• Published 29th Jun 2019
  • 3,293 Views, 39 Comments

Delivery Day - pabrony

After months of waiting, D-day has finally arrived.

  • ...

Just An Average Day?

I poked my head in the bedroom at wife, who had been on bed rest for the last two weeks, and let her know I was leaving for work.

"No goodbye kiss?" Sunny teased.

I walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. "Promise that you'll call me if you go into labor," I told her before giving her a smooch on the lips.

"Twi, I've made this promise to you every day since having false labor two weeks ago," she said with a smile.

I gave her another kiss on the lips and gently rubbed her rounded stomach. "I know but I just want to make sure I'm there for you when you go through this."

"Babe, you'll always be with...nnngh...me," she said, wincing slightly.

"Was that-?"

"No need to worry. It was just a Braxton Hicks contraction," she interrupted.

"Are you sure? I can still call off and have Cadence take us-"

"Yes, Twilight. I'm sure. It only lasted a couple of seconds," she said, interrupting me again. "Babe, just go to work and if something happens, I'll call you. Okay?"

"Alright. But on one condition..." I leaned down and kissed her one last time. "I get to steal more kisses after work."

Sunny giggled at my remark before we said our goodbyes and I headed outside where Mom was waiting for me.

"Twily, when are you going to get over your fear of driving?" she asked as I buckled my seatbelt.

I looked down at the floorboard and quietly answered. "I don't know, Mom. The accident was just so bad that every time I get behind the wheel I freeze up."

"Have you brought that up with your therapist?"

"No, mom. I haven't. I suppose it would be a good idea to bring it up," I answered.

We rode in silence for a few minutes as the radio put out an old country song. As it finished up, a small giggle escaped my lips.

"What's so funny?" Mom asked as my giggle evolved into a small laugh. "What?"

I finally lost it. I started laughing like I haven't laughed in a while.

"Twily, what is so gosh darn funny?" She repeated.

"A year ago you wanted me to see a therapist because you thought I was pleasuring myself too much," I said, trying my best to keep my laughter under control. "Now I am seeing a therapist for something totally different."

"Oh my gosh," answered mom as she shook her head slightly. "Really? That's what's so funny?"

Her reaction caused my laughter to go up to an eleven. I had tears running down my face, blurred vision, and my cheeks were beginning to hurt. I had to take my glasses off to so I could wipe my face.

"I really didn't think it was that funny," she remarked.

"I...I'm sorry. It...it's just…your...reaction...ha ha ha," I said as my sides began to hurt.

Mom let out a loud sigh. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Take me...to...to work," I replied.

Four and a half hours later, I was sitting in the break room when my supervisor came in.


"Yes?" I answered.

"You have a customer asking for you," he said.

"No offense, but you do realize I'm on my lunch break," I told him.

"I know that and I tried explaining that to the customer but she insists that it's important."

I started to object once more but he cut me off.

"Tell you what. However long it takes to deal with this woman asking for you, you can have your lunch break extended that many minutes," he offered.

I groaned in annoyance before agreeing to his deal. Grabbing my cane, I headed out to the sales floor only to have my workday ruined.

"How can I help you?" I asked, feigning happiness.

"I'm sorry to bother you at work," said Wordy Whispers, sheepishly. "But there's something that's been bothering me for the last couple weeks. You had every reason to be pissed at me and you still do. I was wrong to attempt to blackmail you and your wife. The rumor mill has gotten slow over the last couple months and I was afraid of losing my job.

"But as an apology, I would like to show you the final draft of the story I'm going to be handing to my editor tomorrow," she said as handed me a small packet of papers, stapled at the corner. "It's a story of you and your wife and your current situation."

My anger toward this woman continued to simmer just below boiling point, as I skeptically accepted the papers. I heard the telephone rang behind me as I unfolded the papers to read what she had written. I only got a chance to read the headline - Local Celebrities Expecting Baby - before my attention was needed for the telephone.

I took possession of the receiver to answer whoever was kind enough to interrupt this exchange with Wordy.


"Sunny? Are you okay?"


"How far apart are they?"

"Let me call mom and have her pick you...okay that works too."

"Alright. I'll meet you there as soon as possible."

"Love you too."

I hung up the phone and handed the papers back to Wordy. "You may want to change your story," I said, still slightly annoyed.

"Really? Why?" She asked.

"Because Sunset is in labor," I replied before pausing to address the tension between us. "Listen, I'd like to apologize for my attitude and actions a couple of weeks ago. I was still holding ill feelings toward you for something that happened years ago and I'm sorry." I shook the packet beside my face. "While I haven't read the story, the title itself has let me know that you're apology was indeed sincere."

I offered a handshake which she accepted - hesitantly - before I excused myself to let my boss know about Sunny being in labor. Before I called my mom to pick me up from work, though, I got a completely unexpected offer.

"Mrs. Shimmer, would you like me to give you a lift to the hospital?" I heard Wordy ask.

"Sure, " I answered. "And you may call me Twilight if you'd like."

Author's Note:

For the backstory with Wordy Whispers' relationship with Twilight, check out The Long Road: Recovery.