• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 1,897 Views, 30 Comments

Just smile! - Slick Dash

A new pony in town, heartbroken and alone meets a Pink pony who teaches him to Just smile!

  • ...

What happened

"Ok then, be back in a minute Zombie!" Pinkie smiles, skipping off towards the refreshment table, leaving me alone with Applejack.
"I didn' realise this party was for you Sombre." She says quietly, yet my ears pick out the words perfectly. "Pinkie said it was her frien' 'Zombie' I reckon it woulda been easier now if she just said your real name to begin with." I gulp.
"Well, Applejack, I can't help what people call me really."

"I guess you're right." She says slowly, taking a light hold of my shoulder, and guiding me away from the on looking ponies of the Apple bobbing. When a little less exposed, she speaks again. "But I've been hearin' all sortsa names for you over the past two weeks partner. Guess you can't help that either." My heart sinks even lower.
"So... you've spoken to Cider?"
"More like listened really." That's a thousand times worse, that means she only knows Ciders side of the story! "She's all kinds o' angry at you boy." She locks gazes with me again, and I feel my insides crawl horribly with nerves.

"I kind of got that message already." I say glumly, remembering the box of memories and the note it came with.
"Well, good." Applejack says quietly. I can't understand her tone of voice, it's... quiet and indifferent, was she mad at me? Or was she downright silent with fury? "When was the last time we saw each other Sombre?" The question catches me off guard, I was expecting an all out insult, screaming, accusations!
"Ummm, last time Cider's parents invited the family round I think."
"Hmmm... sounds about right." Applejack mutters to herself. "You two were pretty darn happy then weren't you?"
"I like to think so." I say defensively.
"So what happened to turn that into what you two are t'day?"
"I have no idea, you tell me." I wish she would just start with the insults, or even punches, this polite convocation is killing me!

"You don' know? Fair enough..." She glances back towards the crowd. "Would you say... your happy here?" What was with the twenty questions?!
"I guess." I say quickly, growing more and more agitated.
"Happy... with Pinkie?" There it was. She was gonna hurt me through Pinkie! The one thing I was praying she wouldn't do!
"Yes." I say blankly, hiding my horror at how the convocation was going.
"Well then..." Applejack begins to return to the tub of apples. "You better make sure what happened with Cider, don' happen with Pinkie too!" It would have sounded like a threat, if it hadn't been for her tone. It was encouraging, and helpful, not angry or livid.

"Excuse me?" I ask, bewildered to the highest degree. She glances at me, and to my utter astonishment, she smiles at me.
"Sugar Cube, like I said, I listened to my cousin an' in mah book, she aint got a hoof to stand on. It's all her dang fault, and you aint got nothing to be sorry 'bout, got that?" I stare for a moment, then nod cautiously. "I said you got that?!" She asks forcefully. "Pinkie was telling us how this Zombie feller was always a bit mopy, never wan'in' to talk 'bout the past. Now I k now it's you, I know why you're like that." She gives me one last look. "You blame yourself don't yah?"

For a moment there's silence then. "What does Zomie blame himself for?" I whirl round to see Pinkie stood a few feet away, I'm sure it had been taking her too long to get a drink! How long has she been there? If she'd heard about... Did she think I was keeping secrets now? Judging by her face, she does.

"Y-you told AJ?" Pinkie mumbled, this time her mane wasn't subtle, it shook slightly in fact, and threatened to straighten completely! Her face far worse than when her sister insulted her, it was the face of someone who felt betrayed. "You told AJ what happened to you back home, but... you won't tell me?"

"Pinkie! It's not like that." I explain.
"Then what is it like Zombie?" That voice, that heartbroken voice tears me up inside.
"I didn't tell Applejack anything!" Pinkie looks from me to her friend, obviously confused.
"He's right Darlin' I already knew!" Applejack reassures her.
"Th-then how..." Pinkie looks a little lost. I decide, I guess it's time I told her, the whole stupid, miserable story.
"Pinke?" I ask, she looks at me. "Would you mind coming with me, I want to talk to you in private."


I shut the door to my room, and breathe a sigh of relief that Pinkie had decided to come with me. She stands there for a moment, looking around from wall to wall curiously. On the way up, she had calmed down a little, but she was still upset.
"Hey! It's you!" Pinkie squeaks quietly, going over to a spot on the floor and picking up a small square of coloured paper. I recognise it as one of the pictures from the box. Did I spill it or something? Pinkie gives a small giggle at the picture. "You look funny in this Zombie!" I know I do, it's a picture that me and Cider had posed stupidly for.

After a moment, Pinkie asks the question I knew she would. "So, who's she? The other Pony?" I take a deep breath, preparing to finally tell the story for the first time.
"She's the reason I'm here." Pinkie looks up at me, for a moment I swear I notice a glint of disappointment on her face. "Sit down Pinkie, this is going to take a while." She does so, hopping onto my bed, and sitting back on her haunches, she leaves a space for me to sit as well. I trudge over slowly, sit, sigh, and begin.


"PERFECT!" I cry happily, standing back to admire my work. The perfect balcony pick nick! I glance back and look at the city skyline, I think to myself. 'I'll never get tired of this place!' I think it, because as I watchI see something entirely new! I see a griffon soaring from the ground into the sky, then through an open window of a nearby apartment complex. Moments later, the lights within the room began to flash, and a bassy beat came bursting out through the open window.

I then glance up at the moon in the sky, Princess Luna had done a perfect job, the best night of the past month, so everything was set. A perfect night, for a perfect surprise meal. I'd set it up perfectly, told Cider that I was going to be out all night with some work friends. Then I'd snuck back in after she'd left for work. Now it was approaching the time she'd be back, and with it, I'd surprise her with her favourite meal, on this romantic setting of our balcony. I hope she likes it!

An hour passes, and I slowly become worried, why isn't she home? I hope she hadn't made plans to go out now that I was supposedly not in. Please Cider, get home soon, you're going to love this!

I hear a key in the front door, I smile and spring up. Taking a shaky breath, I push myself against the outside wall, ensuring that all she would see would be the pick nick, then I would jump out and surprise her even more! After a moment, I hear a small soft giggle, Cider? Yes that was definitely her laugh... but why is she laughing? Never mind, It's nothing.

Then I hear the other voice.

It's low, deep and gruff, I can't hear what it says, but I can definitely hear Cider's response.
"Shhhhhh! Don' forget I still have neighbours, if you don' keep your yap shut, they could tell Moody when he gets back!" Moody? Me? Tell me what?
"Like I care what that idiot does. I could take him any day." Jolly? Jolly Stars? What was my best friend doing here?
"Ooooh, what a big boy you are!" Cider coos sarcastically. "Well then, let's get going if you so brave!"

Silence for a moment, then I hear the ruffling of fur, the occasional step of a hoof gently on the carpet. Then, the unmistakable sound of Cider, letting out a soft pleasured moan.

I can't move, all I can do is listen, My ears are now radars, swivelling for the slightest sound from within my apartment. I hear her let out another soft giggle, then I hear a soft smacking of lips! My heart seems to stop beating, as the floor falls out from beneath me, letting me fall into the darkness of my mind, they were... kissing?!? Something is tapping against the wall, I look down and see that it's my own hoof, shaking in horror. I try my best to steady it. I don't know why, if they hear me they'll stop surely! That is if they can hear me. They're getting louder.

I look to my right to the glass door that separates the outside world from the interior of the apartment. Horribly, it's angled perfectly to reflect the image from inside. My best friend Jolly stands there, kissing my girlfriend of the past two years. His red foreleg is rubbing her back as he kisses her, touching her everywhere. The sight makes my skin crawl. Maybe it had been his idea, after all it was him being the most forceful of the two. Maybe it was only him who'd betrayed me so.

That fantasy doesn't last long. I watch as the reflected Cider, suddenly pushes his chest away from hers, bringing me slight hope. Before turning and walking towards the bed, it's just in view of the door from this angle. She hops on, turns over and lies facing up towards my friend. She spreads her legs slightly. Then whispers "Get over here!"

Jolly comes over slowly, that's the worst part, it all seems like it's happening in slow motion. Every little moment elongated to torture me. Finally he's at the bed, he leans down, and climbs over her. Then he dives his muzzle into the crook of her neck, kissing it passionately. How could they do this to me! The way they were acting, suggested it wasn't the first time, how long had it been going on, how many times had me and Cider come to meet up with Jolly, and the two had shared secret glances and silent laughs at my ignorance? HOW LONG?!

Jolly raises his head, and looks to his right. Towards the open doors of the balcony, I pray my dark coat blends with the shadows to ensure I'm not reflected back. It doesn't matter, the patchwork quilt and food was enough to say I was here, if not to him, then definitely to her. "Oh, food for afterward huh? You really thought of everything!" I hear him say huskily. Celestia darn it! Here it comes.

"Uhhh... Don't stop...uhh wait... what?" Cider says between moans. Then I see her reflection look up from the pillow and stare at the display on the balcony. I see the realisation strike her. She flings a hoof up to Jolly's chest and pushes him to the side. A moment of silence passes, then. "Sombre?" She breathes. Well, the jig is up now.

I peal myself from the wall, and walk around the corner, into the living room. As I step in I feel how hot it is in here, the thought of why it's like this makes me feel physically ill! I stand by the glass door, simply gazing at the two ponies who I had once trusted more than anything in the world. Nopony speaks.

I wait a moment, then take a step forward. "W-why?" I ask shakily, I'm not nearly crying, I'm no way near it, in fact I simply feel numb. I feel as though I have died and simply stayed stood up. "Moody! Buddy, look... it's not what it looks like!" Jolly shouts as he hops from the bed, and comes a few steps towards me. The everlasting cliché!
"Really?" I ask.
"No man, it's all cool."
"Then what about what it sounded like?" I ask, my voice shaking as my body trembled with misery. "And why the hell it feels this damn hot in here if it's 'not what I think'?" Jolly is struck silent. Cider is still on the bed, staring at the two of us.

"What's the matter Jolly?" I ask, "Weren't you just saying you not afraid of me, that you can handle me?" Jolly looked to Cider fleetingly, silently beseeching some support. She stays silent. "Go on then." I whisper, causing both to stare at me in surprise. Jolly splutters slightly.
"Moody, bro I-I-I don't know what you're saying here buddy." My mouth moves without thought, it simply speaks the truth, and what my heart wants.

"If you can deal with me, then do it." I say simply. "Do me in, beat me up, throw me out, anything. Just do it all ready." Jolly frowns at me, unable to understand why I'm saying this so calmly, I think I'm freaking him out, good! He deserves at least that. "Go on jolly." I goad him. He backs away slightly looking rather frightened. I turn my head to Cider.
"So you cheated on me with a coward, as well as a traitor." She simply looks at me, she doesn't even look regretful, her gaze simply looks hateful. "Why?" I ask again. She shrugs.
"I guess I needed somepony who could actually make me feel good, instead of just making me miserable all the time." My heart feels like it cracks at her words.

"Is that true?" I ask her, to which she nods.Another crack. "I see..." I glance back at my supposed best friend. Then back to the love of the last two years. "You could have just told me you wanted to date scum." I say coldly.
"Get out." She whispers, her voice as poisonous as venom, and with that final order, that last terrible comand, my heart shatters.
"Fine." I say,colder than any possible wind or snow. Trning I go to a wardrobe, and pick up a suitcase at the back, I ram a few random pieces of clothing into it. Then snap it shut. I turn and head for the front door, Jolly is still stood in the way though.

I keep walking on, until I'm mere inches from him. "M-Moody, buddy." I don't even look the taller stallion in the eyes, I simply stare at his neck, knowing that just behind it was the handle to the door. I was basically seeing through him almost. Now in every sense of the word, he wasn't who he pretended to be, he wasn't a friend.
"Move." I say simply. He hesitates, I make my horn glow menacingly, and that's enough to make the magic fearing earth pony move. I don't hesitate, with the magic I open the door, and walk out into the hallway. I glance back to see Jolly staring after me. I close the door slightly, then lock gazes with him. "How could you Jolly?" He simply stares after me, struck dumb. So I close the door, and leave the apartment complex.


Pinkie sits there staring at me, her eyes clouded with tears. She sat there silently the entire time I explained what had happened, and still she stayed quiet. Making sure I had let everything else out. "I went to my parent's house after that." I continue, my voice low. My head hangs moodily and I stare at the picture of the two of us, had she been with Jolly before it had been taken? "But I couldn't stay in the city, it all hurt too much. So I decided to move. I heard as I was leaving that Jolly had decided to move as well, and I guess that's why Cider now hates me, she lost both ponies she had now because of it." I gesture at the note she wrote, lying at the foot of the bed where it had fallen.

Pinkie doesn't even look at it, she still simply watches me. Her hair, to my surprise, had long since exploded into long, straight strands, she looked far more like her grey sister now. But she was still Pinkie. "I..." I try to speak, but am stopped by the sudden appearance of an unexpected event, tears. My own eyes finally brim with pearly drops for the first time in what feels like a life time. Why now? Is it because I had described what had happened? No, it's Pinkie, each time I glance up at her, I hurt, knowing that what I had just told her had made her this way.

"I-I just don't understand why!" I finally say for the first time. There's a faint pitter pat of tears as they fall onto the picture of me and Cider. The coloured ink runs slightly as they fall. My face begins to blur and fade as the drops wipe me from the image. Like rain, washing away a stain. Is that all I am? A stain? A thing needed to be wiped away eventually because it's unwanted by all? It feels that way.

As I sob, I feel something soft on my chin, I open my teary eyes, and see pink. I look up to see Pinkie, a lot closer than before. She's dried her eyes, and she's looking at me caringly. "Hey..." She says, I can't speak, so I look her in the eye to show I'm listening. Still so much like Ciders, yet not, they don't hold scorn or hate, only caring, and concern. A new sob comes, and my shoulders bounce slightly, I look away, ashamed I've gotten in this state!

"Hey," I hear her say again. "Sombre." I can't help but look back in surprise at my own name. She locks gazes with me, shrugs, and says simply. "Just smile." I look at her for a moment amazed at how hard she's still working to make it better, even before I told her, she had been trying, that made me feel amazing, to know that somepony still cared. As I think that, I remember the others I've met tonight, how they're all kind, happy, and how they all treat me with the same feelings they do their closest friends.

With all those thoughts, I can't help but give a shaky smile. Pinkie sees it, and smiles back at me. Then for a moment we sit there, inches from each other, smiling. Then Pinkie's gaze changes slightly, her eyes droop, and she leans closer. Not slowly, she does it fast which catches me by surprise. So by the time I notice, I feel her lips against mine. I fall back on my bed, with Pinkie atop me. The smell of candy fills my nostrils again, and I feel her tongue against mine. I close my eyes, feeling sudden relief for the first time in so long. As though she's feeding me her positive feelings through the kiss.

I let my foreleg travel down hers, I feel her tense her muscles slightly at my touch. I continue to stroke, and as I reach her hoof, I let mine drop to the cover of the bed, I find what I'm looking for immediately, the picture of me and Cider. I take a grip on it, and slide it off, all caring for the memory gone in a flash. I'd felt it for the last two days, the feeling that I couldn't explain. But in this second, in this kiss, it all becomes clear. The feeling, even after so soon a heartbreak as mine, was love.

Love for this beautiful, kind, marvellous, random, smiling Pony.


Comments ( 23 )

Oh yay a new story! :D I love romance stories :D don't judge me :rainbowwild:

YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES :twilightblush::twilightblush:

I love it is all i have to say :heart:

it got a few tears out of me :raritydespair:

That was a great story!:pinkiehappy: There were a bit of typos, but other than that, it was just so awesome!:rainbowkiss:

1075016 Hmmm, I don't know what happened here will go on a massive editing spree tomorrow! I'm too tired tonight. Thank you for drawing my attention to this!

Pretty decent, to say the least. That's...about all I can say.

Maybe it's just me, but I feel like this story would have benefited from some extra length. It feels...short, and rushed.

I'm always a bit worryed with pinkie romance storys but you pulled it off well.

1075415:yay: thank you, I know they can be difficult but i really had the idea for ages, i just needed to keep true to how Pinkie would act, i hope i did that well! :pinkiehappy:

1075739 I feel for you bro, replace ponies with humans, sombre with me, and you have what happened with me man. So i know how heartbreak can feel! :pinkiesad2:

Reading that cheating part really gave me a feel. Especially since I'm on the other side of it...:fluttercry:

This fic made me cry. :fluttercry::pinkiesad2:
This story touched me on an emotional level that no one ever has.
i thank you for writing this fic and also hope there will be many more chapters to come.

1078931 Never read that story before, but that's quite a funny coincedence. May need to take a look at that story now :pinkiehappy:

Lot's of D'awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!! :pinkiehappy:

are you planning on aking a sequel?

1085427 considering one final chapter to show how it's all like a few weeks later :pinkiehappy:

You have no idea the rage I am feeling right now.

Just reading this makes me froth from the mouth with anger and hate.

and that's a good thing, because you are able to convey emotions very well in your story.

This is a really great story. Great job on making it through this sort of thing.

I know how tough it can be.


The whole scene about what happened to Moody made my say "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG!" That had to of sucked bro. I kinda felt him since I had dated and broke up with a girl who really didn't like me.


Very well written, minus all the typos. :raritywink:
Also wanted to point out you use convocation each time you mean conversation. They're two different things, silly. :pinkiesmile:

1132542What a dummy I am! :derpytongue2: glad u enyed it Tea! :pinkiehappy:

Bravo :pinkiehappy:
I genuinely enjoyed this story. The pace was nice and I honestly felt that the character development was perfect. It wasn't just a love story it had some internal and external conflict to it and that made it really stand out from many of the others i've read. I'd love to see a sequel to this or evena continuation to the newly found romance of Sombre and Pinkie. Anyways, good job and stay fabulous. :raritywink:

1336451 Will try my best! :raritywink:

AWWWW That's it?! ah well that was a good read.
I can't believe that happened to you, man.
Am I coming off as too sympathetic?

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