• Published 25th Jun 2019
  • 1,299 Views, 79 Comments

Spitfire and Old Silver - The FraudulentBrit

Rainbow Dash and the other Wonderbolts meet Spitfire's estranged older brother

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Cast Away Filly

Spitfire and Old Silver

Part 1; cast away filly

If there was anything Scootaloo hated more than the fact she couldn’t fly, it was falling and being incapable of flying. Now here she was, falling from an airship in the middle of a massive thunderstorm. If there was any consolation, the heavy storm clouds were breaking her fall, but every time she tried to hover upward, the wind blew her off course even more.

“Scoots!” she heard Rainbow Dash shouting. As Scootaloo landed on a large and flat storm cloud, she could see her idol and big sister try to race towards her, but the harsh winds and rain were pushing her back to the air ship. “I’m coming Dash!” she shouted, trying desperately to get air born. But as the ship sailed further away, she could see two other pegasi, Spitfire and Soarin drag Rainbow Dash back into the ship, and out of sight.

“No! Don’t leave me! Please!” Scootaloo shouted, but it was no use. The air ship had sailed off into the stormy horizon without her. Then, as lightning crashed around her and the thunder roared, the ship disappeared. She was alone. Feeling desperate, she shouted out, hoping someone would hear her. “Some pony. Any pony! HELP ME!”

Rainbow Dash was being held down by the Soarin and Fleet Foot in one of the ship’s lower decks. Spitfire was trying to calm her down, though she quickly found the task was futile. “I have to get back out there. I have to find her.” Stated a very cross Rainbow Dash. Spitfire shouted back, “its suicide to try flying in this kind of weather. I don’t want you trying to show boat in her weather!” Dash was now absolutely furious. “My sister is out there, where she’ll probably die!” She shouted. Within a few moments, Dash suddenly realized what she had done. She just shouted, let alone talked back, to Spitfire, the leader of the Wonderbolts and her commanding officer. However, Spitfire just stood there, looking her deep into her eyes. Spitfire then took a deep breath and said, “Crash, if you tried going into that storm we would lose you too.”

Soarin, loosening his grip on Rainbow Dash, said, “Look, I can go to the radio and send out an emergency broadcast. The sky guards can then get to her. Hopefully another passing ship will pick her up before you know it.” Everyone stood there for a few minutes, wondering if Spitfire would deny his request, or if Dash would try and fly out again. Spitfire finally broke the silence, ordering, “Soarin, get to the radio and send that message right now!” Soarin immediately ran towards the radio room.

Spitfire then turned to Rainbow Dash, who had now been freed from Fleet Foot’s grip, and said, “And you. If the storm clears up enough for anything to fly, I want you out there looking high and low for that filly. You got it?” Rainbow Dash Gleefully responded, “Yes ma’am.”

The rain continued to pour and pour. Even being so high up in the clouds didn’t help in keeping Scootaloo dry. She was shivering uncontrollably, both from the cold rain and from fear of the crashing thunder and lightning. “Anyone?” she continued to ask, hoping to Celestia that some pony would hear her. “Please? Any pony?”

Then, out of the smoke and rain, she could hear something. The creaking of a wooden ship mixed with the quiet whirling of propellers. As Scootaloo tried to look around, she couldn’t see anything at first. Then, as the sound grew louder and louder, she could see the source of the sound.

Through the clouds behind her came a large airship, sporting three masts with several propellers on the bottom of the ship’s hull. The vessel was painted yellow with black bands accenting it. Realizing what she witnessed, Scootaloo shouted, “Help me! Some pony! HELP!” suddenly; she could hear some voices from the ship. “Oi, there’s some pony overboard.” Said one voice.

“Quickly, get the life preserver and the rope!” cried another. Scootaloo revved up her wings, pushing herself up to the side of the ship. “She’s coming up. Quickly, drop the rope!” cried the first voice on board. A red and white life preserver attached to a long rope was dropped from the side of the ship, and floated down towards Scootaloo. She pushed and pushed, her wings starting to give out from exhaustion. If she could only make it to the life preserver, she would be safe. She reached out, and clutched onto it with all four of her hooves.

“We got her! Haul her up!” shouted a loud, gruff voice from the ship. Scootaloo tried to glimpse up, the heavy rain pouring into her face. As she was pulled up, her exhaustion began to take its toll. Her muscles were giving out and she could barely keep her eyes open. “Come on, put your backs into it you lazy sods!” shouted another, younger voice. As Scootaloo finally lost consciousness, she heard another voice shout, “Oh bugger. Get her below deck now!”

Rainbow Dash stood by the window of her cabin, staring nervously out the window. The rain was still pouring. In fact, the rain was actually getting far worse. Thunder was still crashing and lightning blindingly flashing wildly. Perhaps Spitfire was right; it would be suicide to try to fly in this kind of weather. On any other day, she would have agreed, but this wasn’t any other day. Somewhere out in that mess was her little sister. Well, not by blood, but in every other sense of the word, they were sisters.

She remembered that night of the annual sisters camping trip. “I just want you to see how awesome I am so you’d take me under your wing and teach me everything you know and become like my big sister.” She recalled fondly. Rainbow remembered how she had told Scootaloo that she was once scared of the campfire stories she had told the previous few nights. She hadn’t even told the other Wonderbolts that last part yet.

That’s it. She was going to go out and search for her. Would Spitfire object? Probably. Would she risk being kicked off the team? Most likely. But she couldn’t bear to think of losing scoots to the maelstrom outside. However, as she stormed towards her door, she found herself greeted not by Spitfire, but by Soarin.

“Hey Crash, a ship just picked up a small filly.” She nearly lost her footing. “What?” “Yeah.” Replied Soarin. “A merchant ship called the Hawkins found a small orange Pegasus with purple hair.” Rainbow’s eyes were now glowing with joy. Then, Soarin continued, “But they didn’t say what her name was. She fainted as soon as they got her on board. They promised to let us know more once she wakes up.”

A new feeling overtook Rainbow Dash, one of anticipation and dread. She hoped the filly that the Hawkins discovered was Scootaloo. If not, she couldn’t bear to even think such a dreadful thought. Still, Scootaloo was an exceptionally tough filly, in fact she was the toughest pony rainbow knew after herself. Even still, she still felt uneasy. Was Scootaloo picked up by this ship?

“I know that look.” Said a very worried Soarin. He had a way of knowing when any of the other Wonderbolts were uneasy, stressed, or worried. “I’m sure she’s safe.” “I know, but….” Rainbow started. “I promised her aunts I’d take care of her. And now I don’t know if she’s on that ship or lost somewhere in that storm.” She could feel her eyes watering as she finished. “I don’t know what to do.” She finally collapsed into Soarin, who held her close, trying to comfort the broken Pegasus.

Warmth. That was an odd feeling. Scootaloo couldn’t remember the last time she had felt a warmth like this in a while. As her eyes opened, she noticed she was in a ship’s galley. There were a series of what appeared to be picnic tables in two rows. There was also a simple kitchen, with a large open stove, as well as hanging pots and pans, complemented with barrels full of fruits and vegetables. Scootaloo then looked behind her to see she was lying on a series of blankets, with a large and fluffy one on top of her.

Suddenly, Scootaloo heard something. She saw a large dark yellow stallion, a Pegasus she thought, walking down a stairwell on the other side of the galley. He had a dark crimson mane, wore a black leather coat with a black tri-corner hat and possessed a cutie mark of a sail being pushed by the wind. The mystery stallion was carrying a large barrel towards the small kitchen. As he continued, his whistling stopped and he began singing, “Farewell and adieu, to you hippogriff ladies, farewell and adieu to you hippogriff girls. For we received orders, to sale for canterlot. We hope in a short time, to see you again.”

However, Scootaloo wasn’t focusing on his singing, which she had to admit could give Sweetie Belle a run for her money. It was his wings, or rather, the lack of them. Instead of normal wings, he had what appeared to be long metal rods, two held in place by cylinder joints. At the end of each false wing was a circular hand, complete with three almost skeletal fingers and a small thumb on each hand.

As the large stallion set the barrel down, he turned to see that Scootaloo was awake. “Ah, I see our wee little guest has awoken.” He said in a low yet warm voice with a thick accent, one that reminded her of Rock Hoof. However, she was nonetheless uncomfortable by this weird Pegasus. She quickly burrowed back into her thick blanket. But instead of grabbing her or doing something terrifying, he simply responded, “Don’t let this hunk of hardware scare ya, little lass.”

The large stallion sad beside Scootaloo, extending one of his mechanical wings to her. Scootaloo lifted her head out of the blankets, and observed the metal hands. She eyed the hand, fingers splayed out as a dragon would offer a handshake. She took the hand and shook it, surprised by how firm his hand shake was.

“Oh bloody heck. You’re still freezing.” The large stallion said worriedly. He got off the bench and walked towards the small kitchen, saying, “How about I whip you up some hot cocoa? Should help you stay toasty.” Though Scootaloo loved hot cocoa more than any other drink, she was still nervous of this mystery Pegasus. She had remembered Rainbow Dash reading her a Daring Do story about her fighting sky pirates, and she had been terrified of the villain, the nefarious captain Blue Beard.

Finally gathering enough courage, the still cold and damp Scootaloo asked the seemingly friendly Pegasus, “Are you a pirate?” “I beg your pardon?” asked the large Pegasus. “What makes you think that?” “Well…” started the nervous filly. “Your accent, the fact we’re on a pirate ship, your, your wings?” The large Pegasus gave a perplexed look, and then let out a gentle laugh. “Ha ha ha ha. You don’t have anything to fear little lass. We’re just honest sky sailors trying to make our way in the world.”

The Pegasus took two dull gray mugs and filled them with cocoa, which had been boiling in a pot on top of the central stove. Holding both in each of his mechanical wings, he offered one to Scootaloo. “Drink up little one.” Said the larger Pegasus. “You’ll need your strength.” Scootaloo nodded, took the mug, and took a good gulp. Though she would normally sip hot cocoa, on account of it being hot, she was so cold and thirsty she didn’t care.

“Thank you mister.” Scootaloo gently said to the large Pegasus. He merely responded, “The name is Old Silver. And if I may dare ask, what is your name, and how come a little lass like you wound up in a storm like this?” As if on cue, a loud crash of thunder went off. Terrified, Scootaloo dropped her mug and buried herself back in her blankets. Acting with speed that could rival the Wonderbolts, Silver Grabbed the mug, making sure that very little of the drink spilled out of its mug. “It’s alright there little one.” Said Old Silver, gently stroking the little filly. “The rain can’t get you down here.” Feeling a bit more secure, Scootaloo raised her head above the blankets, and meekly asked, “Are you sure?” Old Silver merely responded, “Aye. I’ve seen far worse than this.”

“Speaking of surviving, you didn’t answer me questions.” Said Silver with a playful smile. “What is your name?” Feeling far more comfortable, Scootaloo responded, “Scootaloo. My name is Scootaloo. It’s nice to meet you Old Silver.” Silver gave Scootaloo her mug, which she graciously accepted. “And, well, you see….” She started, “I was traveling with my sister Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts when the storm hit and I got swept off the ship we were traveling on.”

Silver nearly dropped the mug in his metallic wing, and responded, “The Rainbow Dash? Like the Element of Harmony Rainbow Dash?” “Yeah!” excitedly responded Scootaloo. “She took me under her wing a few years ago and been like my big sister ever since. She invited me to travel with the Wonderbolts for their show in Manehattan. ” Silver took a small sip from his mug of cocoa and responded, “Well I didn’t know she became a Wonderbolt. I never really liked that little group of showoffs.”

“What?” asked a stunned Scootaloo. Could it be possible that there was a pony who didn’t like the Wonderbolts? “Why not?” Old Silver then glanced sorrowful at his prosthetic wings, and responded, “It’s not something I like talking about, but involves why I can’t exactly fly here.” “Wait. You can’t fly?” asked a stunned Scootaloo? Silver took a deep breath, and answered, “Me cursed sister caused a nasty accident when we were fillies.”

Scootaloo couldn’t believe it. Old Silver lost his wings and his ability to fly because of his sister. “I’m sorry.” She answered back, then followed by giving the stallion a big hug. Silver hugged her back, and continued, “To add insult to injury, she’s either too arrogant or stupid to apologize.” Scootaloo noticed one of Silver’s metal hands was now a shaking clenched fist. “You know, I can’t fly either.” She said to the sailor Pegasus, trying to cheer him up.

Silver snapped out of his anger and unclenched his wing, then smiled, rubbing Scootaloo’s mane, responding, “That explains how you had so much trouble staying afloat up here. I’m sure you’ll fly someday.” Scootaloo answered, “That’s what every pony says, but I can barely hover for less than a minute. I don’t even know if I’ll ever fly.” Silver responded, “ Pegasi take to the sky like a fish to water. You’ll fly soon enough.”

Suddenly, a group of stallions made their way down the stairwell, each wearing drenched outfits. There was a White Pegasus in a fancy blue outfit and had a long glove covering his front right leg. There was also a dark brown earth pony that appeared to be very muscular sporting what appeared to be a dingy top hat with a stoic look on his face. Finally, there was a unicorn that wore a double breasted blue uniform, and seemed to have a relieved look on his face. “Ah, I take it the storm finally calming down?” asked Old Silver to the group of new ponies. “Aye, I never thought it would die down.” Said the Pegasus, speaking in an accent far fancier than Rarity ever would.

The Pegasus then turned to Scootaloo and asked, “I take it our little guest is walking around. Glad to see you’re still among the land of the living.” Scootaloo turned to face the unicorn, and said, “Uh, thank you mister.” The unicorn responded, “Name’s Nelson. I’m the quartermaster. You’ve already met our cook Old Silver I take it?” he pointed towards Silver, who was preparing something in the kitchen. Scootaloo answered, “Yes. He seems really nice.” Nelson responded, “Well, no reason to be shy here. These fine lads here are Perry, our gunnery officer,” he pointed to the Unicorn in the blue uniform, and continued. “And Ishmael, our lovely boatswain.” He then pointed to the earth pony, which appeared to be very stoic and still. Perry then said, “He doesn’t say much, but when he does, you best be listening.”

Scootaloo then continued, “I just wanted to thank you ponies. Without you guys I’d probably still be out in that storm.” Nelson then interjected, “Just be careful for Wyvern.” Wyvern?” asked Scootaloo. Then, she heard a low, gravelly voice from right behind her say, “That would be me.” Scootaloo jumped up and turned around to see an elderly yellow-green earth pony that had gone bald. “Bloody ‘ell Wyvern. You nearly gave our guest a heart attack. You really need to work on that popping up thing of yours.” Annoyingly said Nelson. He turned to Scootaloo and gently said, “Don’t mind him. Wyvern may seem creepy, but he’s one of the friendliest stallions you’ll ever meet.”

“Alright Lads,” Old Silver said to the group. “Soup’s almost ready.” Perry answered, “Alright. I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.” A remark that drew a few smug smiles from the ponies around him. Scootaloo asked, “Soup?” Silver responded, “Soup as in hay soup to keep your body warm and belly full.” Scootaloo felt her stomach rumble as she heard Silver answer, and rushed to the same table as the other sailor ponies. Silver arrived with a tray full of bowls. Each one was filled with a nice hay broth and an assortment of carrots and apples.

As Silver set the Bowls down, he suddenly remarked, “Oi. I nearly forgot.” He then returned to the kitchen area and returned with a large plate full of large square objects that resembled saltine crackers. “Can’t forget the biscuits.” As soon as he set the plate down on the table, Scootaloo took one and bit into it, and was surprised by both its bland taste and how hard the biscuit was. Silver remarked, “I know they’re tough, but the soup help softens ‘em up and gives ‘em flavor.” Scootaloo then took her biscuit and dunked it in her soup, and took a bite. It was far softer, and now contained far more flavor.

“You like it?” Silver asked the hungry little filly. Scootaloo happily answered, “Yes. It’s really delicious. Where’d you learn to make this?” Silver, finishing up a soaked biscuit, responded, “A recipe I learned years ago.” Scootaloo took a spoon and ate some of the soup. It may not have been as fantastic as the food in canterlot, but it was still really good, and she was too hungry to complain.

Once every pony had finished eating, the other sailor ponies returned above deck, whilst Old Silver and Scootaloo remained to clean up the mess. As they were washing the dishes, Scootaloo noticed Silver was cleaning one with his front hooves, and another with his mechanical wings. “How long have you had your wings?” she asked the large stallion. Old Silver replied, “About ten years. Before that most ponies thought I was just an Earth Pony.” He set his now clean plates and picked up two new ones with his mechanical wings in an almost seamless motion before continuing, “Though sometimes I think me wings make me look kinda creepy.” Scootaloo eyed the long and skeletal fingers, which she had to admit, were rather unsettling.

“I take it our new guest has decided to become a cabin foal?” said a new, gruff yet friendly voice. Scootaloo turned around to see a crimson unicorn with a black mane and a very long and bushy black beard. “You know this isn’t the equestrian navy.” Old Silver then gave a small smile ad responded, “Then how did you get away with taking in a certain small colt under your wing when he had no one else?” The black bearded Unicorn then let out a hearty laugh, which somewhat unsettled Scootaloo.

“Well, what be the name of our wayward little guest?” Scootaloo was still a bit unsettled by this large unicorn. Sure he sounded friendly, but something about him reminded her of Captain Blue Beard. He spoke even more like a pirate than Old Silver, and his beard certainly resembled how the story described, except it was black instead of blue.

Finally feeling a bit braver, Scootaloo said, “You know, you kinda look like a pirate mister.” Old Silver took a heavy gulp, then nervously turned to face the bearded Unicorn, who smiled and responded, “It’s the beard isn’t it?” Scootaloo gave a nervous smile, and the Unicorn responded, “Don’t you worry young filly. I might look the part but I’m no pirate. Besides, my teeth are too clean to be a pirate anyway.” The Unicorn then approached Scootaloo and extended his hoof, and said, “I’m Cap’n Flint.”

“I’m Scootaloo.” Responded the young filly. Flint then asked, “How did a small filly like you end up all the way out here?” Scootaloo took deep breath, hoping that the pony in charge would not ask that particular question, and answered. “You see, mister Flint,” She somewhat nervously started. “I was with my sister Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts on a ship heading for Manehattan when an everfree storm struck us. I was on the top deck at the moment and, you see, I can’t fly, so when I was swept off from a super strong gust, I couldn’t get back on. Then you found me, so I guess that’s it.”

Flint stood there for a moment, a look of interest, confusion, and a small amount of disappointment on his face, and then knelt down to Scootaloo’s eye level. “Do you mean THE Rainbow Dash?” he asked. Old Silver then responded, “Aye. One and the same. Apparently she’s a Wonderbolt.” Flint then asked Scootaloo, “You said they were Manehattan bound, right?” Scootaloo nodded. “Yeah, they’re gonna perform there.”

Flint, sighing with relief, responded, “Then you happened to find the right trade ship. Me crew and I here are Manehattan bound ourselves.” Scootaloo was now glowing with joy. The ponies who had miraculously rescued her from the storm were also heading towards the same destination as her. “Really?” she enthusiastically asked the large Unicorn before her. Flint answered, “Aye. In fact, I have an Idea.”

Rainbow Dash stood nervously in the radio room. She had been waiting for almost seven hours; waiting for the moment that some pony would come on the other end of the radio and tell her Scootaloo was safe. She heard the door open behind her, as well as a voice asking, “You really need to get some rest Crash.” Rainbow turned around to see that it was Spitfire. “Seriously, it’s not good for your health.”

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath and answered, “Sorry ma’am, but not until I know Scootaloo is safe.” Spitfire then walked up and asked, “What exactly is your relationship with her anyway?” Rainbow responded, “Well, she’s kind of like my little sister. She’s always been there for me and always cheered me on, even if I haven’t always deserved it.” She felt a sudden warmth run through her body as she recalled camping trips, cutie mark misadventures, and the even bonding time with her own parents. Spitfire then asked, “Wait, wasn’t she the one who helped you pull that stunt during your first show?” sporting a guilty smile, Rainbow answered, “Yes. Wasn’t exactly our proudest moment.”

Just then, both mares heard a low, gravelly voice over the radio. “Herald of Lightning come in. Herald of Lightning come in.” Spitfire quickly sat down and began to operate the radio. “This is Captain Spitfire. Who is this?” the voice on the other end replied, “This is Captain Flint of the trade ship Hawkins. Is there a Rainbow Dash on board your ship?” Spitfire then got up and motioned to Rainbow, and then got up from the chair. Rainbow then sat down and spoke into the radio, “This is Rainbow Dash. Is everything alright?”

Over the radio, Rainbow heard a new voice on the radio. Scootaloo’s voice. “Rainbow Dash! Is that you?” Rainbow could barely contain her excitement, and started to cry tears of joy. “Oh Scootaloo. I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear your voice. You alright?” Scootaloo answered, “Pretty good. I think. The crew here are very nice. And guess what? We’re heading for Manehattan!” Rainbow answered, “Oh thank Celestia! I’m so sorry I couldn’t save you.” Scootaloo replied, “Don’t worry. Besides, there’s this really nice Pegasus named Old Silver who’s been taking care of me.”

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo continued on for almost an hour. Eventually, Scootaloo began yawning, and Rainbow Dash said, “I think it’s time for some filly to get some sleep.” “I’m not……” started Scootaloo before she fell silent. A new voice came on over the radio. “I think our wee lassie here should get some sleep. When will you be making port?” the voice asked. Rainbow answered, “Uh, we’ll be there at about nine in the morning. What about you guys?” The odd voice answered, “About seven thirty ourselves. There’s a pub called the Squid’s Claw near dock 94. How about we meet up there?” “Sounds good. See you then mister, uh, what was your name again?” answered Rainbow Dash. The voice replied, “Old Silver ma’am. See you then. Hawkins out.” With that, the radio fell silent.

Rainbow Dash finally let out a sigh of relief. Scootaloo was safe, and from what she could tell, in very capable hooves. But as she turned around, she noticed an odd look on Spitfire’s face. It wasn’t concern, but it seemed clear that something was now bothering her. “Everything alright ma’am?” Spitfire answered, “There’s something about that Old Silver pony I don’t trust.” Rainbow was stumped, and asked, “What do you mean? These guys risk themselves to save Scootaloo and you don’t trust them?”

Spitfire then responded, “Sorry, it’s just that we have no idea who these ponies are or what they were doing out here. Besides, with those Raiders roaming the skies, we have no idea of who is flying out there.” Rainbow knew all about the new thuggish group of ponies known as the Raiders that sailed the equestrian skies, striking any ship or stray ponies they ran into. She couldn’t understand how the princess allowed a group of crooks to roam free.

However, Rainbow suddenly began to succumb to her exhaustion, having been awake and focused far longer than she normally would have, she turned to Spitfire and said, “Look, it’s been a long day, I need to get some sleep, how about we talk about this after we get Scootaloo?” Spitfire nodded, and both walked out of the radio room and returned to their cabins to get some well deserved rest.

Cap’n Flint was preparing the bed in his cabin for his very young guest, trying to straighten his sheets out. Scootaloo had practically fallen asleep on Old Silver’s back, who was trying to keep her balanced. “I think she’ll be out until the morning Cap’n.” he said to his commanding officer. “As do I. Hopefully we won’t get any Raiders this close to Manehattan.” Said the bearded unicorn. The crew had been dealing with the Raiders for the past year, something that wasn’t sitting well with the experienced sky sailors.

As Silver set the sleeping filly in the bed and tucked her in, Flint then said, “You know she’ll be there right?” Silver answered, “I know. Can’t believe I haven’t spoken to her in almost a decade.” Flint continued, “I know I can’t control what you do when we make port, but I want you to be on best behavior, alright?” Old Silver replied, “Aye sir. Best behavior.” Flint came forward and hugged the younger Pegasus, smiling and saying, “You’ve grown a lot since I found you all those years ago.” Silver responded, “Well, I had a certain some pony who was always there for me sir.”

Flint, feeling a sensation of warmness well inside him, smiled and said, “Now, I have some sailors to keep on track, and you have a galley to finish cleaning.” Both ponies began to exit the cabin, but Silver was still a bit hesitant, looking back worriedly at the sleeping filly. He went back over and gently whispered into her ear, “Sleep tight bonnie lass. Tomorrow’s going to be a long day.”

Scootaloo awoke to the sound of loud whistling and creaking wood. As she rubbed her eyes, she noticed that she was in a cabin she hadn’t remembered. She was lying in a bed and the cabin itself had a chair and desk, a dresser, and other pieces of furniture. Scootaloo also noticed the large windows on the rear side of the room, showing it was just after sunrise.

At that moment, Scootaloo heard the sound of a door open. She turned around to see that Old Silver had entered. “Sleep well bonnie lass?” he asked with a smile on his face. Scootaloo answered, “Yes, though what part of the ship are we in? I remember talking with Rainbow Dash last night on the radio last night, and after that I woke up here.” Silver answered, “You finally gave out near the end. Must have been more worn out than I thought. Cap’n Flint was generous enough to lend you his cabin for the night.” Scootaloo looked around the room again, noticing a table in the corner with a radio on it. She must have fallen asleep there and they set her in the bed shortly afterwards.

“Speaking of time, how’d you like to go down to the pub and grab some breakfast with me and some of the lads once we finish docking?” Scootaloo, feeling her stomach grumble, answered, “Sure. Need me to help you with anything?” Old Silver, using his mechanical hand to scratch his chin, responded, “If you’re up for a wee climb, you could help secure the sails. How about that?” Scootaloo was about to nod yes, but asked, “How high are the sails up anyway?” Old Silver responded, “A few hundred feet at least. On second thought, probably not a good idea for a flightless filly.” Silver then knelt down and asked, “Though, if it’s not too much, would you mind helping mopping the top deck? It would be a favor to the Cap’n.”

Scootaloo went out to the deck with a mop and a bucket. As some pony that had cleaned up many a mess from her days struggling to find her cutie mark, mopping part of a wooden deck clean was almost a second nature. Up above, Silver and several other sailor ponies were tying up the sails, making sure they wouldn’t be torn apart by any stray winds or prankster ponies. Looking down, he noticed their small guest mopping the deck as he asked, and doing so with skill that could rival other sailors with a mop.

Once he climbed down from the higher mast, Old Silver Walked over to Scootaloo, still mopping around the wheel. “Alright now bonnie lass, I think I’ve worked you enough for a voyage. How about you join me and some of the lads for a bit of breakfast?” Feeling famished, Scootaloo answered, “Yes. I mean, if it’s not too much.” Silver replied, “Of course not. Now let’s go get something to eat.”

After getting signing out on the ship’s log and collecting his pay from the captain, Old Silver and Scootaloo stepped off the ship and once again set foot on the dry land that was the Manehattan docks. Scootaloo herself found herself struggling slightly to keep her balance on the ground, having become accustomed to the swooshing of the ship. “Whoa there Lass.” Playfully said Old Silver. “Wobble like that and any pony would think you’ve never made port in your life.” Scootaloo answered, “Sorry. How do you ponies keep your balance on a ship like that anyway?” Silver answered, “Just something you get used to.” With that, Silver grabbed Scootaloo with his metal wing, and set her on his back, not unlike Rainbow Dash would when flying her over the skies of ponyville. “Come on bonnie lass, I know the perfect place to grab some grub.”

After walking a brief distance, the two Pegasi approached their destination, a pub with a sign labeled the Squid’s Claw. Scootaloo was somewhat off put by the dull color scheme of building, asking her new friend, “Are you sure this place is safe?” Silver answered, “Aye. She may not look like much but this place is the best pub in all of Equestria.” Silver then let his left mechanical wing down, playfully saying, “Time to drop anchor Lass.”

Despite being dull on the outside, the inside of the Squid’s Claw was surprisingly lively. There were ponies, griffons, and hippogriffs seated at tables or standing in the corners and in front of a bar, as well as a small band consisting of a fiddler, accordion player, guitar player, flutist, and a singer paying music near the back. Scootaloo was surprised to say the least, as outside of the School of Friendship; she had never seen so many of each sort together.

Old Silver led Scootaloo to a table near the middle of the pub. Scootaloo plopped herself on one of chairs, with Silver taking one to her right. A brown mare came up to them and asked, “Ah, good to see you again Silver. When are the others coming?” Scootaloo was a bit surprised to see that this mare knew who Silver was, as well as at least some of the other sailors. Silver answered, “They’ll be here in a wee bit. We’ll have the usual, but I think me friend here could use a drink.” Scootaloo asked, “Uh, what do you have to drink?”

The mare answered, “Well, we have apple juice, apple cider, ginger ale, orange juice, milk, and cola, though we don’t serve ginger ale or cola this early in the morning.” Scootaloo, knowing her options, replied, “I’ll take an orange juice please.” The mare then replied, “One orange juice for the orange filly coming right up.” As she walked away, Silver faced Scootaloo and said, “Good call. Citrus fruits like oranges help prevent scurvy.”

Scootaloo then asked, “How does she know who you are?” Old Silver replied, “Me and the lads usually stop by here once we make port. The lads should actually be here right about……” Right before he could finish, they heard Perry boasting, “Rejoice mares and gentle colts. For the brave crew of the Hawkins have survived the perilous journey from the mountainous heights of Griffonstone!”

Scootaloo and Old Silver turned to face the entrance, noticing a proud looking Perry, a smiling Nelson, an ever stoic Ishmael, and even a jolly looking Wyvern. Silver waved to the others with his metallic wing, and the sailors made their way to the table. “Right on time boys.” Said a happy if somewhat smug Silver. Perry responded, “Awh, you waited for little old me?” Nelson cut in, “Actually, I think he was waiting for all of us.” With smugness oozing from every syllable that escaped his mouth.

As the crew sat down at the table, the brown mare returned with a tray full of mugs, and began to deal them out to everyone, saving Scootaloo’s mug of orange juice for last. As she took her mug, the mare asked, “So, what would our friend like to eat?” Scootaloo answered, “Well, what do you guys have?” Perry interrupted, “Well, they have flapjacks, biscuits and gravy, wheat steak, soup, fruit salad, toast sticks, pretty much everything. Even a kitchen sink back there somwhere.” Silver, Nelson, and Ishmael rolled their eyes at Perry’s failed attempt at a pun.

Thinking over the options, Scootaloo said, “I’ll have the flapjacks please.” The brown mare replied, “Got it. Be back in a bit fellas.” Silver stopped her and said, “Before you go, tell the lads to keep an eye out for the Wonderbolts. They’ll be here in a bit, and we have a little surprise for them.” The brown mare playfully shook her head, then answered, “Sure thing. Just don’t start a fight, alright?” Silver answered, “Oh come on. When have we ever started a fight?” the mare then walked away with her now empty tray. Ishmael then spoke up, saying, “Well, there was that one time with that group of brigands.” Scootaloo was surprised by his deep and slightly intimidating voice. Silver then answered, “I said we never STARTED a fight. Those buggers were the ones who struck the first blow.”

Scootaloo was surprised by this conversation. “Uh, Old Silver?” Silver responded, “Aye?” “By a little surprise, you mean me right?” Silver took a gulp of his drink, and answered, “Well, there is that, but there is another thing. You know how you told me about your sister last night?” Scootaloo, feeling a little bit puzzled, answered, “Yeah.” Silver then finished, “Well, I’ll just say that you’ll be meeting part of my family as much as I’ll be meeting part of yours.” Now feeling even more confused, Scootaloo asked, “What do you mean, part of your family?” Silver simply placed one of his metallic fingers over Scootaloo’s mouth, as if to shush her, while whispering, “All good things to those who wait.”

After about ten minutes, the brown mare returned with another tray, this one full of food. She approached the table and began dealing the plates out, saying, “We have biscuits and gravy for Perry, fruit salad for Wyvern, bangers and mash for Nelson, toast sticks for Ishmael, and two things of flapjacks for Silver and…..” the mare then asked, “Uh, what was your name again sweetie?” Scootaloo answered, “Scootaloo ma’am.” The brown mare set a plate of four flapjacks in front of her and then said, “I’m Port Side.” Scootaloo then responded, “It’s nice to meet you Port Side.”

Scootaloo had had flapjacks in the past, but she had to admit these were probably the best she had ever had in her life. Silver then took his mug and lifted it, as if to propose a toast. “Lads, here’s to the Cap’n and to another successful voyage.” The other ponies then took their mugs and clanged them together. Scootaloo tried to reach hers up, but she was simply too small to reach. However, Old Silver noticed her struggle and lowered his mug, allowing Scootaloo to join in. Perry then said, “I tell ya, the only thing harder than navigating Griffonstone is trying to reach Klugetown.” Wyvern then cut in, “Well, at least now we have Botany Bay to act as a relay point.” Scootaloo asked, “Uh, I know about Klugetown, but where’s this “Botany Bay” place?” Silver, finishing a bite of his flapjacks, replied, “it’s a trade port between Ponyville and Klugetown. It was founded by some botanist pony not long after the Storm King was defeated.”

Suddenly, a dark blue Pegasus with a green mane entered the establishment and shouted, “Aye, there’s a group of Wonderbolts headin’ down ‘ere! I tink that Spitfire one’s with ‘em!” Old Silver then shouted, “Thanks Skibby.” He then turned to Scootaloo and said, “Remember where I said you’d find out a bit about me? Well, now’s that part.” Scootaloo nodded, but her attention was quickly distracted by an ever familiar voice crying out, “Scoots! You in here?”

Scootaloo quickly got up and rushed towards the entrance, excitedly saying, “Rainbow Dash!” She paused for a moment, finally noticing Rainbow Dash in a Wonderbolts dress uniform, flanked by Spitfire and Soarin. She then happily launched herself right into Rainbow, saying, “I’m so sorry for getting blown off the ship.” Rainbow Dash, shedding a few tears of joy, hugged the small filly and said, “No, it was my fault for not making sure you were safe below deck.”

After what seemed like eternity, Spitfire walked up to the two sisters and said, “Gotta hand it to you kid, I’m impressed.” Rainbow Dash, giving Scootaloo a noogie, responded, “It’s cause there isn’t a tougher filly in all of Equestria.” Scootaloo then forced herself out of Rainbow’s grip and said, “You guys gotta meet the ponies who rescued me. They’re pretty cool.” Rainbow Dash then asked, “Yeah, where are they anyway?”

At that moment, Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash, and the other Wonderbolts heard a voice, Silver’s Voice, start singing, “I thought I heard the old mare say…” then, she heard Perry, Nelson, Ishmael, and Wyvern join in, singing, “Leave her Johnny leave her.” The group of sailor ponies began to move closer to her and the Wonderbolts, with Silver continuing, “Tomorrow you will get your pay…..” the entire group continued, “And it’s time for us to leave her.” Scootaloo noticed Rainbow Dash and Soarin were looking perplexed and impressed, whilst Spitfire had an expression of pure shock.

The group of sailors continued in unison, “Leave her Johnny leave her. Whoa leave her Johnny leave her. For the voyage is long and the winds don’t blow, and it’s time for us to leave her.” Rainbow Dash said, “That was some pretty good singing. I’m Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo’s sister.” Silver extended one of his metal wings and said, “I’m Old Silver. It’s an honor to finally meet you. I see where she gets her can do-attitude.” Rainbow Dash and Old Silver shook wings, with Rainbow then saying, “Thanks for rescuing Scootaloo during the storm.” Silver replied, “Weren’t nothing.”

However, Scootaloo noticed that Old Silver was turning to face Spitfire, who was still standing there speechless. He then said, “Spitfire, it has been a while….” What he said next would shock Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash, and the rest of the Wonderbolts. “Hasn’t it, Little Sis?”

Author's Note:

Next Time; Learn what happened to Silver's Wings, and how he met Cap'n Flint