• Published 10th Sep 2019
  • 1,975 Views, 63 Comments

Gems II: Dawn of The Princesses - Pen Dragon

Barely escaping the hooves of the Order, Watcher and Celestia take refuge in Everfree City in hopes of starting over while also searching for the other three lost princesses.

  • ...

Chapter Seven: Hangover

Chapter Seven: Hangover

Three days had passed since Nightmare Night and despite learning that his former friend was now alive and still kicking, it didn’t stop Watcher from doing the one thing that could ease his mind. A large bottle of Umbra’s vintage (and therefore outrageously expensive) whiskey and drinking it to his heart's content. This did not sit well with the former princess as she had never seen the stallion drink so heavily before, but he played it off saying.

“Better to take it nice and easy right?” He replied with another question.

After the events as of late, that much was easy enough for the others to agree upon, and they joined him happily. Tensions were starting to get a little high around the manor for “some reason”. It all started with a pegasus walking into Watcher’s room with a very painful migraine and a bucket by her side.

“Ugh… Watcher, are ya in here? I can’t find Umbra anywhere,” Aura asked groggily, rubbing her eyes as she let out a deep groan. She slowly lumbered over towards the stallion’s bed.

“Grrr... Just... ask... your… Toyhorse or Boytech. Whatever he is to you now,” He groaned, his head appearing out of the covers of his bed, with a piece of paper attached to his horn.

“You don’t have to YELL!” She shouted, as her head started to hurt more.

“I didn’t... Just let me sleep oka-”

Aura Lace stopped and snapped to attention, as if she had regained her focus, “Oop, nevermind… found her!”

It took Watcher’s pickled neurons a moment or two to figure out what Aura Lace meant, and as soon as it registered, he whipped the comforter off of the bed quickly to find Umbra right next to him on the mattress. She was curled up sweetly, more like a pet cat than anything else, snoozing away. Of course, Watcher wanted nothing of that, and had no idea how the mare had managed to go there thanks to the booze.

“UMBRA!!!” he snapped, jolting her awake as the stallion fell off the bed. Aura couldn’t help but look away as the color in her face began to change into a darker shade of red.

After a moment of silence following his shouting, Watcher clearly had the courage to continue, “W-wwwhat are you doing h-here!?”

“Hmm... Morning handsome... what’s wrong?” she asked with a tone of voice that seemed very content with the situation.

“W-what’s wrong? WHAT’S WRONG!?!?” Was all the stallion could say as his fur began turning different shades of red as he tried to process what is happening. “WHY ARE YOU IN MY BED!!!”

“DON’T SHOUT!!!” Aura shouted back, covering her poor ears with her wings.

“Watchy? Don’t you remember last night?” Umbra asked, letting out a yawn that was quiet and cute before looking back and noticing Aura Lace was behind him, covering her ears with her wings, the red blush adorning her cheeks growing even more ruby in color.

“No... Don’t tell me... Did we? No, I, no... no, no, no.” Watcher started muttering over and over, as if his mind had shut down.

Aura, still very much red in the cheeks, dropped her wings down and spoke her mind, “Look, Watcher, I… this has to stop, ok?”

“Wh… what has to stop?” asked the stallion in return, still just coming to terms with it.

“You keep worrying us with this crap, running from Umbra one moment, and now this?” she said, feeling like she was going to cry, “it’s not fair to Umbra, and it’s not fair to yourself either! I can’t even tell if you’ve made a decision here or not because of all the whiskey you’ve been stealing.”

“He can have the liquor if he wants to, Aura,” Umbra said softly.

“And I didn’t steal it... Grey Granite offered it to me and I took it all.” Watcher said, trying to recollect the events of the previous night, but after tapping his head, he felt a piece of paper attached to his horn. “What’s this?”

Pulling the paper off his horn, he began reading the contents from it.

“Dear Watcher, I’m sure you're wondering what had transpired from the previous night? Well I left this note in case you and the others had forgotten, but after your drinking game, Aura Lace had suggested spin-the-bottle and everypony... well, I’m assuming you already know. You had dragged yourself to your room and in the middle of the night, my mistress had fallen asleep outside your door. Being a faithful servant and wishing for her happiness as well as yours, I brought her to your room and placed her beside you.

I apologize for the inconvenience and ask that you don’t be alarmed. Please take care and do something about that horrendous breath of yours. Toothpaste is one of the greatest inventions ponykind has achieved thus far.

Yours truly, Grey Granite.

PS, I advise you to please stop drinking so much as the whiskey costs 100 bits per bottle... and in addition, it is very unhealthy for your liver, which you will need to make your entire, hopefully long and fulfilling lifetime.”

“That explains some things, but nothing else...” Watcher stated, making sure to look over every detail, but it was all a haze due to the unholy amount of whiskey that everypony consumed. However, he turned his gaze towards Aura Lace. “So... care to explain why you suggested... SPIN THE BOTTLE!?!”

“I don’t know why! I don’t remember!” Aura replied.

“Does anyone remember why?” Umbra asked, lifting herself up gracefully from the bed despite her pounding headache, “There’s a lot of information here erased by our binge last night.”

“Heh, well… I guess we did go a little overboard on the punch and autumn ale,” the pegasus admitted, definitely still smelling the cheap liquor on her feathertips, “couldn’t have been that bad though. There’s worse things than ‘spin the bottle’ to do when you’ve had a few too many...”

Watcher could definitely contest that, given that he had woken up next to Umbra and nearly died of a heart attack as a consequence. On the other hoof, an argument with Aura Lace wasn’t going to unravel the mystery caused by their overconsumption any faster. There had to have been somepony present who wasn’t so wasted they couldn’t remember what happened.

“It’ll be easier to remember if we retrace our steps… What’s the last thing anypony here remembers?” Watcher asked, as the two mares looked to one another before looking back at him, shaking their heads side to side as a response. He couldn’t help but let out a low groan as he scratched the back of his head. “If… you two don’t remember that much… Maybe Celestia or the celery stick knows.”

“His name is Techorse and you know it,” Aura stated, as the stallion could clearly see as Aura glared daggers at him as her voice sounded venomous. Despite her size, she clearly wasn’t frightened by him, which is very rare.

“Well either way, we’re going to need everypony so let’s split up. Aura, you and Umbra can search their bedrooms, I’ll search downstairs in the dining hall, something tells me a certain princess is down there.” Watcher suggested, trotting out of his bedroom before making a full dash down the hall as to get away from the grey unicorn that was currently laying in his bed.

Umbra’s Kitchen

Watcher’s journey down to the kitchen involved nearly falling down the stairs twice, his legs still adjusting to the sudden drop in alcohol percentage in his blood. He entertained the sick thought that breaking his neck might be a net positive after what had just happened, if not just to feel sorry for himself without actually appearing sad. The kitchen seemed like the best place to start for finding Celestia, since he knew she was going to try to cope with her share of the misery with as much food as she could possibly get down her gullet.

“I swear I’m going to find her eating a huge breakfast while the rest of us have these headaches,” he muttered, “always thinking about food, that royal piglet.”

When he rounded the corner into the dining room, he found out just how much he’d underestimated the situation. The long, normally well-kept table was splattered with blue and white buttercream icing, chocolate cake crumbs flung everywhere carelessly. It was a scene of confectionary carnage, the evidence leading back to the unicorn princess. She was face-down and snoring, her head having plunged through the center of a huge two-layer chocolate cake, the obvious victim of the crime. She had messily eaten her way down the center of the cake and fallen asleep near the bottom out of her drunkenness. Watcher didn’t know whether to laugh himself red, or puke thinking about how much sugar was competing for space with the alcohol in Celestia’s blood right now.

“Why am I not surprised?” He asked himself, walking up to the sleeping princess, he gave her a nudge to try and stir the sleeping princess from her slumber or food coma depending on one’s view. With a deep sigh, he looked around to see if he could find something to at the very least wipe the princess’ face. Noticing a dry rag by the kitchen sick, he used his magic to turn on the water and began to levitate the rag over to soak it with warm water.“I swear one of these days somepony else is going to have to look after you… feels like you can’t do much without me.”

He started to clean her face gently, lifting her off of the destroyed cake with a separate stream of energy. CArefully she was moved in front of him, still snoozing away as if nothing was happening. A momentary temptation to simply wrap her in the towel and scrub furiously like someone drying off their dog came to Watcher, but he knew he couldn’t do that. The stallion’s gentle magic touch with the cloth started to remove the globs of cake icing and crumbs from her face.

“Kind of pretty when you’re not covered in this junk food,” he commented casually, “if only...”

“Aww, aren’t you nice?” commented Aura, walking in on the scene of Watcher cleaning her friend off.

“Well… we can’t have a princess walking around with frosting all over her face now can we?” Watcher stated, finished cleaning Celestia before laying her head back down on the counter before levitating the cake away. “A-Anyway, did you find Techorse? I think he might know more than Celestia, or even better… your brother, if you’ve seen him.”

“Ah, right. I think he did have a lot less to drink than us,” she chuckled, “lemme see if I can find him. Can’t find my colt… I mean, Tech, anywhere.”

“Wait, what was that last part?” Watcher asked, sure he had heard her call him something.

“N… nothing,” she stumbled, realizing she had shown her hand a bit, “I’ll go get my brother!”

Aura left the room in a quick, blushy huff, making Watcher all the more suspicious of her behavior. Especially since she was stuttering when talking about Techorse. What was her problem, anyways?

“Whatever… I’ll see if I can find that tech pony… Seriously where the heck is he?” Watcher asked himself, leaving the sleeping princess alone to rest just a bit longer. However, unknown to him and Aura, the Sun Princess had been awake for quite some time now. With the stallion gone, she couldn’t help but let out a pleased sigh of relief as her cheeks started turning a deep shade of red.

‘He thinks I’m pretty!?’

Techorse’s guest bedroom

The alarm clock went off, disturbing the inventor’s sleep at the cost of receiving a metal fist slamming through it to get it to shut off. How the stallion had managed to wear his mind-controlled saddle to bed was beyond him, but he begrudgingly pulled the sheets and comforter off of his body and sat up, rubbing his temples with the frogs of his front hooves as the metal hand snaked back inside the robotics on his back.

“Still zoned out,” he sighed while glancing at the alarm clock, “and it’s 11. That’s the last time I drink without a hard limit. Can barely think.”

He rolled off of the provided mattress and tried his best to get ready for the day, although his hair still wouldn’t cooperate with a comb for the life of him. Something had happened for sure last night, and as usual, he had zoned out as was his “style” of holding onto his drink. He did clearly remember going to bed though, at least, so that was a great start. Had he known he had the most information of the previous night of any individual in the house, he’d probably have found it funny.

“Quick shower time, don’t think Umbra will mind,” the green coated stallion sighed, tossing the saddle off and slinging a towel over the back of his barrel, “that’ll help with the morning mane.”

The shower was just down the hallway and to the right on the current floor, a wonderful example of a master bathroom, with very expensive tiles and an overhead style shower stall with crystal glass walls rippled to help reflect the steam. Techorse stepped in, dropping the towel off outside, closed the door, and blasted himself with the hottest water possible. Like most ponies, it didn’t feel like a real shower to him unless his skin was about to peel off. Naturally, the room filled with a dense cloud of steam, fogging the mirrors and the windows.

“I needed this so badly...” he muttered, his thoughts becoming clearer the less clear his vision became, “hope the others aren’t too slowed down. There’s things to get done today.”

Out of ignorance for the sound of water against the tiles, and the unfortunate fact that Techorse had left the door open a crack to help vent the steam from the shower, Aura Lace happened to stumble into the same bathroom to get a sip of water from the faucet. He was still too zoned out to notice her, and she didn’t come to her senses until after she’d taken a small drink.

Hmmm… is that, the shower?” she thought, looking to the side.

Another second of listening to the oversized luxury shower stall that was exactly two steps away from her and she confirmed that yes, indeed, the shower was in use. Slowly looking down, she saw the green, color-coded towel that Grey had provided to each of Umbra’s house guests. To her horror, she realized that Techorse was indeed the one showering, and if the Umbra incident had turned her face a little red, this one sent every last red blood cell in her body to her face.

“It’s… Techie! He’s showering right in there!”

Aura couldn’t figure out what to do in this situation, frozen like a deer that had too much to drink the previous evening. She started to take a step back, but the water in the shower had stopped.

“Somepony there?” asked Techorse.

“Uhhhh…” Aura Answered, hiding her face in her wings, “It’s m… me Tech. I came in to get water, I swear!”

There was too much steam to tell, but Techorse was a bit frozen in place himself, eventually deciding to just go with it out of trying to prevent embarrassment, “Oh. No problem, Aura. Last night was a bit much, huh?”

“Sure was,” she answered, feeling a bit more relaxed.

“Can I have my towel?” he asked, “Just throw it over the door.”

Aura Lace didn’t know why, but she answered, “I’m just going to slide it through, open the door up a bit.”

Techorse stood silently for a second, but carefully opened the door a tiny bit so Aura could pass him his towel through the slot created. They never even saw each other, but there was something about the situation that was awkward, yet funny. The fact they could handle a courtesy meant something, at least.

“Thanks, Aura. Forgot I left the door open, imagine if anypony else had been there!”

Aura went back to the door to go downstairs, her thoughts going a million ways but all having the same theme, “You’re welcome, Tech. When you’re done, come downstairs, Watcher and the others are waiting on us.”

“I’m actually headed out for a bit,” he answered, also letting his mind race, “I’ll be back later today, so we can talk.”

“Yeah… talk,” answered Aura Lace quietly, “okay! See you soon!”

Dining Hall

Watcher couldn’t help but groan in irritation as he rubbed his eyes with his hooves, while Celestia laid her head on the table, glaring at the stallion in front of him as the two had gotten into an argument about her taking a quick shower, but told her to wait patiently as they needed to figure out what had happened last night.

“Watcher? Why can’t I just take a quick shower?” She asked, as the stallion groaned once more before laying his head on the table as well.

“Because, you’ll spend too much time there… just be patient alright Tia?”

“But Umbra AND Aura already took one! Why can’t I!?” She asked, raising her head.

“You’re fine Celestia, you can take one after we discuss what happened.” Watcher replied, closing his eyes trying to get some rest before the others arrived.

“Come on, I just need 10 minutes!”

“Yeah, sure… whenever you say you’ll take ‘10 minutes’ it really means 2 hours!” he snapped back, “all the hot water was long gone last time I tried to take one!”

“It wasn’t me!” Celestia complained back, “There were multiple loads of laundry going and the dishwasher according to Grey!”

“Sure.. even when we lived together you took all my hot water.” Watcher added, opening his eyes as he met face to face with the sun princess as she was now standing on the table, staring him down. However, his expression was unchanged as he just shook his head in annoyance. “You can be such a child, you know that? I’m honestly surprised you made it this far on your own.”

“And you are a lecturing grump, like an old coot!” Celestia countered, earning a scowl from the stallion as he stood up from his seat and met her glare face to face.

“For the lov-” Was all the stallion could say before the former princess of the sun stomped her hoof down on a stick of butter and fell over on top of the stallion.

Unfortunately for him, things only got worse as Aura rounded the corner in time to catch them in that “compromising” position. Two ponies stuck to each other on the floor of the dining room, and a demolished cake nearby.

“Woooaaah,” Aura said, blushing, “what’d I interrupt? Dessert, and something else!”

“Nothing, you’re interrupting nothing!” growled Watcher, shoving Celestia’s heavy body off of his, “Princess Tubby here devoured yet another innocent cake and then fell off the table!”

The pegasus smirked and turned her attention to Celestia with full intent to make a game out of the situation, “All right, now what’s your side of the story? Since the victim is no longer with us, indicated by the presence of smeared icing and his smashed body, do you have anything to say in your defense?”

“Yes, Watcher is the absolute worst,” she answered, grumbling and raising her nose in a snooty manner, “and he’s grouchy, too. Mean enough to require comfort cake just to keep my mind together.”

“That is some argument Celestia… I have no idea how I’ll defend myself,” Watcher replied sarcastically. Turning his head away from her.

“Well, all in favor of the defendant needing her comfort cake, raise a hoof,” joked Aura, the two mares raising their hooves, “welp, sorry Watcher, Celestia’s devouring of the cake was fair play, and you are indeed a crabby guy. Better luck next time!”

“I hope that smart ass of yours gets bitten off by timberwolves,” Watcher replied as the princess finally left him alone, following Aura out as he began to wipe himself clean with some clean rags, “why don’t you two go bother Tech, instead?”

“Can’t, he’s gone out for the day,” answered Aura from down the hallway, “See ya, Watcher.”

The stallion cursed his luck, “I wish Techorse would have taken me along… At least he wouldn’t give me a hard time.”

Downtown Everfree City

Techorse wasn’t quite sure as to why he was called to a meeting downtown at this hour, but from the message he had received the night before everypony had gotten drunk, it sounded rather important despite it being rather vague. Pulling it out from his satchel he began to read:

Dear Techorse,

I know it is rather sudden, but I heard from a little breezie friend that you are hiding something rather big and I believe I have some intel that could be of some use to you. Meet me at our favorite ramen shop, you know the one. I’ll give you the details then.

Your dearest and most handsome friend,

Clyde Stone

PS. I heard you are also hiding out with Umbra, think about hooking me up with her.

The stallion folded the paper up and returned it to the bag, rolling his eyes about the last statement. Of course, a message from Clyde was important enough to warrant a trip to the ramen shop, and besides… he was hungry enough to go, having skipped breakfast and all.

“All right, Sunny’s it is,” he said, trotting a few blocks over.

Sunny’s Ramen Delight was a family-owned business, a rather quaint hole-in-the-wall eatery built out of a row of shops in the downtown area. It had made it a long time for regulars and tourists alike, and the owners certainly recognized Techorse.

“Right this way, we’ve got your table ready,” they said, their uniforms kept neat and with a little pin depicting a ramen dish on their coats.

They took him to a booth towards the back, kept private by a set of curtains that could be closed, usually for ponies dating. Techorse slipped behind the curtain and into the spacious booth area, kept lit by a large candle. There was his contact, Clyde, a bit dressed down from what he was accustomed to. The gray coat and razor stubble usually was hidden by a tapestry cloak, which could cover his face if need be, but here he was fully exposed in this casual setting. On the table sat a banged-up metallic pickelhaube helmet, completely contrary to the grizzled pony’s appearance.

“Morning, Tech. glad to see that you still moving despite getting on the Order’s radar,” he said, running a hoof through his curly black mane to match his razor stubble.

“...and I see you’re still wearing that stupid helmet,” commented Techorse with a smirk, “come on, Clyde, you don’t really need that thing.”

“Eventually you get sick of your hat getting shot off,” he answered sternly, “I’m getting awfully nervous about all the rounds whizzing by my head, Tech. Next one could put me under.”

He shook his head, “You? Never.”

His friend scoffed, “Easy for you to say, seeing that….”

“Hey, let’s keep that quiet,” Techorse said quickly, “I heard from your message that you had important intelligence for me. I’m here to listen.”

“Yep, as bright as the sun, Techboy…” He said, waving his hoof towards the waitress. “Hey, care to bring over some cider please? I’m parched!?”

Again… Don’t you drink enough cider Clyde?

Techorse heard a very odd voice, but he couldn’t tell where it was coming from.

“Um… Clyde… Did you hear that?”

“HEY!? I’m not a ‘that’! I am a Breezie, you stupid pony!”

Looking down the fern green earth pony saw a little blue wisp of a breezie with big adorable eyes and a pink mane, at least from what he could tell. She glared at him hard and floated up to eye level with her sparkling fairy wings before jabbing him sharply in his nose.

“That’s what happens to those who mess with I, Azure Blue!!!” She declared, before Clyde swatted her to the seat beside him, the height of the table obstructing her from view.

“Sorry about her… she gets a bit intense. Techorse, I’d like for you to meet my partner… Azure Blue… Azure this is Techboy, the one I’ve told you about before coming here,” he introduced as the little Breezie started seeing stars.

“Techorse. It’s Techorse, a family name… like my father Workhorse,” he corrected, leaning over the seat so he could see the small faerie like being, again, “I’m sorry if I insulted you. It’s just… I didn’t even know Breezies were visiting our world again until just now!”

“You’d be surprised by how many are actually in hiding right now… Anyways Techboy, I called you here cause I heard you are hiding those highly wanted criminals and I just so happened to check out their bounties. 100,000 bits each to capture the two of them… So…” He paused for a moment, glaring right at Techorse which was something he hardly ever did unless he was absolutely serious. “I want in!”

Techorse peeked out of the curtain quickly, since the family establishment was fairly empty, Clyde must have asked for their orders to be taken later for privacy. He then ducked back in, and shook his head.

“Clyde, we’ve been over this. I’m a bounty hunter, but I only take down The Order’s war criminals. These two staying with me are their targets, so I’m going to be protecting them. It’ll generate a ton of work for you, knowing the lengths those guys will go to get them.”

“Relax, I know… I wouldn’t have called you here if I didn’t have some info for you about your little princess,” he said, reassuring him, “I only listed the price because… well, you ought to know how much of a fight The Order is going to put up to get ‘em. You might be in over your little green head.”

“All right,” he answered, calming down, “I was just worried is all. What have you found?”

“Listen… there’s a rumor saying that another Princess has emerged and it’s somewhere we… thought we’d never have to see again,” he replied, before revealing the location.

Techorse couldn’t believe the place revealed to him, his heart starting to pick up the pace a bit. He looked around casually, trying not to accept it as truth.

He chuckled, trying to shrug it off as a joke, “You can’t be serious… there!?

“Techorse… he’s serious.” Azure Blue replied, flying over to Clyde and placing her tiny hoof on his, before looking back at Techorse.

“Wow,” Techorse sighed, “I don’t understand why she would show up there, but I guess you mean it. Getting the two of them to go there is going to be almost impossible though, they barely get along as it is...”

“Look Tech, it’s fine if you don’t want to come… I can check it out myself and if it’s true… I can bring the little lady back no sweat.” Clyde replied, as the waitress placed two bowls of ramen in front of the stallion and two mugs of cold cider. “However, if I’m being honest, I think you should tell those friends of yours to come… Who knows we might get lucky.”

He thought about it in silence, hanging his head in the steam coming from his cooling ramen bowl, before answering, “All right. Once we’re done here, I’ll tell them where we need to go. They’ve got to start finding the other Princesses, if those old story books from my days as a colt were true. I’m really starting to think they were...”

“Hey, whether it’s true or not… It’s going to be one hell of an adventure. Who knows… I might even marry one of them!” He said with a smirk as Azure cringed as she floated away from the grey stallion.

“In your dreams maybe,” Azure Blue mumbled.

“Just kidding,” he answered, smiling.

“Oh, speaking of that, Umbra’s off limits too,” Techorse said, eating his first bite of noodles, “just thought I’d follow up on your note. She wants that stallion staying with us, really badly.”

“I didn’t write anything about Umbra… that psycho has eyes for only a stallion named Watcher back at the academy. I don’t date crazy, you know that!?” Clyde replied, surprised by Techorse’s words.

His friend temporarily stopped slurping his food to get the note back out and dropped it on the table, unfolded, “You wrote that right here, Clyde. I was kind of surprised myself.”

“First off Techboy, you should know I didn’t write this note, as my hoofwriting will never improve beyond chicken scratch. I had Azure write this… wait a minute.”

He turned and gave the floating diminutive mare a nasty look, she replied with a sheepish smile on her face, wiggling her antennae to try and be cute.

“Well… Um… You see… I thought… Ah screw it, I think she’s hot, okay?! Is that so wrong!? I thought she’d you know, be a bit interested in meeting you, and once she found out how terrible you were, I would swoop in on the rebound!” She replied.

Techorse almost choked to death on his noodles from the ensuing laughter, Clyde turning red in the face.

“Hey, why the hell are you laughing?!” Clyde demanded, but the inventor across from him just couldn’t reply as he was dying from laughter, meanwhile the little blue breezie wasn’t so blue anymore, clearly embarrassed if not hurt.

“H...hey! Not nice,” she said.

“Oh no, it’s not you,” Techorse responded, finally settling down and wiping a tear from his eye, “It’s Clyde. I can’t believe he didn’t check the note!”

“Hey, I trust her… I didn’t think she’d pull something like this. Not cool Azure… Not cool at all,” Clyde said, crossing his hooves as he gave the little breezie a stern look and despite being completely red, Azure couldn’t help but give a light chuckle, before flying away at full speed out the curtain.

He shook his head at her antics, “Last time I let her write my notes. You’d be fine with my crappy writing right?”

“Anytime, Clyde,” answered Techorse, smiling, “but don’t be too mad with her. She seems nice enough, even if she’s a bit of a trickster when signing your letters for you.”

“More like trying to sign a death warrant for me… You already know how bonkers that mare is right?” Clyde asked.

“Who, Umbra?” he asked rhetorically, deciding to try and be nice, “She’s… got positive characteristics. We’re friends, after all.”

“Well, let’s just say I hope that Watcher is far away from her… he wouldn’t last a month in the same building as her...” He stated, lifting his bowl and began chugging down the juice from the ramen.

Techorse tried not to burst out again, keeping his thoughts to himself, Oh man, do I tell him? Nah…

“Oh yeah, total goner,” he agreed, finishing the last of his meal, “but that’d never happen.”

Clyde seemed to lose interest in the conversation, “Well… who knows… he might cave in one day if that happens. Still it feels like forever since I left the academy. I wonder how those guys are doing down there...”

“Couldn’t tell you, honestly, haven’t left Everfree since… well, ever,” Techorse answered, “not since I started my career. I’ll tell you what though, my first trip out of here since then might be back in that area. I might need some more information from their library for this project I’ve got going at the bunker...”

“Sure, but anyways if you want to come with me, I’ll be leaving in three days at dawn, it’s not going to be a fun ride… going back there,” Clyde said, placing his helmet on.

“Got enough ammo?” Techorse asked, “I need to make some more missiles and laser cores myself, ran out recently. Remember what you wrote in your last essay at the academy, there’s no such thing...”

“As too much ammo…”, he finished, “we can never have enough Techboy.

“Oh, and you bombed that essay,” Techorse chuckled, getting up, “I’ll need a day or two to build up my saddle’s supplies and make repairs.”

“Hey! Why don’t you swing by my workshop, I have plenty of supplies to build better rockets. You know I may not be the best with making those… but with bullets, it’s just another picnic for me.”

“Sorry Clyde, I couldn’t be caught dead using such an antique as a bullet,” he answered, this was a typical game they played with each other.

“Antique… what’s antique is that outdated saddle of yours… How long have you had that? Since Preschool?”

“Well I guess that’s the problem with technology, always obsolete as soon as it’s useful,” he chuckled, “but the next version is always around the corner, ya know. If you want to help though, we’re going to need smoke bombs. Lots of them. Can you pack a few while I repair and rearm?”

“Not an issue… Anyways meet me in three days up a city hall… And if you want, bring your friends, I’d like to meet this Princess, and her little buddy,” Clyde said, walking past the curtain and disappearing into the streets of Everfree City.

Techorse sat there in the now-empty booth for a few seconds, then came to a realization.

“ He left me with the bill, didn’t he?”

Author's Note:

Just too long.... It's just been too long since I've even touched this story, but my friend Spirals95 has continued to help me despite taking long periods of time to write this, but I'd like to apologize for taking so much time to write this chapter, but I can say with absolute certainty that you are all going to like the next arc that is about to begin.

I hope you'll also like Clyde and Azure Blue, these two will be playing an important role for what is to come. Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and will have a nice night. :)