• Published 25th Jun 2019
  • 1,299 Views, 79 Comments

Spitfire and Old Silver - The FraudulentBrit

Rainbow Dash and the other Wonderbolts meet Spitfire's estranged older brother

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Botany Bay

Spitfire and Old Silver

Part 10; Botany Bay

“Come on lads! Secure the mooring line!” Silver cried out as he, the other sailors, and the Wonderbolts as they tied the Hawkins’s mooring lines to posts in one of Botany Bay’s harbor. As they finished the last line, a smug earth pony in a blue coat and forage cap walked up and said, “Now that y’all are all tied up, it’ll be thirty bits to use the harbor.” “Thirty bits?” Nelson asked, shocked by the ludicrous price. “An honest port would never charge more than ten!” the Raider simply replied, “That’s just the way things work around here.” He then extended his hoof, a smug expression on his face.

Old Silver made his way over the Raider and handed him a small bag of bits and said, “Here. Now let us do our business.” The Raider shook the bag, listening to the coins jingle and replied, “Pleasure doin’ business with ya. I’ll be back for tomorrow’s fee.” Silver sighed, turned to Nelson and said, “You don’t happen to have any spare change lyin’ around, do you?” Nelson let out a giggle and replied, “I do have a bit of navy pay tucked away in the hull.” Silver let out a brief laugh of his own and replied, “Depending how long we’re here we may need all we can. Considering the ransom, dock fees, and possibly inflated prices, We’ll need every bit we have.”

Back on the Hawkins, the Wonderbolts were amazed by the sight of Botany Bay. It wasn’t some fishing village, but rather a moderately sized town, probably about the size of Ponyville. Most buildings were simple yet sturdy wooden structures, though a few stone buildings were noticeable. “It’s actually kinda beautiful.” Angel Wings said to the group. Misty Fly replied, “It is, in kind of a rustic kind of way.” However, every pony turned to Rainbow Dash, who was staring out into the small town. “Rainbow?” Soarin asked. Rainbow Dash didn’t appear to respond to her fellow Wonderbolt. “You alright?” he asked again.

“She’s out there.” Rainbow Dash finally responded. “I don’t know where she is, but Scootaloo is somewhere in that nest of wasps.” From behind the group, Silver said, “And we’re gonna find her and Cap’n Flint.” Rainbow stood there for a moment before Silver added, “I promise.” Rainbow Dash then simply replied, “Thank you.”

Silver then began to explain, “Alright now, here’s what’s gonna happen. We’re gonna split up and take a look around town, keep our eyes and ears open for anything.” Angel Wings then stepped forward and enthusiastically said, “What are we waiting for? Let’s go!” Silver immediately raised his right wing and said, “Not you. You and Wyvern are staying here to keep an eye on the ship.” Angel Wings protested, “What? I can hold my own against the Raiders.” Silver replied, “We haven’t even left the harbor and Nelson and I have already met one. I’m not risking your safety.”

Wyvern walked up to Angel Wings and said, “Don’t worry young lady. You and I will be fine.” Angel Wings sighed and responded, Aye aye sir.” Silver was almost about to begin speaking again, but Angel Wings then interrupted. “Uh, in that case, I just need to say one thing.” “Alright. What is it?”

Every pony was stunned speechless as Angel Wings walked up to Silver and kissed him on the lips. She then meekly asked, “Come back safe, ok?” Silver, who was now blushing, simply nodded. Wyvern then escorted Angel Wings down to the galley. Once she was out of hearing distance, the Wonderbolts and Sailors began oohing, with Perry even calling out, “Looks like you caught a keeper there Silver.”

Silver then cleared his throat as he straightened his coat. “Now then…” Silver then began. “Regarding your groups. Perry, you’re with Surprise and Misty Fly. Nelson has Rainbow Dash and Fleet Foot.” He then turned to Spitfire and said, “You’re with me Spitfire.” Spitfire nodded. As she approached her brother, she noticed Rainbow Dash giving her a knowing nod. Clearly she was still working on the “Friendship mission” she was before the….. she wanted to push that thought out of her mind.

Streets of Botany Bay

Spitfire never thought she could be so disgusted by the color blue. As she and Silver walked down the street, she noticed that in every direction there was at least one Raider in sight. There was one threatening a female Pegasus, saying something about an overdue loan. Another was leaning against the support of a shop, giving her an angry look. Even though she nor any of the others had brought their flight suits or jackets, it still seemed as if they knew who she was.

“Enjoying the local wildlife?” Silver cheekily asked Spitfire. She replied, “You find any sign of Scootaloo or Flint?” “There won’t be anything here in the open.” Silver answered. “You have to know where to look.” He then pointed forwards towards what appeared to be a tavern. “You think she’s there?” Spitfire asked. Silver let out a sigh and said, “Just follow my lead.” The two siblings made their way to the tavern, Silver staying focused on the structure whilst Spitfire darted her eyes around her, eyeing the ponies observing her.

Once the two made their way to the front of the tavern, Spitfire noticed that there was a dingy sign that read Last Ditch. As she began to enter the door, Silver blocked Spitfire with his wing. A moment later, a large unicorn stumbled out the door and face-planted straight into the dirt. Silver then faced his sister and said, “Place like this can be rougher than it looks. Follow my lead.” “I can handle myself.” Spitfire replied. Silver bluntly asked, “You ever been in a bar fight?” “What?” Spitfire asked, astounded by Silver’s bluntess.

“Didn’t think so.” Silver answered. He then continued, “Watch your step.” Silver opened the door and he and Spitfire entered the tavern.

Spitfire had to admit that the inside was not as horrifying as Silver had made it out to be. There was the bar to the far side of the large room, a billiard table, and a few tables scattered throughout the dimly lit room. There were a few ponies throughout the tavern, most of them appearing to be prospectors or explorers. Spitfire was so intrigued that she stopped walking, only to be bumped by someone. “Hey!” Spitfire called out, only to shrink into herself when she discovered the pony who bumped into her was an incredibly bulky earth pony. “You watch yourself pixie.” The pony said as he made his way over to the billiard table. Silver then made his way to his sister and said, “Stick close to me.”

Both Pegasi eventually made their way to the bar. The bartender, a unicorn with a pencil mustache, asked, What can I get you two?” Silver tossed a bit to the bartender and said, “Whatever you got.” Spitfire then pulled out a bit and said, “Apple cider.” The bartender let out a small laugh and replied, “Sorry ma’am. None left.” Spitfire sighed and then said, “Then whatever he’s having.” The bartender then turned around, and then turned back with two mugs of something. “Here you two go.”

Spitfire inspected the beverage. It was a dark liquid. “What is this stuff?” She whispered to Silver. He grabbed his mug and took a small gulp of it, swishing it around in his mouth before swallowing. Silver then replied, “Hard cola. And a pretty good one if I must say.” Spitfire gave her brother a look that made it clear she found the fact that he was so clearly able to tell not only that the beverage was alcoholic but he knew exactly what it was somewhat unsettling. Silver simply rolled his eyes and said, “As if you’ve never had a champagne after a show or at some social gatherin’.” Spitfire replied, “Considering how quickly you could tell what it was means you’ve had it before.” Silver then replied, “I’ve enjoyed a few hard colas over the years.”

The door slammed open and a group of 5 Raiders barged into the tavern. One of the Raiders blurted out, “Alright pencil mouth, give us a round of apple cider!” “I don’t have any.” The bartender answered defensively. “You boys drank all I have.” Spitfire noticed that one of the Raiders was a very familiar orange Pegasus with a brown mane and beard as well as a red shirt under his blue coat. “I’m sure you have a bottle or two stowed away somewhere.” Snipe Hunt said menacingly. The bartender was now sweating profusely.

Spitfire couldn’t take it any longer. “Hey, leave him alone!” She called out to the Raiders. Snipe hunt turned to her and said, “Well, look who’s decided to come down from her moral high ground.” He said with a wicked smirk on his face. He then turned to Silver, who was simply staring forward as he took another sip from his cola. “And we have little old Stumpy too. Heh heh.” Silver immediately slammed his mug down hard onto the table. Spitfire was taken aback by the force he used. “Clearly you boys don’t know exactly what it means to be civil.” Silver said as he took a deep breath.

“Oh really?” Snipe Hunt asked menacingly as he and the other Raiders with him took intimidating stances. Silver finished his drink and began to rise from his seat. As he began to step towards the door, Snipe hunt called out, “Hey, where are you goin’?” Silver turned around, an “innocent” look on his face and, pointing to himself with one of his fingers, replied, “Me?” “No.” One of the other Raiders answered as he stepped forward. He then said, “We were talking about the other cyborg.” Silver then replied, “Well, I was leaving.” Snipe hunt stepped forward and asked, “Oh? And now?” Silver inhaled, as a cocky smile grew on his face, replied, “Now, I’m goin’ to feed your teeth.”

Spitfire was stunned by what her brother had just said. Was he really tempting the Raiders to fight him? One of the Raiders charged towards Silver, who simply sidestepped him and slugged him in the back of the head. Another Raider, a Pegasus, flew up to the ceiling of the tavern and flew towards Silver, who managed to slip out of his attacker’s way just in time. The Pegasus Raider slammed into the floor, leaving a pony-shaped hole.

Snipe Hunt then darted over to Spitfire and attempted to grab her, only to be met with a head butt from the Wonderbolt. “Gah.” Snipe Hunt groaned as he stumbled back. Spitfire shot back, “That’s for trashing my base!” Snipe Hunt spit the ground as he grabbed a glass mug from the bar and slammed it down on the bar, shattering it into a makeshift weapon. He inched it towards Spitfire, a few warning jabs pushing her back.

“Heh heh.” Spitfire let out a nervous laugh as Snipe Hunt inched closer. He then, with wicked glee, said, “I’m gonna enjoy carving this bird.” He was so focused on Spitfire that he didn’t notice Silver sneak up behind him and smack him in the back of the head with a bottle. “Thanks.” Spitfire said as she caught her breath. Silver pointed to something behind her as he replied, “Don’t thank me just yet.” Spitfire turned around to see that three of the other Raiders were starting to surround them.

Spitfire began to back up until she found herself back to back with her brother. “You think we can get out of this?” Spitfire asked Silver. “Only if you pass your first bar fight.” Silver replied. One of the Raiders wiped some blood from his mouth before he barked, “Let’s take ‘em!” he charged towards Spitfire, who managed to grab him and slam him into a table. Snipe Hunt charged at Silver, who sidestepped him and slapped the Raider down to the floor. One of the Raiders managed to punch Spitfire, but she managed to grab his hoof and had him hit himself.

Snipe Hunt eventually relented. “Alright, fine! You win.” As he rose, Silver asked, “Now, we’re new here and I’m not the most observant pony. But are all the Raiders as butt-ugly as you boys?” Snipe Hunt simply growled and stormed out of the tavern, the other Raiders following soon after. Spitfire then caught her breath as the adrenaline finally wore out.

The bartender walked up to the duo and said, “Oh, thank you for dealing with those Raiders.” “Don’t mention it.” Silver replied. Spitfire then noticed that the tavern was wrecked; several chairs and tables were broken, bottles and mugs were shattered, and there was now a noticeable Pegasus-shaped hole in the floor. Spitfire sheepishly apologized, “Sorry about the mess.” The bartender reassured, “Don’t worry. Besides, the buggers never payed anyway.” He then asked, “Oh, I never got your names.”

Silver answered, “I’m Mr. Jekyll. This is my associate, Ms. Hyde.” Spitfire let out a low growl/grumble at the remark. Silver simply let out a laugh and said, “Sorry about that. Actually I’m Old Silver. This is Spitfire.” The Bartender’s eyes lit up. “The Spitfire? As in captain of the Wonderbolts?” “Indeed.” Spitfire replied, a relieved smile growing on her face. The bartender then asked, “Wait. Aren’t you two, you know, siblings?” “Aye.” Silver replied.

The bartender then continued, “I figured. Besides, I heard from some drunken Raiders that they were planning to lure out a “Wonderbolt captain and her cyborg brother.”” “Really?” Spitfire asked. “Yup.” The Bartender replied. He then handed the duo a piece of paper. “Look for Sharp Shot. He should be able to help you guys.” Silver took the paper and said, “Thanks mate.” He then gave the bartender a few bits and said, “Sorry about the mess.” The bartender took them and said, “Thanks. Should at least help cover the damages.” Silver then turned to Spitfire and said, “C’mon sis, time to go.”

Once Silver and Spitfire were out of the tavern, she remarked, “Well, that was kinda fun.” Silver replied, “As much as I do prefer the diplomatic approach, I can’nae help but admit that it was kind of cathartic to beat the living snot out of ‘em.” Spitfire then asked, “Remember when that one guy slammed into the floor?” Both siblings couldn’t help but start laughing at the memory of the incident. Silver then added, “That were nothin’. Remember when I snuck up on their leader and bashed him with the bottle?” Spitfire then found herself rolling on the ground, barely able to breathe since she was laughing so much.

The two siblings eventually managed to calm themselves down. As Spitfire got up, a thought entered her mind. For perhaps the first time in so many years, she had fun with her brother. And it wasn’t just either of them putting on a pleasant face; as much as the fight was intimidating, she couldn’t help that it was kind of fun. Silver, a big smile still on his face, inquired, “Tell me, you don’t miss a good tussle, do you?” “Maybe?” Spitfire replied playfully before giving her brother a playful nudge.

Then Silver said something Spitfire didn’t expect. “I’m sorry I said that I hate you.” Spitfire was stunned. To be honest with herself she didn’t expect him to apologize, or at least not yet. Silver continued, “At first I didn’t think that you changed much. But it seems that you have matured a bit in the last few days. I’m actually kind of proud of you.” Spitfire then said, “Well you’ve certainly been a model leader.”

Before either of them could say anything else, Perry’s voice called out from behind them, “Silver, Spitfire! There you two are.” Both pegasi turned around to see Perry running up the street to them. “Perry, what is it?” Silver asked. “Surprise found someone who was asking for you. Said his name is Sharp Shot.” Silver and Spitfire looked at each other in amazement. Spitfire then asked, “Where is he?” “He’s at the general store. Follow me.” Perry replied. Both siblings followed Perry to their destination, hoping that they had a lead.

The General Store

Spitfire had to admit that Sharp Shot certainly had the rugged appearance of an explorer. He was a light brown Pegasus with a black mane and tail sporting a thin mustache, a khaki shirt, and a slouch hat with a gold pin of crossed swords. “Ah, G’day mates. Welcome to Botany Bay.” Sharp Shot greeted Spitfire and Silver warmly as he extended his hoof. Silver shook his hoof and replied, “Old Silver. Pleasure meeting you, despite the circumstances.” Sharp Shot replied, “Don’t worry mate. Just about every pony ‘round here knows why you blokes are here.” “Really?” Spitfire asked. “You bet.” Sharp Shot replied. “The Raiders are many things, but tight lipped isn’t one of them.”

The door to the General Store slammed open, followed by Rainbow Dash. “Hey guys.” Rainbow Dash said, very clearly out of breath. Sharp Shot made his way to introduce himself to Rainbow Dash, Perry walked over to Silver and Spitfire and asked, “So you two find anything else?” Silver replied, “Not really, other than the fact that some of the Raiders decided to play rough at a nearby tavern.” Perry stood there for a moment before simply answering, “Ouch.” Spitfire then added, “Actually we made it out pretty unscathed. It was actually kind of fun.” Silver then added, “Yeah it was kind of fun, or at the very least cathartic.”

Sharp Shot returned to the group, his jolly expression having hardened a slight bit. Rainbow Dash, who had been speaking with Sharp Shot, spoke up, “Uh guys, Sharp Shot says he wants to have a word with Spitfire.” “Alright lads.” Silver said. “Let’s let these two have their wee little chat.” The other Wonderbolts and Sailors departed the General Store.

Once it was only Spitfire and Sharp Shot, the latter began to speak. “Here’s the deal. When the Raiders arrived with their prisoners, I got a good look at who they brought down here.” Spitfire replied, “I see.” Sharp Shot continued, “I also had a word with Rainbow Dash concerning why you guys are here.” Spitfire nodded.

Sharp Shot then made his way over to the counter and asked, “I take it you want to know where I’m going with this, am I right?” Spitfire replied, “Kind of.” Sharp Shot then, to Spitfire’s shock, pulled out a machete and very coldly said, “Then let me make this transparently clear. I find out anything happens to my niece, you and I are gonna have a long conversation regarding the nature of shaving.”

Spitfire was terrified. This pony was threatening her concerning Scootaloo’s safety. He then asked, “Any questions?” then, something she heard came to mind. “What do you mean by your….” Spitfire began before it finally clicked in her head. Sharp Shot continued, “Snap Shutter, her father, is my twin brother. I haven’t seen her in a long time, but the moment I saw her being led by that big bully Cutthroat…” he was now starting to shake in rage. Spitfire then said, “Look, I….” Sharp Shot raised a hoof and said, “Look, I won’t say anything to any pony, but promise me one thing. You will get her out of here alive.” Spitfire replied, “I promise.”

Sharp Shot then regained some of his earlier friendly disposition and replied, “Now then, we should have a talk with your friends. I can fill all of you in regarding the situation here.” Spitfire nodded and said, “Yes sir.” As she made her way to the door, Sharp Shot said, “I got a feeling the Raiders’ days are done.” Spitfire couldn’t help but let a smile grow on her face, a sense of determination returning to her body and mind that hadn’t been there in almost a week.

The Raiders’ Camp

A large bonfire roared as Cutthroat, Somers, and Snipe Hunt sat around the fire, drinking bottles of stolen apple cider. “I’m telling you guys, they’re here!” Snipe Hunt said as he applied a bandage to a cut on his head that he had acquired from Silver. “Stop whinin’!” Cutthroat barked. “So they arrived a bit earlier than the boss said they would. It’s not like we’re gonna just give up.” Somers then suggested, “Ya know we could always just deal with ‘em my way.” Cutthroat rolled his eyes and replied, “Dead ponies don’t bring in ransoms. Besides, We’ll get them soon enough.”

Within earshot, Cutthroat heard some of the other Raiders playing a song. “Louder boys. A stallion needs all the music he can get.” He said, inspiring the musicians to play louder. Another Raider, a red unicorn with a blonde mane, beard, and tail as well as a blue coat and forage cap, walked up to the group and said, “Hey Cutthroat, the boss wants to see you.” “Alright then.” Cutthroat replied as he got up from the log he and the others were sitting on. He then called out, “Remember boys, we are doing business here, so don’t you forget it!” One of the common thugs replied, “Balance the books?” Cutthroat let out a small sinister laugh and replied, “Exactly, square the ledger.” He then departed to have a word with the boss, Wind Rider.

Unlike the Raiders, who lived in an encampment, Wind Rider resided in a “Repossessed” mansion just outside of the camp. Though Cutthroat had a few complaints regarding the fact the Raiders mostly lived in a simple camp, though Wind Rider often reminded them that not only were they well provisioned, but that he had used his connections to facilitate their escape from Nightmareville. And since he also provided them with the locations of everything from merchant vessels to unprotected or lightly protected convoys, Cutthroat and the other Raiders simply decided to ignore any discrepancies regarding their living conditions.

As he made his way inside the mansion, a servant approached Cutthroat and said, “Master Wind Rider is waiting for you in the trophy room.” Cutthroat figured. Wind Rider was more often than not found there, resting on the laurels of his past glories. As he entered the trophy room, he heard Wind Rider call out, “Ah, my most loyal lieutenant.” “Actually sir I was only ever a private.” Cutthroat answered bluntly. Wind Rider replied, “True, but you’ve been most effective as my right hoof stallion.” Wind Rider then flew over to his number two stallion.

Wind Rider had adopted a blue coat like the Raiders he commanded, though his was far fancier, being a double breasted tunic with a peaked cap and even a ceremonial baton. The part of his uniform that Cutthroat found most odd was the old Wonderbolt pin that the gang had reacquired for him after Spitfire had stripped him of his Wonderbolt status.

Wind Rider then pulled out a news paper and handed it to Cutthroat, who proceeded to read the headline out loud. “Spitfire’s secret sibling surfaces!” he continued to read the front page article. “Despite the limelight placed on Equestria’s greatest flying team, it seems even these beloved pegasi have a few skeletons in their closet. Multiple sources have confirmed that team captain Spitfire has been deliberately hiding the fact that she has an older brother.” Cutthroat lowered the newspaper and asked, “Sir, what does this have to do with the situation at hand?”

Wind Rider replied, “tell me Cutthroat, what is Spitfire’s greatest weakness?” “She’s dumb as a brick?” Cutthroat answered. “No.” Wind Rider replied. Cutthroat the asked, “Is it ‘cause she’s a bully?” “No.” “Is it her temper?” “No!” “Is it cause she has tiny…” “PRIDE!” Wind Rider found himself blurting out. “She’s probably the most prideful pony in the world!” Cutthroat then asked, “You sure?” “I was the one who made her the pony she is today. Everything she learned, from how to lead to how to give orders, came from me. That includes how to deal with ponies who think they know better than you.”

As Wind Rider pulled out a bottle of brandy, Cutthroat remarked, “Considering how high you hold yourself, that may be an understatement.” Wind Rider then sarcastically said, “And here I thought I’d have to drink this brandy all by myself.” Cutthroat then asked, “So you want me to find a way to use Spitfire’s attitude against her?” “Exactly.” Wind Rider said as he poured the brandy into two glasses. “We get her alone, we can deal with her brother. And when we deal with them, we can get rid of the others.” Cutthroat took one of the glasses and said, “I think I know how.” Both ponies then toasted their glasses, with Wind Rider saying, “To victory. Soon I will have my revenge, you will have your riches, and we will be the most profitable operation in all of Equestria.”

The Hawkins’s, Silver’s/Flint’s Quarters, the Next Day

Silver, Spitfire, Rainbow Dash, Sharp Shot, Soarin, and the other sailors were gathered around a map of Botany Bay and the surrounding area. Sharp Shot pointed to a series of tents and a mansion about half a mile to the south of town and began explaining, “This area is where the Raiders are encamped. From what I can tell, there’s about a hundred of ‘em.” “A hundred?” Nelson asked. “That makes this more difficult. How much influence do they have in the town?” Sharp Shot answered, “They do whatever they want. You’ve already seen them working the docks, but they’ve also taken control of the market, town hall, as well as the sheriff’s office.”

Spitfire then asked, “So why haven’t any of you done anything about it?” “Because they moved in hard and fast. They took Mayor Cook hostage, as well as just about anyone who tried standing up to them.” Silver asked, “What about the Sheriff?” Sharp Shot sighed as he answered, “I was able to lay low, and to be honest I just try to either help ponies get out of here or rescue them from the pit.” “Wait, are you…..” Silver began to ask before Sharp Shot interrupted, “Sheriff Sharp Shot. Sorry I forgot that little detail. Probably should have said something earlier.” He then continued, "Still, it has been a great honor to meet you Captain Silver." With that, he extended his hoof. As Silver shook Sharp Shot’s hoof, he replied, “I’m not the Captain. I’m just fillin’ in until we rescue Cap’n Flint.” Sharp Shot replied, “From what Perry told me, I think you could be Equestria’s finest Captain.” Perry then turned to Nelson and whispered, "Wow, this guy likes hoof shakes." Nelson simply nodded in agreement.

“Guys, we’re getting off topic here.” Rainbow Dash said in annoyance. Sharp Shot replied, “Sorry about that.” He then pointed to the mansion and said, “This here used to be the home of Sydney and Melbourne, the first couple of Botany Bay. But once the Raiders took over, they disappeared. Now their boss lives there, as if he were a king.” Soarin asked, “You mean Cutthroat?” Sharp Shot answered, “Not him. Cutthroat is the number two. From what I’ve found their leader is some pompous twit by the name of,, Wind Hider or somethin’.” “You mean Wind Rider?” Silver asked. “Yeah, that’s it. Wind Rider.” Sharp Shot answered.

Rainbow Dash, Soarin, and Especially Spitfire were stunned. Sure Wind Rider had revealed his darker side when he framed Rainbow Dash for tricking Spitfire, but to hear this, to think that he was associated with the Raiders was almost too much to take in. “That can’t be.” Spitfire said. “He wouldn’t stoop that low.” “Oh he can, and he has.” Sharp Shot said as he pulled out a photograph from his pocket and slid it across the table towards Spitfire.

The photo showed Wind Rider, who appeared to have gained a bit of weight, giving orders to Cutthroat and Somers. Sharp Shot then added, “A friend of mine named Quigley managed to get this photo. About a week later he disappeared.” Spitfire couldn’t believe it. The stallion she looked up to, who groomed her for the role of captain, commanded the very thugs who attacked the Wonderbolts base and foal-napped Scootaloo and Flint. She couldn’t even process the sound of Rainbow Dash and Soarin trying to get her attention.

Surprise barged into the cabin and said, “Silver, we have a problem!” “What’s goin’ on?” Silver asked. Surprise answered, “It’s Angel Wings. She saw that Somers guy with Vapor Trail’s guitar and stormed off after him!” “WHAT!?” Silver shouted. “I tried to stop her, but she just pushed me out of the way and stomped off after him.” Surprise said, now starting to lose her breath. Sharp Shot said, “This isn’t good. He’s gonna bait her and lead her to a place where she’ll get knocked out and robbed. Possibly even killed if she doesn’t have anything on her!”

Silver immediately darted out the door, followed by the others. He turned around and said, “Wyvern, Misty Fly, Fleet Foot, you stay here! Sharp Shot, take the lead. We’ve gotta find her!” Sharp Shot nodded and signaled for everyone to follow him. As the group set hoof off the Hawkins, Silver thought to himself, ‘Please Angel Wings, don’t do anything too daft.’

Author's Note:

Next Time; Silver and the others race to stop Angel Wings from making a terrible Mistake.