• Published 11th Jun 2019
  • 292 Views, 1 Comments

Loving Hearts - TheWingman

After months of preparation, Diamond Gleam's plan comes to fruition.

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Prologue: Like Friends

Walking into school, Diamond Gleam took a healthy inhale of fresh air as he wandered the halls. Having finally hit his senior year of high school, it was the last step he had to conquer before his life truly begins in earnest. Just two more semesters of education before he’s thrust out into the adult world. The thought of it made him nervous for sure like many of his fellow students but he was confident as to what direction his future will go.

Walking to his locker, fiddling with the combo lock, he opened the door to drop off his books before giving out a relaxed sigh. It was only just a few months back that he confronted his parents about something personal. Since then, having been mostly at peace with who he was, his stress had gone away and rarely got to him.

Honestly, things look good from here. Diamond thought as he walked around, Mom… Dad… my Obsidian… I can’t quantify how many times I’ve felt thankful for their love.

Turning a corner to his first-hour literature class, his eyes caught a glimpse of a familiar sight. Long flowing hair of six colors, slender athletic build, cerise eyes, and a spunky attitude, no other girl in the school sported such features than Rainbow Dash. Having been friends with her since sophomore year, her loyalty knew no bounds. They even had gym classes together and were on the school’s soccer team. Diamond loved her as a friend but something ate away at him.

Would she still accept me if I… I hope so. Diamond mused as he lowered his head, hoping his friend wouldn’t recognize him, She’s my friend and all but can I really bring myself to tell her? Seeing her talk to her friend Applejack, Diamond used it as an opportunity to slip by them, focusing on getting to his first class. Though he was open with her on many things, there was one thing he felt apprehensive about. Maybe in due time… who knows.

Casting aside his worries, for the time being, Diamond walked into Ms. Harshwhinny’s literature class, taking his usual spot in the back of the room. Pulling out his textbook, he began browsing through its contents until a familiar sight walked through the door. Rainbow Dash walked in toting around her backpack. It shocked Diamond that she has the same first-hour as he and instilled a sense of worry in him.

Making a snap decision, he hid his face behind his book, hoping she wouldn’t recognize him. Glancing his way, Rainbow recognized his signature beanie from anywhere. Yet, she saw him nose deep in his book. Assuming he’s busy, she paid him no mind and left him alone. Diamond narrowly dodged a bullet but his luck could only go so far. As the rest of the students filed into the room, it was time to focus on class work. Hopefully, at lunch, he’ll find some space.

Lunchbag in hand, Diamond walked the halls towards the cafeteria. The closer he got, the louder the storm of chattering got. Since he had B-Lunch, he had half an hour for a break afterward. Entering the large room adorned by many tables and chairs, he saw around a hundred students making conversation with their friends or loved ones. Among them was the love of his life, Obsidian Glint, sitting alone… and another sight he was reluctant to see.

Rainbow Dash sat at a table making conversation with Applejack, laughing with her as well. Freezing in place, as much as he wanted to sit with Obsidian, his fear of Rainbow finding out frightened him. What would she think if she found out his secret? Would they still remain friends? Much uncertainty clouded his mind.

Just as she turned her head his direction, Diamond quickly backed up and sprinted away from the cafeteria. Not looking back, his mind focused on one destination, the one place where he knew that he’d find solace: the band room. Being in the school band, he was free to come by there as he pleased. It was his sanctuary for whenever stress got to him, giving him the freedom to play his guitar in peace.

“Hope she didn’t see me bolt like that.” Diamond breathed as he found his acoustic guitar against the wall, “At least I could hide here for now.”

Tuning his guitar, he let his mind and heart flow as he began flicking the strings to a tune. Emotions guiding him, he closed his eyes, hearing his inspired work play out. It was almost like some sort of trance to him, pure bliss and relaxation as he continued playing. He was in the zone and didn’t want to come out of it. It was just him, his guitar, and some much-needed solitude… or so he thought.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, his mind was briefly pulled away from his instrument and came face to face with Rainbow Dash. His heart skipped a few good beats as he dropped his guitar from his lap. She followed him there and he wasn’t quick enough to escape. Now there was nowhere left for him to run.

“Diamond,” Rainbow approached cautiously, “is there something wrong?” Diamond’s heart began to beat faster.

“Uhhh… nothing, nothing’s the matter, Dash.” Diamond tried and failed to put on a reassuring demeanor. Rainbow Dash was unamused by it, “Just feeling the shakes close to graduation, that’s all.”

“Pre-graduation shakes? It’s not even the end of the year yet.” Rainbow Dash replied in a neutral tone, not buying her friend’s excuse.

“I’m being honest, Dash.”

“Are you? Being around Applejack long enough, I can tell when someone’s lying and you’re not good at hiding something that’s been bothering ya. I’ve seen how you bolted when I saw you at lunch. Something’s going on with my friend and I’m worried.”

She was on to him. She might’ve gotten the hit somehow. Internally, Diamond began to sweat as he felt his heart pound against his ribcage. Seeing her serious look on her face, he knew that he couldn’t hide his secret any longer. With a nervous gulp, biting his lip, Diamond prepared to spill the beans. Patting the chair next to him, Rainbow Dash sat down, looking at her friend with worry.

“Dash,” Diamond sighed, “I’ve been open with you on a lot of things. I’m like that because I feel that I can trust you. But there’s one thing that I’m afraid of talking about.” Noticing his distress, Rainbow Dash, took his hand in hers. The warmth of her touch lulled him into a sense of calm.

“Diamond,” Rainbow replied, “there’s no reason to feel afraid of me. You know I always would listen to ya about anythin’.”

“Please, promise me you won’t think any less of me.”

“I promise.”

“Okay. Dash… I’m gay.”

A dead silence filled the room as Rainbow stood there without so much as a whisper. Diamond sat there in dread, unable to say anything. It reminded him of all those months ago when he told his secret to his parents and the principal. Yet with Rainbow Dash… it was something else. She was one of his most trusted friends and knew her for years. Inside, he worried that his admission would break their friendship.

Then, he heard a snicker coming from her that developed into a laugh. She was laughing at him for confessing his sexuality, his most intimate secret. His heart sank to its lowest depths as he retreated into his mind. He felt betrayed by one of those whom he trusts the most. He wanted to disappear.

“W-Why are you laughing?” Diamond shuddered as he looked toward Rainbow.

“Heh, that’s what you were worried about?!” Rainbow said, coming down from her laughter.

“Why were you laughing at me?”

“Laughing at y- No! No, I ain’t laughing at ya.”

“Then what was all that about?”

“I find it funny that… I honestly never expected you to swing that way. But, it’s also funny that you should mention your ummmm… preference.”

“Why would that be?

“Well, I’m gay too.”

Being snapped from his earlier despair, Diamond’s eyes opened wide as his mind stuttered. Though part of him suspected her of that, he was nonetheless shocked to find that one of his friends, the most athletic girl in the school, was a lesbian. Now it made sense to him as to why she was laughing. It was a small world after all... for him.

“Woah, uhhhh… whew wow.” Diamond stuttered as he scratched the back of his head, “I~ I didn’t know tha-”

“That I liked girls?” Rainbow Dash finished with her trademark confidence, “I know. I’ve always felt that was since well… since my first school dance.”

“Here I thought you’d be upset with me.”

“Hey, it would be hypocritical of me to throw shade at ya because of that. Your preference is nothing to be ashamed of, buddy.”

“Heh, now I know how my folks and the principals felt.”

“If you think that’s a shocker for them, you shoulda seen my parents faces when kissed AJ in front of them.”

“What? You… and Applejack? Then again, you two were close but I thought you two were just friends.”

“We like to keep things light and casual, for now at least.”


“Yeah. But, no matter what, I’ll always have your back, Diamond.”

Mind reeling from the exchange, Diamond sighed internally with relief as yet another potentially worrying dilemma had been averted. Still, the knowledge of one of his best friends being gay as well was a surprise, a welcoming one at that. If he’d just fess up and talked to her about it in private on his own terms, the outcome might’ve been the same. But still, he trusts her like a sister, one that he never had.

Without a single blink, Diamond pulled Rainbow Dash in for a tight hug. While she was never shy about giving them, part of her was a touch-me-not. For all the boasts and confidence she telegraphs, her soft side always seemed to come to the surface no matter what. Returning the hug, Rainbow wore a calm smile as it lasted for another minute. As she broke it, her ears were alerted to the sound of the door opening.

“Diamond,” Obsidian said as he walked in, “I thought you’d be at lunch.” He then noticed Rainbow Dash’s presence, “What’s Rainbow doing here?”

“I was helping him out of that one last shell of his.” Rainbow turns to face Obsidian, “Who might you be and… wait, are you… Diamond’s-”

“Boyfriend? Yes, I am. The name’s Obsidian Glint.” Obsidian and Rainbow shake hands, “Never knew the most athletic girl on campus was a softie on the inside.”

“Well, some people have more in common than what they may think.”


“She’s a lesbian, Obsidian.” Diamond interjected, “She told me herself and she’s been dating Applejack.”

“Hmmm, I honestly never knew that. But, you’ve been a loyal friend to my love. I honestly can’t thank you enough.”

“Eh, don’t sweat it. I just thought that revealing that part of me would give him a boost.”

“And you’ve succeeded.” Diamond pulled Obsidian into an embrace, eyes lidded, “It’s yet another part of my mind cleared.”

“Okay okay, you casanovas.” Rainbow Dash interrupted the two lovers, “Y’all can get all kissy-kissy on your own time.” Diamond and Obsidian broke the hug.

“Fair enough.” Both look at each other, “But Rainbow Dash… thank you.”

“Don’t mention it, Diamond. If you do, I might have to rough ya a bit.” They shared a hearty laugh between them. If there’s anything else she’s known for, Rainbow Dash was quite the humorist, “So, when are you two going to… you know… tie the knot? I know it’s not going to be any time soon.”

“One of these days but not sure when.” Diamond remarked, “Yet, I’ll know the moment when I feel it’s right.”

“Alright. But, when it does happen, I’m thinking Diamond will be bending the knee and askin’ that question.”

“Hey, you may never know. But if it does happen, I’d be honored to have you there.”

Before their conversation could continue, the familiar bell rang its tune, signaling the start of the next class. Knowing not to be tardy on the first day of the year, the three parted ways to their respective classes. Heading to his art class, Diamond took it as the time for him to reflect on what was said. At least that class would give him a lot of freedom to think.

Marrying him, huh? Diamond thought to himself as he roamed the halls, Not that I don’t like the idea but how will I handle it? Yet, I love him and the thought of him being my future husband doesn’t sound bad at all. Eh, I’ll play it by ear. Just gotta wait a bit.

Author's Note:

When I began writing this story, I planned for it to be a one chapter deal with this flashback sequence in it but my friend pabrony83 suggested it be set in a prologue so it'll have room to breathe and I couldn't believe more. I thoroughly enjoyed writing this.

For a bit of trivia, when I came out as bisexual, one of my family (who'll remain anonymous) members threw their support behind me so warmly. When I asked why, it turned out they too were bisexual. Thus, I used that experience as inspiration for this chapter.