• Published 27th Nov 2019
  • 1,105 Views, 21 Comments

Project 131 - Sanguine Blade

Whatever God thought turning tanks into ponies must be insane.

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A Little Bit of Chaotic Intervention

The year is 1945. The secod World war is reaching its final conclusion. The Red Tide of the Soviet army was rolling towards Berlin, Italy had surrendered two years prior, and the Japanese were being pushed across the Pacific by the U.S. Navy. To all those who had suffered, this would be seen as the greatest thing in a long time. However, One being was saddened by this change of pace.

"I cannot believe this, the chaos, the combat, the action...all coming to an end." Discord said looking through a glass at the conflict around the planet Earth.

"You could spark a continuation." Another Discord said.

"No. Seeing what those Americans are making, it would end them all, and that would mean no chaos at all." Discord Prime said. "Hmmm. I need to find a way to bring their chaos here to fuel the fun, but how?" He continued stroking his chin. As he thought, he heard a loud bang and looked back to see two large iron beasts firing back and forth. The first was an american design, but the second was a sloped metal monster. This was the Super Pershing versus the King Tiger, and a bulb appeared on Discord's head. "That's it! These metal beasts, these "Tanks. They would cause so much chaos." He said giddily as he then went across to find subjects to bring back to his realm

The Soviet Army was halted at the last river before Berlin and Zeelow Heights. Zhukov and his tank forces were preparing to finish the final strike. Amongst those ranks were Heavy tanks, One was looked like a large bookshelf had been made of steel, ad given a large cannon. This was the KV-2. This one was painted with the name Katyusha in big letters on her turret side.

"Soon comrades, we can finish all of these pesky krauts." The tank commander said eating with his crew next to Katyusha.

"Cannot wait to get this done. If we don't finish it soon more comrades will die." The Loader replied.

"Also, cannot let those capitalists get ahead of us. I bet those yanks are sitting in France gorging themselves like the pigs they are." The Gunner added, and the others started chuckling. Then the ground shook, The crew turned to see Katyusha shaking, and glowing before the vehicle flashed in light, and vanished.

The tanks rolled off the lines of the factories of the Detroit Tank Arsenal. This particular batch was a tall tank, with a long barrel. This was the M4A3(76)(HVSS) or Easy eight as many Americans called it. The ladies working on the tanks had just taken a break for lunch.

"Another several hours work done." A welder said removing her helmet for a sandwich.

"Another good job as always Beth." An older gentleman said. This man had failed the draft requirement so he stayed to help the gals work.

"Thanks Gary. Its a shame though. Once the war ends, I'll have no job."

"Now don't say that. You could be lucky." Gary replied taking a bite of a bacon sandwich. He then placed a hand on Beth's "I'll help you if they try." He finished.

"Thank you Gary." She said giving him a hug. Then the factory shook slightly. The duo looked around and saw some workers running from the assembly line as a tank started glowing. "What the hell's going on?!" Beth shouted. As the duo charged towards the light it was too late and with a flash the tank was gone.

In the Krupp factory archives DIscord was looking through the records. to see if he could find any interesting other tanks.

"These Germans were always known for their hidden designs." Discord said when his claws touched a file with the words LOWE written on it. "hmmm...what do we have here?" He said opening the folder to see sketches for a vehicle with sloped armor, a large engine, and a 15cm gun. "Hellooo there big boy. Let's get you alive shall we?" Discord said as a shrunken copy of the vehicle appeared in his hand before being warped to his dimension where it became full scale.

Meanwhile, a British tank disappeared off a freight car to the front. An Italian tank vanished from a storage depot, and a Japanese type 97 vanished off a cargo ship heading back to the home Islands. With the vechicles Discord finally returned to his world. As he looked around all the vehicles he realized something.

"All of them require a crew!" Discord palmed his face upon realization. "Well I can't go back, ripping this vehicles out of reality was bad enough, but to take their crews to would cause a problem. Cmon dissy think." He thought knocking his claw, and paw against his head trying to figure out what to do. Then another idea came to him. "Ohohohohoo. If I can't get humans to drive these vehicles, I'll make them into people themselves." Discord said and snapped his fingers.

The vehicles glowed and hummed as they started to change. The vehicles shrank and started to lose some of their armor to be replaced with flesh of a human. Arms, and legs formed as the more metallic parts shrank to fit on the humans. After several minutes the group was transformed. Their weapons were now attached to them in sets of armor, and clothing some women, and some men.

"Hmm Perfect, now to give you the minds of those from your nations." He walked over to the japanese girl "You shall be Mako." He said before implanting her mind with memories of japan and her conflicts before walkign to the italian girl. "You shall be Verona" He said, and gave her memories. "Hmm Sherry, because Sherman is not as cute." Discord said to the Easy Eight turned girl. Then he looked at the other three. "You already have a name Katyusha." Discord said implanting her memories of the conflict, and life. "Churchill is a fine name for an upstanding gentlemen" Discord said to the british tank, now man. "Now you are special. You have no combat experience, but I shall still give you the knowledge of your comrades, my unfortunate freind. Fredreich Leopold, and all you others, happy rebirthday." Discord said before warping the tanks to different places similar to their homes.