• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen Monday


I write garbage fan-fic.

Comments ( 57 )

Coverart sauce: Derpibooru ID:2028873

Warning: NSFW

Boy, do I wanna be an alicorn right about now...

I look forward to the rest of this.

I want to know what the original story that inspired this one is. I am very curious.

On that note I hope we get a from beginning to end story here. From the impregnation to the birth, after all the first chapter was very clear that breeding is a common thing for Alicorns and this will be Twilights first.

I would also wish a side story of Celestia and Luna and how they manage to deal with this issue without anyone noticing.

Buster Knutt's Dusk Shine Impregnates series.

I love that series. he's done a really good job on that one.
I just wish we saw the aftermath of all of Dusk Shine and Shining armors encounters. As it is we only see the beginning, but very little of the rest of the story.

Hopefully you will show us more than just the beginning (impregnation) and we can see how Twilight deals with all that being a breeder entails (pregnancy, birth and possibly motherhood).

Also you gave an awesome idea for a side story, relating to Celestia and Luna who are also breeders, but have managed to keep their escapades and the entire notion hidden from the public eye. Makes you wonder how many foals Celestia has had in the past thousand years and how many Luna has had since returning from the moon.

PFFFFFF:rainbowlaugh: This was awesome!

Shining you sneaky bastard, XD Seriously though, I loved this chapter

Somber Shade stood outside the door to Princess Twilight's quarters in his light armor (that left little to the imagination), sword at his hip, spear in his hands, and a crippling case of blue-balls. Not to say his Balls were actually blue, or painfully swollen, that wasn't a thing as far as he knew. No, what Shade was suffering from was a bad case of "my boss is fuckin' sexy" syndrome and it had been days since he'd last had enough time to jerk-off. Even then it felt wierd, like someone was watching him, and he swore he could hear someone moaning.

Just a little mispell i noticed, overall chap good.

And now back to our regularly scheduled program

Favorite sentence ever

Hot as hell. Hope you write stories for the other princesses too.

The princess took a few shuddering breaths while her eyes took in the sight, before closing them, focusing her mind, and slowly squeezing her inner walls around the cock lodged inside her.

"... 14 inches long, 3 inch diameter, 4 inch medial ring, 4.5 inch flare." She mumbled to herself before looking up at Shade, who looked at her with a perplexed expression.

"T-Twilight... Did you just measure my dick with your pussy?" He asked, a blush spreading across his face.

The purple alicorn nodded slowly
"Uh... Yeah... I learned it from a book Rarity loaned me, I never used it on a stallion though... Is it too wierd?" She asked, already embarrassed.

I found that incredibly amusing and incredibly arousing at the same time.

borrowed that skill from cheating twilight-sluttification of a princess.

He's 'retired' and apparently decided not to leave his stories on the site...so....they've been deleted, his account has been deleted.... he basicly only exists in our memories now.... i mean, his PATREON was deleted too..

Dude that fuckin' SUCKS!!!
He was an inspiration... Did he have any other social media?

not that I'm aware of.. i only know cause the Impreg group had someone asking about it

Goes to show you, if you really like something... download it

Uhg I hate book burners, if you want to retire just change you username and leave your stories up people jeez.

Here for anyone that didn't get them downloaded I don't know if it's all of his stories though


its not its missing alot sigh why do people do that delete everything like that such a dick move

so princess cadance is in to three somes wow

In before she somehow gets double pregnant somehow.

horrible news i just revisited the site his stories are missing there too

(Starts prying to all the gods of Love) Please be the third partner Spike, please be the third partner Spike, please be the third partner Spike!

poor Spike. his mom’s gone and replaced him, again

It's always some what of a strange feeling seeing people mention being inspired by stuff that I do. I've gotten so used to being one of the many screaming into the void that I've never really come to terms with the fact other people starting listening to me specifically.

Also sorry about disappearing and book burning last year. Was a dumb idea. Won't do it again. Don't recommend it.

Holy shit, Senpai noticed me!

But for real man, I'm glad you're back, and I hope to get this latest chapter done soon.

Shade sat there with a look of profound realization on his face. "... oops."

It Was At This Moment That Shade Knew… He Bucked Up

At one point I was going for that but scraped the idea and just made his family's names related to ghosts and such.

Very nice! Little mistake I noticed

Goodness, I never would have guessed Twilgith

Twilight's mom was a stripper? Feel really sorry for Night Light, who knows how many trains Velvet had run through her up til then (she most likely fucked other customers OUTSIDE of the stripclub).

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