• Published 29th Jun 2019
  • 3,293 Views, 39 Comments

Delivery Day - pabrony

After months of waiting, D-day has finally arrived.

  • ...

Warming Up

I released my iron grip on the door handle of Wordy's car as the tires screeched to a stop in front of the hospital.

"Thank you for the ride," I said. "Can you please do me a favor?"


"If you ever give me a ride again, can you please not drive the car like you stole it? I have...issues with fast driving and the sound of tires squealing," I requested. "I was in a near fatal accident three and a half months ago. Since then, I've developed PTSD anytime I get into a vehicle to the point that I can no longer drive."

"Oh wow. I'm so sorry about that," she told me. "I never would've driven like a crazy person if I had known that."

"It's fine. It's partially my fault for not telling you about-"

"As much as I'm enjoying this friendly conversation with you, shouldn't you be going to Sunset's side?" she interrupted.

"Huh? Oh, right," I said with a sheepish grin. "Thanks again for the ride, Wordy."

I got out of the car and entered the hospital lobby. After checking with the receptionist to find where they placed Sunny, I slowly made my way to the elevator and then to the maternity ward.

"Excuse me, but can you tell me where room three fourteen is?" I asked one of the nurses.

"Yes, ma'am," she replied. "It's at the very end of the hallway on the right."

"Thank you."

My nerves were on edge as the clicking of my cane on the tile floor mingled with the sounds of the heart monitors beeping and families cooing over the newborn babies. Here it goes, I thought nervously as my shaking hand pushed the door open.

"Twi? That was pretty quick," Sunny said excitedly as I walked to the bed and hugged her. "I would've thought that'd be another hour before you got here."

I kissed her on the cheek and told her about my reconciliation with Wordy and the ride she gave me.

"The best part is that she's going to write an article about us for the paper," I said smiling.

"I'm so glad you got that worked out, babe," said Sunny as she winced. "Oooo...ouch. That was a strong one."

"So how's everything going here?" I asked, placing my hand on her belly.

"Well, the contractions are consistently about fifteen minutes apart. Dr. Brio was here a little while ago and said that I was five centimeters dilated," she reported.

"Did your water break?"

She blushed slightly. "Yeah. I was in bed playing on my phone when it happened," she said, chuckling. "And Spike may have been curled up beside me when it happened."

I couldn't help but laugh at the mental image of Spike being soaked from Sunset's amniotic fluid flooding the bed. I know it was mean to think about - especially since he was my only friend for the longest time - but I just wish I could've seen his reaction to what was happening.

"I will say this much babe, I will never complain about menstrual cramps ever again."

We both laughed as I wiggled up onto the bed to cuddle with her. I held her right hand as we talked about who we wanted to be the godparents and watched some cooking show on TV.

About forty-five minutes later, Dr. Brio made paid a visit to check on Sunny's progress.

"How far are we doc?" Sunny asked as the doctor made a note in the chart.

"I'm sorry to say but I feel that you're going to be a while. You're dilation only increased by a half of a centimeter in the last hour," she replied.

"Please tell me that you're kidding," Sunny whined. "This hurts like hell."

"As I explained earlier, I can't give you the epidural until you're fully dilated."

A noise that sounded like a cross between a groan and an angry snort from a horse escaped Sunny's lips as the doctor left the room.

"What was that?" I asked, stifling a giggle.

"What was what?"

"That noise you made a second ago," I said as the smile on my face slowly grew. "It was like a horse snorting out of anger."

"Did you forget that I'm actually a pony?" Sunny asked.

I leaned in close to whisper my answer to her. "No, I did not forget. Especially since you're such a sexy pony to begin with."

"You little-" she said, landing a playful punch on me. "Owww…"

"Getting stronger?"


"Scoot over and lay on your side, facing away from me," I said as I sat up and moved away from her slightly.


"Just do it."

She did what I asked and I shifted her gown so that her entire back - including her cute tush - was exposed to me.

"Enjoying the view?" she asked playfully.

"Oh, hush," I said as I began to massage her lower back.

After a couple of minutes, Sunny began moaning in relief of her pain. "That feels awesome, babe. Can you go a little higher?" I happily obliged as she continued to enjoy the impromptu massage that she was receiving. "Thanks, Twi. You have no idea how wonderful this feels."

I leaned in and kissed the back of her neck. "I read about this online and figured I'd give it a try." She giggled at me while I continued to knead my thumbs into her spine.

As I enjoyed the bonding between us, I realized that this day was far from over. By this point, Sunny had been in labor for a little over three hours and when the doctor last checked, Sunny was only halfway there. This is going to be a long night, I thought.