• Published 13th Aug 2012
  • 23,284 Views, 486 Comments

The Broken Mare - darkangel_31314

Twilight Sparkle wakes up near the Everfree Forest, pregnant, with no idea how she got there.

  • ...

Finding Pinkie Pie

The two mares sat on either side of the small table, smiling at each other.

The pink earth pony's cotton-candy mane was flat, draped around her head like a shawl, her eyes dilated, a slight grin on her face.

The faded purple unicorn sitting across from her just smiled warmly at her friend, levitating up a cup of tea. "I would never go without visiting you, my dear Pinkie."

"Of course, Twilight. I know you would never abandon us." The response was nearly a whisper.

"They still don't believe I'm here, do they?"

"They think I'm crazy. They've always suspected, but I'm just me. I don't want to believe it, but they must be the crazy ones. They keep telling me that you're gone, but you're right here. With me. Twilight Sparkle would never leave her friends."

"No, I wouldn't Pinkie. I would never abandon my friends." The unicorn smiled again, warmly, lovingly.

Just like Pinkie remembered she would when things were happy. When she would smile for real.


Across the room, Twilight Sparkle stared, a tear leaving her eye. "How...?"

Fluttershy hummed softly and glanced at a nearby clock. "Daily tea party with you. She says you come every day to visit her. At this point, the medication doesn't really work, so we just humor her."

"So the treatment isn't working?"

The butter-colored Pegasus shook her head sadly. "If no breakthrough is made, I'm afraid they'll send her to an Asylum..."

"I think I remember something from my books." Twilight took a deep breath. "But this is Pinkie we're talking about. I'm afraid that the direct approach is best." To Fluttershy's suprise, she started toward the table.


"The Doctor said if I don't stop believing in you they'll commit me." Pinkie was whispering sadly. "But you're my friend! I can't abandon you like they said you abandoned me!"

"That's like asking Rainbow Dash to stop flying."

A weak smile and a weak chuckle. "Yeah, but she doesn't visit anymore. Only Fluttershy visits, and she's always so sad." The smile vanished. "Some Element of Laughter I am. I make all my friends sad."

"You're trying to tell them I'm here, trying to make them happy again. It is who you are, Pinkie. You can't let them take it away."

"No. I can't. I have to keep believing. I can't let you go like the others did, Twilight! You're my best friend."

"I'm glad to hear it, Pinkie."

"That's right. So-" The pink pony jerked in response, glancing up to her friend.

Twilight was no longer faded. No longer held the teacup in her magic, but was indeed sitting there, smiling lovingly at her friend.

"Twilight? You look... different..." She said curiously, leaning closer.

"Well, I have been through a lot, Pinkie. Being declared Dead kind of does that to you." She smiled. "But you never gave up, did you?"

"No! That would be SO wrong!"

Twilight slid a hoof over the table to take one of Pinkie's. The pink pony stared at it in wonder.

"I'm not a figment of your imagination anymore, Pinkie. Your belief has brought me back. Look." She inclined her horn toward the door to the lounge.

Pinkie saw Fluttershy, but the Pegasus wasn't looking at Pinkie - she was looking at Twilight! She could see her! And she was crying, but not tears of sadness, tears of joy!

"She... she can see you!"

"Yes, Pinkie. She can see me. She hugged me earlier. So did Applejack. They're sending a letter to Canterlot to let the Princesses and the others know I'm back."

"But... they were telling me you were gone... that you wouldn't be able to come to my parties, to play with me and Gummy, or taste my cupcakes, and see me fire off my party cannon or..." She began to cry. Why would a happy pony cry?

"But you didn't believe them, did you?"

"... no. They often say I don't make sense, but I know what makes sense, and you leaving us doesn't make sense, I believed and believed and hoped and hoped and hoped, and you came to visit me to tell me that I'm not crazy and that you wouldn't leave us and that you would always visit and come to my parties like you Pinkie Promised after my birthday party fiasco and you can never break a Pinkie Promise because it would ruin your friendship-"

"FOREVER!" Twilight finished before quickly sliding around the table to embrace Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie's mane began to fluff up. Not back to it's normal, bubbly, bouncy self, but it was a start.

"It's good to see you, Pinkie. I don't like the sad mopey you. I never have." She pulled from the hug and smiled at her. "Pinkie... I need help. I need you to Pinkie Promise me something."

Pinkie's sad eyes looked up at her expectantly. "Anything for one of my bestest friends!"

"Our friends have broken up. Things have changed, and I don't want things to change. I want us all to be friends again. I need to know that you, my friend whom I could always count on for a laugh, is still that happy pony who first greeted me when I came to Ponyville. Please don't stop smiling."

Pinkie smiled and eagerly went through the motions. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye! I Pinkie Promise!"

"Good. Because I hear you've planned a truly amazing party for my return. And there might be another party in the near future for another pony coming to Ponyville." She looked back at her flank, then back to Pinkie.

"Oooo!" The pink party pony's eyes were wide as she saw friend was expecting. "Baby Shower!" She giggled.

Twilight smiled in turn as she could see her friend's mane swell even more. Still a ways to go, but it was getting there. "I have to go let our other friends know, so you stay here so I can find you when it's time to get ready for the party, can you do that for me, Pinkie?"

"Of course, Twilight! You can count on this party pony!"

Twilight nuzzled her friend. "It's great to be back, Pinkie. And it's good to have you back too. Thank you for believing in me."

The two hugged once more, before Twilight pulled away and walked to Fluttershy, embracing the Pegasus in another hug.

"I think things are going to be okay, now."

"I can hope..." The Unicorn scowled. "There are still a lot of unanswered questions and we have to more friends to find."

"Applejack came while you were talking to Pinkie. The letter got sent, and we already got a reply. Shining Armor isn't sure you're real, so he's sending a Squadron of Guards to verify."

Twilight frowned, then nodded sadly. "Yeah... well... I guess I can't blame him. How will they verify that it is me?"

Fluttershy gave a small, knowing smile. "... Dashie is leading the Squadron."