• Published 10th Sep 2019
  • 1,975 Views, 63 Comments

Gems II: Dawn of The Princesses - Pen Dragon

Barely escaping the hooves of the Order, Watcher and Celestia take refuge in Everfree City in hopes of starting over while also searching for the other three lost princesses.

  • ...

Chapter Ten: Silver Stone

Chapter Ten: Silver Stone

Midnight stood off in the distance, covering his whole body in a black tattered cloak, his green eyes piercing through the fog as he watched a battalion of Order soldiers trotting through the roads of Whitetail woods at night, carrying a cargo wagon with supplies through a thick fog, but the unicorn wasn’t interested in any of that, but was searching for a certain individual that was allegedly a part of the group that had caught his interest in a wanted poster, a bounty hunter that went by the name of Amate. From what he had read, she was another powerful unicorn that had a reputation of killing her enemies with a crossbow at impossible distances.

Under normal circumstances he’d want to avoid running into a mage like her since not only was she one of the deadliest mares in Equestria, but also had an equally deadly companion, a‘kill first, ask questions later’ type of mare by the name of Shrike. According to the intelligence he’d gathered from the underground, the two were rarely seen apart, but as luck would have it, they weren’t together for once, for some reason, and this was what Midnight was looking for.

“I better get rid of the riff raff, before confronting her… let’s just hope she doesn’t spot me right away,” Midnight said to himself, as his horn began to glow and slowly strands of his mane began to turn white, the color oozing to the ground. Slowly the material expanded outward into, form over twenty black wolves, each with piercing green eyes as tar continued to drip from various parts of their body, “It’s feasting time my pets, feast to your heart's content!”


After hearing the powerful howl, the troops from the Order pulled out their weapons, wielding various blades, staffs and axes as the howling began to increase in volume, and came more frequently. It didn’t take long before everypony started noticing the multitude of green eyes surrounding them and their cargo.

“OPEN FIRE!!!” One of the squad leader’s ordered, firing a magic blast from his horn, only to be attacked from behind by two of the large summoned wolves. The first one took full advantage of the situation from overhead, digging its teeth into his skull to the point his horn started to crack under the intense pressure. Meanwhile the second wolf dug deep into his leg, tearing apart the fibers with ruthless vigor, ignoring his victim’s pitiful cries of agony, “HELLLP ME!!! HELP ME PLEASE!!! HEL-”

It wasn’t long before the other soldiers started firing off into the fog, trying to do some kind of damage to the advancing pack of canines.In a matter of seconds, one by one, a member from the battalion was pulled into the fog, his screams echoing in the eerie stillness. One stallion wielding a large battle axe, swung rapidly like a mad stallion, trying his best to fend off their attackers, but was quickly jumped from behind as four more followed. A little unicorn mare just stood frozen in place as she watched the ravenous wolves rip apart the stallion right before her eyes. She shook in place like a leaf as her staff dropped to the ground. One of the wolves turned and attempted to jump upon her at once, but another stallion in the group tackled the beast and fell to the ground with it, getting it away from her.

“GO!” he shouted at her, the drooling teeth snapping in his face, “Somepony’s gotta make it out!”

The wolves continued to pick off the defenders, the crossbow master on their side finding himself being torn apart the instant he fired his last shot. Even the pyromancer wasn’t able to do much in the situation, ultimately deciding to immolate himself when the dogs leapt upon him in hopes of taking down some of them too. The heat from the pyre started to clear some of the fog away, as the screams and gnashing of canine teeth died down. Strewn corpses and exposed bones were all that remained from the massacre, as well as the field of flames the desperate pyromancer had left behind in his place.

Midnight felt his pets had done quite enough, although he could sense using a scanning charm that a single heart was still beating, quite rapidly in fact. After murdering that old ram, he found keeping track of his opponent’s hearts quite useful.

“I suppose I ought to track down that last mare,” he said to himself, recalling his remaining conjured killing machines to his side, “and slash her myself as punishment for being mean to the dogs.”

The stallion wandered down into the slaughter field he had created, though several of the bodies had been completely destroyed. To help cover his trail a bit, he cast a force field over the flames, extinguishing them completely. The fog began to creep back in, and Midnight began to believe he’d made a mistake even though a light spell from his horn helped a bit. The heartbeat was somewhere up ahead, and it was slowing down, probably from the adrenaline of his next victim wearing off.

“Everyone else, scout around. Find that heartbeat,” Midnight growled, “can’t see much in here.”

The last three wolves obeyed, taking off into the fog and beginning their cruel hunt again. This left Midnight alone to wander around amongst the cargo and the rest of the remains of the convoy. He sensed the heartbeat picking up again, and moving around to his right flank.

“That’s it… take her,” he said softly, “no witnesses.”


Something had taken down one of the wolves. Midnight’s horn glowed more furiously as he charged up a shot and looked in the location of the heartbeat. He was prepared to fire as soon as anything appeared through that fog now. However, to his amusement, the heartbeat began to increase in intensity very suddenly. He finally heard a mare yell out, and then… the pumping organ was silenced.

“Very good!” the unicorn chuckled, “Well worth one wolf. Come back to me, pets!”

A solid minute passed without the two remaining familiars returning, frustrating the mage. His smile and confidence went to anger and repressed fear, as he scanned around with his charged horn again.

“Did they not hear me?” he muttered, “Aren’t summons supposed to be connected directly to my will?”

He heard the clicking noise of a crossbow cocking, and the wood of the weapon was shoved into the back of his head.

“Impossible,” Midnight growled, “how’d you manage to survive?”


The unicorn snapped, “You’d better answer! If you think you have the drop on me just because this crossbow is to my head, you’re a moron!”

The weapon tapped the side of his head sharply, an order to turn around. Midnight did slowly, eager to see who this fool was wasting his time before he vaporized her. When he did, he found himself face to face with Amate, who smiled just to mock him.

“Ahhh, so that explains your survival,” Midnight teased, exhaling sharply through his nose, “you’re Amate. I’ve been looking for you.”

Amate signed with her magic, “You found me. You wasted these ponies. You have one minute to convince me not to kill you.

“What if I told you I could give you everything you’ve ever wanted? A new beginning, a voice?” Midnight asked, a smirk appearing across his face as Amate looked in disgust.

She tightened the coil on the bow again, “Changed mind. One more sentence, then your brains go splat.

“Really? Cause the way I see it, you’ll need me if you want to find the false princesses. Especially since I know where they are heading,” Midnight answered, knowing she’d probably be interested in the bounty, “Besides… These were Order troops. From your expression, I can tell you really aren’t all that attached to the faction.”

Amate thought about it for a moment, keeping the crossbow pointed but for the moment, leaving him alive.

You want to trade information for your life? Fine. Take me there. This stays pointed until you do.

“If you really must be that way, sure. I’m on my way there anyways,” Midnight answered. “However, if you really want to make a change for not only yourself, but for your friend as well.”

And with that he began to lead the sniper further into the woods, leaving behind the multiple bodies of fallen troops into the night as Amate began wondering what the unicorn was really after.

Downtown Everfree City

Clyde continued to hum to himself as he began to make his way over to his favorite ramen noodle shop as it was the only place open so late at night, He couldn’t wait to dig in, but it wasn’t long until he felt a hoof grab his shoulder and he quickly reached for his revolver and spun around, holding onto the pony’s hoof, only to see Techorse.

“GODDESSES TECH!! I could have killed you dude!”

“And if it wasn’t me? You would have blown off a random’s head in the ramen shop?” he said, the usual serious look on his face, “look, we need to talk about this.”

The gunslinger badly wanted to hit the inventor in the face, but he took a deep sigh and turned back towards his friend with a small grin. “What’s there to talk about? It seems like a straight forward plan, right?”

“It’s not about the plan, per say, it’s...” he trailed off in response, “well, do you remember how when we first teamed up, you figured out how easy it is to get me to believe something? To trust others?”

“I know you’re gullible already,” Clyde commented, “can’t this wait? Kinda want my ramen first.”

Techorse rolled his eyes in response, “It’s not about that. It’s about what we’re making the others believe. So, let’s go get some ramen together, I’ll try to explain, okay? I won’t keep you from the food, but you’ve got to hear this.”

“Alright, I’m fine with that… just explain to me what’s on your mind?” Clyde asked, putting his revolver back.

“We’ve been to that prison before, Clyde,” he said, “I didn’t come up with those schematics with a ‘long range scanner’, we’ve seen it ourselves. If we don’t tell the others what happened there that day… they’ll be crushed.”

Clyde’s smile soon vanished as it was replaced with a scowl. This is what the shamrock colored stallion wanted to talk to him about, gritting his teeth, he tried to compose himself from yelling at his friend. It was a sensitive topic as what had transpired all that time ago in that prison changed everything for him and his friend. However, he was a stallion who was always in a chipper mood and he didn’t want to make Techorse feel bad about bringing up what had happened all those years ago.

“Tech, buddy, It’s okay… We’ll tell them once we leave in the morning,” Clyde suggested, earning a nod from his friend, but Techorse couldn’t help but think about what had happened that day three years ago.

Three Years Ago, Mount Chimera Prison

Techorse was laying down a barrage of covering fire, laser bolts flying down the stone hallway, impacting on rock, metal, and sometimes flesh. The prisoners had decided to stage their uprising against the bounty hunters, even if they hadn’t put them there, anyone who fought for the law had to be destroyed, the Order’s law or otherwise. Energy blasts were keeping their heads down for now, but the inventor keeping them at bay would face his saddle overheating soon.

“I can’t hold these guys back forever!” Techorse shouted back to his teammates, “We need to cut off the escape route!”

“Geez, like that wasn’t obvious!” Clyde shouted, pulling out a flash grenade from his satchel and threw it, causing a loud bang, blinding several of the cannibal ponies that had escaped their cells, “This is your chance Tech! Take them down!”

“Here we go, missile out!” Techorse yelled, jumping forward as his cannons backed into his saddle and the two launch tubes emerged.

A flash of light from the tubes and a spiral of smoke sent the pair of explosives careening towards the flesh eating captives, the hallway illuminating with the glow of an orange fireball as the high-explosive rounds filled it with shockwave and incinerated air. Several of the enemy had been blown clean out of the hallway, and those in cover had lost it to the blast, turning tail and trying to flee. Clyde took the opportunity and spun his trusty revolver into place, fanning the hammer to unleash all his rounds at once. The heads of the fleeing cultists popped, slumping over as hot lead tore through them and bounced around in their bodies.

“Guess you guys got busy… not bad for a couple of rookies,” Clyde and Tech heard, turning around to see a pegasus mare with light brown fur, black mane and tail with a white cloak on with a dragon emblem on the side. She had silver eyes and was wearing grey gauntlets on her hooves with long blades attached to them, “Took you guys fifteen minutes when it should have taken five to subdue these guys.”

“Hey, you forget… professional bounty hunters here sis,” Clyde commented.

“And we aren’t rookies Silver Stone,” Techorse stated.

“Relax, Techie, just messing with you,” she answered him, winking, “I just got done sealing the western exit with the explosives as planned. With these guys wiped out, that just leaves the remaining rioters in the eastern sector of the prison.”
Silver Stone’s confidence and mental clarity in the heat of battle, alongside her deadliness, made her a leader Techorse looked up to. He had only been a bounty hunter for a short amount of time relatively speaking, and was reluctant to make any friends, but she had insisted to Clyde that she be allowed to teach him strategy off the clock. Sure Techorse was smart on technical terms, but for the past year, his ability to plan and handle evolving situations had come from her guidance.

“Let’s mobilize then,” said Techorse, “if we hurry they may surrender when they find out they can’t leave and return to lockdown.”

“Ah ah, not so fast,” she teased, waving a bladed hoof, “how much ammunition do we have left, boys?”

The inventor took inventory quickly, the sounds of gears and servos in his saddle audible as he shifted things around, “One pair of missiles left… great. Good thing lasers are infinite.”

“...and how many bullets left, bro?”

“Plenty,” Clyde answered vaguely.

“Great,” she continued, “we’ll take the northern battlements over, get a bit of fresh air, and cut off the rest of these bone chewers on the other side! Follow me, guys.”

“Find it hard to believe that the Order asked us to eliminate these guys instead of locking them back up,” Techorse said plainly, somehow still earning a giggle from Silver Stone.

“You say it like it’s the first time doing this Tech, trust me when I say that these guys have had it coming for a long time. Either way, we get paid, the Order is happy that the escapees are taken care of, everyone wins,” Silver Stone stated, as Clyde trotted past her with his revolver in one hoof at the ready.

“Are you two going to keep chatting, or are you going to let me be the only one having all the fun here?” Clyde asked, smirking as he began making dashing down the hall, leaving Silver Stone alone with Techorse. The young mare couldn’t help but roll her eyes at her little brother’s antics.

“So Tech, you never told us… why did you become a bounty hunter? You don’t look like the kind of guy to kill… even on the day we met you’ve been too… nice.” Silver Stone asked.

“I never joined for the money, which is why you think I’m nice,” answered the stallion, “I want to stop war criminals in as few casualties as possible. Such as the ones that dispossessed my family...”

“And being a murderer like us is the best way to do that?” Silver Stone asked. “Cause honestly that’s what we bounty hunters are, just a bunch of lowly outcasts hired by the highest bidder to eliminate a certain target, good or bad. So, why this? Why not get a political role to change things, or join the rebellion across the borders?”

“Interesting you mention that,” he replied, “you haven’t noticed how few jobs I take with you guys? There are other customers besides The Order, and those customers have different interests. Live capture, sabotage, and defense contracts. I’m here, because my family could be in one of these prisons, Silver. The Order could keep their filthy money if it didn’t make me a suspect.”

“Hehe, Well I’m not hearing a denial of being a murderer I see,” Silver stated, smirking at the stallion. “Either way, I personally think you’d be better off leading the rebellion then those idiots. The world is a crappy place and I think you can make a change honestly.”

“I have never fired upon anything that didn’t fire on me first,” Techorse shrugged, “but they’ll call me whatever they want I guess. As for the rebellion, I have my reasons for not being a direct leader. It’s not a ‘gotta do things my way’ reason though, I swear!”

“Well it’s perfectly fine, just giving my opinion is all… We’d better catch up to my brother before he does something stupid,” Silver stone replied, smirking at the stallion before jabbing him in the chest with her hoof, “I’ll be taking a sniper position outside, you take point with my brother okay?”

“Got it,” he confirmed, nodding, “I know you’ll keep them off us.”

Giving the shamrock stallion a wink, she quickly began making her way up a nearby staircase while Techorse directly galloped down the hallway to find Clyde and before he knew it he was outside in the prison courtyard, seeing his fellow bounty hunter sitting on the corpse of a dead minotaur with many bullet holes in its head.

“Took you long enough, Colonel would have gotten here faster than you Techboy,” Clyde said mockingly as he twirled his revolver in his hoof before it almost slipped from his hoof. Techorse couldn’t help but roll his eyes in response.

“Your pet corgi moves faster than you Clyde… we probably should have brought him instead.”

“Wow, that’s cold bro,” Clyde responded, “Well so far we’re doing good, we’ve managed to kill four hundred prisoners out of 60,000 so I don’t think we’ll have too much to worry about.”

“Most of that was due to that ceiling collapse. We didn’t have the ammo for this,” Techorse stated plainly, ruining his fun, “couldn’t even find who I was looking for here, so destroying it would have been fine by me.”

“Hey, this is a big prison, it’s so big that it’s under ground we’re only handling the main levels. Blowing this place sky high is something the Order doesn’t want… I’m not sure why, but clearly there are some ponies or whatever kind of species here that might get some help,” Clyde explained, but before he could go on, the sounds of crunching made their ears twitch in response.

“Mmm… I smell something really tasty!” A voice spoke out, causing both stallions to turn their heads back to find a pony with only a few patches of fur remaining on his gaunt body. He shuddered in place, his lips were covered in blood and he grinned at the two stallions. Something they also took note of was the stallion’s horn, it was cracked from tip to base.

“Should we… go for your liver, or perhaps the spleen? What do you think?” The crazed stallion asked, and out from under the snow multiple ponies popped out, all of them covered in blood and drool and leaving much of that on the ground as they surrounded the pair.

“Techorse… call it,” Clyde said, “there’s a dozen in front of us and a dozen behind.”

After taking a look at the situation, seemingly wasting several seconds and allowing the flesh seeking ghouls to gain ground, he spoke, “Burning Barrels technique, followed by the Energy Airstrike.”

“Good choices, Techboy,” grunted the gunslinger, readying his revolver, “Do it!”

Techorse’s saddle opened up, pointing out the two laser cannons and priming them for firing. The prisoners moved out of the line of fire, crowding the ones in front of them into a line between a nearby pillar in the courtyard and Clyde. Smiling, Techorse turned to the right and switched his guns to a special solid-beam mode, firing a straight line of yellow energy into the pillar in front of Clyde. The other stallion laughed and pulled his barrel right next to the laser beam, fanning the hammer and firing off all six shots. As the bullets passed through the solid ray of energy, they melted into a plasma slag, making them glow as if they were pieces of the sun itself. The now energized bullets had plenty of energy to tear through the fiends ahead, penetrating their bodies completely and burning sizzling holes through each of them, perfectly cauterizing and leaving not a spot of their own blood besides what had been on their mouths.

“Energy Airstrike, now!” Techorse called, and Clyde responded, turning back and sitting down on the ground to provide a ramp.

Techorse galloped off of Clyde’s back, the stallion grunting below him, and as soon as he reached his neck, bucked into the air to send the inventor airborne. Using the machinery in his saddle as counterweight, Techorse spun around to face the other twelve prisoners, and then unloaded with his normal rapid-fire shots. A spray of laser bolts struck the cannibals, putting them out of commission and pockmarking the snow with melted holes. By the time Techorse landed, only two of the prisoners remained, which Clyde quickly dispatched, having apparently spent the time Techorse was showing off to reload. Twenty four dead or dying prison ghouls were lying on the ground with smoke pouring from laser or plasma wounds.

“You missed a spot,” he teased.

Before the two could enjoy their victory the sounds of trotting hooves through snow could be heard. The two were annoyed as they saw more prisoners rushing towards them, armed with bats with nails and clubs in hooves. Clyde had a theory he didn’t like, but wanted to make clear to Techorse.

“Something isn’t right,” he said, “Sis should have been putting holes in these guys' skulls by now.”

Quickly, Clyde reloaded his revolver and began to open fire at the first three cannibals to approach him, putting a bullet in each of their heads before, pulling out a small dagger from the pocket of his satchel and throwing it directly into the chest of a large muscular pony who had part of his face torn off from something a long time ago. However the pony didn’t go down and swung his club at Clyde, but the bounty hunter evaded it easily as he leaped over the prisoner and fired off another round into the back of his head.

“Sorry, but no touchy,” Clyde said, before turning towards Techorse. “Hey, I can handle these guys, you go see what’s going on with my sister!”

“Right! On my way,” Techorse answered, switching to his saddle’s propellers and lifting off.

He flew up to the area over the courtyard, trying to find where Silver would have established the ideal nest to take potshots from. One of the most obvious spots was a watchtower built onto the top of the overhang the pillar he’d used for his attack was holding up. Entering one of the windows and landing on the floor, he looked around quickly for where the mare could have gone.

“Silver!” he called out, “Are you here?!”

“Tech! Over here!” called her voice from a nearby doorway, muffled by the sounds of clashing weapons, “Hurry!”

Quickly pulling out his rocket launchers in case he’d have a good group of targets to deal with, Techorse rushed through the door. The tower had been built into the side of the prison’s inner wall, leading him into a more open atrium, with sunlight filtering in from a hole in the ceiling of the otherwise rounded room. Silver Stone was engaged in combat with five more of the denizens of the compound, Tech took notice that her rifle was broken in two, her hood was ripped off and she was covered in bruises and stab wounds.

“Hey boss? Isn’t this that kid you kept talking about, she has the same cutie mark you kept babbling on about?” A diamond dog asked, holding Silver up by her leg before getting a swift kick in the face. “Son of a bitch!”

“No… touchy…” Silver muttered, picking up a dagger in her mouth before being approached by a large red minotaur with multiple scars across his face. He held a large battle axe with a red ribbon on it.

“You're that little filly from before-” However before the minotaur could finish, Silver Stone threw the dagger she held in her mouth in a swift motion, cutting the brute’s cheek with it. It wasn’t long until Techorse noticed a changeling appear behind her and stabbed her in the back. The changeling jumped back from her, leaving the knife he’d used in Silver and preparing another weapon to finish the deed.

Enraged, Techorse yelled and quickly fired off the pair of rockets he’d saved, the twin projectiles spiraled into the changeling’s body, detonating and sending his chitinous body skidding across the floor from the concussive blast. Plates of the changeling’s carapace littered the floor around Silver Stone, who had dropped to her knees.

“Interesting,” the minotaur chuckled, pointing his axe at Techorse, “you’re clever, and your weapons are strong, but that won’t save you. Take him out!”

“You heard the boss... It’s snack time!” A grey pony with a long black mane and tail cried out in joy. Having a crazed look in his eyes, but what Techorse really noticed was that the stallion wore zebra skin on his body and had a long black fur scarf around his neck. However, before he could make a move, the crazed stallion threw multiple knives directly at the pair, with Techorse covering Silver Stone, he took the brunt of the blades to his front leg, causing the stallion to almost yelp in pain, barely holding it in.

“Ruffus, eating all the time isn’t always the solution,” the now scorched changeling from before replied, ripping off the remaining parts of her outer shell with her bare hooves, revealing a second exoskeleton underneath.

“Scales, you go deal with that other pony down there… he’s killing all of my mea- troops,” Ruffus replied, grinning madly as he licked his lips, staring at Techorse. “I want to savor this meal right now!”

“Tch,” Scales scuffed before beating her wings and began to take flight into the air. “Just deal with these two already you fools.”

“Ruffus, Black Wing, and GreyHound, kill the green pony. I’ll be taking my time with the little mare,” Their boss ordered as the three remaining lackey’s of the minotaur glared at Techorse, each one holding a different weapon from the others. Ruffus wielded small blades underneath his zebra skin, the white griffon with black wings had wing blades, while the diamond dog named GreyHound held a large hammer in his paw.

“Tech...” whispered Silver Stone weakly, “don’t die here.”

The stallion stared into his friend’s eyes for a moment, his brain going over all his options to get them both out safely, denying the reality of what the knife in her back and the approaching enemies meant.

“Don’t die here, Tech!”


“Tech… Techboy. Techorse! Snap out of it!” shouted Clyde, bringing the inventor out of his memories and back to the present day, “You’re thinking about it too much.”

He blinked twice before answering, “Y… yeah. I am… sorry Clyde. I can’t help but think about it. So will you help me tell the others?”

“Hmm… Well I shouldn’t considering it’s a you problem, not a my problem,” The gunslinger responded as both stallions were suddenly served a fancy cocktail by a short mare, “We didn’t order-”

“It’s on the house...:” the waitress responded, winking at Techorse before trotting off.

“Still don’t get how mares are into you of all ponies,” Clyde stated, taking a sip from the cocktail he was served.

“Be kind, don’t push it,” Techorse answered, toasting him with his own glass, “and most of all, smiling helps!”

“Guess that also explains the way you act around Aura now?” Clyde said smugly.

Techorse nearly choked on his drink, just barely getting it to the table before spilling it all over. He wiped his now stained mouth off with a hoof, and took a second to collect himself before responding.

“I didn’t say anything about Aura!” he answered, turning red, “I mean… she’s nice, and she’s definitely beautiful, but… we all have a high chance of dying soon, so I’m not sure.”

“Anything to avoid speaking the truth, huh?” Clyde snickered at him, “You’re obviously attracted to her, champ.”

“L… look, it’s not that, it’s,” Techorse continued, figuring he could come up with something, but eventually gave in, “all right, it is that. I like her a lot, but I couldn’t drag her into this life. Maybe when this war’s over.”

The other stallion shrugged and sipped the next bit of his drink, “Can’t tell you what to do, but I think you should shoot your shot. You could come out of this war with her at your side.”

He thought about it for a moment, responding, “Well, maybe you’re right. If we both survive, I’ll ask her.”

“Well just be sure dark and brooding doesn’t get ya killed,” Clyde said, removing his helmet and setting it down on the table. “And hey, you better get the girl, otherwise I’m going to sweep her off her hooves before you get the chance Techboy.”

“Based on her reaction to you, I think she’d rather kick you where it counts, gunpowder breath,” he countered before going a bit quiet, “as for Watcher getting me killed, that’s… that’s a bit more in the air.”

“Hmm… Maybe if you try to talk to him, you might be able to work with him.”

“I’ve been trying to be his friend the whole time, not just talk to him,” Techorse said dolefully, “he just doesn’t like me, I guess. Watcher’s very negative, even for somepony in his situation. I just hope it doesn’t translate to him refusing to work together later on, that could definitely get us killed.”

“Hey, buddy don’t think too hard about it. Just tell him everything and I’m certain he’ll understand,” Clyde said, trying to figure out what he needed to say to give his friend, while the waitress returned once more with two fresh bowls of ramen. “It’ll probably be better if we eat first though… help you figure things out you know. Nothing like a good meal to help the brain right?”

His friend took a deep breath and agreed, “You’re right. I’ll get it out of the way once we get back. For now, noodles.”

“Now we’re talking!” Clyde said, not hesitating to dig into his bowl.

While his friend dug in, Techorse couldn’t help but recall another time before their mission to Mount Chimera, a time when they could all just sit at the very same cheap noodle shop and have a drink or two. He remembered well that one time they decided to do something different other than their usual spot, a pub on the other side of town, and felt so out of their element they couldn’t decide what to order. Silverstone managed to ease them into the situation, getting them involved in a trivia game the owner had started. He couldn’t remember if he had cleaned up at that game or not, but at the noodle shop they’d always talked business. There, at the little hole in the wall, they were more like best friends and family than bounty hunters, sipping ales and trying to top each other’s answers. It was almost enough to make him forget that his family was dispossessed and his parents were locked up somewhere. Almost.

Clyde raised his glass again and snapped him out of his brooding, “Cheers! To making it out this, together Tech!”

The stallion sighed, smiled his best, and raised his glass as well, “Cheers!”