• Published 12th Jul 2019
  • 11,109 Views, 197 Comments

Dear Princess Celestia - An Intricate Disguise

Every year, I write to the princess. I think she's amazing. I want to be just like her. I wonder if she'll ever reply.

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I Wonder if That Big Gold Thing is Uncomfy

Dear Princess Celestia,

Hey! Anon again! I know it's been a while, but maybe you remember me? I'm nearly ten now, so maybe you forgot me, but that's okay! I know princesses are very busy with important stuff, so I can be patient.

I asked mom when she sent the last letter and she said that, so I know it.

I think it's really cool how you get the letters. Dad throws the letter into the fireplace, and it goes to you by magic?! That's so amazing. Most of my friends at school sent their letters by mail but apparently this way means you'll see it faster. I'm sorry about the picture I sent you last time, I know it probably was bad. I drew a better one this time to show you how far I've come!

I think it's a lot better. I heard that you didn't see your sister for a long time once. What was that like? I haven't seen my big sis in a few weeks and it's not very nice. She moved away to stay with her dad. She's only my half sister. She didn't want to go, and she promised that she'd always be here for me, but she taught me everything before she left. I think she's still with me, really, even if I don't see her much.

Now I do all of my own cooking and cleaning! I feel really mature! I even do all of the washing for mom and dad, too, and that means I can have a half hour of play before bed every day. I usually spend it drawing though. It's my favourite thing to do in the world.

I'm doing well in school. I get good grades, and my teacher says I have a really high reading level, so I get given adult books to read. Sometimes I go to library and check things out. My parents don't really care what I read.

I read a story the other day about a pony that spent all of her time trapped in a tower waiting for a prince to rescue her. She would write notes to him and shoot them out of the window with her unicorn magic, hoping that one day someone would come and save her. Eventually, someone came! It had a happy ending.

I wonder if all stories have happy endings? I hope so.

I want to play with other fillies and colts but I don't know how. Maybe you could teach me how? Growing up must have been pretty lonely for you when your sister wasn't around. I mean, I think you were still growing up because you're so old! Does that sound rude? I hope not.

Sometimes it's hard to talk to other ponies when you feel really different to them. I don't know why I'm different either, or how, but not many ponies want to spend time around me for long.

I always have these letters though. I've been trying to write this one for a long time but I keep screwing it up and throwing it away. I want to get it just right and not miss anything.

I heard that you taught a filly how to be a princess once. That she became really powerful and then she became Princess Twilight Sparkle because you believed in her. She must've been really, really special.

I don't think I'd be a very good princess. All I'm good at is drawing and cleaning.

I want to go to Canterlot one day. I've heard about how it looks all old-fashioned and posh but dad says we can't afford tickets. I think that's weird because him and mom go places sometimes and leave me at home to look after myself, but they can't afford to take me with them? Maybe child tickets are expensive?

I think one day I'll come to Canterlot and try to see you. I heard you come out during the Summer Sun Celebration and raise the sun in front of everypony. I wanna see if you're really covered in lots of shiny gold, and if your mane really floats and shimmers all on its own. A colt in class said that it's all exaggerated, but I believe it. I want to believe that there's really something as magical as you in this world.

I have to go. Mom wants me to do the dishes and clean out the shed again. Maybe if I'm good and I do all of my chores, you'll reply to me this year? I hope so!

You're still my favourite pony in the whole wide world. I love you!

Thank you for listening,


Author's Note:

Ps. Here you go! I hope you like it more than the last one.