• Published 27th Nov 2019
  • 1,101 Views, 21 Comments

Project 131 - Sanguine Blade

Whatever God thought turning tanks into ponies must be insane.

  • ...

When Cross and Sickle meet Ponies of Crystal

The Crystal Empire is a beautiful land that lies just south of the Yaket Range. Though most of the people choose to live in the capital city to avoid the snow, wild beasts, and feel the warmth of the Crystal Heart. Shining Armor, prince of the Empire was patrolling the snows outside the city as normal to help guide those out of the snow, or to prevent evil beings from entering the city.

"Sir can we go back for just a little bit, My coat is falling apart." a guard said. The winter coats of the guard were still not that durable, and new ones took a while to come in since the material came from the coasts of Equestria.

"I know the coats are getting old, but we have to stand strong." Shining replied. However, he did pull out a lantern and gave it magic fire to heat the soldiers a little bit.

"Where's Flash?" A third guard asked. The group turned around to see a comrade missing from their formation.

"Damnit. He must've gotten lost in the storm. Quick fan out to find him!" Shining armor ordered and the group dispersed to search for the missing soldier

Flash Sentry was relatively new to the Crystal Guard. He and his family had moved to the empire to find more work, and he was transferred from the Royal guard to the Crystal guard.

"Guys! Where is everyone?!" He called out through the snowstorm billowing around him. As he continued to trot forward through the snow, he felt something hit his foot. Then he looked down, and gasped. A hand was protruding from the snow like that of a Minotaur. "OH Dear Celestia!" he cried grabbing the hand with his hooves and pulled as hard as he could. The snow started to shake as the supposed Minotaur was pulled out of the pile. Desperate to get the being out of the snow, all he saw was a being of some kind covered in snow gear.

"Hello?!" ist someone zere?!" An accented voice called out. Flash turned to see a tall being that he couldn't entirely make out through the snow.

"Yes! Can you help me?! I've got an unconscious traveler" Flash called back as the being picked up the coated Minotaur. "Thank you. Follow me, and we can get you two warmed up!" Flash called and the figure nodded as they walked towards the empire.

Shining Armor and his men were getting really cold, and were about to turn back towards the empire when eh heard a voice he knew.

"CAPTAIN! We got two visitors, and one's out cold from being buried in a snow heap." Flash called out.

"Alright let's pack it up, and get the heck outta here!" Shining replied as the group started walking back to the Empire through the storm.
When the group made it inside the shield, the soldiers got a good look at the two strangers. The first was a tall male with a smartly dressed uniform and cap. The second was the tallest male shining had seen aside from the princesses. This female was just a smidgen shorter than the man and wore a thick fur coat. What was intriguing about them was that both had what appeared to be parts of armor on their joints, and strange a gauntlet that held a small stick protruding from a strange container.

"thank you very much. vhere am I?" The smartly dressed male asked.

"This is the crystal empire." The male looked perplexed.

"Where in the Reich ist that?" The male asked. Now Shining armor was confused.

"I don't know what this Reich is, but its nowhere around here." Shining replied.

"Very well. I thank you. I am Leopold Freidrich Lowe of the German Reich's Panzer Corps." The male, now Leopold replied. Shining shook his hand with a hoof.

"Captain Shining Armor, Prince of the Crystal Empire." He replied. "What of this one with you?" He asked and Leopold looked at the woman.

"I am not sure. I do not know her." Leopold replied.

"Alright then let's get her inside and get you two warmed up." Shining said as the group continued to the castle.

Katyusha felt her body twitch and eyes open. They shut quickly under the light before reopening slowly. The room had a crackling fire and large open holes where windows could be. Her armor parts were still on as she stood up and walked to the fire. As she did this the door to the room opened.

"Oh good your awake." A pink alicorn mare said entering the room with another man, and a stallion.

"Da Im alright." The woman said, and the man gave her a look, like he was remembering something.

"We found you buried in the snow outside the Crystal City. It's good to see you aren't hurt." The stallion said. He held out a hoof for her to shake. "Do you have a name?"

"I...I'm Katyusha Voroshilov." Katyusha said. The man looked at her as if he was waiting for something.

"Can you tell us where you're from?" The mare asked. Looking at the man then back to the mare she stuttered out.

"I'm from the...s-Soviet Union." She said and before another question could be asked the man had her pinned to the ground.

"What's the meaning of this Leopold?!!" Shining asked rushing over to pull him off of the girl.

"She's a Kommunist. Her people butchered our on the Eastern Front for years!" Leopold yelled struggling against Shining Armor. This made Katyusha move out of his grip.

"What's a Nazi butcher doing here?!" Katyusha shouted pulling up a trembling arm to prepare to shoot her main gun. The two looked between the two alarmed as they were separated and pinned in place with magic. "W-what's going on?" She asked looking at the two ponies.

"You two explain yourself because both have just been called murderers." Cadence said as the two stopped struggling.

"Before we came here. Both of our homelands have been at war for almost 4 years. At stake was the fate of the globe with many countries on both sides. I was made by Krupp to fight her and the other Voroshilov tanks in combat. Her government seeked to overthrow all capitalist countries and make them puppets to their whims." Leopold said.

"Your kind defended a regime who seeked to discriminate all races not like you. Stuthof ring a bell?" She said and this made Leopold freeze. HE didn't move and he didn't speak. His body just stopped.

"What is Stuho-" The captain was going to ask before Leopold yelled.

"Don't Talk about the SOLUTION!! I.. I didn't mean for...I..." Leopold said before slumping over. "Just please...don't speak of it." Leopold whispered out. The captain decided to drop the subject. Cadence hugged the tall being too comfort the saddened Leo.

"Thank you. Also, Don't act like you hold the high ground, need I remind you of The Great Purge, and Famine." Leopold said and now Katyusha fell silent.

"I see both of you don't have clean hands, but we won't throw you out. Instead, you are going to stay here in the kingdom where we can keep an eye on you." Cadence said. Leopold walked out of the room to his room, He had a lot to think about, and so did Katyusha. Could they truly get along?

Author's Note:

Just some little facts to let you know:
*Katyusha locks in at 6'0, and Leo is 6'4 in case you were wondering.

*Leo knows of Stuthof because Discord gave him the knowledge of his country, so he doesn't know that he never existed in his home.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter let me know if you did.