":

I punch my palm and chuckle my voice sounding deeper and like there are multiple people talking and say, “with all of us his army is gonna be nothing but broken glass soon.” I feel the need to rush in but only sway side to side eager to start the fight.

"We need more soldiers," Shining cut in. "These guys are will trained but they're nowhere near our level of strength. Even if we had Cadance's elite Love guards here we'd still fair just a bit better than we would with just them."

"Don't worrying Shining," Spike said cracking his neck.

"Yea, Ed's got that covered," Polearm smirked.

"Wood Style: Wood Clones," Edward said as he made hand signs. Suddenly wooden timbers erupted from him and formed into twenty identical copies of the himself. "MULTI-SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!" They all yelled and in puffs of white smoke more Edwards appeared, an entire army of them.

My eyes widen making the eyes of the helmet widen then I grin and chuckle. “That is damn cool Edward I want to learn that trick now then can we start I think this form has increased my aggression I’m barely holding myself back.” I say as I look out at the army and my hands start clenching and unclenching.

“In one more minute," Edward looked at me.

I raised an eyebrow under my helmet, "Come on they're right there!" I pointed.

"Wait." Edward said calmly. I saw his shadow grow extremely wide and soon blacken Edwards emerged from it. I then heard a slight humming behind me. Turning to look I saw several silver rippling portals and then weapons shot out of them into the shadow. The black Edward took hold of the weapons and readied to fight. "I call this move, Seven Nations Army: Take All." He remarked as the all the Edwards readied themselves. "My clones will be the first wave, then you guys go in with the knights. I'll take care of the big stuff, he pointed to the giants and other large creatures."

“Fine just hurry I feel a deep need to fight right now I think it’s something with this form.” I say my voice deeper and the red parts glow brighter and my hands start turning into claws.

"Don't let those urges drive your action Rodger or you could lose yourself and go berserk," Edward motioned his hand sending his clones ahead. "The form you in resembles my true form and I'm easily influenced be negativity and baser emotion while in it which means you're prone to it."

I nod my head but start to growl a bit watching the army. “I can feel it Edward and I think we are linked more then you think.” I look at my hands and Then clap them together and blue electricity sparks around me and I touch the ground and make a small tower of ice only a foot tall then look to Ed. “I didn’t know that would work.”

“You'd be surprised what works when you put your mind in it," Ed said punching the air causing it to shatter like glass. He reached into the now open space and pulled out a red serrated dual-edged sword with a flaming bird shaped cross guard and the pommel was a large four directional facing skull with a ruby on top of it.

I tilt my head and look the sword over then turn back to army and see the clones already fighting. “If you can do anything I have a request you can consider it payment for helping in this fight,” my voice growls out and then I look at Edward. “Make my normal sword able to cut holes in reality to places I or anyone touching it know of and have been to.”

I then roll my neck and explain why I want it. “Earth still exists where I’m from and it’s currently taking over by the evil alliance, I want to go there and help any living rangers left there.” I watch Edward for any kind of reaction.

“A reality slash," Edward tiled his head. "A simple enough task," he turned the sword horizontally and placed both hand on the grip. The weapon pulsed and the blade began to look like a galaxy. Edward tightened his grip on his weapon then jumped up and swung the sword, "Meido Surasshu!" he called out send a slash of galactic energy outward into the oncoming army. The slash literally swallowed whatever it hit leaving nothing behind. Luckily he jumped up to miss his clones. "Kind of like that?" Edward landed next to me with his blade on his shoulder.

“Kind of, what I’m thinking is,” I clap my hands and make a rough ice copy of my gokaiger sword and hold it. “Make it so when I think of a location and swing my sword like this,” I swing it in front of me in a downward ark. “A portal opens when I cut but doesn’t move.”

“Like the the Golden Tiger Claws from Xiaolin Showdown," Edward remarked. "Like I said easy enough to do," He held up his hand and a Gokaiger sword appears above his palm. "Courtesy Arc of Embodiment."

I am shocked and growl in annoyance but it comes out much deeper. “How did you steal my sword?” I shake my head and hold it. “Sorry I know you didn’t steal it but...I guess I’m also getting a bit of personality with this form I shouldn’t use it too much.”

“Think nothing of it kid," Edward hands me the weapon. "And you're right. Don't use it to much. Now," He stepped forward, "Fight time," he vanished in a wisp of snow and then I heard a loud boom in front of me. I saw saw the giants in the distance started to fall to pieces after large craters appeared on their bodies.

I grin and lift my sword. “Charge!” Then I run out into the tundra and use the sword to cut right through the first golem then I kick the next one into a group but then more of them jump onto me clawing at me making sparks fly off my suit.

I roar out and the red parts of my suit glow brighter as I throw my arms out knocking them off me and I start fighting them hand to hand, I punch one hard enough it cracks then I kick another knocking it into two more those three break and I glare at the closest and want to grab it and a shadow whip forms in my hand and I swing it and cut the golem in half.

Shining runs over to me and puts a hand on my shoulder I almost punch him but stop myself in time. "You need to get it under control. I know Ed's dark impulses are influencing you but we're in the middle of a battle with allies around. Focus or change forms if you can't. Get it under control!"

I nod and rub my helmet. “Yeah sorry you’re right. As powerful as this form is it’s too uncomfortable.” I change back to my base form and reach for my buckle. “Thanks Shining, now let’s try this one out.” I pull out the blue samurai ranger key and get ready to morph.

Suddenly a crystal paladin charges in. It brings its halberd done knocking me and Shining back it locks on to me and rushes in but before it can reach me it falls into layered pieces in the snow. I looked on in shock and see a very fine set of shimmering threads in the air and trace the to a certain young drake.

"Ya need to pay closer attention on the battle field with so many enemies about, Red Devil," Spike commented as he retracts his string. "Diamond thread slice is the anything when pulled tight."

I roll my eyes and nod to spike. “Thanks for the save kid remind me to tell Ed to buy you a comic.” I then use the key to morph. “Go go samurai!” My morpher calls out ’Shinkenger’ before a Japanese kanji is drawn in front of me then it spins and flys up and falls onto me then thousands of the same symbol spin around my feet and traveled up my body changing me to the blue Samurai Ranger I pull out the sword and hold out a hand and a black box appears in my hand. “Just buy me a few minutes and I’ll be able to slide through them easily.”

"I’ll do one better," Spike smirked as to paladins came on him. He place either hand on the enemies and in a flash of purple they fill to dust. "I specialize in Mineral, Jewel, and gemstone transmutation." He remarked holding up his gloves to reveal special alchemy circles. "Taking these things apart is nothing. " Strings shot from his finger tips and then his pulled them tight slicing multiple opponents to pieces.

“Ok that is impressive anyway you could transmute the entire army all at once?” I ask him As I put the black box onto my sword and call out. “Super samurai mode!” And press a button a beam of light shoots into the air then forms a white sleeveless trench coat that then appears onto me posting my power even more.

“Alright lets do this!” I run forward and swing my sword and I slice through a group of them and I make my way through them cutting each one that gets too close down but when some stronger ones surround me I summon a disk and slide it onto my sword. “One chance leave or I will destroy you all.” I put my hand on the disk ready to spin it.

Shining punches the paladins transmuting them into pieces in the process. "They're golems, they won't stop unless the leader is stopped." He explains smashing more of the enemy forces.

I smirk in my helmet and spin the disk calling out. “Shogun Mode! Power of the Ancestors!” Blue energy swirls around me extremely fast and went to clears I am now wearing more powerful armor and look like a shogun. “Time to make a opening.”

I walk forward and take my sword and slash cutting through a large number of the golems making a opening for spike, shining and polearm. “Let’s move! I can’t keep this form going for long!”

A sudden whirlwind blew through tearing down the paladins as it. I saw it throw a spear nailing a wyvern bringing it down with a single blow. The snow cleared to reveal Polearm. "Man it feels good to fight at full strength for once." He smirked as he put his hand on the ground transmuting several pole weapons for downed paladins. "Come on guys," he remarked and threw more spears taking down several enemies.

'What kind of hell did this guy go through to get that strong!'

I take a step but fall to a knee and am forced to power down to my base form. “D-damn it that power is too much for me.” I look up at the golems running at me and fire my gun at them cracking them.

"Get up!" the guys said in unison.

"Ed trusted you with a sliver of his true power for a reason," Shining punished some of the golems to pieces and the transmuted them into projectiles at more golems.

"Shows what a Displaced can really do captain," Polearm sliced paladins apart with his naginata.

"Ed has faith you and so do we," Spike remarked as he wove hos threads. "He put his knights, his grandchildren, under you be because he trusts you to lead them. So on your feet."

I chuckle softly and stand back up and pant a bit then grip my sword and gun tighter. “Yeah I know all that and one thing about a power ranger,” I run towards a group of golems and blast the first three then front flip over them and swing my sword under their feet opening a portal and the fall through and reappear miles into the sky and crash onto another group near spike. “We never give up!”

Cliff side

"Class," Sombra snarled.

"Yes, master," Came a silent voice from behind Sombra as a pair of slit red eyes appeared.

"Target those four that led the charge, that one that changes forms specifically," Sombra looked out as more of his giant golems fell to the ground. "He will be a problem, if left unchecked. But as it stands he is already fatigued and the easiest to handle."

"As you command master," the eyes snickered with silent joy then vanished.

Back to Jolly Rodger

I look around me as more golems surround me i grit my teeth and swing my sword at the first one but get hit from behind knocking me into three more I grunt in pain as they start to beat me but I push my gun in one of their chests and fire breaking that one then swing my sword around cutting into their chests unfortunately it wasn’t enough to destroy them I look down and swing my sword making a portal and fall through and end up in the air above them and pull out another key.

“Time to use a classic. It’s morphin time, Tyrannosaurus!” I put the key in and turn it making my morpher call out ’Zyuranger’ before changing my suit into the red mighty morphin power ranger in a surge of red electricity, then I summon the power sword and front flip and land cutting two golems in half.

"kekeke..." came a wicked came a sinister cackle. "You can easily take down magic nullifying golems, even in your weakened stated. Kekeke..." the voice mocked me. "My master wants you dead. How though he left that up to me!"

I look around me till I spot a snake-like Chimera. I turn to face him this one is much smarter and seems to resemble a naga with a pony like head with reptilian eyes but scales instead of fur and I can see two sharp fangs poking out of his mouth, he also has a muscular upper body and a long snake tail with no legs. “Oh yeah? Well once I’m done with you your boss is next.”

I change back to my pirate form and aim my gun at him while tightening my grip on my sword, then he struck moving extremely fast I fire but miss and he uses clawed hands to cut across my chest sending me flying and sparks fly from my chest once I land in the snow and groan. ‘Great he is super fast guess I’ll have to change again.’ I think to myself as I reach for my belt.

"You’re the one who captured Brutus," cackled the snake cackled as he readied to start. "He wasn't all that smart but he had his uses. Tell me what did you do to him. My name is Class be the way."

I get up after I pull the key out of my belt buckle and hide the key in my fist. “I destroyed him completely turned him to ash.” I say in a hope to piss him off so he will make mistakes then I summon my morpher in my free hand.

"Oh no, we can't have that now can we," Class snickers as he shot forward and coiled around me immobilizing me. "I take it that this little weird thing is how you change. Well, can't let that happen," Class hissed as he took my morpher and three across the battlefield out of sight. "There, now I can kill you in with ease."

I struggle and growl getting my arms closer and hidden in his coils then summon my morpher back and slide the key in. “You think you can kill a ninja?” I smile and turn the key while coaling out. “Ninja Storm ranger form!”

My mother calls out ’Hurricaneger’ as blue energy covers me and forces his coils off and makes a small tornado around me as I change into the blue ninja storm ranger and before he could grab me again I sink into the snow. ‘Time to play dirty.’ I move around in the snow using my water ninja powers then fly up out of it behind him and cut his back with my sword.

"Got ya!" I smirked under my helmet as I saw Class hit the snow covered ground with a thud.

"KEKEKEKE!" The chimera laugh from his spot when as his tail was suddenly found itself wrapped around my ankle. He stared to fling me about. "You think that little tooth pick can break through my scales than you need more schooling what ever you are! I know," He let go only to wrapped his tail around my neck.

I dropped sword as I clutched at the tail gasping for air. I sneered at he cackling reptile. I was just too worn out from the Alchemy Ranger key. It took help from Shining using a key last time to beat one of these monsters. I didn't have the time to take it on alone right now and I was to far from the knights and the guys. Hell, I couldn't even call for help right now.

"What's wrong; no come back,"Class snickered. "Kekeke..." he picked up my sword and looked it over. "How about I keep it after I run you through with it. KEKEKE..." He reeled his arm back on pointed the tip of the weapon at my chest.

My eyes widen and I struggle more then get a idea and move my hand close to his face and summon my sonic fin a blue megaphone shaped like a Dolphins tail fin once it appears I bless him in the face point blank range for a sonic blast, the blast is also loud enough that I get Spik’s attention and he sees my situation.

“You bastard!" Class snarls as he shakes his head his tail still wrapped around my throat. "I'm going to enjoy swallowing you!" He squeezed harder.

"Not on your life lizard lip!" I heard Spike voice from behind Class. "Amethyst Dragon fist!" I fall to the ground as Class yelled out in pain. I looked up to see the chimera a light with purple flames. "You okay?" Spike asked as he pulled me to my feet.

"Now I am..." i wheezed out. "Thanks. How'd you do that?"

"That’s my Dragon Slayer magic, as much as I could muster after chomping a few gems down anyways," Spike huffed."All these golems around and I'm surprised I could use that much power. Don't ask if I can do it again cause I can't."

"I'll devour you both!" Class snarled at us finally having put the flames out.

I look down at the snow and get a idea and whisper to spike. “Can you still use your normal flame or even better use alchemy to turn a lot of this snow to water?” I ask before I blast my sonic fin at class again to keep him stunned.

"I can do the latter," Spike threw his hands out and purple electricity flashed turning the snow into steaming water. "I heated it so it won't freeze but it won't last long."

Edward watch for atop a smashed giant. "Come on you two, I need a lead to Sombra an you can give it to me." A silver ripple appeared next to him. "This will help and may give our ranger some more transformations." Edward walked over and pulled the massive sword from his vault reeled back and threw it to Spike and me.

I nod to spike and then quickly make a hand sigh and call out. “Power of water!” And make the water cover Class as much as I can but leave a bit leading to Spike hoping he gets the idea then I see the wild sword stab into the ground in front of me I look over to see Edward and nod then make a opening in the water around class’s chest.

Spike threw out some of his diamond strings and wrapped them around Class pulling them tight and with another flash of purple turned the water to ice. "I can't hold this long, This thing is really... strong!" Spike gritted his teeth as Class tried to free himself

“You won’t have to,” I summon my morpher and the alchemist ranger key and slide it in and morph into that form. “Equivalent exchange!” Once I’m changed and feel a surge of power and anger letting out a huge roar that gets everyone’s attention then I look at spike growling heavy. “If I lose control either knock me out or get Edward.” Then I walk forward and grab the sword pulling it out of the snow barely noticing five keys appearing around the sword and falling into the snow, then I growl at Class sending energy into the sword it starts glowing as I lift it over my shoulder. “Savage alchemic SLASH!” I roar and swing the sword horizontally sending a red energy slash towards class and it cuts right through his chest and keeps going slicing a squads worth of the golem army in half.

I let out another roar and look around for another target seeing only red. ̴̢̳̮̗̠͇̝͓̎̉̄̈͛͜͝͝“̴̮͕͕̱̤͉̺́̓̂̈́M̶̲̪̪͓̦̼̍̏̅͠ŭ̶͖̥͎̝ś̶̡͇̭͈̜̼̤̗̝̍̆̀̃͂̕͝t̴̡̻̳̠͉̥̔̋̀̕͝͠͝ ̶͚̦̭̗̗̼̬̈c̶̻͙͚̹̬̅̑̔͆̂r̸̠͍̾̓͋̔ų̸͓̃̃ś̷̢̞̹̰͈̠̳̰͇͋͐͒̈̆͌͘̚͝h̷̗̟͍̯̺͐̈́̂̾̆̈́̏͠,̶̻̒ ̸͓̀̇͑̂̏̒̿͠m̴̮̬̭̼̥̑̇u̵̧͖̭̠̗̗̠̻̬͆̈́̃̀̔͑̎̋š̵͍̤̬̿̽͆̿̀̉͘͝t̷͎̪̣̿͂̎̉̓͌͋͜͝ ̴̺̼̮̣͈͇̿̏̐͝͝͝ș̶̛͐͒̓̌͋m̶̜̝̫̐̑̐́͊̏͗̂a̶̢͍͙̲̭̰̝̮͓͂̋͒͛̋̓s̷̢̝̽͂h̷͉̀͋̋́̐̕͘͠,̶̖̙̽̾̈̔̓̉̄͠ ̷̞̯͚̩͕̌̍͜͝m̵̺͚̹̿͛̋̓̇̂̊̐̂̑ừ̵̡͇̟̙͍̥͐̽̐͘͠ș̷̺̼̭͔͉̟͛̋͑̑͝ţ̵̻̣̠͚̾͒͑͛ͅ ̷̫̟͌͌͘K̸̢̝̰͔͚̼̝̝̮͈̆̇̄̚͝I̶̲̫̻̍̏̿̔̚L̷̨̻̟͙̼̲̲͙̞̄̽̋̇̀͗̓̚L̸̺͓͕̻͎̻̦̿̉̏̒!̴̧̱̹̏”̵̧̹͌̋́̃́͗̽

"Master! Help me!" Class called out weakly.

"That thing is still alive!" Spike looked on in shock.

"Enough," Edward said as he came down from the sky and knocked me over the head and to the ground. I shook my head head returning to normal, normal enough.

I grown and revert back to pirate form. “Thanks Edward, that key takes a lot out of me and I’m almost out of strength.” I say as I look up at the monster struggle in the ice still as live but bleeding heavily.

“Edward I’m sorry but I think I’m done for now.” I sigh and look over at the keys that landed in the snow, then start picking them up.

“It's fine, that key is way more powerful than even I predicted. You can't maintain the proper mindset due to fatigue. Being close to me probably ups it influences as well," Edward walked over and held a hand up to me and it ignited in a green flaming energy. I was soon engulfed in it and started to feel much better. "But you've done more than enough. Rest."

"Master..." Class cried out.

"You will show me where you master is before you die of your wounds beast," Edward said coldly as he walked over and placed a hand over the chimera head. Class screamed out in pain. Edward suddenly gritted his teeth, ”SOMBRA!!!!!!!!!" Edward roared and crimson energy poured from his body in a column of red rage.

Thanks to Edward I have the strength to stand again and watch Edward as energy surges from him, I turn to Spike. “Thanks for the help.”

"This isn't good!" Spike said as he looked on.

Cliff Side

"The fool got himself killed, haha... not that I actually excepted that thing to when against one of Edward’s kind but it still fared much better than I originally thought," Sombra smirked. "If Edward and the Drake hadn't interfered then he would be dead. I can safely say that if i continue my research I'll be able to make the perfect army.

Suddenly a massive column of red light pierced through the clouds shock the Dark King.


"Hehe... loks like Class did one more unintended job," Sombra laughed. "Soon I will have the perfect body that not even alicorns can touch in terms of power and immorality. ”RAHAHAHAHA!"


I look back to Edward. “Yeah even I can feel how pissed he is. I think we should get the knights, Shining and Polearm and get back closer to the empire so we are out of his way.”

"Dude this is very bad," Spike said as he used his strings to slice apart golems. "Whatever he saw in that thing’s mind, may have sent him over the edge. I hope Malice doesn't come out."

Suddenly we felt shaking. I looked to the red column and saw a massive twelve foot tall demon clad in red armor and and a massive golden eye across it chest with the oroborus at the enter instead of a pupil. On its back was a set of silver and metallic red tipped feathered wings. from the creases in its armor leaked shadows and red sclereaed eyes. It head was a mass of shadows except fro a singular gold amber eye on the right and three red on the left with a maw of serrated teeth.

The beast let out a roar that shook everything. l looked at Spike out of the corner of my and the kid was shaking with pure terror but had tears of suddenness in his eyes.

I stare in awe at the fearsome looking monster and turn to Spike asking. “What the hell is that thing?”

"That's... Ed," Spike said with worried saddened tone as he backs away."

"Spike," the monster called out as he gaze was on us. "Get back to the Empire with the others. Twilight may need you. I'll be with Sombra, " he said with a deep hatred.

"Come on Rodger, we need to now!" Spike paniced.

“Right,” I say still shocked that this monster is Edward. “Kill him Edward but don’t lose yourself or you’ll make them cry.” I point at the empire then I turn and start running. “Spike do you have a way to signal a retreat?”

"Just one," he remarked as he ran. He pulled out one of the spools of diamond thread and to my amazement, ate it. Taking a deep breath I was shocked by what happen next, "ALL FORCE RETURN TO THE EMPIRE! THE CRIMSON BUTCHER HAS RETURNED! I REPEAT, RETREAT!" Spike yelled out with a booming voice as purple flames carried out his orders. "That's all I got!" Spike said as we ran and met up with Polearm and Shining Armor.

I nod and run faster glad we could tell them to run but I still shoot my gun at the golems as we run till we get between the golem army and the empires shield I look around seeing a large number of knights and polearm and shining.

“Hey good to see you two made it back.” I say out of breath as I bend over with my hands on my knees. “Edward turned into thing huge thing we need a plan.”

"The plan is get the knights back to the Empire," Shining cut in. "They're just about spent. Ed is another story all together. "Did he really trans from into that thing again Spike?"

"It's gotten worse since you last saw it Shining, evolve more" Polearm added. "Hey red," He looked at me.

"What?" I huffed.

"You got some kind of way we can get the knights back quickly?" Polearm asked. "That can be here yesterday and loaded instantly?" He smashed a golem with his bare fist.

'Again, this Guy's strength level is insane, and the magic is mostly caught off here. WHAT DID HE DO TO GET THIS STRONG?!'

I take a deep breath and stand up. “There is my flying ship but if I summon it you’re gonna keep Edward off my ass; deal?” I tell him as I fire at the golems feet making them trip over each other.

"I don't think he'll mind at the moment," Pole said sending more golem flying into pieces like buck shot into their counterparts. "If you save the Knights he'll be very grateful. Beside, he never said what you were a captain of so leave it to their imaginations. We'll cover you while they load up."

Spike and Shining nodded in agreement.

I sigh and hold my hand up. “Gokai Galleon!” After calling for it a huge hole in reality opens over us and my ship comes flying through at full size, it is a large red galleon ship with a sword blade on the tip of the bow, it also has four rocket engines on the stern and has the gokaiger logo on a flag flying in the crows nest I quickly jump miles up and land on my ship and rush inside running past everything to the control room and lower it next to everyone and open the loading bay door and speak over a intercom. “ Get your wings on board and hold on.”

I watch as they start coming but I also see the army getting closer so I aim three side Canons at them and fire taking out the front line and slowing them down.

"Come on guys lets use our combined alchemy to make walls that'll keep them back.," Spike said clenching hi sfist.

"Yea," the other two agreed.

The three alchemist stood in a triangle around my ship and in the next second did the individual things. They did weird gestures and then slammed their hand on the ground and in a giant combination of blue, white, and purple electricity. giant Ice walls came from the ground. They were at least a mile high and thick in every direction. Too thick to punch though and too tall to simple climb up and over.

I nod to myself and speak over the intercom. “Good work now get inside with the others. Once your onboard I’m taking us up and into the city.” I look over the controls and move as if I know how to fly it and get the ship ready to fly.

In the Distance I could make out the monstrous form of Edward tearing through the golem army with ease. I then saw giants coming in even in this monster state there was no way Edward could take them all on, or so I THOUGHT. There was an eruption of red and I saw a four armed energy skeleton form around Edward then is grew tissue and become a giant slightly bigger the the ones that were coming, its left leg was sliver along with its right arms up to the shoulder.

I glupped. "Just what in hell is this battle becoming?"

I checked to see and am glad when I see everyone on board so I close the cargo door and start flying up out of the walls and it’s then that Shining, Spike, and Polearm come into the control room. “Great; you’re here. Spike; take navigator, “I point to a console In front of me on a lower part of the room. “Shining left side canon controls,” I point to the left at another console. “And finally Polearm; right side cannons, I point at yet another console on my right. “We are gonna fly near the army once take out as many as you can, and before you argue first I’m the captain of this ship; second we can’t risk those things learning how to get over your walls and third it will help Edward.”

Suddenly there was A LOT OF turbulence. I hear on the winds, a roar of pain, anger, and sorrow. It shook the very mountains and shattered many of the smaller golems of the army the army.

"Oh no," I heard Spike.

"GET US OUT OF HERE NOW!" Pole demaned.

I nod my head and quickly turn the ship to the empire and turn the engines up to flying speed and we rocket forward and in a few minutes we fly through the Barrier and I quickly stop the ship right next to the crystal castle I look to Spike. “Go find Twilight and help her,” I then look to polearm. “Check on the knights and keep them in my cargo bay for now,” then I look to Shinning and say. “Come with me I’m taking you to your wife then getting some Pegasi to help get the knights that can’t fly down to the ground.”

I set the ship to idle over the city and then get up and walk to the air lock and open the door and wait for shining.

Cliffside third P.O.V.

"Hahahaha!" Sombra laughed.

"Sombra, what've... you done?" Celestia demanded as she groggily awoke in her shadow bubble and looked around. "Luna?" She looked off to the right and saw her sister and the other alicorn seemed to register as she started to move. Celestia moved in the other direction to see the children.

"Sister?" Luna held her head. "Rraa... where are we?"

"The Far Frozen north," came Sombra as he turned to the royals. "A cliff overlooking a battle outside MY Empire." he snickered. "That though had had many unintended results, has still yielded what I desire of it."

There was a huge rumbled as shaking roar as a large red giant battled other giants. The alicon sisters looked and saw their husband in his monster form inside the red giant fight the others. He cried out in rage, sorrow, and pain as fought those that came upon him.

"What've you done to him?!" Luna beat on the bubble scowling at the umbra pony with a sorrow filled tone as tears fell from he eyes.

"Edward," looked at the man she loved.

"I did nothing to that thing," Sombra snickered. "It's was he saw."

"I demand to know what you did," Celestia slammed her fist. 'Damn this. If we only had our magic,' Celestia thought as she grit her teeth.

"I simply implanted a few false memories in one of my Chimera, Class," Sombra turned to the sisters. "See I implanted in Class's mind that I had turned you two and the alicorn children into obsidian." He chuckled

"Why haven't you?' Celestia scowled as tears slowly dripped off her cheeks.

"Mainly because I CAN'T," Sombra said dryly. "The curse requires a lot of magic just to do it one and I've used up most of what this body had already to take you two down. If i wait for about a day I can petrify one of you in a day or so."

"You said 'this body'," Luna said with venom. "Now I understand how you survived all these years."

"Umbra Black Magic: Life Essence Transference," Sombra snickered. "No matter how hard you try there is always some forbidden knowledge that seems to elude you both."

"Now I fully understand," Celestia hung her head. "You planned to try and take over Ed's body."

"Yes, I an immortal all powerful body that never dies, regenerates, and can directly manipulate magic," Sombra laughed. "But in order to do that I had to break his mind completely, so I could take the body."

"YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU HAVE DO!" Celestia roared in anger as tears streamed down her face. "Ed was the only one to keep his darker self in check, now if his mind is gone then..."

"RARARARARARAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Came a bone chilling laugh from the red giant. "I'M FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"We're all doomed," Luna hung her head.

"Maybe not Luna," Celestia looked to the crystal Empire. "We still have Twilight and the others." She placed a hand on her stomach. "And when they find the heart, then we have to reach Ed."

Back to Rodgers P.O.V.

Shining finally gets into the airlock with me and I close the inner door and start the process to open the outside door when shining asks. “Why do you have two doors to leave your ship?”

“ It’s an airlock, Basically a small room in which you’re able use to leave your ship while in space without letting all the air out from your ship.” I answer him as the outer door opens I take him out onto the deck Then over to the side I grab his arm and say. “Hold on.”

I then jump down lifting him with me and fall a few feet over onto the balcony and set him down and pat his back. “Let’s go find your wife.”

"Cady should still be in the throne," Shining said. "If not there then the balcony."

"Let's go," I said as we rushed off.

We ran as fast as they could and soon reached the throne room, where Cadance was slumped in the throne holding her head. Even though her powers were being greatly amplified by the Sage Stone of Love she looked very similar to how she did when the others had first arrive.

"Cady," Shining rushed to his wife.

She looked at him and then to me knowing Shining wouldn't give her an honest or straight answer due to concern and fear. "What's going... on out there?"

I step forward and sigh before saying. “I don’t know the full story but I heard spike say the crimson butcher has returned.” I watch her horrified expression then I turn to Shining. “I’ll try to help where I can but remember to have your men here go get the knights out of my ship and to tell everyone it’s...” i tilt my head think then snap my fingers. “It’s for a air show later that should keep them calm.” After the i turn around as I head the door open and see a upset Polearm walk in.

"The knights are working their way off your ship now,"Polearm looked around. "Twilight isn't back yet. Damn it!" he slammed his fist in the walls sending cracks straight through it the other side based off the noise. "Why? How did this all go so... wrong."

I cross my arms and decide while Edward is busy fighting Sombra I should help Twilight. “Shining help the knights, keep your wife happy and the citizens calm,” I look to polearm. “And you come with me we are going after twilight and spike.” I start walking to the staircase going down into the Pitt.

"He's right," Polearm huffed. "Twi needs help." He followed me down and that's when I asked about what the hell went down out there and why.

As we walk down the stairs I ask polearm. “So mind filling me in on what the hell is happening out there? I have an idea of two that I can do to help but I need as much information as I can get.” I pay attention to the steps and see a broken step that polearm was about to step on but I stop him and point it out then we continue walking.

"Hmmm...." He looked down and stepped over the step. "I can't really fill you in on any specific about but lets just say Ed has had a bit of a personal demon problem stemming from his own emotional turmoil and the collective hatred of millions of souls in side his body. Though many don't hate him anymore that doesn't stop what's already been done." He sighed. "I was overjoyed when I met the legendary Crimson King, my ancestor, and the more I learned about the more admiration I felt but with that also came pity. Ed has been through over fifteen thousand years of of life and amassed many powers and much knowledge but at the end of the day though his body is mortal he's still a man with a mortal soul."

“Damn that man has the worst and best luck.” I shake my head and think things over as we walk for a while, then I speak up. “Edward is huge right now if it comes down to it, we can go the Steven universe route and use one of my megazords to hold him down and tell him how much you guys care about him, we don’t need to beat him physically we need to help him emotionally, once we find Spike; ask him to send a letter to the princesses I’m sure their voices will help snap him back to normal.”

After I finish explaining I look at Polearm and see what his response is, but while I’m watching him I hit my head on a torch and rub my head and grumble.

"His family is the only thing he will listen to in his current state unless Malice is in control then we just have yell at him to come back," Polearm sighed. "And hold down Ed is like stopping and unstoppable spear. He wasn't even using his Susanno's full form. There's no telling how powerful he is when his like this. I've heard some of the other Displaced say it would take nothing short of an extremely powerful and will seasoned Void Dweller take him on"

I nod and say. “Right well here’s the plan, help Twilight get the heart, then we contract the princesses and help Edward.” I say then look down and see we are close to the bottom and I see both Spike and Twilight staring at a open door. “Don’t look at the open door.”

I tell Polearm then jump down keeping my eyes down and reach for the door but I flick my eyes up as I’m closing the door and feel magic enter my mind and the next thing I know I’m back in Ponyville but it’s destroyed and I see the ponies in chains with putties and other monsters guarding them I grit my teeth and shake my head trying to snap out of it but I can I grant and reach into my pockets for my morpher and keys when I find them I pull them out but they fall apart and turn to dust in my hands.

Inside Edward's mind

Edward was in his inner realm on his knees. There was only a vast torrent of swirling red around the alchemist, not souls but negative emotions. Nothing but his own voice and the voice of Malice could be heard from the surrounding area. Images of seeing Sombra laughing while turning his family to stone whirled around the alchemist continuing to drive him into the depths of despair. Then images of his past during the war of Cybertron started to appear with the images that he received from the Chimera Class.

"YOU COULDN'T PROTECT THEM... " Came Malice's multi-toned evilness from everywhere.

"I failed...." Edward said to himself.


"Couldn't save them..."


"I failed again..."


"They're gone... because I failed them..." Ed stood up.


"Sombra..." Ed muttered as he felt a surge of rage shoot through him. "Sombra... SOMBRA... SOMRA!!!!!!!!!" Edward roared in fury. "KILL SOMBRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


"DESTROY IT ALL!" Edward raged under the anger and the influence of Malice who created false images of Sombra for Ed to tear apart. He punched them completely obliterating his arms in the process. One after another they doubles appeared and the alchemist destroyed them blinded by his own fury,

"RAAAAAAAAAA!" He raged and fueled his demon with power and the beast gladly accepted.

On the outside Malice destroy the army for fun as the came at him. The Susanoo had started to change and was now fully clad in armor.

Back under the Empire
Polearm's POV

I stood there staring at Rodger wondering what was going on. He'd grabbed a hold of the door knob and was shutting it but just before he closed it he froze in place. It's like Twi and Spike there where both just standing arond here not moving. The only think is that this door was enchanted as some type of magical trap by Sombra.

Placing a palm on the door with out looking I used the skills that Ed taught me and and infused and covered my body with a protective layer of magic while I analysed the door. Sure enough it was enchanted with a spell to make any who looked into experience there worst nightmares.

"Gods, I've got to break the others free," looked to Twilight, Spike and then Rodger. "First we shut this," he finished close the door careful not to look then moved Rodger back. "Now I 'll see what can do to get them free."

"Lets see," I said as I layed the three on the ground. "I could just punch them in the gut to try and snap them out of it but I don't think that'll work out at all. Come on Pole think," I tapped the side of my head to brainstorm. "If I were a unicorn I might be able to cast a counter spell. I can't use any magic other than raw magic to strength my body or talent magic. Come on there has to be something. What would Ed do?"

A thought then came to his mind, "He would use read the flow of the flow of the curse. I have its frequency already so in theory I just have to follow it into there minds. Here it goes."

I lite my fingers with my inner magic and placed my hand around Spike's head. He was being tormented about being abandoned by, just about everypony around him. He looked up to Ed and he turned his back on him. Twilight said she didn't need him. I, the fake me, said we weren't friends and worst of all Rarity out right dumped him because he wasn't royalty anymore.

I started to feel him stir and then hi shot up taking in a breath of air, "No... don't leave me!" Spike cried out as he looked around with tears form in his eyes.

I grabbed his shoulders. "It's okay Spike, it was the effects of a curse. No ponies is going to leave you," I calmed him placing a hand on his head.

He looked over and saw Twilight and Roger on the ground. "They got it too?"

"Yea, and need to do Twi now, As soon as you're feeling in one piece send a letter to the princesses about Ed," I told him and he nodded.I turned to Twi. "I hope you're not to far gone yet," I prayed.

I placed my fingers on Twilight's head just as I'd done with Spike and started to trace the curse's magic through her mind and it was much stronger than the one Spike had been under. She must've came under the its influence well before came down and found her.

"Where are you Twi?" I asked as I traced the curse's magic through my marefriend's mind.

"You failed Twilight!" I heard Celestia yell. "Now Cadance and your brother are gone and it's all your fault!"

"You failed me as an apprentice and as part of this family Twilight!" I heard Ed's voiced seathing with anger.

"Why? You were supposed to save the Empire not help destroy it!" Luna said coldly.

"But I ... I... no this ... I " Twilight cried in sorrow.

"We banish you from these lands..." The three of the royals said in unison.

i then hear my voice. "You are banished Twilight Sparkle and deemed unworthy to raise a child. Nyx is now under my care solely. You are to be escorted away and will not so much as ever speak her name again!"

"What?!" I hard Twilight cry in horror. "No, she's our daughter Pole, my biological daughter! You can't do this!"

"I can and have under the order of the crowns of Equestria," I heard myself say slamming a boot down. "Take her away!" I heard marching and shackles.

"No, no, no Nyx!" Twilight cried out.

"MOMMY! NO! DADDY YOU CAN'T LET THEM TAKE HER AWAY!" Nyx cried out to the fake me. My heart was breaking I knew this wasn't real but it hurt just as much as if it were.

"Corporal," my voice came.

"Sir," I heard a guard.

"Take my daughter to Canterlot and have placed under surveillance under suspicion of conspiring with the known criminal Twilight Sparkle on the guard of over throwing the crown," I ordered and heard a salute.

"Daddy no please don't! MOMMY!" Nyx cried again.

"I HAVE ENOUGH!" I roared racing through the images till I found my girl and brought her back to reality.

Twilight's eyes shot open and gripped me in a tight hug. "Please Pole don't... don't make me leave... don't take our little girl away from me!" she begged.

'Damned Curse! Sombra you Evil Fuck!'

"It's alright Twi," I stroked her hair. "I'd never do anything like that. I'd rather be sent to Tartarus then be separated from you or Nyx. She needs us. I'd fight Ed if it meant keeping us together."

"Really?" She pulled back and looked at me with red tear soaked eyes.

I did what i had to, I kissed her. "Yes." I said pulling back. "Now don't miss with that door and calm your nerves. I have to dive into Rodger's mind and pull him out. You compose yourself. We need you."

"K," She wiped her eyes.

"Now," I turned to Rodger and repeated my process again to find Ponyville in flames over run with strange grey creatures and other monstrosities. "Where are you? RODGER!" I called out.

I then see him using a wooden plank to fight off some of those gray creatures he is bruised and bloody but continues to fight so oddly he isn’t wearing his costume then a beam of energy shoots past me and hits the ground behind him and explodes, he turns and looks the yells out in anger. “NOooooo!”

There where the past hit are three fillies, Apple Bloom, SweetieBelle and Scootaloo laying dead and burned, Rodger yells in anger and kicks one of the gray creatures but the rest grab him and hold him down and that’s when I see someone Walk up but this person is wearing Rodger’s costume but it seems darker and he chuckles.

“Well well well seems we got ourselves a rebel, I’ll tell you what I told Zedd,” he kneels down and outs the devise that Rodger uses as a weapon to Rodgers head. “This world is mine.” Then the suit disappears and i see the evil ruler here is Rodger but he looks sickly with black veins along his neck and face.

I use my talent magic create spear and throw them at the evil version of Rodger, impaling him and pinning him to the ground. "I don't what kind of sick delusion this is but I know one thing for sure," I walked over the the crying Rodger. "You're a hero; not a villain. Rodger remember what you are and what you've done and have to do. You're a hero Rodger how do you know; you save ponies, your world needs you. Are you going to let one sick fuck's curse ruin everything you stand for with lies?"

Rodger lifts his head and sees me then looks around his eyes widening them he nods and stands up the gray creatures holding him down disappearing and flashing red light is back in his costume. “You’re right. No way will I become him thanks Polearm now let’s go get that heart!”

Rodger’s P.O.V.

I open my eyes to see we are back in the crystal empire I groan and sit up rubbing my head. “Damn even knowing what I was seeing wasn’t real it sinks into you makes you believe it the longer you’re there.” I stand up and thank polearm then pull my gun out and aim at the doors crystal.

"You think that'll let us through?" Spike asked as Pole helped Twilight to her feet. "Sent a message to Mom and Aunt Luna but haven't heard back yet."

"Let's see what's on the other side of this hell hole of a trap," Twilight said pissed off, kicking the door in. She walked through and let out a frustrated grumble. "Evil bastard, more fucking stairs!"

I walk through the door and look up then we start walking up the stairs and then I lean over to whisper to Polearm. “Think i should give her a hint?”

"Try and she'll deck you into next week," Polearm deadpanned. "You're a Displaced, so you should know how Twilight can be when it comes to things, especially tests. She passed Ed's but can she pass Celestia's, the pony she looks up to the most. She'd never get over it and trust me, it's not a good idea to get on her bad side right now. She rarely cusses like that. That curse was hard on her and nearly broke her completely, she woke up balling and hugging me."

I nod and sigh. “Right I’m guessing this version of her had it a LOT harder then the version I know did.” I say as we continue to walk up the stairs then I get a idea and turn to spike. “Spike how can you send letters to anyone or just celestia?”

“Anyone as long as long as I know there name and face," Spike looked out as we felt rumbling and the filed gave a slight flicker. "Why?"

“Just wondering how it works and trying to pass the time while we while up this staircase.” I then point up at the floor above us trying to give him a hint. “Also mind be a good idea to message Shining to see if he got the knights off my ship safely.”

"I mean I CAN but he can't send anything back," Spike waved his hand. "Not that he doesn't now the spell its just that he's not very good at it."

"Urgh!" Twilight growled. "I'm through with this bullshit! Get your asses over here now!" We complied and Twilight cast a reverse gravity spell on from her horn and we were soon sliding up the stair case.

I smirk and position my feet as if I am on a skateboard. “Good thing I used to ride a skateboard when I was a kid!” I laugh as we are speeding up the stairs now and after about ten minutes we reach the top and Twilight fixes our gravitational force.

“Ok by the look of things we are at the very top of the tower.” I say as I’m looking out across the city and see my ship a bit below us.

"There’s the heart," Spike pointed to the Crystal heart floating in the middle of the room. He rushed over to get it.

I grab Spike by his tail to stop him and just in time but then Twilight steps into the circle to grab the crystal heart and the floor below her flashes black then black crystal walls shoot up out of the ground but thankfully Twilight was fast enough to get the heart out of the circle.

“Twilight are you alright?” I ask while pointing out the heart to spike.

"I'm fine and I'm sick of the crap!" Twilight yelled out.

"Calm down Twi and think," Polearm said as Spike grabbed the heart. "Is there some way out?"

"You're right," Twilight took a deep breath and tried to teleport out but was pulled back in. "What is this?"

“If I’d have to guess a trap made by Sombra to keep anyone lucky enough to find the heart trapped till he can get to them and punish them.” I say with my arms crossed and then I notice the crystal growing outward and I grab Polearm’s shoulder and pull him back.

“What’s the plan Twilight?” I ask her hoping she has one while I keep polearm and spike away from the black crystals.

"Let's me see," Twilight said as she grumbled. "Maybe..."

I back up more and look between the black crystals trapping Twilight and the edge of the floor that leads outside and a very high fall. “Polearm; if your girlfriend gets me killed I’m going to be the most annoying ghost you can imagine.” I whisper to him.

“Ed said i could start to use it," Twilight said to herself a little off put by her train of thought. She didn't sound very confident in whatever the hell she was talking about. "What if his test wasn't only to look for the truth with the truth be the truth within myself.

I blast the crystals at our feet and call out. “Don’t mean to rush you but we need to do something the crystal is still growing our here!”

Twilight placed her hands on of of the crystals surrounding her. "Come on Twilight Edward put his faith in you, its now or never" She called out and then I saw it. Like Ed had done earlier I saw shimmering strings appear and come of the crystal as it was deconstructed. As soon as Twilight was free of the trap the other Crystal stopped growing. "That... was... really... tough..." Twilight fell to her knees. Spike transmuted a clean path for us and Polearm rushed to Twilight while Spike gave her the Heart.

"We... need ... to... get... this... to the... base of... the... tower..." Twilight huffed.

Polearm picked her up bridle style, "We'll get you there Twi, I caring you the whole way. and Before you say it's your test I'm not taking it. I'm just letting you rest and lean on me," he winked.

Cliffside over the Battlefield

"I never imagined he'd be this powerful," Sombra laughed as he raised his hands up. "As soon as that body is mine I CAN CONQUER THE WORLD! RAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"Sombra you have to stop this now!" The sister said in unison.

"It isn't Ed in control of his body any more," Luna cried.

"That’s Malice, a souls mass of negative emotion born out of hate for Edward from the souls in body," Celestia explained. "It's goal is nothing more than the utter ravage the world and consume all living souls."

"Then it well serve me well," Sombra laughed as red lightning shot to the red armored giant. "Come my new body! Be mine!" Black smoke came from Sombra as his old body slumped over on the ground, dead.

The sisters soon found themselves freed from their shadowy prisons. They rushed to the children who'd also been freed from Sombra's hold during his lapse of control.

"How are they sister?" Celestia looked at Luna as she held Nyx in her arms.

"Shaken and scared but otherwise they appear fine, though I don't think they'll wake up anytime soon," Luna let out a sigh of relief as she held her children in her arms. "We must get out of the cold, they won't last long in this stated."

"Agreed, but we can't teleport with out our magic and the winds are far to strong to fly," Celestia nodded. "Then there's that," she turned her head.

There was now a massive crystal behemoth fight with the full Susano.

"It doesn't seem like Malice can access all of Eds powers, though he is getting stronger," Luna looked up.

"We must get them out of the snow," Celestia looked to the now shivering children in their arms. "They won't last much longer in this winds."

"Perhaps I can help," came the voice of someone new.

"Who are you? Another one of Sombra's experiments," Luna clutched her children tightly to her body shielding them with her wings as Celestia did the same with Nyx

The owner of the voice appeared cloaked in a tatter brown hooded cloaked. The sisters could feel a great magical power coming from him, one that natural and for to great to be anything that had been artificially made with Sombra's second rate alchemagic. The could make out a white horn under his hood and and clock there wear signs of a glittering silver mane and tail sticking out. As he moved they heard the clopping of hooves on snow. The duo looked down to see he had hooves instead of feet. They also heard the clanking of what sounded like armor under his cloak as he moved. He also had a bit of a muzzle stick out from his hood and a coat of white fur matching his horn.

The stranger looked at the battle. "I must get you all to the Empire..." the stranger said in a saddened tone as he lit his horn in a silver magic and the five ponies vanish.

At the top of the crystal spire Rodgers P.O.V.

I smirk impressed with Twilight then walk over to the edge of the tower and look down saying. “Polearm how good are you at jumping? Because I could give you guys keys to become rangers then we can just jump down the my ship below.” I point at it.

"Yea...no," Polearm deadpanned. "I may be strong but that doesn't mean I stupid either. I'm not jumping off the Spire, especially with Twi in my arms. "

"I could transmute a slide down to the balcony," Spike suggested.

I shrug and start leaning forward. “Hey i was just offering you the fast way down see ya down there!” With that I fall forward and flip landing on my ship then jump down to the ground not hurt at all striking I wave up at the top of the tower where I can barely see them.

"Ed's right; you're an ass," Polearm said from behind me suddenly.

"How did we just get here?" Spike said dazed.

I noticed that there was a cloaked pony behind the others.

Not knowing if they work for Sombra I put a hand on my swords handle but do not fully grab it. “Who are you?” I ask them as I step between polearm and the unknown pony.

"Worry not red ranger, I am here to help," He spoke in a cool voice but sharp tongue.

I could tell he wasn't from this world once I got closer as I could see he was clear more pony than human. I felt a he had great magical power, which explain how he was able to get everyone so quickly.

"We must get the heart in place, but it must be Twilight Sparkle that puts it there," The mystery pony said. "Everypony is under the Spire now. We must hurry."

“Right...you heard him Polearm get Twilight and the heart to the bottom of the spire.” I start running and keep looking at the mystery pony as he runs with us.

We come across literally everyone, even the princesses are hear with, children? I have to say the look a lot worse off than any pony and they had black crystal on their horns similar to Shining.

Polearm set Twilight on her feet and she steadily made her way to the alter. I looked at Cadance and she was looking worse than ever, though the stone Edward gave her was glowing ever more brightly then when it was given to her. Just what is going to happened once the Heart is in place to amplify the love of this place?

The field flickered and we all saw two massive giants battling one another in the distance. The ponies started to panic and ran in all directions shouting "HE'S BACK!" At the top of there lungs.



The crowd erupted in cheer and knelt down as Twilight placed the heart on the pedestal and everything went up in a blinding light as the Heart spun and the Stone around Cadance's neck glowed and worked in tandem with each other amplifying the magic.

I looked to the field flicker one last time and saw once of the giant form fall to paces with a lot of black smoke. I looked around and everypony looked like living crystal but the must shocking thing was the Twilight had wings.

‘The hell?! She got her wings earlier then normal; hope Edward doesn’t blame me for this.’ I think then I pat Polearm’s shoulder and tell him. “I’m gonna go try to find Edward I’ll be fine out there you stay with Twilight and also congratulations you’re now dating royalty.” Smirking I start running to the edge of the city. ‘Don’t worry Edward I’m coming.’

"You must stop," The cloaked pony threw his arm in front of me.

I slide to a spot and stare at him. “If you have a plan then tell us. If you didn’t know Edward is in trouble.” I tell him and point out to the battlefield.

"That isn't Ed anymore," Came Celestia from behind me.

"It's Malice who's in control," Luna added in a hurt tone.

I turn to face them a bit upset at them. “So what!? We find a way to kick his ass and out Edward back in the drivers seat!” I look at then and then to their kids and get a idea. “What’s the one thing Edward loves most in this world?”

"His family," The mystery pony said.

"Alright, I've had enough mystery mister pony guy who are you exactly," I rushed over and pulled off his cloak.

There standing in front of use was stallion with a pure white coat, flowing sparkling silver mane and tail, a white horn and wings with silver tipped feathers. He was wearing a set of steel armor with a white diamond on a golden shield. His catching feature were his eyes, they were a radiant gold.

‘Ok he definitely wasn’t in the show that just leave either form a different Equestria or he is a artificial Alicorn made by Sombra ... but then why would he be helping us?’ I think to myself as my hand rests on my gun but I don’t act just yet.

"My name is Bright Stone, I am here to help you you bring my father back from his despair," He said calmly but with warmth and worry.

“Father?” We all ask simultaneously with different levels of shock some mild surprise like me, to pure Dumbfoundment from the princesses. “Right...well if you have a plan tell us already.”

"There is only one thing we can do to stop him," Bright Stone took his cloak from me and threw it back on leaving his hood down. "The Spear of Longinus. If we couple the spell with everypony here's help we could snap father from his despair long enough to show and tell him that you are all okay."

"How do you even know about that Spell," Celestia gritted her teeth.

"I was inform by the one known as Truth when he pulled me here from my world," Bright said nonchalant.

"How is Edward your father? I know he's had children in the past with others but he never mentioned an alicorn before." Luna scowled. "And I know husband is not an unfaithful man."

There was a sudden crack and explosion heard from the throne room.

"It would seem the other Princess is free," Bright Stone looked at me.

“What, why are you staring at me?” I ask him with my arms crossed. “Also I don’t know if I can even use that spell it sounds like it takes a lot of magic and I’ve only had mine for,” I tap my chin. “About two days I suppose.”

"Can you pilot that strange train that brought you?" Bright Stone asked me with a hopeful tone as Celestia rushed to the throne room.

I tilt my head back and forth. “I can yes is it part of your plan?” I ask as I look over and see celestia run off.

"The Spear of Longinus is a holy sealing spell create through the conjoined power of Celestia and Luna when they wiled the weapons of my father that the both represent for him," Bright Stone explained. "It requires them to wield his keyblade and diisword and summon a massive lance the must be launched directly at him. If I channel my magic into that machine while in it humanoid form do you think you can make sure the lance meets its mark?"

I think it over and nod. “Yeah I think I can though it will be hard especially if he sees me coming, but I won’t leave when Edward needs help.”

"We will have but one chance as the spell is extremely taxing and can't be cast multiple," Bright Stone sighed.
"I wish I could've' met him under better circumstances." Celestia soon returned with a taller unicorn, a very pretty one. I then recognized her as Princess Amore, could the outburst of magic have freed her.

I subconsciously wave at Princess Amore as I think about what’s going to happen then I look to bright stone. “Would it fuck up your plan if I had two megazords, someone else guiding a second one but not actually in it while I use the crimson streak?”

"It's to risky," Bright looked at me. "He must be focus on one opponent."

"Don't forget Ed can make multiple copies of himself," Luna said as the guards tended to the children.

I sigh and rub my faceplate. “Right damn ok I’ll do my best how long does it take for you all to change that spell?” I ask as I get the red mystic force key out of my belt buckle.

"It will take us an hour to charge the spell once our magic returns," Luna said summon a dual handled scythe keyblade. "Once our magic is back then we can start, but that will take some time as well."

"Father's body has currently stopped moving. Think the magic outburst was much more powerful than he'd originally intended,"Bright Stone looked around. "He is frozen in place while his body repairs itself. Though he is immune to Equestrian magic he is not entirely weakness. I remember him saying once that he is immune but Malice is not, meaning his body loses much of this immunity when the demon takes over, though he does not know this."

“Hmm it could be that his magic immunity is down to his very souls so when Malice takes over it’s a different soul driving so to speak, and seeing as we have time I have a plan to add to yours,” I turn to face the princesses. “I need a recording of all of you calling out to him, not for him to save you but for you to save him, if that makes sense.”

“My idea is I play the recording while I’m fighting him and trying to hold him down the sound of your voices should give Edward the strength to fight malice enough to slow him down physically so I can finish him off.” I say to them all thinking it’s a smart plan.

“I... want.... to help," Princess Amore said. "Ed has been there for... me I love him just as much as... I love Tia here," she placed a hand on Celestia's. "I know.... Sombra... wasn't in.... his right state of mind... and had to be stopped... And I'm glad Ed didn't do it. It... would've... hurt him... more... if i .... can help... bring him back... then I WANT TO HELP!"

I smile seeing how much she cares for Edward I nod and say. “Well there are two ways you can help the first is adding your voice to the recording and the second is make sure you are ready to give him a big hug once I bring him back.” I say with a smile even though she can’t see it and give her a thumbs up.

"In the meantime you should rest," Celestia placed a hand on Amore's shoulder.

"Right..." she weakly agreed. "Though I must ask.... who's children are these? Your's and Eds Luna?"

"Yes, Solar Eclipse and his older sister Morning Star are mine an Ed's. We call them our Twin Stars," Luna giggled as she took her sleeping children in her arms.

"This one is mine," Twilight said as she picked up Nyx trying her best to balance with her new wings.

The alicorn filly slowly woke up and slowly opened her eyes ," Momma... MOMMA!" Nyx hugged her mother desperately. "I was so scared that that mean stallion would hurt us, but i knew you'd save us," She let out and excited gasp. "Mom... you have wings!"

I noticed Bright Stone was heading out of the area and decided to follow him. I wanted some answers.

Once the two of us are far enough away from them I call out. “Ok I need more answers how are you Edward’s son? Where are you from? How do you know so much and how do I know your telling the truth?”

“You can believe what you want," Bright Stone looked at e with his burning golden eyes. "i WILL DO WHAT i must to save my father with or with out your help. " I started to reach for my blaster. "But if you really want answers I'll given to you," he sighed. "You know my father has the skill to manipulate the very magic around us yes?"

“Yes I saw him do it once before, what about it?” I ask him as I watch his movements to make sure he doesn’t try to attack me.

"He can create artifacts called Sage Stone, similar to the one Princess Cadance now wears are her neck," He said as he paced and gestured. "These can differ on what he needs them to do. Well in a galaxy far away during the time of war, the War of Cybertron he create a Mind Stone and gave it to a Displaced that was called Optimums Prime in order to shield the autobot leader's mind form the evil Quintessa." He looked up to the sky.

I nod following along and starting to relax a bit as I listen to him explain.

"Thanks to the stone having been linked some how to the other artifact Optimus had known as the Matrix of Leadership," Bright Stone took a deep breath. "It gain a form of conscious thought from the knowledge of the past primes and thanks the experiences it went through with Optimus, a Displaced known as Pyro, and its creator Edward it gained a soul."

I start to piece it together but I decide to let him finish as i do I also put the key in my hand into a pocket.

"Well the stone did it's job and did it well, but Edward did name it as he felt it deserved one and he grew to love it as his son," Bright Stone continued. "He named the Stone Stone Elric. Eventually the war came to ahead and Optimus was captured and brought to Quintessa, who ripped Stone from Optimus's body and proceed to murder him. The last thing he did was give Optimus a fighting chance before he was crushed."

“And I’m guessing you are somehow that stone.” I guess while pointing at him.

"Yes, some how I was reincarnated in another Equestria as Bright Stone," He said gratefully. "I was born as an alicorn on the outskirts of Equestria to a blacksmith couple. My mother is called Mystic Hammer while my father was called Iron Hammer but he passed away when I was still very small in a fire caused by timberwolves. My mother raised my as best she could all while keeping me being an alicorn a secret as if anypony found out then they might try and claim me as royalty or cause the princess grief. We lived far out so we were kept out of the light of the prying eyes of most."

“Hmmm well once we save Edward you should talk with him about that personality I would go see the princess but that’s just me, now is there anything else you want to tell me? Because I’m thinking of resting and eating up on my ship.”I tell him then point at my ship with a thumb over my shoulder.

"I am afraid I can't speak with my father on this matter," Bright Stone looked down in disappointed. "The Truth, as the white being called itself pulled me from my world by force and I must be returned immediately after my father is safe."

“Ah I see well you could record a message for him before the mission to save him starts.” I say as I start to stretch.

"I thank you, I would like that." Bright Stone smirked. "Some day we well meet again, It is the nature of the Dispalced afrter all."

I chuckle and nod then summon my red gokaiger key. “Do you want my token then?” I ask holding it up.

“Yes red ranger I would," Bright Stone continued to smile. "I am sorry for the secrecy, but you must keep the story from others except Princess Celestia. Princess, Princess Luna and Princess Amore. I will... fade away as if I was never here once my father is safe for sure.”

I toss my token over to him then sigh. “That sucks do you know when you are in your worlds history? And do you kind of we go to my ship I’m starving.” I rub my stomach as it growls.

Bright Stone nodded and followed me on to my ship. "As of history I do not know, as I never new much of the worlds history of mlp beyond what I was gifted by my father and Optimus but much of it was erased when I WAS REBORN. As far as I have come. I was on my way to Ponyville with my mother to set up a new shop when I was pulled away by the Truth."

I nod and say. “Well I hope you can make friends and I’m sure Edward would tell you to be honest with those you care for.” Then I look up to my ship and grab the rope ladder and start climbing. “Do you know if Luna has returned from the mood in your world or no?”

"No she is still on the moon," Bright Stone looked down. "I want to help her, but I don't if it's right to?"

I think to myself for a moment then when I get to the top of the ladder I look down to him. “I think it would be best if you set the ground work and get five of the girls to be friends if they aren’t already so when Twilight comes to town they will be ready to help her.” I pat his shoulder and we go into my ship and relax once the door closes I can power down and I sigh and stretch then start looking around.

‘Huh cool my theory was right.’ I think to myself then I find a kitchen and go inside and look if there’s anything to eat. “But it’s up to you, it’s your world to me the knowledge from the show is more of a guide line as our mere presence in a Equestria well change things whether they be small or huge is up to how we interact with others.”

"I will follow your advice and let things flow from there," He looked out the window to the field. "I do wish I could've grown up with father like my little sister and brother. I'm grateful for all he did in the short time we were together for. A year is a short time to make a lot of memories."

I smile when I find a box lunch and come out to the living room and sit down but that’s when I notice a metal disk and I move to it and touch it and a holographic moogle appears. “Hey kid glad you got there safely, kupo. I left this message for you to tell you I realized I sent you in alone so I made a few modifications to your megazord, kupo. These modifications are that you’ll be able to pilot the Megas award by yourself and when you use a single keys Wollin ship mode it will give you a different effect for each key some more useful then others I also added a bit of time lord technology and your ship is bigger on the inside then on the outside, kupo. Well good luck kid kupo.”

The hologram shuts down and I smile softly. “Nice guy, and that may be for the best bright, and you can relax here or speak with the others I’m gonna eat.”

“I well return to the outside and speak with the Princesses, then I well enjoy my fathers world as best I CAN," Bright Stone said as he smiled and then got up and walked out.

“Good luck and if they ask I’m eating and resting on my ship.” I tell him and start eating the food inside the lunch box.