• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 1,897 Views, 30 Comments

Just smile! - Slick Dash

A new pony in town, heartbroken and alone meets a Pink pony who teaches him to Just smile!

  • ...


I couldn't understand how it surprised me so much. It's my actual name after all, so why was the absence of the pink mare's nickname affected me so? Could it be I was beginning to like it as much, if not more than my own name?

As I walk back towards the Sleep Mare, I try to understand what had happened back at the bakery. Something seemed to be brewing within me, was it her eyes that made all this strange to me? Seeing as they were so much like Apple Cider's? No.

As my mind tried to process my thoughts, a new image flashed across my mind's eye. That smile. The lack of caution, the sheer joy behind it, she didn't hold anything back, she simply let all know how she felt. As my nose twitched, I remembered that smell of candy on her breath, and my ears flicked as they played over that word she had whispered. "Sombre!" I feel a faint reflection of her smile flicker across my own lips. The thought of a girl who doesn't hold herself to what is expected is... refreshing.

I reach my room quickly, I almost glide in, after the happiest night I've had in far too long, nothing can phase my unusually happy mood. With a flash of my horn, the box containing our memories -which was nestled on the bed- flew through the air and landed on the floor across the room. I take no notice of the spilling contents as I flop onto the bed and give a kind hearted sigh. I gaze up at the ceiling, I think I'm starting to like it here!

My sigh begins to fade as I drift off to sleep. Fleetingly, the final thing I remember of that night, is that glimpse of pink through the crack in the door, and how she had said my name!

I think I like it just as much as my nickname!
When she says it!


It feels as though my eyes have only been closed for a second before I'm woken by the pounding hooves against my door.

I glance to the window, and see that it's now day time, had I overslept? Was I late for work and Liquid was here to kick my ass?
"ZOMBIE!?! It's me Pinkie! You've gotta come quick!" Immediately I sense the difference in Pinkie's usual happy tone. She's worried. I bolt out of bed and streak to the door, tearing it open reveals a terrified looking Pinkie!

"Pinkie what is it? What's the matter?"
"NO TIME!" She squeals, grabbing my foreleg and pulling me towards the main hall of the motel. I only have time to shut my door with my magic before I'm whisked away with the horrified mare.

"Pinkie?-" I try to speak, but am cut short as we burst through the front door into the hall. A explosive wall of sound screamed into existence, exploding all around us. My ears scream in protest, but I ignore them, I grab Pinkie to try and pull her to safety. Just as my hoof meets her soft pink fur however, she squeals with joy, all horror gone and replaced with genuine amusement and excitement.

"SURPRISE!" She shouts along with about forty other ponies who had seemed to have materialised out of nowhere.
"Wh... huh?" I splutter, confused. My hoof begins to fall from Pinkie's shoulder, but the mare catches it and yanks me forward. With a shocked yelp, and genuine concern for possible whiplash, I'm pulled into the throng of gaggling stallions and mares.

"It's your welcome party Zombie!" Pinkie pipes as she pulls me across the large room.
"B-but... before... you sounded scared!" I splutter as I'm buffeted from side to side against other ponies in the pink mare's slipstream.
"Oh I was!" Pinkie gasped freezing mid-step. The sudden halt catches me by surprise and I'm flung forward to the floor with a loud bang.

"I was worried you were going to be late to your own party!" Pinkie explains as she helps me up from the ground. Only her facial expression is what proves she's being truthful and not joking. As though missing a party where the worst act a pony could commit!

"I see..." I mumble rotating my now sore shoulder, checking it hadn't dislodged itself in the hard encounter with the ground. I begin t look around. "But... who are these ponies? I don't know anypony here besides you I don't think."
"Not true!" Sounds a mock shocked voice from behind me. I turn as I recognise my boss and friend's low tone of voice.
"Liquid?!" I exclaim surprised to see him out of the bar.
"You're dang right 'Liquid!' Who do you think Pinkie had to ask to get this day off work for you?" He winks and passes me, heading for the beverage table. Just as he passes my ear, he stops. "Watch out." I frown. "You could actually be about to break into a smile! Now we wouldn't want that would we?" I laugh at his joke my cheeks actually hurting from their recent use over the past two days.

"You see!" Pinkie puffs as she waves a casual hoof through the air. "Being a Gloomy, gussy, saddy, frownfrown face may be your thing, but when it comes to parties, you're looking at the best!" I simply stare at her. "P-Pinkie...I..." I swallow. "Thank you... I couldn't have even thought..." I look around in awe, this time -unlike her welcome gift basket- the bright colours don't make me shy away, but actually enhance my quickly growing good mood! Finally, my vision falls back to her, this wonderful, amazing, unfathomable pony. She's looking at me with her head tilted slightly to her right, her lips parting in a huge toothy smile.

"You really like it?!?!" She asks overjoyed at my speechless, incredulous reaction.
"YES! Of course I do yes!" I say, trotting the short distance between us, and flinging my forelegs over her in a tight and grateful hug. I feel her body jiggle slightly as she giggles with glee, like hugging a huge marshmallow.

Suddenly, my less emotional side kicks in once again, and makes me pull away. I give a quick cough and suddenly find myself unable to look at the wonderful mare. She merely laughs harder at my show of embarrassment, and takes hold of my hoof again, lighter than before.
"C'mon silly. I wanna show off my new 'B.N.U.G.S.F.Z' to all my friends!" The anagram means nothing to me, but I'm fast learning not to question the wonderful whimsy that is Pinkie!


"Hey! Fluttershy!" Pinkie drags me over to the corner of the room, where a timid looking yellow Pegasus stands alone, looking quite lost. "O-oh... Pinkie, how are you?" I have to actually crane my ears to even tell she's saying anything over the dull roar of the surrounding party.

"I'm superduper!" Pinkie chirrups before pulling me in-between the two of them. The yellow mare gives a small squeak of fear and backs away, using her long pink mane to hide. "It's ok Fluttershy, he's my B.N.U.G.S.F.Z!" Pinkie reassures her. Slowly she peaks back out from behind her pink fringe. I can tell from the politely curious expression on her face, that she has no idea what the letters meant either.

"Oh... ok...ummm... What is that exactly?" I look to Pinkie who's now taking a deep intake of breath. 'Oh Celestia here it comes!' I think to myself. Bracing for whatever random thing is about to happen.









With each word, she flings out her legs at amazingly impossible angles. To my utter amazement, on the word gloomy she comes behind me with tremendous speed, took my cheeks and pulled them down in a frown, and on my name... confetti! Lots and lots of confetti, bursting into the air behind me with a loud bang before floating down like florescent snow.

If the yellow mare before me had been a little shy before, she is now utterly terrified by the loud and boisterous display. I realise, I need to ensure I make a good impression. So I step forward, my hooves crunch over the layer of confetti now on the floor.
"Sombre Mood, pleasure to meat you!" I say softly and as kindly as possible. The mare lifts a trembling hoof and shakes mine lightly.
"Hello...I'm...Flut..." Her voice trails off to quietly for me to hear her.

Before I can ask. A voice just off to the side of me calls out to the bashful yellow mare. "Come now Fluttershy, we came here to welcome the young man, surely you can be brave enough to give him your name? Remember what we said at the spa? 'Confidence!'" I turn to find a radiant platinum coated pony, her mane was fashioned in loose purple curls that hung beautifully around her head and beside her slim figure.

"O-oh, hi Rarity..." the apparent 'Fluttershy' muttered smiling at the approaching unicorn grateful for a more talkative friend to speak for her. The new arrival smiles back before stretching out a waiting hoof.
"Pleased to meat you my dear, my name is Rarity, please excuse Fluttershy here, she IS trying her I promise."

I glance back to the Pegasus, who gives me a shy, silent and agreeing nod. I smile, "That's fine really." the hunched Pegasus seemed to loosen slightly with relief at my acceptance of her, and returned the smile sheepishly.

Then I realise something. I turn back to this new pony.

"Rarity? As in the clothes designer?" The platinum pony looks surprised, her eyebrows vanish underneath her mane as she looks at me in a new light.
"W-why yes! However do you know about me?" Before I respond, I make a small note in my mind, I'm speaking more than I can remember ever doing, so why? Was it this party? I glance again at Pinkie. Was it her just being here that was helping me relax?

I notice she's looking back at me with curiosity . With a little jump, I realise that I've left the three mares hanging on my last words. "Oh, well you see, back in Manehatton the singer 'Sapphire shores' is a massive celebrity and she mentioned you at a few of her concerts." Rarity stands there obvious awe shining in her eyes. "so," I continue, wanting to add to her good feeling even more. "You're quite a big name where I come from."

That did it.

Her face burst into a huge smile, her eyes slightly misty with happy tears. "Really?" She asks, obviously grateful for what I just said. "Thank you dear, so much." She quickly wipes her eyes and composes herself.
"Please," I say modestly, "Don't thank me, it's true, I couldn't actually go a day without your dresses being mentioned by my ex-" I freeze. The mentioning of her bringing a new thought to mind.

I hadn't thought of her all day! How? She was so close to my mind everyday here so far, so why had she just vanished to the point where I could mention her so casually? Yet again however, my mood must have shown on my face, because as her face began to swim across my mind once again, Pinkie grabbed me again.

"Oh no you don't Zombie!" She says in a sing-song voice. "Today is a happy day, you don't get to go all gloomy guss on us!" With a smile to her two friends she trots away, dragging me with her, the sudden surprise wiped all my thoughts clean, and only gave me time to call back to the two mares stood by the wall.
"It was nice to meet you guys!"

Yet again I'm dragged through the crowd, but I glance up at my transport this time. From this angle I can only see the left side of her face, and her usual excitable smile. She had pulled me away all to keep me happy and preoccupied, I know that. All to keep my mind off of Apple Cider. Why? What could she have to gain from me being happy? I was sure there was nothing, and as that thought takes hold, it brings with it a new feeling towards the pink mare. Appreciation, I want to thank her, but as I open my mouth I realise I have no way to word it.

"Here we go! TWILIGHT! DASHIE!" Pinkie screams to two ponies I can't quite see at this angle. When Pinkie finally stops, I stumble again, trying to my hooves again. I think I have it, but my right foreleg gives way and I fall. I cry out, but before I hit the ground I feel a hoof catch me.

As it helps me up I see it holding my chest, a cyan furred Pegasus is hovering just ahead of me, obviously there to catch me.
"Woh, calm down there big guy!" She laughs letting go when I'm steady. "Don't worry, we all know keeping up with Pinkie can be dang hard!" A shocked gasp to my left tells me Pinkie doesn't approve of the Pegasus's words.

When she lands, the mare laughs at the pink earth pony. "Oh come on Pinkie! You know I love you!" I glance at my host, who explodes into giggles and jumps onto the Pegasus. "You better! Hehehehee!" They both collapse as they hug. I laugh at the outright display of friendship between the two.
"That's Rainbow." Says a calm and educated sounding voice from behind me. I turn to see another fellow unicorn.
"I'm sorry?" I ask, a little bewildered at the purple female's words.
"The Pegasus who just caught you." She elaborates, giggling at the sight before her. I glance down to see the Pegasus -now done with the hug- trying to get up, but stopped by the Pinkie Pie latched to her, weighing her down.

As she stays still, I notice the mare's shockingly vibrant mane, all the colours of the rainbow. Then it clicks, Rainbow! Huh, pretty cool name I suppose. "Come on Pinkie!" The purple unicorn laughs as she pries Rainbow free. "I don't think she can breathe!" Once liberated, the Pegasus springs up panting. All three mares straighten up and give out another laugh as they see each other's flustered faces.

Honestly! What is with everypony here? Why are they all so happy? I don't think besides the ponies in the bar, that I'd seen a single sad face. This is nothing like Manehatton, what's more... I think I like it more than my old stomping grounds!

The purple unicorn nods and addresses me. "My name is Twilight Sparkle, resident librarian and personal student under Princess Celest-"
"HEY! I remember you!" Rainbow interrupts yelling so loudly she actually makes my ears hurt, even over the loud party. "You're the guy I saw last night when I set off that late shower!" I frown, thinking back I remember seeing her, she had given me an acknowledgement before setting off the rain.
"Oh yeah." I say slowly, my mind still focusing on the liberating feeling the rain had brought on.

"Heh, well sorry 'bout that it's just..." Rainbow scratched her neck bashfully, "It wasn't anything personal, promise. It's just I thought you'd know the schedule up at the weather bureau..." She gives a week laugh. "I didn't know you were new... sorry hehehh." She finishes. Before I can explain how it was fine, Pinkie was in with a wild happy reason of her own.

"It's ok Dashie! Zombie loves the rain as much as me, and afterwards he came back to Sugar Cube Corner for dinner!" The rainbow maned Pegasus gives a relieved sigh at this, and her purple friend pipes up.
"Oh then no harm done then!" She suddenly looks surprised. "...Wait... Zombie?"
"YEAH! Zombie!" Pinkie cries shaking my shoulders slightly as she hops behind me. "My B.N.U.G.S.F.Z" as Twilight opens her mouth to question, I cut across.
"Don't ask!" Fearing another explosion of inexplicable confetti! Twilight laughs.

"Ok then, just don't start with your name if you see my assistant Spike. He kind of has a ... thing about Zombies." She looks a little sceptical at her Assistants attitude towards the mythical monsters.
"I'll bare that in mind!" I laugh.
"Hold on a sec," Rainbow shouts, making us all stare. "So this i the guy you've been talking about all week Pinkie? THIS is Zombie? OWW- WHAT?!?" The Pegasus cries suddenly, cut off by a sharp kick from her purple friend.

"Ohh, sorry Rainbow." Twilight says unable to hid the falseness of the apology. As Rainbow opens her mouth to yell, Twilight gasps as she seems to spot something. "Oh look, is that Rarity? Come on Rainbow you said you needed to speak with her remember?" Rainbow looked bewildered.
"No I didn- HEY! Quit it!" She yells again as she receives another quick kick and is pushed away by the furiously whispering Twilight. Leaving me slightly... surprised.

I turn to Pinkie. "You... talk about me?" I ask, curiosity mixed with worry quickly setting in.
"Wellll... yeah, why wouldn't I? You're my newest friend!" Pinkie said looking slightly confused at my surprise. After a moment, confusion turned to doubt and she begins to look worried. "I mean, you are my friend right?"

I look at her and open my mouth to remind her we had only met on three occasions, but as my tongue curls to start the sentence, my brain is overruled by something else. My heart. Before I can stop to think, my voice is rushing to reassure her.
"Of course I am Pinkie! Yes I am!"
Pinkie beams at me, the warmth of the look is infectious and soon my own lips curl into a smile equally large. I'm sure I look stupid, but also I find that I don't care. For once in my life I'm able to relax, and it's all because of this miracle of a girl, Pinkie. I had actually found somepony who took it as a priority to make me happy, and I was more than happy to return the favour in kind.

She giggles. "Hehe, c'mon I have one more friend I want you to meat!" This time she doesn't drag me, she doesn't need to. After these last four ponies, I'm sure the next will just be as wonderful. I wasn't about to disappear on her. I'd never do that, not to Pinkie! So we walked back into the throng of the crowd, looking for this final friend of hers.


A few ponies stop me and introduce themselves, all of them as friendly as the last. A pair stop me, one an earth pony with a dark grey coat with a long flowing mane, the other a unicorn with a white coat but a shocking blue neon mane.
"Sup Pinks!" The unicorn chirrups pleasantly to Pinkie.
"Nothing but the ceiling Scratchy, hehehe!" Pinkie gives her a smile, then she catches glances with the grey mare stood beside the vibrant unicorn. I notice a subtle pink bow in the darker mare's mane, it seems to be the only colour on the entire mare.

As I watch, I'm sure I notice a hint of sudden insecurity flicker across the usually confident Pink mare's face. I glance to the dark mare, she has a look all too similar to the city ponies I had escaped by moving here. Superior and condescending.

"Pinkie." She eventually acknowledges cold and utterly devoid of emotion.
"O-Octavia." Pinkie replies in kind, her eyes easily proving her hesitance more than her stuttering words. "I'm glad you could make it." She says, it doesn't sound to honest when compared to her nervous and terrified expression. Oddly her mane begins to twitch. I glance at it in interest, the bouncy curls seemed to be loosening, straightening under some unknown force.

"Dude, Pink this party is EPIC! You really outdid yourself this time!" The white pony says, shooting an annoyed glance at this 'Octavia.' I'm glad I'm not the only one annoyed by her cold attitude towards my pink friend! Her words seem to raise Pinkie's spirits slightly, she smiles at the unicorn then glances to me.
"Scratchy, this is Zombie." The unicorn looks over to me for the first time, and gives me a look up and down.
"Sup! Name's Vinyl Scratch. Kicking name by the way 'Zombie'! Stellar to meat you dude!" She sounds like a darn surfer! "And this ray of sunshine is Octavia." She adds jerking her head at her companion.

"Charmed." Octavia says to me, holding out an expecting hoof.
"H-hey..." I eventually say, giving it a loose and unenthusiastic shake.
"I suppose it's nice to meet the latest reason for Pinkie to avoid doing anything of real importance." She says coldly. Leaving me in a state of utter surprise, the first pony in town that was like the harsh and nasty residents of my old home, and the way she needlessly ripped into Pinkie sent my blood boiling! I glance to my pink friend to check she's ok, she is, but the comment obviously hurt. For once, that beautiful smile was replaced by a misery filled frown.

Suddenly, I feel my city self rising again. Turning back I look straight at Octavia. "Well I have no idea what you're talking about, because as this is a welcome party for me, there's nothing more important to me! So... what exact purpose does standing there complaining have?" My words hit her like a tonne of bricks! she obviously wasn't expecting somepony to fight back. Her mouth opens in surprise, she breaths in. Her eyes glint with anger, I prepare for an argument for the ages, but Vinyl intervenes.

"Hehehh, well look at the time! We better get going!" She slams her head hard into the side of her friend's flank, pushing her away hurriedly before an all out flame war exploded between me and her. "Come on Octy! See you two later!" And now they were gone.

"You ok?" I ask, returning to Pinkie as I calm down slowly.
"Yes, thank you." She says trying to give a light smile, but still it showed her misery more than any frown could.
"What was her problem?"
"My sister thinks I waste my time and should get a full time job in something worthwhile." My jaw drops just as Octavia's had moments ago.
"Your sister?! Her? But she's so..." I think for a second then give a small smile as an idea of what to say strikes my mind. Time to try and cheer her up. "But she's so... not Pinkieish!" She frowns for a moment at my made up word, before giving a little laugh.

"Yeah, she isn't I guess hehe."
"Well too bad for her!" I add, which gets another smile out of her. "Come on, why don't you show me this last friend of yours? Just forget about Octo-whatever!"
"Hehehe, OctAVIA Zombie... but ok." She gives a hard sniff and looks up at me. "Just smile, huh?" she gives a little laugh at her own advice from the night before.Yet again, I notice her mane, this time though it curled tighter, becoming more bouncy again, almost as though her mood actually affected her mane's quality.

So we set off again, but this time we're stopped only when Pinkie's ears prick up at the sound of a voice over the crowd's roar. It makes her beam with joy, but as my ears twitch and listen, it strikes nothing but horror.

"Whooooooowee! That Apple bobbin' sure is a hoot an' a half!" Is that... it couldn't be. But sure enough, as the crowd parts creating a single pathway, I see a tub of water with the delicious red fruits bouncing gently on the rippling surface. And though her back is turned, I recognise her immediately , that orange fur, and the Stetson hat.
"That's her!" Pinkie squeals with glee. WHAT?! You've got to be kidding me! This is Pinkie's last friend?

Pinkie trots a few steps forward, but as she does, she realises I'm not with her. I'm still stood still, reeling at my impossibly bad luck! Cider's cousin, here? "C'mon Zombie! I want you to meet her!" I open my mouth to try and explain, but how could I do it quickly enough? There was too much to explain.

I shake my head, trying to focus on what's going on. The first thing I notice is Pinkie has vanished. Guessing what was coming I turn back and sure enough she is there. Her hooves reaching out towards my back to push me forward. "Pinkie! Wait a second!" I try to protest, but it's too late, she's pushing me unbelievably fast towards the country pony ahead. I dig my hooves into the ground, trying to push back, to halt the advance, to no avail, the polished surface gave no grip for my hooves to hold on to!
"Pinkie! I don't think this is a good-" The orange pony turns around and Pinkie finishes pushing me as we reach her. I stop only a few feet from her. "-Idea." I finish miserably.

She recognises me, almost instantly her jaw drops. The recognition doesn't register with Pinkie. Her eyes are closed in apparent joy as she smiles at her friends meeting. "Zombie I'd like you to meet-"
"Applejack." I finish for her. Pinkie stops, and stares back at me, then to Applejack who doesn't look away from my eyes. At least they're not the same colour as Cider's.
"Sombre Mood, been a while."
"Y-yeah..." I say, my mind now was reverting fast into its old self, Ciders cousin was here, I couldn't escape, there would never be a way out from my ex! She was going to haunt me till my dying day!

"You two know each other? OH MY GOSH!" Pinkie cries in surprise. She begins to bounce side to side. "Iiiit's a small world after-"
"Pinkie, please! I'm beggin'" Applejack laughs half heartedly. Pinkie looks a little disappointed at the interruption, but obliges her friend.


Pinkie looks from me to Applejack naively, unable to notice the tension between us both.
"Uhh, Pinkie?" Applejack begins, making me slightly grateful at not needing to explain. "ait! What if she sides with Cider? She could make me sound like the bad guy! My heart plummets at the idea of Pinkie being turned against me, I don't think I could possible bear the thought of it! Would Cider always be there to ruin my life, even when I leave her alone? No matter how indirectly.

"Yeah AJ?"
"Could you get me a drink? I'm mighty parched!"
"Sure!" Pinkie smiles, then looks at me, her smile faltering slightly, "Wait, what about Zombie?"
"It's ok." Applejack reassures her, locking gazed with me again, Celestia those green eyes can be intimidating! "I'll keep the feller comp'ny, we need to... catch up I think." Oh dear Celestia! HELP!