• Published 13th Aug 2012
  • 23,285 Views, 486 Comments

The Broken Mare - darkangel_31314

Twilight Sparkle wakes up near the Everfree Forest, pregnant, with no idea how she got there.

  • ...

Finding Rainbow Dash

She could see them landing right outside the building. Framed by the curtain of her hospital room window, Twilight watched the quartet of white Pegasus in the familiar gold armor. They were led by a cyan mare whose helmet colors, according to what she remembered her brother telling her, denoted her a Lieutenant in the Royal Guard.

Rainbow Dash.

"They're here."

"I see that." She glanced at back at Fluttershy. "Let's get this over with."

With a nod, she led Twilight out of the room and down the corridor to the nurse's station. The unicorn stopped short, bringing her Pegasus friend to a halt as well.

Sure enough, the quartet of guards emerged from the stairs, the cerise eyes on their leader glaring at Applejack who sat nearby.

"Where is this mare?"

"Good to see you too, Rainbow."

Another glare was the response.

"Come now, you dun think I'd be here still if I didn't know fer sure?"

"Too many false alarms, A.J.. Here I thought you would be the last to fall for something like this, after what that thing did to you!"

Applejack was on her feet quickly, leaning close and glaring. "I'm the one who found her! Or is that what this is about, hmm?" She sneered. "You don't want it to be Twilight, because you want to be the one who finds her, you still need serious closure, even after you manged to haul my rump out of the Everfree that night!"

The cyan mare snarled. "... don't you dare, don't you bucking dare! I saved your life, A.J., and she saved both ours! And I absolutely refuse to let any mare make her sacrifice be in vain!"

Twilight nudged Fluttershy. "Better step in. Tell Rainbow I'd like to see her. Alone."

With that she spun on her heels as Fluttershy stepped forward and cleared her throat before snapping out; "Dashie!" The soft, demure voice cut through the tension in the room like a crack of thunder.

"She wants to see you..."

Twilight didn't listen to the rest, instead went back to her room and slipped into bed, magicking her blanket to hide her pregnant belly and laid her head down. Compared to Pinkie Pie, dealing with this mental trauma was going to take some careful work.

... and I'm still no closer to dealing with my own...

Twilight rolled over, leaving her back to the door as it opened, the clump of armored shoes on the tiled floor approached the beside.

Before Rainbow Dash could start her accusations, Twilight struck first: "It's hard, you know? Not remembering anything, and thus being a perfect target for those who refuse to believe that you are alive. They fire back that not knowing is just more proof that you aren't who you say you are. It's a self-catching trap as there is no one thing you could say that would prove your identity beyond a shadow of a doubt, to the most serious of doubters."

Rainbow Dash remained silent.

"... especially to one whom is the example of loyalty..." Twilight glanced over her shoulder, glaring with one eye at the armored Pegasus. "So I have to search back even further, sorting through the wreckage of my mind that the ghost left to me." She smiles. "And I see a certain mare who called me an egghead - being a closet egghead herself."

"And you're right." The guard lieutenant grunted. "Not remembering can be considered proof. And as for my... reading habits, anyone could know that after I dragged it through half of Ponyville one night."

"Oh, but I recall more, my dear Rainbow Dash." Twilight rolled over to face her. "While my physical body is weak from what was done to me, my mind is highly trained. The benefits of being an 'egghead', you see." She giggled. "I recall you sneaking over to the library to see if I got in the latest in that certain book series starring one 'Daring Do'. I remember a mare who despite being a star athlete couldn't stick a landing through one of my windows without crashing, who became so focused on the competition that she tripped over a stump during the Running on the Leaves and I had to point it out to you." She paused to giggle again when Rainbow's scowl began to crack. "I'm surprised nobody else fell for that trick with the sign, but then again, even after my warnings you remained so focused on beating Applejack not only the entire pack passed you, but even I did it to take fifth place."

The mare looked away.

"Speaking of which, I heard your little spat out there. Tell me, are you so determined to earn my forgiveness for failing to protect me, that you desperately want me to be a fake so you could find me on your own?" She leaned close with a smirk.

Now where is this coming from? I'm not normally like this... but... I must admit, it feels good to remind my friends of who they are this way. It's like I'm slapping them with a Memory spell using words!

Indeed, Rainbow Dash's eyes stared at Twilight, widening slowly as the words sank in.

When still no verbal response came, Twilight went on. "I could go on, but I think I made my point. A year ago something terrible happened to me. I don't remember it, or what happened afterward. Now my friends have broken up, everything's changed, and to add the icing on the cake, I'm Pregnant!"

She whipped off the blanket, causing Dash's jaw to drop.

"I want to know what happened, and you are one of my biggest clues since you were there." She sat up in the bed. "I need the Element of Loyalty by my side again, I need you to believe me. I don't want to force you like we did after Discord got done with you. Took four of us to hold you down, and that was after managing to chase you down..."

The response began with a shrug. "... I was slowed down by a cloud..."

Twilight smirked. "So?"

"Normally you wouldn't have been able to keep up with me."

"Pfft. When you tick off Fluttershy, she can be quite fast." Twilight waved a hoof dismissively before dropping back onto the bed.

"Not when she's pulling a fully laden balloon! Ha! Had I been in my right mind I would've left you all in my dust."

Twilight just smirked. "Oh come on, You had me guiding the balloon."

"You also tied Pinkie and Rarity to me slowing me down even more."

"And Applejack lassoed you."

"Well, she's the only one who could really keep up with me." There was a hint of a smile.

"Sounds like you believe I was there."

Rainbow Dash suddenly fluffed her wings, the smile fading as she looked down at the floor beneath her hooves.

Twilight eyed her friend expectantly.

Eventually, Rainbow looked up. "You... really don't remember?"

"No. The last I remember is Applejack entering the library the day after we got back from my brother's wedding." She wiped her face. "It's like... last week we were all together, having a grand old time, but when I woke up this morning everything is changed." She reached out and tapped the armor. "What happened, Rainbow? Why has my world been turned upside-down?"

A heavy sigh was a response as she sat down beside the bed. "I'm... I'm sorry, Twilight. I just... I'm supposed to be the best, yanno? But I couldn't even keep up with that cheating ghost of our oldest enemy! I couldn't even catch A.J. when she was thrown across the room and through a stone wall, and I'm supposed to be the fastest pony in Equestria!" She stomped a hoof in frustration. "I failed at being the best so I know I'd never make the Wonderbolts." She shook her head again. "So I aimed for something lower, something that would help me fix what's wrong with me." A weak smile was formed. "Your brother was a big help showing me the ropes."

"He practiced all his life to be a Guard, Rainbow. Naturally he'd be a good teacher."

"Yeah, that he was." She fidgeted in her armor. "Still getting used to flying with this on, but I figure, hey, if I can perform awesome moves in full battle plate, think of how fast I'd be without it once my tour is up?" She grinned.

Twilight shot from the bed, pulling Rainbow Dash into a tight hug. "That's the stunt mare I remember!"

It took a moment before the hug was returned. "... It's... it's great to have ya back, Twilight. I'm... I'm sorry..." She pulled from the hug and rubbed her face. "Sorry, something in my eye."

"Those are called tears, Rainbow." Twilight gave a wry smirk. "We're alone, and you know you can trust me with your secrets."

The two enjoyed a laugh.

"We have a lot of catching up to do, Twilight." She plucked her helmet up with her wings, taking a deep breath to settle down. "Guess I better go give your brother the good news." She effortlessly plopped it on her head. "He'll be down with the Princesses and Rarity in the morning."

"Thanks Rainbow." Twilight curled back up on the bed, pulling the covers over herself. "... It's been a long day."

"Get some rest, Twilight." Rainbow Dash smiled from under her helmet. "I failed you once, I'm not going to let you down again."