• Published 11th Jun 2019
  • 291 Views, 1 Comments

Loving Hearts - TheWingman

After months of preparation, Diamond Gleam's plan comes to fruition.

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Wedding Bells

Looking out towards the fields as the soft gentle breeze blew in his face, Diamond Gleam looked back on the previous events in his life. Anything of the sort would draw one to recollect on what came before and muse on what happened. For him, there was quite a fair bit to contemplate. So much had happened to bring him to where he is and ever thought of it put a smile on his face.

Coming out during high school, it took a lot out of him to do so but it all worked out. Even more surprising that one of his closest friends, Rainbow Dash, also happened to be gay but playfully jabbed at him about it. She always was a good friend to him since the tenth grade, wouldn’t even hesitate to give him the coat on her back if needed. On this momentous day for Diamond, her presence meant a lot to him.

It’d been months since that night where he got on one knee and popped the question to his love, Obsidian Glint. Right away, they started making plans for their wedding. Due to the nature of their union, having it at a church wasn’t in the cards. Instead, Obsidian’s uncle, Apollo, had a plot of farmland, perfect for the ceremony and reception. All in all, the impending marriage to his fiance made him anxious yet hopeful about the future and happy to endure it all with his lover.

“Hey Diamond,” Rainbow Dash called out, clad in a suit and tie as she approached her friend, “whatcha doing here?”

“Just chilling by the tree here, Dash.” Rainbow gave Diamond a pat on the back, “For a mid-noon sky in autumn, it sure looks beautiful.” Noticing a bench nearby, Diamond took a seat, patting the spot next to him, “Come.” Rainbow Dash sat next to her friend.

“Is something eating away at ya, bud?” Rainbow asked with an unusually serious tone, “Today’s your wedding and you should feel happy.”

He let out a sigh. “I am happy, Dash. I mean… Heh, here I am, about to marry the man I gave my heart to. I’m just trying to contain my excitement.”

“Yeah, I know that you don’t wanna be bouncing mad like Pinkie. But, I know that face of yours and it tells me you have a lot on your mind.”

“And you’d be right.” Since high school, Diamond gradually made himself more open to those around him. Now, he’s more privy of speaking his mind. In the case of Rainbow Dash, she was the farthest from being the exception, “Looking back on it all, it’s fair to say that I’ve come a long way, right?”


“I mean... Obsidian and I go as far back as sixth grade. Since we became friends, we were inseparable. It was only after eighth grade that found myself feeling... different. It was like I’ve felt myself falling for him but didn’t know what to do. During the first weekend in freshman year, I knew it was now or never and confessed my feelings at his house while we hung out. I feared that he’d reject me… but he didn’t. Right there, he gave me my first ever kiss and the rest was history. I truly loved him and now… Heh, today will make him my husband. I couldn’t be happier.”

Hearing his musings, Rainbow Dash remembered the first time she met Applejack during freshman year. Out of her cabal of various friends, she was the one she felt closest to. She always appreciated her honest nature and felt a strong sense of trust with her. When Applejack one day confessed her love for her, Rainbow thought she was joking at first but she knew Applejack wasn’t the one to joke around about something serious.

Rainbow Dash felt conflicted about her friend’s admission. She valued her as a friend yet to hear her that she saw a lover in her put her at odds for a time. However, like Diamond Gleam, something of a sense of longing developed in her. It was at prom that year where the spark lit and they realized their feelings for each other with a dance… and a kiss that followed. Though they’ve been a couple since then, Rainbow kept it to a casual level until after graduation.

“Diamond,” Rainbow sighed, “I’m normally not one for all that mushy-mushy romance stuff. But when I’ve felt myself falling for AJ during that one prom, I can hardly hold back a blush. Since high school, my understanding of love became much clearer than I believed and I see the same in you. One of these days I’ll ask her to marry me and I think it’s not that far away now. But enough about all that. This is yours and Obsidian’s day. Enjoy it and be happy that he’ll now be your hubby.”

“Yeah.” Diamond sighed as he smiled, “I just can’t believe that this day came to pass. Even as I look on at the sunlit sky, I can’t shake the feeling that everything will be alright. No matter what, he’ll be my husband I’ll gladly spend my life with him. I’m just that glad you and AJ are here and that means a lot to me.”

“Heh, there’s that soft side of ya.”

“Yep.” Rolling his sleeve down, Diamond took a glance at his watch which read 3:00 PM, “Shoot, one hour before the ceremony. We should head back.”


Standing near the altar and in front of the flower-covered archway, Diamond Gleam looked around. In front of him was a crowd of his friends and members of his extended family and those of Obsidian Glint. Among his best people standing at his side were his cousin Emerald Shine and his lover Terra, Rainbow Dash, and her girlfriend Applejack. To be surrounded by those his heart held dear in his greatest moment warmed it to no end.

In his mind, he eagerly counted down the seconds and minutes until the ceremony began. Every moment that passed increased the tempo of his heartbeats. He was nervous as any soon to be married man would yet it was what he dreamed of doing and it’ll soon be realized. Just looking at his mother struggling to hold back tears of pride that he’s taking the next big step warmed his heart to no end.

“Hey Diamond,” Applejack spoke up, “How’re ya holdin’ there?”

“Anxious.” Diamond replied, “Just can’t wait for for the ‘I do’ and what not.”

“I know yer gettin’ them butterflies in the gut deal. Just take a deep breath and you’ll be fine, bucky.”

“I-I’ll try AJ. Even then, both you and Dash will be doing this one day.” His words made both of his friends blush as they instinctively held hands. “Just to return the favor, you can count on me being there for that.”

“Yeah. We’ll keep that in mind.”

Then, still surprised even after hearing it, the Mayor of Canterlot herself came up to the altar. After hearing news of their impending union, she graciously offered to officiate the ceremony. Being a public official, she always supported the right for same-sex couples to marry in her city. It wouldn’t be her first time officiating such a union and wouldn’t be the last. It was an honor for the mayor herself to unite him and Obsidian in wedlock.

As if on cue, the string quartet began playing the classical wedding march. Hearing that familiar tune shifted his view toward the aisle and to a sight that made his heart stall. Walking arm in arm with his mother was Obsidian Glint, clad in a white suit. The moment their eyes locked onto each other, all of Diamond’s anxiety fizzled away. Once they stand at the altar, making eye contact, they held their hands together, signifying their impending union.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” The Mayor spoke up, “we’re gathered here today to witness the union of Diamond Gleam and Obsidian Glint in wedlock. It’s not every day that two souls are united through their love yet it’s a force that unifies all who cherish it. For today, the love of these two will be shared with all in attendance. If there are those who believe this union should not happen, speak freely or let your silence be consent.” No one spoke, not even a whisper. “Very well. At this time, the two grooms can now say their vows.” Both diamond and obsidian pull out pieces of paper and prepared to read their vows. Emotions flared like a fire.

“Obsidian,” Diamond spoke up, trying to contain his heart, “since we became friends, I knew that we’d be a perfect team. Never did I expect my heart to be falling for you but when confessed my feelings, I knew that we both wanted more than just mere friendship. I love you with all my heart and I wouldn't give you up for anything in this world. I’ll always love you, honor you, be faithful in our marriage, and stick with you no matter what. I give my heart… to you.”

“Diamond,” Obsidian started, “I remember that day when you poured your heart out to me all those years ago. At that moment, I felt a shred of doubt yet I knew that my heart was in the right place. I once thought this day wouldn’t come to pass but you took the knee and… goodness, you made me the happiest man alive those months ago. I’m honored to spend the rest of my life with you and I vow to love and cherish you for as long as I draw breath.”

“Touching.” The Mayor muttered as she brought out a pillow with two rings resting on it, “Do you, Diamond Gleam, take Obsidian Glint to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love and cherish in both good times and bad, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?”

“I do.” Diamond said as he placed his ring on Obsidian’s finger.

“And do you, Obsidian Glint, take Diamond Gleam to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love and cherish in both good times and bad, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?”

“I do,” Obsidian said as he placed his ring on Diamond’s finger. Looking on at the two, The Mayor felt a sense of pride for the lovers. Once again, she unified two lovers, bringing them together for life.

“Then let it be said. By the power invested in me by the city of Canterlot, I now pronounce you two, husband and husband. Let them now kiss to celebrate their union.”

Hearing the cheering from their loved ones, Diamond and Obsidian gingerly wrapped their arms around each other and closed in for a kiss. Passion drove them as shared their first as a married couple. Breaking from it, they locked arms as they strolled down the aisle as their friends and family cheered them on. They were now married and they looked forward to a future with heightened optimism.

As the setting night sky, Diamond, deep in thought once again, smiled over how things turned out. Having married his husband hours ago, not a single negative emotion populated his mind. It was a contemplative thought to look back on the moments that lead to where one now stands. Taking a generous draw of breath, Diamond retained his smile as he relaxed, content that his dream came true. His moment was disrupted by a pair of footsteps belonging to his father-in-law, Capricorn.

“Oi, me son,” Capricorn said with his usual Scottish accent, “how’re ye doing?”

“Doing good, father.” Diamond said with a slight chuckle, “Wow, going to have to get used to calling you that.”

“No worries, lad. You’ll get used to the change of pace.”

“We all do.” Diamond sighed as he turned to face his father-in-law, “I bet you’re wondering why I’m out here alone, right?”

“Aye. Is there something troubling ye, me boy?”

“No. I’m just looking back on what led to today. I mean, ever since you found out about me and your son, your blessings meant more than what you think. When I came out to my parents years ago, it was a big leap of faith for me but like you, they welcomed me.”

“Aye. As I grew up in Edinburgh with one of me sisters who liked lasses, it was when I decided that people are free to choose to love who they want. If they’re happy, who are we to judge? When I found out that me son liked men, it surprised me a bit but not as much as I thought. To the point, we all bleed the same red at the end of the day, regardless of who we love. I’m just happy that you’ve made me son happy. ” Diamond brought Capricorn in for a brief hug, giving his father-in-law a few good pats on his back. “The dance is soon to begin. Ye might wanna hurry.”

Walking back to the reception area with Capricorn, Diamond saw everyone who came to the wedding, eating or dancing around with their loved ones. Rainbow Dash and Applejack doing an energetic dance, Emerald Shine dancing with Terra, his parents chatting with the mayor, everyone was having a good time in their own right. As the cool nighttime breeze brushed against his skin, the sight of his husband standing around made him smile.

“Honey,” Diamond called out, “I’m terribly sorry that I walked away without notice.”

“That’s alright, love.” Obsidian reassured, “I know we’re all processing what happened.”

“Yeah, kinda makes me wonder if I went a little too fast with this.”

“Nonsense. Remember what RD said in senior year? I could tell that it was only a matter of time before one of us did it. Sure enough, it was you. But, none of that matters now. We’re together at last as husbands. Also, what did you pick for our honeymoon?”

“A nice cabin up in the mountains. Good view of the landscape and we have it all to ourselves.”

“Quite the romantic as you always were.”

“Touché. Well, want to get one last dance in before we leave?”

Meandering on over to the dance floor, Diamond and Obsidian held each other close as their favorite song played over the speakers. Syncing their leg movements to the rhythm, they slowly danced the night away, never looking away from each other. At that moment, nothing else mattered to them but each other and the union of their love. All was right in the world as far as they were concerned.

“I love you, Obsidian.” Diamond breathed as he brought his face close to his husband’s.

“I love you too, Diamond.” Closing the distance, the newlywed’s engaged in a passionate kiss. Tongues wrestled and danced in a display of passion, unburdened by their inhibitions. No longer will they have to hold back their love for one another. They’re together, now and forever. With the rest of their lives ahead of them, nothing but happiness awaits.

Author's Note:

Was with every beginning, so too must come the end. All in all, I liked writing this series and I'm glad you've enjoyed it, straight or not. Be on the lookout for more stories by me.

Comments ( 1 )

A perfect example of love knowing no boundries. Diamond Gleam certainly has my blessing

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